Celestial Employee

Chapter 7 - Wordless elevator

Zhao Lingjun and Zhang Changsheng and a group of people in the company stepped on the muddy rain and reached the downstairs of the company. Zhao Lingjun saw a red and a black wide book parked in the parking lot below the company.

“Bah.” Zhao Lingjun saw someone resentfully spit at the place where the two cars were.

Then Zhao Lingjun saw someone on the wheel of the two cars, and patiently wiped off the mud on the shoes.

“This … what are they doing.” Zhao Lingjun asked Zhang Changsheng in a low voice. “It seems not very good.”

“Nothing, you will get used to it later.” Zhang Changsheng said. “These two vehicles are from Yaoyazhen and Fatty Zhang. Those people have suffered a lot from their losses in the company.”

Zhang Changsheng ordered a young man in a short-sleeved shirt and said, “Look, the one who spit in the car. He is responsible for customer relations, and he is called Lin Yiren. He was used by Yaoyazhen for 1,800 A piece of salary was deceived. And his 1,800 pieces were still before taxes, without paying the hardware. “

“You see that the man who wiped mud on Zhang Fatzi’s Guangben tires, his name is Xiao Ping, and he was from the sales department. He was late for two minutes and was deducted by Zhang Fatzi for a small report to deduct the full month bonus.” Said a young man in sports clothes. “If I hadn’t stopped him last time, he would have nailed Zhang Fatty’s tires.”

“So since they are so unhappy, why don’t they switch jobs.” Zhao Lingjun thinks this company is getting more and more strange.

“Job-hopping? Hahaha.” When walking into the elevator, a guy walking behind Zhao Lingjun heard Zhao Lingjun asking Zhang Changsheng, so he laughed angrily three times.

Zhao Lingjun looked back and found that Zhang Changsheng said three laughs in anger and anger, Lin Yi who was deceived by Hao Meili with a salary of 1,800 yuan before tax.

Lin Yiren’s laughter made Zhao Lingjun feel horrified. Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but asked Lin Yiren, “This fellow, what are you laughing at? Isn’t it easy to change jobs now?”

“Simple? Hahaha.” This is not only Lin Yiren, but even Xiao Ping, who is beside Lin Yiren and wearing a variety of sportswear, couldn’t help laughing.

“What’s the matter with you? Am I wrong?” Zhao Lingjun looked at him and thanked him slightly. He already had an obvious small belly, and he was short and chubby but wearing a miscellaneous sportswear. I want to laugh but can’t laugh.

“You will know soon.” At this time, people in an elevator smiled strangely at Zhao Lingjun.

The strange smile on everyone’s face made Zhao Lingjun’s scalp numb for a while. Zhao Lingjun thought of a horror movie he had seen a long time ago for no reason. A dead runner in that film also encountered a group of people with strange smiles in the elevator at that time, and then after the elevator moved, the elevator went up all the way, but the man saw that the number on the elevator was 0, -1, -2 keep jumping. Finally, the elevator stopped at -18, which did not exist. After waiting for the elevator to stop, the guy walked out in fear. But as soon as he went out, the guy fell to his death. It turned out that the elevator was parked in midair.

The thought of the last guy’s flesh and blood was vague, Zhao Lingjun felt chilly and couldn’t help staring at the number jumping on the elevator.

Looking at the beating figures, Zhao Lingjun remembered that Hao Meili took himself upstairs yesterday, and he didn’t even notice how many floors the company was in. If today if I were to come by myself, I would say that I should make a phone call and ask myself which floor to go out of the elevator, which is really shameful.

So Zhao Lingjun turned his head while looking at the numbers beating up, to see how many people in his company pressed.

However, at first glance, Zhao Lingjun almost softened his legs, scared to death.

Everyone who has taken the elevator knows which floor you want to go after you enter the elevator, just press the button that represents the floor, and that button will stay on until you reach the floor .

Although Zhao Lingjun only officially went to work on the first day, Zhao Lingjun had already sat in this elevator many times. And Zhao Lingjun remembers an elevator advertisement deeply, because the advertisement of that elevator is “up and down, the pleasure of going in and out.” So of course, Zhao Lingjun doesn’t even understand this. But now Zhao Lingjun has no pleasure except for the chill. Because Zhao Lingjun glanced at it, he saw that there was no number on the illuminated button.

The magical red button shone like a white board on a mahjong tile. Did I come across that place and all I met were … Zhao Lingjun dared not think about it any longer, nor dared to look back at the group of colleagues with strange smiles.

At this time, the elevator stopped with a loud noise. The elevator door opened and the front was dark.

“Sure enough.” Zhao Lingjun’s heart snapped and almost stopped beating.

“Go, what do you do?”

Zhao Lingjun heard someone talking to himself behind him.


“I haven’t done anything harmful to Zhao Lingjun in my life. I’m still a CN. Am I really going to die?” Zhao Lingjun looked at the dark corridor outside the elevator, thinking very sadly. Zhao Lingjun thought that this time when he stepped out, he must have lost his blood like the guy in the horror movie. Zhao Lingjun wanted to go back, shouted and said. “I don’t want, I don’t want to go out.”

But at this time, Zhao Lingjun felt a rush. Zhao Lingjun took a step forward involuntarily.

“What’s going on with this younger brother, what’s going on at the elevator entrance.” When Zhao Lingjun was forced to take a step forward, Zhao Lingjun heard someone say that behind him.

“It seems that my little life, even if I finish playing this time. They still pushed me down.” Zhao Lingjun thought very sadly, and then issued a scream. “Ah ~~.”

But before Zhao Lingjun shouted, he found that he was not as empty as expected.

The feeling coming from under my feet told Zhao Lingjun that under Zhao Lingjun’s feet was a solid floor.

“What’s the matter? Did they let me go?” Zhao Lingjun looked back in surprise, but saw a group of people behind him, all looking at himself like a fool.

Then Zhao Lingjun heard a click, and the surroundings lit up suddenly. Zhao Lingjun turned his head and found that Xiao Ping’s hand had just been removed from the button on the wall.

“He may be afraid of black.” Zhao Lingjun heard someone say. “Yuyazhen and Fatty Zhang are like this every time. After walking over, they still turned off the lights at the end of the corridor. Do you have to save a little electricity? It’s too JB fucking.”

“That’s it, it’s like this, I installed a voice-activated lamp.” Zhang Changsheng also echoed the sentence, and then looked at Zhao Lingjun with a smile. “Although the corridor is dark on a cloudy day, you should not react so much.”

“I …” Zhao Lingjun wanted to say, I thought you were all ghosts. But when thinking of saying this, everyone must think that they are neurotic, Zhao Lingjun can only say with shame. “I was afraid of black when I was young.”

“Oh, then you stand inside.” Xiao Ping in sportswear patted Zhao Lingjun’s shoulder and looked at everyone. UU reading www.uukanshu.com “This is also normal for fear of blackness. It is said that Andy Lau is also afraid of mice, but you do n’t have to be afraid, we will go out to help you turn on the lights later.

“Thank you, Brother Xiao.” Looking at Xiao Ping’s small stomach, Zhao Lingjun was crying and crying. However, Zhao Lingjun still came up with a very important question, so Zhao Lingjun asked Xiao Ping. “Which floor is our company? I just didn’t pay attention to which number you pressed.”

“Our company is on the 14th floor.” Xiao Ping said.

“Then …” Zhao Lingjun paused before making up his mind. “So how did I see that there was no number on the illuminated button?”

“Oh, that’s because our boss feels that the number 14 is unlucky, and it was intentionally removed by people at the beginning.” Xiao Ping said. “So next time you just have to press the key with no number.”

“Then the boss thinks the number on the 14th floor is unlucky. Then why does he have to rent the 14th floor as our office space.” Zhao Lingjun asked very depressed.

“Because the rent price on the 14th floor is the cheapest on all floors.” Zhang Changsheng told Zhao Lingjun.

“…” Zhao Lingjun was speechless again.

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