Celestial Employee

chapter 56

“Yeah, how can there be fog again when it’s broken.” Zhao Valzi looked at the mist rising suddenly in front of his eyes and said dumbly.

“I’m fucking, I’m asking you, you’re asking me instead.” Yang Ming was about to be mad at Chao Zhezi, and he shouted towards Valzi while holding the blood coagulant in his hand. “Is your head really pitted?”

“You ask me, who am I to ask.” Zhao Yang grieved and looked at Yang Ming, said, “How do I know the fog broke out and the fog came out.”

“You …” Yang Ming couldn’t help it. He couldn’t help but wanted to catch Zhao Valzi.

But at this time, Jin Wuzi at Wangwushan was very shouting at the gate of Huajingyuan Community, “Four Taoists inside, please don’t panic, I will help you blow away the mist immediately. Please be careful to avoid the secret calculations of Wumen. ”

Jin Wuzi shouted as he opened the hurricane bag. When the hurricane in the hurricane bag swept out, Jin Wuzi’s heart was dark. Jin Wuzi felt that it was a very beautiful thing to blow off this mist when so many people were helpless. Although Jin Wuzi had just made an appearance, Jin Wuzi didn’t mind making another appearance.

As soon as he heard Jin Wuzi’s shouting, Yang Ming put away the heart that grabbed the dead dynasty, and Shi Lang and Yu Ping also sacrificed their magic weapons to consolidate their vigilance.

Everyone in the Witching Union looked at Jin Wuzi’s hurricane bag, thinking that the mist was blown away by Jin Wuzi’s hurricane comparable to a tenth-level hurricane. It was only a matter of time.

But to everyone’s surprise, when the mouth of the hurricane bag was opened and a hurricane hurled out of the hurricane bag of Jinwuzi, a gust of wind suddenly came from the mist covering the community of Huajingyuan. Roaring sound.

All the people of the Witch Alliance have not yet reacted, and a violent storm has swept through.

This storm was fiercer than the hurricane released from Jinwuzi’s hurricane bag. The hurricane released by Jin Wuzi had not been touched by the mist, but was blown back by the violent storm.

“Careful, everyone.” Yin Jing’s face changed drastically, and he just exclaimed aloud, standing among the people in the Witch Alliance at the gate of the community, and some of them who were lowered, had been blown out by the wind, After a long time, I heard the sound of heavy objects falling, and the screams like killing pigs.

“What’s going on?” Jin Wuzi looked at the hurricane bag in disbelief, couldn’t believe it was true.

Although the cultivation was deeper, the gust of wind just did not blow Jin Wuzi, but Jin Wuzi’s hair was also blown back and forth, turning into a very funny hairstyle.

“Is there any powerful magic circle in it?” Yin Jingzhi, who had come back, looked at Jin Wuzi’s hairstyle and couldn’t laugh.

“Ah, ah, ah.”

Tian Jingzong’s Wu Jingzi shook his head, and just wanted to say that this was impossible. In the mist-covered community, just as before, there were four cries, four cries like the ducks who were suddenly strangled by their necks.

The people of the Witch Alliance all changed their faces all at once. Most of her people couldn’t help but glance at Jin Wuzi holding the hurricane bag, but Jin Wuzi holding the hurricane bag did not know whether he still had to shoot.

Jin Wuzi felt that if he used a hurricane bag again, and if there was another hurricane in the mist, he would really be a shame to the grandmother’s Penghu Bay. But if you don’t shoot, so many people stare at yourself. After Jin Wuzi hesitated, he raised the hurricane bag with great pain.

When lifting the hurricane bag, Jin Wuzi had already decided in his heart that if the hurricane was unsuccessful this time, he would immediately make up a lie saying that the hurricane bag can only be used three times a day. Continue to be ashamed.

But what surprised Jin Wuzi was that Jin Wuzi had just lifted up a hurricane bag, and the mist shrouded in the Huajingyuan community had automatically dispersed.

However, when the mist dissipated, all the people of the Witching Alliance were frozen as if they were in petrified magic.

Yang Ming and four others were also safe and sound.

It’s the summer season now, and the summer nights can be hot enough to wet the pants of the most indifferent women. But Yang Ming and other four people, except for their heads, were all covered with a thick layer of ice and snow.

From a distance, it looks like there are suddenly four more ice sculptures in the Huajingyuan community. The four people did not know whether they were suddenly frozen or fainted, without a sound.

The four people still maintain a guard posture, but all the magic weapons in the hands of Yang Ming and others are missing.

“What should I do?” Jin Wuzi stared blankly at the two disciples of the Qingcheng School lying on the ground in Huajing Garden, and the four guys who had been frozen like ice sculptures.

After hearing Jin Wuzi’s words, Yin Jingzhi hesitated a little, but a moment later, Yin Jingzhi made a decision, and a grim and cold smile appeared on Yin Jingzhi’s face.

“Strike, all people, prepare to cast spells.” Yin Jing straightly gave orders to all the people who had defeated the Witch Alliance. “The Wumen people are hiding in these houses, like a tortoise, and they are secretly started. We will now smash the house here to see where they are hiding.”

“Okay.” All the people of the Witch Alliance all screamed loudly. Many people clamored that they should have done this, and they should have worked together to blast this community into fragments.

“Who said that our Wumen people are turtles with a head down?”

Just as all the witches’ unions were clamoring for a long time, a long voice sounded in the Huajingyuan community, with black stone giant stone Lei becoming a high platform.

The high platform of the black boulder was originally empty, but after a burst of mana, a group of people suddenly appeared on the black platform.

With the appearance of this group of people, all the closed street lights in the whole community lighted up, and the whole community suddenly became bright.

“Good clever eyesight.”

The scene of a large number of people suddenly appearing on the black high platform surprised all the people of the Witch Alliance. No one from the Witch Alliance found out how this large group of people secretly arrived on the high platform.

The street lights that suddenly turned on made many of the Witch Alliance’s eyes uncomfortable. After a while, these talents adapted to see the scene on the platform.

When these people saw the scene on the high platform, they were all stunned.

The black flag embroidered with the Wumen mark was filled around the entire high platform. In the light, it seemed inexplicably solemn.

In the middle of the high platform, there is a Taishi chair covered with black fur, a young man with a smile, wearing a white robe like a priest in the witch gate, sitting lazily inside, watching the witch quietly Everyone in the league.

“Someone is pretending to be a ghost.”

The vast majority of the Witcher Alliance people were shocked when they saw this young man who appeared on the high platform unaware of the gods, and stopped the spell he was preparing to cast and the magic weapon he was going to sacrifice. But in the Wangwushan school, Huoyunzi, who had a strong personality like fire, shouted at the young man in the stands. Huo Yunzi is the elder of Wangwu Mountain, and his seniority is one generation higher than that of Jin Wuzi, the current head of Wangwu Mountain. Huo Yunzi, who is fierce and fiery, has long been dissatisfied with Yin Jing’s approach.

When Yin Jingzhi felt something was wrong, Huo Yunzi had finished the decision.

“Let you try my fire cloud arrow.”

As Huo Yunzi shouted, countless rockets suddenly appeared in the void above Huo Yunzi’s head. Huo Yunzi waved his hands, and the numerous rockets condensed by flames screamed from all directions towards the high platform The young man sitting on the chair lazily shot past.

All of a sudden, the clouds of fire and arrows that were like rain showers covered the whole sky, sealing all the outlets of the young people sitting lazily in the Taishi chair.

“Okay.” The fierce power of the Fire Cloud Arrow made many people in the Witch Alliance scream.

But the scream hadn’t disappeared yet. A circular water curtain suddenly appeared beside the young man, protecting the young man’s whole body.

All the fire cloud arrows shot on the water curtain were all snorted, and turned into a white smoke disappearing into the air.

“Taiyi Zhenshui Hood.”

A cry of excitement rang out among the crowd in the Witchcraft Alliance.

“Are you from Tianyi Pavilion?” Yin Jing Zhiqiang endured the horror of his heart and shouted to the young man on the black stone giant platform. “who are you?”

“Tianxia Taoist art is unified, and the Taiyi Pavilion who knows the Taiyi Pavilion is not necessarily the one in Tianyi Pavilion.” The young man sitting lazily in the Taishi Chair smiled slightly. “Under Zhao Lingjun.”

“Zhao Lingjun?” All the people of the Witch Alliance were dumbfounded, because all the people had never heard the name.

“Are you a man of Wumen? What about Wuwang Guxuanbei?” Yin Jing asked straight after staring at the people around him in surprise.

Zhao Lingjun smiled slightly, did not speak, a black cloud, but fell from the sky, fell to Zhao Lingjun’s side, slowly turned into a human form.

The figure slowly changed from light to thick, and then gathered into an arrogant old man.

After looking around for a week, the old man smiled proudly, “Gu Xuanbei is here.”

“Black cloud dragon flying technique, Wu Wang Gu Xuanbei?” Yin Jing took a deep breath, his voice falling like thunder, falling down from the clouds.

“I’m Gu Xuanbei.” Gu Xuanbei smiled and looked at Zhao Lingjun sitting in the Taishi chair. “It’s just that I’m not the Witch King now, he is.”

“What?” The eyes of the Confessions of the Witcher Union fell to the ground.

“Why, isn’t it different?” Zhao Lingjun said with a smile to the people who defeated the Wu League. The surprised expression on the face of the Confederate Witch Alliance did not surprise Zhao Lingjun.

“I don’t care which one of you is the real witch king. Anyway, you are all the evil spirits of the witch gate.” Just before so many people, Zhao Lingjun raised his hand and throwed himself in the face. Huoyun Arrow makes Huoyunzi feel very faceless.

So most people in the Witch Alliance are still thinking about who Zhao Lingjun is, but Huo Yunzi has already begun another powerful magic chant.

“The two men pretended to be ghosts, and took me to a fire dragon whirlwind.”

After a low chant, a fire dragon flew out of Huo Yunzi’s hand, which was originally only as thick as an arm and one meter long, but in a blink of an eye, it became a bucket-like thickness and a huge ten-meter-long Fire dragon. The flying flames and the huge heat emitted by the fire dragon made the people in the coalition of the witches near the fire cloud unable to help them spread out to avoid being burned by the fire dragon.

Yin Jingzhi originally wanted to stop Huo Yunzi, but as soon as he saw the power of this spell, Yin Jingzhi closed his mouth. Yin Jingzhi also wanted to see how deep the mysterious guy named Zhao Lingjun on the black stone platform and the seemingly magnificent Gu Xuanbei were. And Huoyunzi at the moment is obviously the best touchstone.

After circling the Huoyunzi for a week, the huge fire dragon flew towards Zhao Lingjun and Guxuan North with his teeth open.

While the huge fire dragon was still a long distance away from the black stone platform, the temperature around the black stone platform had risen several degrees.

The air in summer was originally very hot, and now the air wrapped in the black stone platform seems to be ignited by a huge fire dragon.

If he was thrown right by this fire dragon, Zhao Lingjun and Gu Xuanbei would definitely be burned into two pieces of coke, but looking at the huge fire dragon flying, Zhao Lingjun and Gu Xuanbei only smiled slightly, it seemed that Don’t take that huge fire dragon in your eyes.

“Illness” The expression on Zhao Lingjun’s and Gu Xuanbei’s faces made Huoyunzi feel very uncomfortable under the light of the fire. After shouting, Huoyunzi would use his power to the extreme, huge The flames on the fire dragon suddenly doubled.

But at this time, the people in the Witch Alliance suddenly felt a huge mana wave in the air. In the dark night sky, a burst of sound broke out.

As soon as the people of the Witching Union raised their heads, they saw a black night sky, and suddenly a large number of cyan logs fell off, and they suddenly hit the fire dragon.

The flame on the fire dragon seemed to be ignited even in the air, but when the huge batch of cyan original coat hit the fire dragon, it not only was not ignited, but also smashed the fire dragon into the nose and mouth. , All spewing out fire.

“Qinglong Taiyi Falling Wood Technique” Huo Yunzi’s complexion changed, and he was too late to make a cry. The huge fire dragon was smashed into the flying fire by the falling Qinglong Taiyimu.

“This is also a fire dragon?” In a burst of ridicule, the two figures quickly fell from the black night sky.

When he fell to the side of Zhao Lingjun in the black stone platform, all the people of the Witch Alliance found out that it was a man, a woman and two young men.

The man was dressed in a red dress and his face was covered with burn scars, and he looked ugly. The woman standing next to him, dressed in a Tsing Yi, was beautifully dying.

When the two people stood together, all the people of the Witching Union thought of it inexplicably in their minds, the beauty and the beast.

The laughter just now came from the mouth of the young man with scars on his face.

“You …” Huo Yunzi was forcibly broken by the Dragon Dragon Taiyi Falling Wood, and the whole body was tumbling with blood. When he heard this, Huo Yunzi was now black, and a spit of blood spewed out.

But the young man with scars on his face did not seem to stop there.

“You seem to like playing with fire?”

The young man with scars on his face just fell on the stone platform and smiled at Huo Yunzi, who spouted a blood.

“It just so happens that I like to play with fire, so do you take me a try?”

A white line of fire came out of his finger, and with a sad sound of breaking the sky, he flew towards Huoyunzi.

After falling on the stone platform, the young man with scarred face moved his hands slightly, and a white line of fire shot from his fingers, making a terrible broken sound, and flew towards the fire cloud.

“It’s just right.” Although just a spit of blood, just after the spit of blood, Huo Yunzi’s body and blood returned to calm, and when he saw this young man who was half angry, he shot himself. A fierce smile appeared on Huo Yunzi’s face.

Huo Yunzi specializes in fire department Taoism all his life. In the Daomen, it can be said that there are few people whose fire spells are more powerful than Huo Yunzi. Now this young man is so arrogant, he first insulted himself first, and now he wants to be open Compared with the fire spells, Huo Yunzi immediately moved to kill.

Huo Yunzi’s hands fluttered quickly, and a huge wave of mana surged in the air.

More than a dozen golden round beads, like a blast of cannon, flew out of the hands of Huo Yunzi and hit the white line of fire that shot at the young man with scars on his face.

From the perspective of others, these dozen golden beads seemed to be much worse than the power of the fire dragon just now.

But in fact, the dozen or so golden beads released at this moment are already the bottom of Huoyunzi’s pressure box.

This spell is called “Ninghuo Wanwan, Jinzhu continuous shooting”. Although it seems that these dozen golden round beads are very unremarkable, in fact, these dozen golden round beads are not metal beads. It is a flame bead that has been condensed by forcibly compressing countless flames. Among these dozens of flame beads, any one of the condensed flames can withstand the flame of the fire dragon just now.

Huo Yunzi thinks that even if the just Qinglong Yimu was shot by his golden flame beads, it would ignite a huge fire. These dozens of flame beads of his own can definitely break the line of fire shot by the ugly young man, and then burn the young man into a piece of coke.

However, Huo Yunzi didn’t know that he was facing the former Quartet Beast, and even the Fire God Zhu Rong must polite the three-pointed Suzaku. In front of Suzaku, playing with the spells of the fire department is as ridiculous as playing a sword in front of Guan Fuzi.

Huo Yunzi hasn’t reacted yet. The white fire thread in Suzaku’s hand has passed dozens of golden flame beads through the heart.

The people of the Witch Alliance only felt that the flower in front of them, the white line of fire in Suzaku’s hands, had been wearing a dozen golden flame beads and flew over the head of Huo Yunzi.

“Ah,” Huo Yunzi only had time to scream, and the hair on his head had turned into a flame.

When the people around Huoyunzi extinguished the flame on Huoyunzi’s head, he had no hair on his head.

“Haha, you were originally a Taoist, so you can be a monk.”

Although Huo Yunzi, who had burnt his hair, was not injured, but after hearing this sentence from Suzaku, Huo Yunzi was black, and a spit of blood spewed out, and he fainted.

“The comparison spell is three liters of vomiting blood, and you can be the first person in ancient and modern times.” Suzaku is obviously the star of Zhou Xingchi. After looking at the people of the Witch Alliance, Suzaku shouted arrogantly. “Who else?”

The arrogance of Suzaku made the people of the Witch Alliance suffocate, but Yin Jingzhi was not intimidated. After taking a step forward, Yin Jingzhi looked at Suzaku and asked, “Are you?”

“I am Suzaku?” Suzaku looked at Yin Jing and smiled straight.

“Suzaku?” There was an air-sucking voice among the people of the Witch Alliance. The name of Suzaku, one of the four ancient beasts of ancient times, is too loud.

Huo Yunzi was already waking up at this time. Upon hearing this sentence, Huo Yunzi fainted again.

“You are the Suzaku who escaped from the Voldemort Formation in Danxia Mountain?” Yin Jingzhi took a deep breath and asked Suzaku as he watched. “Why are you with Wumen people?”

“He is my boss, I am not with him, who am I with?” Suzaku smiled and looked at Yin Jing straight, “You asked me so many questions, why don’t you tell me, you Who is it, what are you doing here? ”

“I am …” Yin Jingzhi just wanted to say, I am the lord of the Witch Alliance. When I came here, I wanted to kill all the people in the Wumen, kill the men, and take the women away, but I thought of myself. Yin Jingzhi was a little hesitant about the strength these people just showed.

“We are from the Wuwu Alliance. We are here to destroy the Wumen.” Yin Jingzhi hesitated for a moment. When he didn’t say anything, a voice rang around Yin Jingzhi.

“Who …” Yin Jingzhi turned his head angrily, trying to see who had so many mouths, but Yin Jingzhi turned his head and found out that it was Jinwuzi, the head of Wangwushan.

“Master Yin Yin, let’s tell them what the truth is without telling secret words?” Jin Wuzi didn’t seem to find the anger on Yin Jingzhi’s face, shouting at the black stone platform, “Gu Xuanbei, today we are like this Many people came to destroy your witch door. If you obediently surrender and die, I can still reward you with a whole body. ”

“You …” Yin Jingzhi is not a fool. Hearing Jin Wuzi said this, Yin Jingzhi’s heart was already clear. Except for Wangwu Mountain, the martial arts in the Witchcraft Alliance this time are basically for the sake of profit, but this Wangwu Mountain is different. Wang Wushan’s visit to the crowd this time was mainly to seek revenge. Originally, Yin Jingzhi looked at the strength of Wumen, and thought about whether to look at the signs, but Jin Wuzi said, this battle seems to be a must. Yin Jingzhi ca n’t wait to shoot Jin Wuzi to death, but At this time, Zhao Lingjun on the high platform had already spoken with a smile.

“Suppress the Wumen?” Zhao Lingjun smiled and asked Jin Wuzi, “Why have you killed the Wumen? Did the Wumen do anything harmful?”

Jin Wuzi originally thought that if he said this, Zhao Lingjun and Gu Xuanbei and others would break out. If the seventy or eighty people on this side fight back together, even if the other party’s cultivation practice is high, it is estimated that it can’t resist. But Jin Wuzi didn’t expect that when Zhao Lingjun heard what he said, he didn’t seem to be angry at all, but just smiled and asked such a sentence.

Such a question left Jin Wuzi stunned, not knowing how to answer it.

“The Wumen people, who will use evil techniques to harm people, are well-known to the world.” A disciple of Wangwu Mountain, who saw his head froze in the area, shouted Niucha.

“Will the tactics use evil techniques to harm people?” Zhao Chenjun smiled when he heard this. “What sorcery? Why don’t I know?”

“You Wumen, you Wumen … Many of the spells in your Wumen are based on the bones of dead people, which is really vicious.”

“Using the dead man’s corpse as a guide, is it malicious?” Zhao Lingjun narrowed his eyes and looked at the disciple of Wangwu Mountain. “Then the hospitals now transplant other people’s organs in order to save people. Why don’t you say that they also use the organs of dead people, which is extremely vicious.”

“…” Zhao Lingjun’s words made this Wangwushan disciple speechless for a while, but a moment later, this Wangwushan disciple still argued strongly: “Anyway, everyone knows that many of the witch’s spells are used to harm people. , You do n’t need to quibble. ”

“I’m sly?” Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help laughing when he heard this. “What about the evidence?”

“So many of us know that we still need evidence?”

“So many of us know that your mother picked it up from the brothel, do you still need evidence?” Suzaku said. This disciple of Wangwushan almost rolled his eyes and fainted.

“Don’t talk nonsense with them.” When Suzaku said this, many people in the Witch Alliance clamored. “The Wumen and these monsters are mixed together. It must not be a good thing. Kill them and talk.”

“When it comes to the end, it’s not the truth of being a king and defeating a conqueror? Since ancient times, whoever’s fists are hard and who speaks is justified. The reason why Wumen is called a wicked way by you is not because your fists are right What? “Hearing the soaring voices of so many people in the Witch League, an arrogant smile appeared on Zhao Lingjun’s face. “It’s just that you are going to kill us today, I’m afraid it’s not that simple.”

As soon as Zhao Lingjun’s words were exited, the entire Huajingyuan community became silent.

Because everyone can hear it, Zhao Lingjun’s words are equivalent to declaring war on seven or eighty people.

“Master Yin, what are you waiting for? With so many of us, should we still be afraid of them?”

While Yin Jingzhi was still hesitating, Jin Wuzi from Wangwu Mountain and Mei Fuqing from Luofu Mountain had secretly told Yin Jingzhi.

Yin Jing glanced at so many faces around him, and suddenly felt vaguely felt that he was elected as the lord this time, which seemed not a good thing.

But now that the matter is over, Yin Jingzhi feels that he now has little choice.

The voodoo league has seventy or eighty people up and down, a dozen schools, and there is no reason to be intimidated by several people. Thinking of this, Yin Jingzhi hardened his heart and issued a command to all the people in Wumen.

“Kill them.”

“Oh, let them kill.” Following Yin Jingzhi’s order, there was Suzaku’s wretched laughter.

The people of the Witching Union have already been ready to move, so when they heard Yin Jingzhi’s order, these people’s shooting speed can be said to be very fast.

In just a moment, countless rockets, lightning, fireballs, hail and other brilliant brilliances have already filled the sky.

But the first to illuminate the whole sky was not the spell cast by the fastest caster among the seventy or eighty, but the overwhelming fire crow.

As soon as Suzaku ’s laughter sounded, a group of black figures appeared on the roof behind Zhao Lingjun and others, and each of them had a small pot that shone like a shrunken night pot with red lights on their hands.

When many talents from the Witchcraft Alliance began to chant, those people had already removed the lid.

When the lid of the pot was lifted, countless fire crows rushed out of the pot mouths and swept toward the people of the Witch Alliance.

Anything, after reaching a certain amount, will become very scary. Now the overwhelming fire crow makes people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

When the entire sky was filled with flying fire crows, many people of the Witching Alliance even forgot to cast the spell.

The rockets, lightning, fireballs, hail and other spells that had been cast and attacked Zhao Lingjun and others were attacked by the fire crows that charged the entire sky. They were suddenly washed away without a trace.

And the fire crows that washed away the magic attacks did not stay in the slightest, and slammed down towards the crowd of the Witch Alliance.

Among the so many people in the Witch Alliance, although there are many good players, there are many people who are just ordinary monks. When their magic attacks are instantaneously broken, these people lose their defensive ability.

So in just a moment, these people were hit by fire crows, and the whole body ignited a fire.

Although the flame on the fire crow is not much worse than the ordinary flame, but after the whole clothing is ignited, even the monk, the taste will not be good.

Countless screams suddenly filled the entire Huajingyuan community. Many people with flames all over the ground kept rolling, trying to suppress the flames on their bodies. The entire Huajingyuan community seemed to become a human. Purgatory.

“How could this be, the magic weapon in the hands of those people is the Manado Pot?” Although the flying crows in the sky did not hurt Yin Jingzhi, they saw a lot of people in the League of Witching Leagues rolling on the ground. The shock of Yin Jing’s heart was incomparable. “Why do they have so many Manado pots?”

Yin Jingzhi did not know that after mastering the manufacturing method of Manado Pot, Manado Pot has become a routine configuration magic weapon for Zhao Lingjun and others, not to mention Lin Yiren and others, even Lin Qianxun and Meng Xue It ’s all handy.

“Will everyone stop for the time being?”

As Zhao Lingjun’s voice sounded, the Tsing Yi woman standing beside Zhao Lingjun suddenly turned into a blue cloud and flew into the sky.

For a moment, a heavy rain poured down, extinguishing the flames of the people in the Witch Alliance.

At the same time, around Zhao Lingjun, there appeared eight bone-like ghost bone swords thick like door panels, and a blue gang, blocking some of the magic attacks of the Witch Alliance who launched a counterattack in an instant.

“Bone Bone Nether Sword, Qingming Bell?” Zhao Lingjun’s defensive spell surprised many people in the Witch Alliance, so when Yin Jingzhi began to stop everyone, most of the Witch Alliance had already Stopped his hand automatically.

“Why would you still be a ghost bone sword?” Yin Jing looked at Zhao Lingjun incredulously after stopping straight.

“I told you that the Taoism of the whole world is unified, and the magic of the Wumen and the Nether Master is also a kind of Taoism.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Yin Jingzhi and said slowly. “It’s just that you don’t believe it.”

“Fart, how can our Xuanmen’s authentic Taoism be conflated with Wumen and Nether Mage’s sorcery.” Zhao Lingjun’s words had just been exported, and many people from the Alliance of Witchmen shouted.

“It’s better to say that I fart, not to fart.” Zhao Lingjun glanced at all the people of the Witch Alliance, and said slowly, “But do you think that you can kill us so easily today?”

As soon as Zhao Lingjun’s words were spoken, the people who had defeated the Witch Union suddenly fell silent again.

The people who originally defeated the Witch Alliance thought that the people of the Wumen were only the meat that was cut off by the knife, but now it seems that even the people who defeat the Witch Alliance can kill Zhao Lingjun and others, and I am afraid that they will be present. Most of the people will lie down.

“Do you think this will scare us?”

When the people of the Witching Union all became quiet at once, some people snorted coldly.

“I have already taught your fire crow, and now you should also teach me the golden cone.”

“TMD, who is so arrogant?” Yin Jingzhi turned his head depressed, but screamed Niu B, and it was Jinwuzi from Wangwu Mountain.

Jin Wuzi was holding a small golden cone in his hand. When Yin Jing turned his head straight, Jin Wuzi happened to puncture it with a cone.

When the cone of Jinwuzi pierced, the golden light flashed on the small golden cone. After a huge mana fluctuation, a huge golden cone suddenly appeared in the void. This golden cone suddenly appeared in the void. The shape of the body is exactly the same as the shape of the small golden cone in Jin Wuzi’s hand, but the volume of the two is different. I don’t know how many times.

The golden cone in Jin Wuzi’s hand was the size of a child’s fist, but the golden cone that fell from the void and thrust towards Zhao Lingjun and Gu Xuanbei was like a small mountain.

If such a huge golden cone hits a person, that person may not even find the **** that would be smashed.

Yin Jingzhi was still scolding Jin Wuzi in his heart, but as soon as he saw the power of Jin Wuzi’s golden light cone, Yin Jingzhi only sighed in his heart, “I can’t think of Wang Wushan’s magic weapon.”

When the people of the Witching Union saw the golden light cone exhibited by Jin Wuzi at the moment, most of them took a sigh of relief. Many people think that no matter how powerful Zhao Lingjun and others on the giant platform may be crushed by Jin Wuzi’s golden cone. But to these people’s surprise, when the golden cones like mountain peaks slammed towards Zhao Lingjun and Gu Xuanbei and others, Zhao Lingjun and Gu Xuanbei and others did not move at all.

“Aren’t these people scared?” Qingcheng School’s Amnesty Daofei looked at the golden light cone released by Jin Wuzi with envious eyes, and strangely looked at Zhao Lingjun and Gu Xuanbei and others. Amnesty Daofei believes that Zhao Lingjun and others must have been scared and stupid. Otherwise, even if he did not resist the surgery, he would have to hide it at least.

However, the thought of Amnesty Daofei has not disappeared in his mind, and Daofei Fei saw a middle-aged man suddenly flashing behind Zhao Lingjun.

The middle-aged man who flashed out was Wu Xuanyun.

As soon as Wu Xuanyun flashed out, a blue glow appeared on his body.

When the huge golden cone fell, the blue light from Wu Xuanyun’s body condensed into a translucent giant tortoise shell with gossip and Xingchen patterns floating on top of Zhao Lingjun and others to protect The entire Shitai.

“Xuanwu Baguajia?” In the cry of Jin Wuzi, the huge golden cone hit the translucent giant tortoiseshell with the patterns of gossip and stars.

Wu Xuanyun and Jin Wuzi let out a muffled hum in the blast, but the huge half-speed tortoiseshell floating above Zhao Lingjun and others was safe, and the huge one released by Jin Wuzi The golden cone disappeared into the void with a huge wave of mana.

“Are you Xuanwu?” After groaning, Jin Wuzi looked at Wu Xuanyun who suddenly appeared beside Zhao Lingjun.

Because in legend, only Xuanwu, one of the four great beasts, has a natural protective circle, Xuanwu Baguajia.


Hearing Jin Wuzi’s question, Wu Xuanyun’s face turned slightly red. Wu Xuanyun wanted to honestly say that although he is also a cultivated millennium turtle demon, he is not a natural Xuanwu. The one I just used was not Xuanwu’s natural protection magic circle Xuanwu Eight Diagrams Armor, which was born in Xuanwu Tiansheng, but Zhao Lingjun used his tortoiseshell to help him make magic weapon Eight Diagrams Xingchenjia.

But Wu Xuanyun had no time to say a word, Zhao Lingjun said blushing and panting. “Yes, he is Xuanwu.”

“What?” Jin Wuzi and others, of course, did not think that Zhao Lingjun would lie in front of so many people without blushing and breathlessness, plus the magic circle just released by Wu Xuanyun, it was indeed like the legendary Xuanwu Xuanwu Bagua Jia, so Jin Wuzi and Yin Jingzhi and others immediately believed that Wu Xuanyun was Xuanwu.

There has just appeared a Suzaku playing the real fire of Samadhi, as simple as playing candles, and now there is a legendary basalt with the ability to protect the magic circle, and all the people of the Witch Alliance only feel their own future. total darkness.

“Hehe.” Seeing the expressions on the faces of the Witch Alliance, Zhao Lingjun didn’t seem satisfied. After smiling, Zhao Lingjun clapped his hands toward the sky.

“What else, a Suzaku and Xuanwu have already come out, can there still be a green dragon?” Pardon Daofei looked at the dark sky without tears, but at first glance, Pardon Daofei wished to smoke himself A slap.

In the dark sky, a huge green dragon appeared.

Zhao Lingjun just clapped his hands in the sky, and a huge lightning flashed in the sky, illuminating the whole sky. Under the light of lightning, a dragon with five tails hovered in the clouds for a while, and then turned into a blue cloud, falling beside Zhao Lingjun.

“You turned out to be a five-tailed green dragon?” Yin Jing looked incredulously at the girl in a green dress like a little white flower, only to feel that a cold rushed from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head.

“How? Isn’t it like that?” Qing Lan smiled straight at Yin Jing and made a grimace. “Should I take my hair off and show you Dragon Scales to show you?”

“Okay, okay.” Suzaku heard Qing Lan’s words and couldn’t help her eyes flashing. But Yin Jingzhi and others almost rolled their eyes and fainted.

“Do you now know that I am not bragging?” Zhao Lingjun looked at the crowd of the terrifying Witch Alliance, his hands moved, and a white lotus blossomed slowly in Zhao Lingjun’s hands. A gentle and powerful mana wave suddenly spread out along the entire platform.

“*, The boss is pretending to be B again.” Suzaku glanced at Zhao Lingjun dejectedly, and said in his heart.

However, the people of the Witching Union suddenly fried the pot.

“Daohuahualian.” “Three flowers gather at the top, five qi Chaoyuan …” Among the people of the Confessions of the Witch Alliance, there was a voice of cold air everywhere.

“I know there are many of you, maybe you really have to fight your way, and it is you who will win in the end.” Zhao Lingjun, who was holding a lotus flower, was like a full magic stick in the breath of the witches. “But in the end, how many people can you reach again?”

The people of the Witching Union heard Zhao Lingjun saying that they couldn’t help but look at Yin Jingzhi.

Everyone in the Witch Alliance knows that Zhao Lingjun is definitely not bragging. If you really want to work hard, maybe the seventy or eighty people will eventually kill Zhao Lingjun and others, but these few people working together in front of me, it is estimated that the people who have defeated the Witch Alliance have to fall down to a big block, not to mention I don’t know if Wumen is in a dark corner or if he is hiding from other masters.

“I x. How can I rush to be this SB leader.” As soon as he saw everyone’s eyes looking at himself, Yin Jingzhi couldn’t help but cursed in my heart that I was a super SB.

Yin Jingzhi is not a fool. Yin Jingzhi knows that if he says he fights with them at this time, he may eventually kill all of these Wumen people, but Yin Jingzhi knows that he cannot survive.

The reason why the thief captures the king first is probably understood by everyone. Yin Jingzhi felt that if he talked about the war again, he would definitely be the first to be killed.

But if at this time, if he can’t say anything, Yin Jingzhi feels that it is estimated that Laoshanzong will never want to raise his head in the future.

Yin Jingzhi felt embarrassed to die, but at this time, Yin Jingzhi’s mind flashed.

“God has the virtue of a good life.” Yin Jingzhi’s first sentence made the people of the Witching Union confused. However, Yin Jingzhi did not care about the reaction of the Wu League, and looked at Zhao Lingjun on the giant platform to continue. “Xian Bi, this Taoist friend, is not willing to make more crimes.”

“That is of course.” Zhao Lingjun said with a white lotus, very magically. “I am a pacifist.”

“If we both fight, there must be deaths and injuries.” Yin Jing said looking directly at Zhao Lingjun. “But since ancient times, the witch and the witch are not mutually exclusive, we are here, and naturally we can’t just leave like this, right?”

“Yes, what do you say?” Zhao Lingjun looked at Yin Jingzhi with interest and asked.

“It’s better to pick each of us. How about coming to a few separate competitions?” Yin Jingzhi looked at Zhao Lingjun very sincerely. “How about when the two parties finish?”

“Stop it? This is a good idea.” Zhao Lingjun smiled. “How about the winner, what about the loser?”

“If we win, you witchmen will never be allowed to use any more spells, how?”

“I don’t need any spells from now on?” Zhao Lingjun smiled and looked at Yin Jing straight. “Then if you lose?”

“If we lose, since then we have so many Taoist Xuanmens present, then we will admit that you are the Wumen, and they are also authentic Taoism, no longer have trouble with your Wumen, how?”

“I *, too shameless, actually shameless than me.”

As soon as Yin Jingzhi said it, Jin Wuzi couldn’t help but take a breath.

Because these two bets are too unequal. Since then, no spells have been used, it does not mean that only passively slaughtered, and even if so many Taoist Xuanmen present admit that Wumen is authentic, other Daoist Xuanmen who did not come, still would not admit to witch The door is authentic Xuanmen.

Jin Wuzi felt that unless Zhao Lingjun’s head broke, he would not agree to such a condition.

But to surprise Jin Wuzi, Zhao Lingjun actually smiled and said. “This proposal seems a bit interesting.”

Hearing Zhao Lingjun ’s words, he was taken aback, not only Jin Wuzi, but also Yin Jingzhi, who shamelessly said that unequal bet, was stunned.

Yin Jingzhi originally thought that Zhao Lingjun would definitely not want to think about it and would reject his proposal.

Because Yin Jingzhi originally said so much, it was to find herself a step down. Yin Jingzhi originally thought that when Zhao Lingjun rejected his proposal, he took the opportunity to tell the people in the Witch Alliance that my proposal was not accepted by the Wumen people, and you have no good way.

In this way, Yin Jingzhi can throw this hot potato into others.

However, Yin Jingzhi did not expect that Zhao Lingjun agreed to his proposal at once.

“So how many games do you think we should play?” So even when Zhao Lingjun asked Yin Jingzhi with a smile, Yin Jingzhi didn’t react.

“Or play 13 games.” Yin Jingzhi didn’t respond, but Jin Wuzi was already rushing to say.

“Thirteen games? I *.” Yin Yin took a breath of air this time. Yin Jingzhi feels that Jin Wuzi’s shamelessness is more than that of himself.

But Jin Wuzi seemed to feel that it was not enough, and added a sentence: “You can’t play repeatedly if you are in the competition, how?”

Yin Jingzhi listened to Jin Wuzi’s words and couldn’t help but glanced at Jin Wuzi. Yin Jingzhi felt that Jin Wuzi was shameless to a certain point. Yin Jingzhi felt that Zhao Lingjun would not agree with Jin Wuzi’s proposal, because this time in the Wu League There are many masters coming, and it is not difficult to pick out 13 of them. However, from the beginning to now, Wu Xuanbei, who has not shot, only appeared five masters. Even if Wumen won all five games, the people who defeated the Wu League, as long as the next eight games After winning seven games, the Witch League will be able to secure the victory.

But Zhao Lingjun’s answer surprised Yin Jingzhi again.

“Okay, 13 games in 13 games.” Zhao Lingjun smiled and looked at all the people in the Witch Alliance. “If you have played before, you can’t play repeatedly. It sounds fair.”

“You really promised 13 separate competitions?” Yin Jing looked at Zhao Lingjun incredulously.

“Yes, it’s better to compare 13 games alone, which side wins more, which side is the winner.” Zhao Lingjun smiled slightly. “The stakes are as good as what you just said. If we win, you Dao Xuanmen, you admit that our Wumen is also authentic Taoism. From then on you can no longer trouble us. If we lose, we No more spells will be used from now on. ”

“What you said is true?” Zhao Lingjun’s answer made the people of the Witching Union overjoyed.

“Of course it is true.” Zhao Lingjun looked at the people of the Wu League and smiled. “You should know that the Wumen people are most faithful. What I say is stronger than the nails hit on the wall *.”

“That wall must be a hollow and rotten wooden wall.” Suzaku and others thought in his heart after hearing Zhao Lingjun’s words.

However, Yin Jingzhi and others were convinced of Zhao Lingjun’s words.

“Well, since that’s what we said, then we will set it to 13 separate competitions.” Yin Jingzhi now began to doubt whether Zhao Lingjun was a mentally handicapped child.

But Yin Jingzhi didn’t know that he had fallen into Zhao Lingjun’s trap step by step.

“However, it seems that this bet is not exciting enough.” Zhao Lingjun nodded and looked at Yin Jingzhi straightly. “Will we both add a bit of color? Make the contest more exciting?”

“Add some colored heads? What colored heads?” Yin Jing froze.

“How do we use the magic weapon of the losing side in each match as a jackpot?”

“Take the magic weapon of the defeated party as the colored head?” Zhao Lingjun’s words were spoken, and the eyes of many people in the Wu League were straightened.

“You shouldn’t take a magic weapon without it, think about grabbing our magic weapon.” Yin Jing took a deep breath and looked at Zhao Lingjun.

“If we can’t win in thirteen games, even in some games, what’s the use of winning the magic weapon?” Zhao Lingjun looked at Yin Jing and smiled. “But you can take our magic weapon without the magic weapon. . ”

“Hey, how could it be.” Yin Jing smiled straight, looking at Zhao Lingjun, but thought in his heart, if the opponent is you, the person we sent will not bring any magic weapon.

“So that’s it?” Zhao Lingjun smiled straight at Yin Jing.

“Everyone present testified.” Yin Jing looked straight at Zhao Lingjun and smiled. “a man of his words.”

“Well, since that’s the case, please choose 13 people to come on stage.”

In the laughter, Zhao Lingjun even rose with a chair and fell to the side of the giant stone platform.

And in the small building behind Zhao Lingjun, a group of people came out one after another and walked to Zhao Lingjun’s side.

The people who slay the Witch Alliance suddenly stared at it again.

The people of the League of Witches looked dumbfounded not because the people who walked out had strong mana fluctuations like asking Suzaku and Qinglan, but because the people who walked out were actually half of the peerless beauties.

When Wu Xiaoye, Lin Qianxun, Meng Xue and Cao Xiaoxian walked out, the moonlight in the sky seemed to lose its original color.

“Do these women have to go to the stage to test?” The Witch Alliance people glanced and found that if these women were removed, the men of the Wumen were added together, and it was less than thirteen.

“It would be better if this was a martial arts.” Many people from the Witchcraft Alliance, looking at these beautiful women, couldn’t help swallowing and thought in their hearts.

“Our number of appearances are all the same.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Yin Jingzhi and said. “What about your people?”

“We are so many people, are you afraid of no one?” Jin Wuzi interjected after hearing Zhao Lingjun’s words. “As long as you send people, we will naturally have someone come to the stage to fight.”

“This guy really is a personal talent.” When he heard Jin Wuzi, Yin Jingzhi couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

Yin Jingzhi, of course, knew that after playing in such a contest, it was a huge bargain. Yin Jingzhi believes that all but the fool should understand this truth. However, Yin Jingzhi now thinks that Zhao Lingjun is such a good man, and it is likely that he will win the gold.

As expected, Yin Lingzhi said, Zhao Lingjun said casually. “In this case, then we Wumen sent people to play first.”

After a laugh, Zhao Lingjun nodded to the Suzaku beside him.

As soon as he saw that Zhao Lingjun nodded at himself, Suzaku jumped into the middle of Shitai with great joy.

After Yin Jingzhi agreed with the Confessions of the Witch Alliance, the first person to compete in the Witch Alliance also jumped onto the stone platform.

The first one to represent the Witch League was Gao Rizhuan, a disciple of Lao Shanzong.

After Gao Richuan came into play, he barely emptied all his pockets, and said to Zhao Lingjun and the Confessions of the Witch Alliance that he was fighting purely with spells and did not usually have the habit of bringing any magic weapons.

The people of the League of Witches looked at Gao Rizhuan and couldn’t help but want to laugh. People in the Witch League believe that if Gao Rizhuan makes a movie, he can definitely win a gold award.

Because when Zhao Lingjun agreed that the Wumen people would play first, the opinions of the seventy or eighty people on the Wu League had reached a surprising unification.

In a short while, the Confessor of the Witching Union had already discussed the countermeasures.

The countermeasures of the people of the Witch League are Tian Ji horse racing and concentration of superior firepower.

Tian Ji horse racing, of course, means that when a master like Suzaku is encountered, the Witch League is put on the cannon fodder, and when it comes out of a witch master who is not as powerful as Suzaku, the Witch League is sent by a master.

Concentrating the superior firepower, that is, the people in the Witch Alliance, have given powerful magic weapons to those powerful masters. In this way, this person will of course increase his strength when he plays.

As Suzaku’s opponent, Gao Rizhuan is of course the cannon fodder selected by the Confederate League.

Of course, cannon fodder does not carry any magic weapon.

And Gao Rizhuan did not live up to everyone’s hopes. As soon as Gao Rizhuan went to the stone platform, he used his whole body’s strength to cast an endless drop in the Laoshan technique.

And when Suzaku broke the boundless falling wood skill of Gao Rizhuan with a trick of Sanmei Zhenhuo, Gao Rizhuan was defeated by bachelor.

When Gao Rizhuan pretended to be jumping down the stone platform in a frustrated manner, the people of the Witching Union made a lot of effort before they laughed.

“Haha, our Wumen lead by one to zero.” When Suzaku and Zhao Lingjun laughed happily, the people of the Witch Alliance all felt that this so-called new witch king, UU reading www. uukanshu.com is just like an idiot.

“Perhaps, only such an idiot can cast a **** moon call.” Yin Jing couldn’t help thinking when he sent the second person of the Witch Alliance.

The second one in Zhao Lingjun’s school is Qing Lan.

As soon as he saw Qing Lan sent by Zhao Lingjun, Yin Jingzhi clicked on one of them.

“You, go and compare with her.”

“I?” The person who was clicked and his Yin Jingzhi who was clicked were dumbfounded.

What Yin Jingzhi ordered was a disciple of Qixingzong. Qixingzong is the worst of all the more than ten martial arts participating in this witchcraft operation. And Yin Jingzhi’s disciple of the Seven Star Sect was all burned.

Yin Jingzhi clicked on the hand, but it was actually a guy who could not resist even the fire crow in the Manado pot.

“This is miserable, and the people of Wumen must have seen what countermeasures we have taken.” The people of the Wuwu Alliance thought in their hearts, “This is too much.”

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