Chasing Tides

Chapter 19

Fang Yu took a full rest for half a month before returning to the team. All seven members of AOW went to the morning meeting together.

Zhang Fan held a thick stack of materials and said that the company’s investment in an idol drama began to cast roles, the main purpose was to promote newcomers. Both the man and the man came from their own homes. Such opportunities are rare. I want to fight Raise a hand.

The news came suddenly, everyone looked at me and I saw you, nothing moved.

Gu Yankai dragged Sui Yang, whispering to him: “Brother, good opportunity, raise your hand.”

Sui Yang ignored it and waited for Zhang Fan to speak. This kind of company can take the idea of ​​the project, even if the final list is not finalized, it still at least outlines the casting scope, saying that it is for everyone to recommend themselves, but it is a form.

Sure enough, Zhang Fan waited for a while and saw that no one raised his hand, and threw the notebooks he brought to Sui Yang and Lu Xiaochuan: “You two, man one can fight for it.”

Lu Xiaochuan returned the book: “I don’t want to act, let the captain go.”

He doesn’t like talking very much these days. It seems like there is something in his mind. The whole person looks a little bit depressed, and even the little sister next door doesn’t make fun of it.

Zhang Fan didn’t ask much, took the book and gave it to Sui Yang: “Who else do you want to try, ask the captain to get the book.”

Fang Yu invited for dinner at noon to comfort everyone’s hard work during his absence.

An Lin was also invited. Gao Ming and Gu Yankai walked ahead with her. Ning Lan packed up and stood up, seeing Lu Xiaochuan followed up with awkwardness.

The hotel is a five-minute walk from the company, and there are few people on the back door. Fang Yu deliberately fell behind to talk to Ning Lan, thanking him for being in danger and taking the dance for himself.

Ning Lan said lightly that he was not polite, and that Wang Bingyang had not spoken to say that he had to say, “Lan brother has been danced so badly.”

Fang Yu is optimistic. She usually goes to bed early and wakes up like an elderly person. She never reads reviews online and asks in amazement: “Why?”

“Because you and the captain are CPs, they said that Lan Lan grabbed your place, said he … I won’t say it, it’s strange.”

Fang Yu didn’t expect this to happen, so he apologized to Ning Lan, who couldn’t help crying and laughing, saying that this matter can’t blame you.

You can’t blame Fang Yu, you can’t blame Sui Yun, you can’t blame the company, but the fans are upset, you have to find a vent, you can only catch him bombarding wildly.

Wang Bingyang’s mouth has read “weird and ugly”, what is “male is not male and female,” “savage waves are low,” “captains are popular” are all kind, and Gao Hua CP fans also played for him. A new name is Bubble Black, saying that this shady airborne soldier will never be white.

Originally, he had the habit of viewing private messages. Recently, almost all private messages have been ridiculed and scolded, and it is really difficult to pick a few words of encouragement from it, so he no longer looks at them.

Although it had long been guessed that this would be the consequence, seeing such remarks would inevitably lead to chest tightness and shortness of breath.

Fang Yu’s jump was highly anticipated, and everyone jumped and shouted. Ning Lan felt that he might be naturally annoying, no matter where he went.

On the third day of Fang Yu’s return to the team, the list of actors in the idol drama was finalized internally. The Sui Yan Man 1 and the company’s oldest boy group 2 will start shooting next month.

Sui Yun himself is very calm. A small net drama that is housed within the company can not hone acting skills, and it is foreseeable that it can’t set off any enthusiasm. Let’s accumulate experience. Gu Yankai was so excited, he jumped up and down to celebrate him. Sui Yan upheld the principle of whoever is in the team and who invited guests, and called everyone to have a meal together.

When Ning Lan received the text message from Sui Yang, she just passed by the practice room around the corner of the corridor. He heard that Gao Ming complained to Wang Bingyang that it was unfair and said that he went to the audition. He didn’t even catch a man, a man and a man. Can take the male one.

Ning Lan quietly walked away holding her phone, thinking to myself that if the producer also chose Sui Yun, a group of 18 / 9-year-old gimmicks newcomers could not talk about acting skills. Fools all know that the election looks the most handsome, The one with the most topics.

Even his airborne soldiers can see it through. Sui Yang will definitely be popular in the future. If there is time to gossip behind him, it is better to hurry up and establish a relationship with him.

Suddenly, Ning Lan thought of what the ShowCase celebration party was doing that night. I wonder if it was in the category of “building a relationship with him”?

Shouldn’t count it … That night’s move was entirely out of his own selfishness, and he didn’t ask Sui Yun to think of him well. The guy may be so annoyed when he wakes up that he hasn’t come to thank him.

Ning Lan pulled out her mobile phone and saw the text message asking for dinner, but reluctantly ripped her lips.

See, it’s disgusting to talk to me in person.

He didn’t think about it, and quickly pressed a few words to decline.

In the following days, Ning Lan continued to be alone, unless he needed to work, try not to brush his presence with his teammates.

The capital of July was very hot, and in the end, all AOW members were arranged to attend a charity dinner.

This kind of so-called banquet can generally mobilize the entire entertainment circle, and there is no harm in taking a red carpet and having an exposure rate. Just after lunch, a crowd of people gathered in Wudai.

As a newcomer who has no big-name sponsorship for the time being, AOW is wearing a relatively low-key, clean shirt and small suit. However, a group of tall men is still too eye-catching and was caught by the entertainment reporters for several waves.

The host of one of the live broadcast platforms directly took them to visit the camera. The waiting area was air-conditioned. However, there were many people and it was crowded. The cool air sent out could hardly reduce the heat. It’s really hard to keep a smile on the camera.

The host is a newcomer. He has no experience. The topic was stiff and brainless. When Fang Yu couldn’t bear the heat, he secretly fanned his face with his back and asked him if he wanted to take off his clothes.

Fang Yu was embarrassed and said haha, “At this time, I was very envious of the female star sisters, and at least cooler in skirts.”

What did the host suddenly think of, and he asked stubbornly: “Isn’t there anyone who wore a skirt and dance before the show? There are photos and videos everywhere on the Internet, is it you?”

Ning Lan stood out: “It’s me.”

The host had a meaningful meaning: “Oh you … it’s really pretty. Several of my straight boyfriends praise you for making them want to commit crimes.”

Sui Yan frowned, secretly remembering the name of this live broadcast platform in his heart.

He looked away, and Ning Lan smiled, as if not angry at the ridicule. Later, the host said that he wanted to see if he was as white as the legend said, and he generously rolled up his sleeves, exposing Bai Shengsheng’s arms for her.

After finally sending away this big Buddha, the seven AOWs hid in the corner and sat down. The seniors who were supposed to meet in the venue said hello, and finally they could take a breath and rest for a while.

An Lin brought water to them, and told them not to run around, so they went to the support team to help arrange arrangements. Sui Yan divided the members into mineral water, and Anlin was about to faint today. There were only six bottles of water in her bag.

Ning Lan said that he was not thirsty, and put the last bottle of water in Sui Yang, and the two of them resigned. Wang Bingyang couldn’t stand it and said, “Don’t break your mouth and touch the mouth of the bottle.” Next, prove the feasibility of this operation.

Sui Yan unscrewed the bottle cap, pours a few mouthfuls of water with his head up, and hands the bottle to Ning Lan.

Ning Lan has never drank water like this, afraid of getting wet, and holding the bottle tangled for a long time.

Sui Sui said, “Drink in front of the bottle, I won’t drink it.”

Ning Lan lowered his eyes and took the mouth of the bottle to his mouth. He didn’t know who was touched by it, and the water came out and spilled.

Less than an hour before the opening, Ning Lan went to the bathroom to arrange clothes.

People were gathering at the entrance this time, and the bathroom was empty. There is a dryer next to the sink. He unbuttoned the front of his clothes and blew it up. Fortunately, there was only a small piece on his chest, which should be dried after a while.

He has been a bit unconscious these days, except that something out of control is lingering in his mind, and there are realistic problems waiting for him to solve.

Last week, the younger sister made a phone call with her uncle’s cell phone and started crying after being connected, saying that the college entrance examination did not work well, and her parents asked her to repeat.

Ning Lan comforted her that repeating one year didn’t matter, my brother gave you money to read it. The younger sister refused to support her, said that studying was too hard, she wanted to go abroad to university, and said that several of her classmates who had not reached the front line had been sent abroad by their parents, and she wanted to go.

Thinking of this, Ning Lan sighed. How could he not know that my sister must be there when she called? Although the little girl was vanity, she could not play tricks, maybe it was the phone call that she had taught her to make.

Knowing it was a trap, he couldn’t refuse. He occupied half of his sister’s room for ten years, and now he can’t be overstated.

Where to get this money has become the most worrying thing about him these days.

The dryer made an intermittent roar, which was noisy in the ears. Ning Lan thought and thought it was funny. The old debt was not repaid and the new debt was raised again. Isn’t that what he said?

The clothes were almost dry. He buttoned them, adjusted the placket in front of the mirror, and turned to get out.

A big man came in from the door with a cigarette, and they looked up and hit each other.

Ning Lan froze, then turned around in a hurry.

The big guy grabbed his hair fiercely and pulled back, spit out the smoke in his mouth: “Run, run, I see where you run!”

Ning Lan took a sigh of relief and reluctantly smiled and said, “Big brother is you … I didn’t run, I’m going in here … Boss Liu is also here? You’ll take me to meet his old man.”

The big man said coldly, “I’ll take you. Will you come to see me with money?”

Ning Lan rolled her eyes to see if anyone was passing by, in an attempt to delay time and said, “The money is almost enough. Boss Liu is good-hearted and will definitely be able to accompany me for a few more days.”

He looked at him with a big head, and suddenly smiled crookedly: “Why do you accompany you? With your eloquent little mouth, or … your little face like a flower?”

Ning Lan was startled suddenly, gritted his teeth, and his complexion was pale.

The big man hummed and grinned, his staring eyes patrolling on his face: “Why didn’t you find out that your kid looks good before? Then how do you say, people rely on clothes and horses on their saddles, right? So dressed, It’s really pretty. No wonder I can mix here as a star. “

Ning Lan clenched her teeth, slowly clenched her fists with her hands, and continued to take the soft path on her mouth: “Where you put on makeup, you can take a look and cheat those little girls.”

“Well,” bulky loosened his hair and turned his chin to force him to look up. “Don’t be humble, boss Liu said. If you don’t have the money, it’s okay to take it back and play for two days as interest.”

Ning Lan stared blankly: “What?”

The big man explained: “He used to look down on you, but now you are a big star, and the price has risen, so naturally it is different from before.”

Ning Lan’s jaw was pained by him. This big man eats soft and not hard. The more he confronts him, the more fierce he is.

After thinking about it for a thousand times, Ning Lan blinked and said charmingly, “Did Liu really say that?”

“Yo, figured it out?”

Ning Lan nodded hard, and a large, muddy tone sprayed on his face, which made him almost vomit.

“That way, follow me now.” The big man said, and grabbed his arm.

“Can you give me some time? It’s almost over there. I’ll go in for a cut, and I’ll follow you when I come out.”

The big man followed his gaze and looked outside, his face doubting: “How many times have you played with me, do you think I will still believe you?”

Ning Lan bit her lip and cried quickly: “Isn’t that afraid of you, you yelled and screamed all day long, and I really don’t have any money … this time is different, since boss Liu is interested in me Isn’t it to unload my arms and legs, what am I afraid of? Turning back to please him, I can’t forgive my debt directly … “

“You want to be beautiful, but you want Boss Liu to support you?”

Ning Lan squeezed out a smile and said, “Is there anything I dare not think about? If Mr. Liu deserves it, I will of course.”

Looking at his expression with a big head, he didn’t see why, and turned his head to look in the direction of the crowd, and felt that this place didn’t seem to be easy to hang out.

This is the first time he has come to such a new occasion, and he wants to stroll around again. After thinking about it, he relaxes and said: “Then give you two hours. If you dare to run, next time I don’t need boss Liu to tell me, I will directly interrupt your leg. “

Ning Lan repeatedly said: “Whoever runs whoever grandson.”

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