Chaos Fiend

Chapter 30 - revenge

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

After a while, Ye Chen saw the finger-like white fish that he had seen before when he dived down, and the ice moraine landed ashore. — Complete copy of Yanmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance )))

Ye Chen was also very hungry at this time, grabbing each fish and gorging on it.

I didn’t know it before, but now that I eat it, I know that the fish tastes extremely delicious, it melts at the entrance, and it’s especially cold, and it’s also very refreshing to eat.

The only drawback is that the small fish is too small, only one finger in size. Ye Chen ate it without feeling the belly, as if he had not eaten anything.

However, after winning all the small fish, Ye Chen also ate half-full.

“Thank you.” Ye Chen was just grateful to Bingyu, but the next second, his complexion changed, because a large and pure ice-based element suddenly poured out of his lower abdomen.

Ye Chen hurriedly operated Xuan Bing Jue, refining this huge and pure ice system.

It was only a few hours before Ye Chen fully refined these ice-based Yuanli. Ye Chen went to look at the Yuanli badge on the back of his hand, and he had reached the green six stars.

After practicing for so many years, his level of elemental power surpassed the level of mental power for the first time.

Ye Chen also understood that the delicious little fish just now was really a wonderful thing.

“There is no fish just now.” Ye Chen didn’t know why it was hot in his heart. If he just ate it like this, would his strength be greatly improved.

Bingyu seemed to understand Ye Chen’s meaning and shook his head to indicate that he was gone.

“Okay.” Ye Chen became lost in an instant, but was left behind by him after all, he also understood that such a small fish could not be met, not to mention his strength has been improved by two stars, and What’s not content?

“Hoo roar roar.” Bingyu called to Ye Chen again.

Ye Chen waved his hand to Bingyu, seeking truth from facts, “I don’t know if you can understand what I’m talking about, in fact I really don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

Of course Bingyu didn’t know what Ye Chen was talking about, but when he looked at Ye Chen’s movements, he could still understand Ye Chen’s meaning, just as Ye Chen was hungry just now, he could understand.

It also has intelligence and thinks, but it hasn’t been developed yet.

In fact, in the place where the monsters live in the extreme west, the fifth-level demon general can already speak, and the IQ is comparable to normal humans.

After all, the strong blue generals among human beings are generals of one party who lead tens of thousands of horses. Among the monsters, the fifth-level demon generals are the same as the human blue generals. They also belong to one general and lead many monsters. Row?

However, Bingyu is very special. It has always lived on the bottom of the water. It does not normally touch humans and demons, and it has only contacted the three brothers of the Wang family and Ye Chen. The three brothers of the Wang family are enemies, and it is impossible to communicate. As a result, although it has spiritual intelligence, it is similar to the IQ of children. And no one taught it human or any other language, all it could speak was the innate Long language.

Of course, although there is no way to communicate, Bingyu can express his meaning with actions, just like Ye Chen was hungry before.

Bingyu raised his forelimbs, glanced at the top, and then both forelimbs attacked at the same time.

“Are you going to let me go up and kill the two enemies Wang Li and Wang Kai with you?” Ye Chen also began to trace the figure of them, and at the same time made a killing action.

Bingyu nodded, indicating that was the case.

“Okay, let’s set off!” Only before was Wang Li and Wang Kai overcast, and Ye Chen certainly wanted revenge! Especially now that the strength is improving, it is just to avenge!

Thinking of it, Ye Chen jumped into the water directly and swam upwards, followed by Bingyu.

Worried that Wang Li and Wang Kai set up an ambush or trap at the wellhead of the water well, when Ye Chen swam to the top, he became cautious.

At the same time, he made full use of his mental strength to feel the movement outside.

However, it was extremely quiet outside, and his mental strength could not detect anything unusual.

After waiting for a while, Ye Chen exposed the water on the tip of her head and eyes, and first looked at the surrounding environment and confirmed that there were no problems before she came out of the water.

While Ye Chen had just come out, Bingyu also surfaced.

Bingyu also seems to understand the principle of not being able to fight grass and snakes. Although the figure is huge, the movement is extremely light and there is no movement.

After all, Ye Chen lived here for one night, knowing Wang Li and Wang Kai’s residence, he quietly touched them with the ice-cream.

When Ye Chen arrived at the two’s residence, a figure came out of the door just as Wang Kai, the oldest in the family.

When Wang Kaigang saw Ye Chen and Bingyu, his brain didn’t seem to be able to react.

At the time of Wang Kai’s God, Ye Chen had already shot.

Brother Wang’s order, how can he miss such a good opportunity?

Xuan Bingjue attacked, and the strength of the green six-star warrior broke out.

Bingyu was also very clever. When he saw Ye Chen’s shot, he immediately launched an attack on Wang Kai.

After Wang Kai saw the attack one by one, this reaction came, and he fought back!

But it was too late. Ye Chen and Bingyu were suppressed in an instant and turned to passive defense.

Ye Chen was slightly disappointed. Originally, he wanted to kill Wang Kai directly and deal with Wang Li, but now he just suppressed Wang Kai and did not kill him.

At this moment, there has been a stir, and I am afraid that Wang Li will immediately kill and help Wang Kai.

Ye Chen also concealed his own beast sound tactics, ready to deal with Wang Li, after all, Wang Li is a blue Samsung general, and his strength is much stronger than him. If he didn’t show a hole card, I am afraid he is not Wang Li’s opponent.

But ten minutes later, Wang Kai was injured and Wang Li hadn’t come out yet.

Ye Chen wanted to understand instantly, Wang Li should not be here.

Of course, it took so long for Wang Kai to be injured by one person and one person, not that Ye Chen and Bing were weak, but only because Wang Kai defended with all his strength, which caused one person to be unable to find an opportunity, and he could only slightly hurt Wang. Kay, but as long as this continues, waiting for Wang Kai’s death will be the only one.

“Where is your elder brother?” After knowing that Wang Li was not here, Ye Chen felt a terrible feeling in his heart, as if something was going to happen.

“Well, do you want to ask now? It’s too late!” Wang Kai snorted, fiercely, “I didn’t expect me and my elder brother to avenge you, but you dare to come up against me! Really looking for death! ! “

Of course, Wang Kai looks extremely fierce on the surface, but in fact he is insane. He secretly grieved. Why did Ye Chen and Bingyu come up when his eldest brother went to Baibao to sell news? Real Nima was dead. Me too! Because the time has passed for half a year, the two did not wait any longer. After a final discussion, Wang Li went to Baibaohang to sell the news, but he did not expect to come up at this time!

After all, Ye Chen hadn’t experienced much. In addition, he had a bad feeling in his heart, and was frightened by Wang Kai’s fierce look. He asked, “So what did your brother do?”

“Haha! I don’t want to tell you, I’m going to drag my time and wait for my brother to come back, when you and this evil animal will die!” Wang Kai saw Ye Chen afraid, and continued to pretend to be fearless, Fight one by one.

The longer the time dragged on, the more disturbed Ye Chen became. “Since you don’t take the initiative, don’t blame me! The sound of the beast sounds, howling dragon!”

With a touch of Longwei’s spirit, he attacked the Dragon Roar again, and Ye Chen just finished roaring, and the Bingyu on the side also roared out, and took him to the Dragon Dragon peculiar to the Dragon family.

Although this was the first joint battle for one person, their roars were extremely tacit, and in cooperation with each other, the sonic spirit attack penetrated Wang Kai’s mind.

Because of the strange death of the second brother Mo Su, Wang Kai and Wang Li suspected Ye Chen’s mental attack, so Wang Kai also took precautions this time. However, Ye Chen also cooperated with Bingyu this time. Under the cooperation of the two, the power was even stronger. I do n’t know how many times. Wang Kai ’s defense force was just like the paper paste, which was instantly broken through his mind and Qiqiao bleeding.

Even so, Wang Kai did not die the first time, but looked at Ye Chen with a smile on his lips.

“Very good, even though you killed me, you will also be buried for me! You wait, my brother has sold the news that there is a ghost ice and a moraine here to Baibaoxing, and soon Baibaoxing will send a brigade. “

“And you actually refined the ghost ice, ghost ice is a thing that Baibaoxing needed long ago. Haha, even if you escape now, you will be hunted by Baibaoxing! Plus here There is also a moraine. If you have cultivated it, you can even be promoted to the ice dragon. These things will definitely not be missed. You will be like me in the end, hahahaha … “

Wang Kai died in a laugh. He fought with Ye Chen for so long. He felt the power of Yesha on Ye Chen for a long time, and recollected that Ye Chen had been forced to pounce on Ningbing Sha. Ye Chen only came out half a year ago, and his strength improved. Wang Kai, even if stupid, guessed that Ye Chen had already refined Ningbing Sha.

At the same time, because of the existence of this ice mast, Ye Chen wanted to escape the pursuit of Bai Baoxing, which did not exist.

Before dying, I thought Ye Chen would bury her, and Bingyu would be the end of human pets. Wang Kai died with satisfaction.

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