Chasing Tides

Chapter 69

Ning Lan rarely fell asleep.

He is used to light sleep, and waking up numerous times a night is his daily routine. Opening my eyes this time, the light coming through the slit of the curtain was actually white.

Its daybreak.

With his head still squinting, he blinked hard for a few moments before daring to be sure.

Suddenly a voice sounded in my ear: “Awake?”

Ning Lan turned her head and held her face on the spot next to the bed.

Sui Yue raised her hand and touched his hair, and her warm fingertips swept across her forehead, and Ning Lan narrowed her neck in a reflective way.

He and he had had such ear-sharp times, but it was too little too little, so few that he occasionally remembered, thinking that he was dreaming again.

“It’s me, don’t be afraid.” Sui Yan raised his corners of his mouth, revealing a soothing smile.

Ning Lan’s mouth was slightly open, and the memory of last night was like a flood coming out of the floodgates, which instantly came to mind.

“I’m here, I won’t go, don’t go, don’t be afraid … don’t cry.”

The voice was still in my ear, reminding him with sour eyes-yesterday he cried, in the presence of Sui Yang.

Ning Lan closed her eyes angrily and helplessly.

Everything was messed up by him.

When Granny Zhang came in with the food, Ning Lan was sitting on the bed, staring at the sunflowers on the blanket in a daze.

Sui Yue went to pick up the things in her mother-in-law’s hands, and she avoided it like a nursing food: “This is for Ning Ning. It’s not yours.”

Sui Yan retracted his hand. He certainly knew that without his share, he just wanted to feed Ning Lan to eat.

The mother-in-law raised the bowl of porridge and took a spoonful to Ning Lan’s mouth. Ning Lan was embarrassed to wait for the elderly, moved to the bed and wanted to eat, raised her hand and just took the spoon handle. When it squeaked, the porcelain spoon dropped to the floor In two.

Sui Yanyan quickly picked up the broken spoon and went to the kitchen to get a new one.

The mother-in-law said twice, “Broken Peace”, pinched Ning Lan’s shaking right hand in her palm and rubbed it: “I dragged the kid’s clothes all night without putting it, now that it hurts, right?”

Ning Lan’s knuckles are now struggling to move, stagnation is like the artificial limb just connected, which shows that the “all night” said by her mother-in-law is not exaggerated at all.

He had to accept the fact that in addition to his eyes and hands, his head began to faintly, and he could not wait to fall back and sleep again, treating it all as a dream unrelated to reality.

Sui Yang took a new spoon and handed it to him. Ning Lan took it with his eyes, and in his burning eyes he ate like a mang on his back. What did he think of suddenly when he ate half and asked his mother-in-law: “What about Brother Lu?”

The mother-in-law said, “He left last night and asked you to wake up and call him.”

Ning Lan put down the bowl after eating, took out two bottles of medicine from the drawer, swallowed two tablets with boiled water, and then touched half of the old-fashioned mobile phone under the pillow to dial Lu Hao’s number.

“Hey, Brother Lu … I’m fine, it’s fine … I ate it, um, I ate it after dinner … I said yesterday that I asked you to eat, and I fell asleep … Are you free at night? … Then I’ll do it and send it over … it’s okay, anyway, I’m idle at home … well, good, see you at noon. “

Mother-in-law finished packing the dishes, and when he hung up the phone, he smiled and said, “Going to deliver meals to Dalu? It’s almost eight o’clock, hurry up.”

Ning Lan sat up from the bed, opened the closet, took clean clothes, passed by Sui Yan, and said, “Thank you yesterday, if you don’t mind, stay for a meal.”

Sui Yan didn’t close his eyes overnight, describing exhaustion. After listening to Ning Lan’s words, there was a little glory in the sad face of Yunyun.

The dish was bought from the supermarket yesterday. The winter melon was cut into thick slices, and the ribs were cooked in the pot and cooked in the pot; the cucumber was cut off at the beginning and end, cut into thin slices, and fried with eggs; That’s it.

Both stoves were on fire, and Ning Lan had room for a spoonful of powder and a spoonful of water on the edge to add to the small soup pot, and quickly stirred with chopsticks. After stirring well, the fish is also steamed. Remove the scented steamer, put the soup pot on the stove, cook on low heat until bubbling, and finally turn off the heat and let cool.

Sui Yan went to the bathroom, washed his face and rinsed his mouth, and stood by the kitchen.

Ning Lan put the pan into the freezer and planned to use the watermelon bought yesterday as a spare. Yesterday, Lu Hao couldn’t find a suitable place. He put the watermelon on the top of the shelf. Ning Lan was struggling. Sui Yue went up to help and took Ning Lan’s half body in his arms. He raised the watermelon as soon as he raised his hand. Push it out, pick it up, and hand it to Ning Lan.

Ning Lan took the watermelon back two steps and said dryly, “Thank you.”

Just after ten o’clock, the Zhang family store set up the table early for lunch.

After Ning Lan took two bites, he put down his chopsticks, split the watermelon on the chopping board, and dug a spoonful of spoonful into a transparent lunch box and sealed it. The other lunch box with only the compartment was filled with white rice, cucumber scrambled eggs, winter melon ribs in order from bottom to top. Finally, a sausage cooked with rice was sandwiched from the rice cooker, cut into pieces and placed on the rice. Two lunch boxes Separately in a foam bag.

There were no sausages on the table, only the fish that Sui Yang didn’t like to eat. The sausage was obviously prepared for Lu Hao alone.

Sui Yan Ruyi was in her throat, and her mother-in-law was humming around and rolled her eyes. Even Ning Lan’s own cooking could not taste anything.

He hurriedly finished the white rice in the bowl and stood up to go out with Ning Lan.

“What are you doing?” Her mother-in-law cried loudly.

“Send him.”

Sui Yue grabbed the door and pulled out the car key from his pocket.

The rain stopped at midnight yesterday. As soon as the sun came out, the water on the ground quickly evaporated.

Sui Yang followed the road in a hurry, and Ning Lan would rather be exposed than take his car and walked to the bus stop. Sui Yan found an open space to park his car and waited for the bus with him.

Intercity buses have a low frequency of departure. It will take a while before Ning Lan swipes to get in the car. Sui Yan follows and pulls out a hundred dollars from his pocket. The driver waved his hand impatiently: “Can’t find it? open.”

Ning Lan had already sat down, but stood up and walked to the door to swipe Sui Yang.

Returning to his seat, the aunt who also got on the bus from Quanxi Station asked him: “This is your friend, Ningning?”

As soon as Sui Kun got on the bus, the driver started hurriedly to pull the handbrake to start. He was almost stubborn and didn’t stand firmly. As soon as he supported Ning Lan’s seat back in the back row, he heard Ning Lan say to his neighbor, “Previous colleague.”

“Former colleague” Sui Su calmed down, followed Ning Lan to get off in the city, and then went to the subway with him.

It took some time to go to the service desk to exchange zero bills and buy a one-way ticket. When I went down the subway, the door was about to be closed. Sui Yue stepped in with her long legs and stood shoulder to shoulder with Ning Lan.

This line is full from morning to night. Fortunately, the passengers in the car just looked down at the mobile phone, and no one noticed one of the big stars in the flock standing next to the old, weak and disabled seat.

After getting off the subway, Sui Yue still followed the steps and turned to the tree-lined road leading to the hospital. Ning Lan could not help but finally said, “What are you doing with me?”

Sui Yang settled down and couldn’t find a suitable answer.

Ning Lan didn’t expect to wait for his response, and said, “I took the medicine and it won’t happen. You don’t have to follow me.”

Sui Yue heard the word “onset”, her eyes were stagnant, and she even slowed down with her footsteps. He watched Ning Lan take the elevator and wait for him by the flower bed on the first floor.

Wait until half afternoon.

On several occasions, I went to the doctor named Lu, and all the answers from the nurses were “Dr. Lu was in the operation.” Sui Yan went upstairs and downstairs several times and couldn’t find Ning Lan. He called Jiang Jie’s house, Jiang Jie went to the shop to investigate, and came back and told him: “Ning Ning has already returned, just arrived home!”

At the same time Sui Yun was relieved, there was another helplessness.

He waited at the entrance of the clinic until Lu Hao returned from the operation.

It was no surprise that Lu Hao saw him. He invited him into the office, took out two empty lunch boxes and washed them, and then sat down to talk to him.

Sui Yan preemptively: “What disease has Lan Lan got?”

Lu Hao raised his eyebrows at him: “I should ask you this, what did you do to him and make him like this?”

Although Ning Lan’s mental state has not been very good, the symptoms of symptoms are only insomnia and memory loss. He has never experienced the emotional runaway situation like last night. He can’t hear anything, almost to the point of hysteria Sui Yun refused to let go, crying and begging him not to leave.

The psychologist was right, Ning Lan’s cheerfulness was disguised. His strength comes from the heart, and it also begins to fester and collapse from the inside. If it wasn’t like that yesterday, maybe by this time next year, he still can’t see the crux of Ning Lan.

“Previously, I was bad to him …” Sui Yue whispered, with shame in his eyes, and embarrassment to look back. “I don’t know if he is sick, if I know …”

If you know? Will Ning Lan leave?

No, it will go. Because he never gave him trust, never tried to understand him, and even put down his position as the controller and talked to him well.

If it was n’t for yesterday ’s accident, they might be wrong again and again, as before, one mouth is not right, the other is stagnant, and they miss so many good times.

“It’s all my fault, it’s all my fault.” Sui Su repeated the words he said yesterday while holding Ning Lan and looked up to ask Lu Hao. “How can his illness be cured? What medicine should I take? Which hospital to compare? OK? What can I … do? “

As long as Ning Lan is good, he is willing to do anything.

Lu Hao looked dignified and hesitated.

Just when Sui Yun thought the situation was serious and his heart was filled with uneasiness, Lu Hao finally said, “You don’t have to do anything.” He took a deep breath, as if made a great determination, “Just stay with him it is good.”

Lu Hao considers himself a man with pride in his bones. If he had encountered him earlier, he might not voluntarily quit.

However, he is trying to be a safe haven for Ning Lan. What Ning Lan needs is the fledgling arm of this young man in front of him.

When the canteen closed at night, the last guest was still drinking coffee.

Ning Lan wiped the counter carefully, and when the rag was thrown on the small table, Sui Yue picked up the coffee cup and moved it inside, completely meaningless.

After cleaning the table, Ning Lan shouted into the house, “Mother-in-law, have dinner.”

At home, there are two people, one old and one young. In summer, I often bring meals to the store’s folding table to eat, blowing the evening breeze, and eating jelly. It can be said that it is the most relaxing time of the day.

This pleasure naturally does not include Sui Yang’s share. He was blasted out by his mother-in-law with a dustpan and was almost thrown into the trash.

“At noon, Ning Ning wants to pay back your favor. Your kid is still on the right track? Hurry, get where you want to go.”

Mother-in-law Zhang only cares for her own children, which is a typical example of “lost after use” to outsiders. Sui Yan stuck it still, so she put the garbage bag at his feet and said, “Roll with the garbage.”

In the room, Ning Lan finished her meal and changed her phone to make a video of jelly.

There is no WiFi at home, he took his mobile phone and walked from the house to the shop, all corners were looking for signals. At 95% transmission, kick one thing under the shelf.

Take a look, it is a piano case. His mind was far from good, but he still remembered what the box looked like.

Looking up out of the window, the man was still there.

Ning Lan thought for a while and thought it might be a conspiracy, and decided to get up tomorrow morning and throw it directly at the door.

As a result, a half-night cake was baked on the bed, and the electric fan was too noisy, turned off and sweated, and was too irritable to sleep.

Ning Lan simply got up, preparing to throw the piano case out in the middle of the night.

The backyard door was facing Dead Lane. He didn’t dare to go there. He stomped across the front yard and ran to the store. He twisted the door lock and pushed it out, strange and unable to move.

He thought that the iron door was rusted by the rain again, and gave some strength to the top of his knee. The strange resistance suddenly disappeared, and a strange sound was heard.

A little scared, Ning Lan poked out half of her face, and saw Sui Yang sitting on the ground, supporting her long legs, and staring at him with her head in her arms.

“What are you doing here?” Ning Lan blurted out.

“Stay with you.” Sui Min held her forehead and lowered her hand, and her other leg also flexed.

Ning Lan knew that he didn’t sleep all night yesterday, so he couldn’t understand his purpose.

“I was ill yesterday, I’m sorry.” Ning Lan went out and handed the piano case to Sui Yang, “I won’t hold you anymore, let’s go.”

Sui Yue reached out to pick up the piano case, and by the way held Ning Lan’s hand.

Ning Lan shuddered, pulling her hand back like an electric shock. Sui Yun’s left hand presses the strings all the year round, and her fingers are long and strong, she easily covers Ning Lan’s hand.

“It’s not you who hold me,” he said, “I don’t want to let it go.”

His life should have followed the rules, even if he enters the mixed entertainment circle, he has not forgotten his original intention, and he is down-to-earth, step by step.

To him, Ning Lan is an apostate existence. They are so different. He has been surrounded by the whole world since he was a child, and Ning Lan has been chasing after the world desperately.

Perhaps it is because they are so different that they have an astonishing attraction like a bow hitting an iceberg. It was too late for him to turn around and turn the rudder to turn the course.

He resisted, struggled, touched uncontrollably, and hurt insincerely.

In the end, Ning Lan’s hand slowly loosened his hem, but held his heart tightly.

The pain that still persists reminds him at the moment that the rest of the world is insignificant, only Ning Lan’s hand, he will never let go again in this life.

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