Celestial Peak

Chapter 40: Training and being left alone

At this moment, Wang Ling was inside his room cultivating and patiently meditated.

The earlier discussion about him attending an academy was already done and the only thing he needs to do now was ensure that he will be able to enter the Thundergod Academy.

Wang Ling was made to compromise on what academy he could attend. He was made to choose between the Thundergod Academy and Heaven's Will Academy.

Both academy boasts of history over ten thousand years and had produce many great experts. Wang Ling didn't really have to think through and automatically chose the Thudergod Academy.

The Thundergod Academy is an institution that seeks power above all else. They lead their students to seek a path that will lead them to a brighter future where they won't have to fear of others attacking them.

Wang Ling's dao since before he reincarnated was to become stronger. All this time the path he had been seeking leads to the top. In fact, the reason why he destroyed his era was because it was limiting him to reach true apex.

Wanting to see what is beyond the limits of his world, Wang Ling destroyed his era which led to the creation of this one. The dao the Thundergod Academy seeks was the one that is best suited for him.

Also, he can't actually choose to enter Heaven's Will Academy. The Heaven's Will Academy reveres the people of the Heavenly Realm and detest the Hell Realm. It can be said that they worship the heaven and persecute hell.

In the eyes of normal people, worshipping heavens is much better than bowing down to hell. After all, devil cultivators who does too many devilish things were prevalent in this place.

If he enters Heaven's Will Academy and they learn of his identity as someone who has the bloodline of a True Devil Warrior, they would most likely freak out and throw him out without a second thought.

Midnight struck and Wang Ling stopped cultivating. He looked up to the ceiling and closed his eyes. He was basking in the mysterious feeling that was welling up inside his heart.

The anticipation of entering the central region is making his heart pound and it was slowly getting stronger.

"I'm getting too excited. I still need to travel from here to the [Lightning Domain]." Wang Ling mused as he sighed and began sleeping.

The next day, Wang Ling did his daily routines. The routines he had back when he was staying in the Wang family manor remained unchanged.

He would wake up early, cultivate until the surge of pure spirit qi comes and then train his swordsmanship.

He train swordsmanship in the garden because he does not have his own courtyard. At the moment, he was practicing a sword technique called [Heaven Vanquisher]. It was a one-handed sword technique that focuses on speed.

The Heaven Vanquisher was a saint-level martial technique, it was top-tier sword technique he got from an auction. Wang Ling only bought this technique on a whim but never really practiced it as he found rather troublesome.

The Heaven Vanquisher was a technique that focuses on peerless sword art. The Heaven Vanquisher wishes to destroy the heavens. The one who trains in this sword will inevitably face off against the heavens.

Although the description of the sword technique is rather overblown. It was still an undoubtedly a powerful skill that can kill anyone. The only reason why Wang Ling did not train in this sword technique was because he got it a year before he destroyed the era.

This sword technique was almost buried in numerous technique he had inside his head. Thankfully, he managed to find it after looking for a good one-handed sword skill.

Wang Ling swung the sword repeatedly and trained it diligently. He was training in the first sword move of the Heaven Vanquisher named: Judgement.

The Judgement was a move that focuses on speed and control of spirit qi. Wang Ling's control of spirit qi was already amazing so this technique was not going to be a problem.

Even so, learning Judgement all the way to consummation is not going to be an easy task. He estimated the amount of time he would need and realized that he will be needing a couple of months before he could move into the next sword move.

There were a total of five sword move, to complete them all, a year is not going to be enough.

Wang Ling continued slashing out and moving his sword without stopping. He needed to at least master this sword move to grand completion before he leave for the Thundergod Academy.

He would train his sword until lunch and after that he will eat before returning to his room and train another technique.

The technique he was training in his room was called Piercing Vision. It was an innate skill of the True Devil Warrior bloodline he have. The Piercing Vision was an optical art that enhances the eyesight to the point where he'll be able to see through illusions.

There are five levels in Piercing Vision. The higher the level of mastery he has, the better he'll be able to see through illusions. Meaning, if he can train it to the highest level, no illusion will be able to fool him.

Time passed and the sun finally set to the west.

Wang Ling continued his cultivation. He was diligent and didn't stop, he never complained and just stuck to his routine.

Soon, five days passed. At this moment Wang Ling's cultivation was reaching the peak of late-sky root stage. He was infinitely close to pinnacle-sky root stage and he estimated that he will reach a breakthrough in the next few days if he stuck to it.

Wang Ling's routine continued but on the third day, something strange occurred. Chang Ping came to see him and asked if he can see him train his sword.

He didn't really need to hide anything so he let her watch him swing his sword for the day until lunch came around. When he said to Chang Ping that he was already finished, Chang Ping seemed disappointed and bowed her head to Wang Ling.

Before she left, she said to Wang Ling:

"I have failed to grasp the mystery of the sword. But I will stick to it and continue comprehending it, if one day I managed to unravel its mystery I will look for you once again and ask for you teach me."

Wang Ling just shrugged his shoulders in response to her words, on the fourth, he received news that Chang Ping left in a journey to improve her temper herself.

On the seventh day of his practice, BingDiao came to watch him swing his sword diligently. But she didn't really say or did anything and quickly vanished shortly after observing him.

Wang Ling can't really grasp what is going on inside the mind of that woman so he was slightly warry of her existence. But because he does not feel a hint of enmity being directed to him, he rarely ever associates himself with her.

On the tenth day of his practice, there were two news that made him smile. One was that he finally reached level-1 mastery of Piercing Vision. With the mastery of Piercing Vision, his ocular capabilities have improved.

The world became more vibrant in his eyes and the world seemed to have change. When he looks around and see a fly, he will be able to see then flap their wings clearly. It seems like the Piercing Vision does not only grant him the ability to see through illusion.

The other news that made him smile that day was the fact that Wang Shu Qing had given another set of cultivation resources. Although he didn't asked for anything, he was still provided by Wang Shu Qing.

This time, he was given 200 spirit stone and 2 Infernal Lotus. It was clear that Wang Shu Qing was very much aware about the cultivation method of Wang Ling. He had been providing him flame attributed treasures all this time after all.

Wang Ling was elated when he received this and immediately entered secluded cultivation. He was at the peak of late-sky root stage and these two things together with his remaining treasures.

He only have two of the Condensed Qi Pill and that should be enough to help him break through the next level. He informed his father that he would be entering seclusion and said that it would take him at least a few days breakthrough.

Although he said these. In reality, he only needed a couple of hours to break through. But he said a few days because he didn't want to make his cultivation look too abnormal than it already was.

When he was informing Wang Shu Qing about his seclusion. Wang Shu Qing informed him about his plan of leaving the Piercing Heaven Empire the next day.

"I have been pushing it off until now because I was informed that the mounts of the empire was sick and needed treatment. It took almost two weeks but the mounts are now okay, I will be heading back to the main house.

"I advise that you follow us back to the main house but it seems like your cultivation has reached a certain period. If that is the case, I will let you decided on what to do, will you go back with us to the main house or stay here and go into seclusion?"

Wang Shu Qing asked him.

Of course, Wang Ling gave him a straightforward answer.

"I wish to stay. Also, I will not be going back to the main house until I find my path, I know I am being selfish here, but I wish to find myself." Wang Ling uttered a cheesy line.

Wang Shu Qing Was reluctant to let Wang Ling stay but in the end he could only sigh.

"I understand, I will ask Chang Do to prepare a mount for you too so you'll be able to travel to the Lightning Domain quicker. I will leave you with Qigang for protection."

Wang Ling agreed and he entered seclusion.

The very next day, Wang Shu Qing together with the others left the empire. Wang Ling was well aware of their movements and as they left, Wang Ling smiled and stretched his body inside his room.

He had already broken through pinnacle-sky root stage and had nothing to do.

"I'll make my move after assimilating the 2 Infernal Lotus."

Wang Ling said as he took out two red lotuses from his storage ring.

After this, Wang Ling will make his moves and head for the Lightning Domain so he can attend the preliminary examination of the Thundergod Academy. But along the way, he wanted to hunt a particular beast.


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