Chaos Fiend

Chapter 24 - Kill or let go

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

After Kadar was burned to ashes by the nine-phoenix beacon, a purple-gold ring remained on the ground. (((Catino Novel Network )))

Ye Chen walked over to pick it up, thinking that this should be Kadar’s space to accept the ring.

It is a status symbol to have space to receive a ring. In the third-level main city of the Yechen family’s Qingshicheng, no one has a ring.

At least the strongest in the blue marshal can wear a space to accept the ring.

However, Kadal ’s space admittance is actually purple-gold, because the last time he saw the Celestial Girl ’s admittance, it seems ordinary, but Kadal ’s look is not ordinary.

Think again about Kadal, but the man who owns Jiufengtian’s beacon, Ye Chen feels normal, and at the same time he is looking forward to it. Kadal’s space should be a lot of good things.

However, Ye Chen tried for a while, and found that Kadal could not open the space to accept the ring, and had no choice but to give up.

After all, this is the first time he has received a space admittance, and he doesn’t know how to open it. It seems that he still has to find a chance to ask how to open a space admittance in the future.

Ye Chen then placed Kadar’s space adornment on his hand and left here.


A few days later, Ye Chen found himself lost.

He originally wanted to return to the original road, but unfortunately found that the original road had been covered by sand.

In addition, when he and Kadar chased, he also had no intention of paying attention to his position, which led him to be completely lost now.

In the desert, the most terrible thing is disorientation. Once lost, it means there is no water source, and no water source means thirst.

The water that Ye Chen brought before was already drunk. Although Ye Chen had a map, his knowledge of the desert only existed in the book and the introduction of Li San by the driver. When the local map was not useful, Ye Chen had some. shocked.

And he has no way to find the water source. Now he is already thirsty. If he continues to do so, I am afraid he will really die in the desert.

Just when Ye Chen was frowning, the two camels came slowly from a distance.

Ye Chen also saw two silhouettes on the back of the camel.

Ye Chensong’s tone, finally seeing people, and then seeing people again, he was miserable. After waiting for more than ten years, Xiao Hei woke up and found that he had become a thirsty skeleton. Imagine.

The two figures on the camel’s back obviously saw Ye Chen, but the two apparently ignored Ye Chen’s meaning and left in another direction.

Ye Chen would definitely not miss them, and ran quickly.

“Two friends, go slowly.” Ye Chen shouted far away.

Seeing Ye Chen’s active pursuit, the two figures stopped, both figures looked burly, their eyes were fierce, steel swords were worn around their waists, a fierce breath came out of the two, two demon The camel was also covered with water and food.

“This little brother, don’t know what’s wrong with you stopping us?”

“Two friends, I lost my way in the desert. Now I lack water and food. I finally met two people. I want to know where I am now. Do two friends have water and food?” Ye Chenbu Excuse me.

“Oh, yes, promise.” The two looked like Ye Chen did not seem to be cheating. After looking at each other, they handed Ye Chen a bag of water.

“Thank you both.” Ye Chen took the water with his right hand, grunted and drank it. After drinking the water, Ye Chen said again, “I don’t know if two friends have a map here? I want to recognize the direction.”

“Haha, little brother, we are right to ask, this one is familiar to us, we are just going back to our base. I don’t know if the little brother is interested in going back with us.” One of the big men forgot a glance at Ye Chen’s right hand , A flash of fine light flashed in his eyes.

“Second Brother? What are you doing?” The other person pulled his companion’s arm, wondering.

And the humanity known as the second brother, “Three brother, we have encountered a lot of people like this little brother lost in the desert. If you can help one, please help one! After all, everyone is a warrior, all Extremely difficult. “

Then the second brother turned to Ye Chen and said, “Little brother, I see that you have also been tired for a long time and just go with us. Our base is a small oasis with sufficient water and food. When you are on the road, , So there is no need to worry about water and food. “

Ye Chen thought about it, and always felt wrong, but the second brother was right. He has no water and no food, and coupled with his disorientation, I’m afraid I can’t really get out of the desert. I can only say, “Okay, Thank you two friends. I’ll just bother. “

“The little brother must be tired, and my camel will ride it for you.” The big brother who became the second brother gave the camel to Ye Chen.

“Thank you.” Although Ye Chen thanked his mouth, he was more careful in his heart. This person was too warm to himself, I’m afraid he was cheating.

When walking on the road, Ye Chen also knew the names of the two. Wang Sheng, who was called the second brother, and Wang Kai, who was the third oldest, also had an older brother. The three were brothers and occupied a small group. Block Oasis.

Because this piece is too remote, and the oasis occupied by the three is only a small oasis, and there is not much water, so no one comes to bother. Over time, this piece has completely become the chassis of the three brothers.

The three brothers went out shopping occasionally, and Wang Sheng and Wang Kai went out for shopping.

Ye Chen also blew his name.

“I don’t know which family Ye Chen’s brother belongs to? How did he come to the Western Desert?” Wang Sheng pretended to inadvertently ask.

“I am from a small family of the Holy Empire.” Ye Chen said, “coming to the desert in the Western Regions is a natural experience. Unfortunately, I lost my way by accident.”

“Yes, this desert in the Western Region is full of sand. It is a normal thing to get lost. Brother Ye Chen should be careful in the future, but you can’t be as careless as this time.” Wang Sheng reminded.

“Thank you, Brother Wang for reminding me.” Ye Chen nodded.


Although he was cautious along the way, Ye Chen did not encounter any abnormalities. Two hours later, he arrived at the oasis land described by Wang Sheng and Wang Kai.

The oasis land is about a few kilometers in radius. If it is not blocked by trees, I am afraid that it can be seen at a glance.

However, this small oasis is not on the map given to Ye Chen by Zhao Lao, and Ye Chen does not know the specific location.

So Ye Chen could only say, “I don’t know if Brother Wang has a map here, can you show me?”

As long as the map here and the map in Ye Chen’s hands confirm it, Ye Chen can know where he is now.

“Yes, you can,” Wang Sheng said, “we are a bit remote here, maybe you can’t find it on your own map, this is normal.”

After speaking, Wang Sheng gave Ye Chen a map. After looking at it, he compared it with the map in his hand and finally found his place.

After seeing his position, Ye Chen was a little bit excited, because he had lost his way invisibly and had brought himself closer to the Arctic ice sheet.

I believe that as long as he walks north, he can reach the Arctic ice sheet for up to a week.

“Thank you, Brother Wang. This map is very important to me. I wonder if you can give it to me?” Ye Chen said.

“Since Ye Chen’s brother wants it, hold it, anyway, we have a lot of this map.” Wang Sheng said.

“Thank you, Brother Wang.” Through this incident, Ye Chen also had a lot less defense against the two. Although the Phoenix mainland is weak and strong, they always have the same enthusiasm as the driver Li San.

“You’re welcome. After all, who’s going out without a problem?” Wang Sheng laughed.

When the two lived, the older brother of the three brothers was not here.

Ye Chen was arranged to rest in a room alone.

At this moment, the two brothers Wang Sheng and Wang Kai finally sat together.

“Second Brother, what do you mean? Why bring this kid back for no reason? Let’s give him some water, give him a map, and let him survive in the desert, even if he wants to bring it back here, we need to know Controlling here for so many years, it ’s not for that thing, and now bring a person back, no change will happen? ”Wang Kai is very strange. The three brothers live in this desert. They are not good people at all, they do n’t know why Will be kind to save a kid, especially in this small oasis, there is something very important to them.

“Third brother, I usually tell you to be careful, you look at you, you haven’t noticed such a big fat sheep!” Wang Sheng grinned, “Did you not see that kid’s finger, there is a purple gold color?” Ring, I suspect it’s an advanced space ring. “

“What? A purple-gold space admittance ring?” Wang Kai was shocked. “I didn’t notice that I just thought it was an ordinary ornament. After all, is n’t it normal for a broad master like him to bring a ring and necklace? And, Although the kid looks stupid, he still has a sense of caution for us. How can such a treasure be exposed? Besides, since you are the second brother you suspect that it is space to accept the ring, why have you never shot? “

“I can guarantee that it is definitely a Na ring.” Wang Sheng’s eyes were inexplicably glamorous. “Did I not have been lucky enough to see King Kadar Wu once, I remember that Kadar Wu also had such a ring in his hand.” “

“What? King Kadar also has such a ring? He is so young, he has this space to accept the ring, his identity must be extraordinary, we moved him, I’m afraid we are dangerous, right?” Wang Kai received Shock after wave.

“Yeah, that’s why I’ve never shot, and I also want to know which family he is.” Wang Sheng said, “plus we don’t know his strength and hole cards, so I haven’t started. “

“Then let’s wait for the big brother? Then ask the opinion of the big brother? Anyway, the kid is already here now, and it is impossible to run.” Wang Kaidao.

“Well, I think so too. Ask the elder brother. When the time is to kill or let go, it depends on the elder brother.” Wang Sheng nodded.

“I’ll call it Brother.” Wang Kai went out and walked towards the only source of water in this small oasis.

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