Celestial Employee

Chapter 51: Chapter 119 - Beauty is a thief, break it

Are you kidding me? “Gu Xuanbei said what Zhao Lingjun likes to say. Gu Xuanbei felt that Zhao Lingjun did not want this magic weapon, so he went to the brothel with a client, but said that he should not be as strange.

“You see me being so honest, how can I make a joke with my seniors?” Zhao Lingjun looked very honestly at Guxuan North Road.

“Then why don’t you want the Blood Moon Bracelet?” Gu Xuanbei looked at Zhao Lingjun with the same eyes as animals. “Did my reincarnation method print a problem? Don’t you know that the blood moon bracelet can instantly release eight powerful blood moon arrows?”

“Why is there a problem with the reincarnation of the Witch King?” Zhao Lingjun slapped a big fart. “But I will leave you something.”

“Take it, take it, it’s very useful.” If at this time a monk saw Gu Xuanbei desperately wanted to give a superior magic weapon to Zhao Lingjun, which Zhao Lingjun didn’t want at all, absolutely Will plop and faint.

“Anyway, it’s useless for me to keep it. You should keep it.” After a pause, Gu Xuanbei added another sentence, “This blood moon arrow, which does not consume any power but is powerful, but even Your Xibei Qingqing Mirror’s gang shield can be worn. ”

“I know that the Blood Moon Bracelet is a rare high-level magic weapon.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Gu Xuanbei with a very ambiguous smile. “But if I have finished all your magic weapons, what are you mixing?”

“What else do I need to mix? I just have to wait to hear the good news you brought. Gu Xuanbei looks at Zhao Lingjun with the same eyes as a farm animal.” You should not learn my spells and get me The magic weapon, just repent. ”

“Where and where, honest people like me, how could it be impossible to speak?” “Lingjun Zhao looked at Gu Xuanbei with a wretched smile and smiled.” But I always think that it’s up to us, It seems not enough. ”

“You shouldn’t want me to go out to be your gold medalist.” Gu Xuanbei looked at Zhao Lingjun and laughed. “Look at me like this, people who are almost killed by blood guts, can help you fight Jiangshan?” ”

“Ben Ming Xue Gu?” Zhao Lingjun looked at Gu Xuanbei and smiled. “You know, in fact, Ben Gu Xue Gu is not insoluble.”

“Don’t you think …” Gu Xuanbei looked at Zhao Lingjun and was speechless.

“Isn’t it just a drop of blood from Suzaku?” Zhao Lingjun looked at Gu Xuanbei with a smile. “If I were you, I would have gone to Danxia Mountain.”

“Suzaku is an ancient beast. Danxia Zong finally sealed it. If you release it and you can’t control it, it may cause a huge disaster.”

Zhao Lingjun looked at Gu Xuanbei and said, “The reason why they seal Suzaku is not because Suzaku is a beast with powerful power? If a person has such power, they will seal him?”

After a pause, Zhao Lingjun continued: “If I were Suzaku, I was imprisoned for so many years without doing anything bad. If the person who saved me asked me to bleed, I would definitely give him.”

“Then if Suzaku came out and caused a monstrous murder?” Gu Xuanbei looked at Zhao Lingjun and said.

“That’s what matters to me.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Gu Xuanbei and smiled. “Anyway, I am not Dan Xia Zong. If you think of someone who has been locked up for so many years for no reason, who will be the first to find him? Who is the trouble? Of course, he was sealed for no reason. people.”

“It would be better if it wanted to find Dan Xiazong’s trouble. It’s better to turn Dan Xiazong upside down. It’s so bad. When they saved me from ruling Wumen, they had nothing to do and trouble me.”

“You …” Gu Xuanbei looked at Zhao Lingjun and felt that Zhao Lingjun was too daring. “Dan Xiazong has two old immortals, but they are all masters of masters. Based on your current cultivation practice, you may not have any problem if you want to get one, but to deal with two, that is, the old life star hangs and is desperate. Long. ”

“Don’t leave you alone, be quick. In a word, you can’t get out of it.” The expression on Zhao Lingjun’s face seemed to be forcing prostitutes, “I can’t do anything about dogs if I can’t fight? I took the blood of Suzaku, will you come out to help me? ”

After a pause, Zhao Lingjun added another sentence uneasy. “I’m helping you fulfill your wish, let you come out and do me a little favor, it should be nothing.”

“You have so many people to help you, it’s good enough.” Although Gu Xuanbei moved, but after a while, Gu Xuanbei shook his head. “I still want to be a promising job for a librarian.”

“If you can’t make a promising career as a librarian?” Zhao Lingjun narrowed his eyes and looked at Gu Xuanbei with a narrow smile.

“Why can’t I do it?” Gu Xuanbei picked up a book that Wu Xuanyun had just flew to his feet, and sent it to his mouth to blow the dust on the book, and then it was held by a bull fork That book smiled at Zhao Lingjun. “Even if I accidentally overturned a bookcase, I wouldn’t want to fire me for my job for so many years.”

“Of course not to smash a bookcase.”

But as soon as Gu Xuanbei’s words fell, a lascivious smile appeared on Zhao Lingjun’s face. “But what if you knocked over all the bookcases here? ”

“What do you want to do?” Gu Xuanbei was taken aback.

But as soon as the words fell, Zhao Lingjun quickly finished a recipe.

A light ball appeared in Zhao Lingjun’s hand, and then Zhao Lingjun threw the light ball toward several rows of bookcases not far from him.

Gu Xuanbei hurriedly finished a tactic, and then became Zhao Lingjun’s light ball. But Gu Xuanbei hadn’t responded yet. Two whirlwinds like tiny tornadoes suddenly appeared in the rows of bookcases.

“You …” By the time Gu Xuanbei found something wrong, it was too late. All the bookcases, “Wow”, fell in front of Gu Xuanbei.

“You are too sinister.” Gu Xuanbei looked at Zhao Lingjun without tears. “You actually sent a light ball to attract my attention. In fact, what really sent is …”

“Don’t feel hurt.” Looking at Gu Xuanbei’s crying tears, Zhao Lingjun smiled and said, “Anyway, everyone is watching a movie at home, and no one is reading your book.”

Danxia Mountain is the first famous mountain in Guangdong, with its red cliff Dan cliff, peak forest clusters, gentle mountain tops, steep slopes, vertical and horizontal caves, peculiar geological landforms, and colors such as Oudan, Can Ruo Mingxia, Red Mountain Green Crown, and Color The gorgeous scenery is famous all over the world.

But in such a place, no one goes at night, because no matter how good the scenery is at night, it is nothing more than a flicker of black, just like watching the beautiful women dancing striptease in the dark with the lights turned off.

But the old legend is that on the back mountain of Danxia Mountain, there is a coveted raccoon hidden in practice. At night when the moon is high, this mountain raccoon will run out to eat human blood, so the back mountain of Danxia Mountain at night Just like the virgin’s private parts, it can only be imagined but not in the dark.

However, to be a thief, you must choose a night with high moon and dark wind.

At midnight, Zhao Lingjun appeared on the back mountain road of Danxia Mountain.

Generally speaking, it is not fun to be a thief, but being a thief together with a beautiful woman on a dark and dull night is just not fun.

Is there anything more interesting than being a thief with a beauty?

Of course, it is to be a thief with two beautiful women.

Maybe some people would rather rob their heads, but also grab this hard-won opportunity to be a thief.

Now beside Zhao Lingjun, there are two beautiful women, Wu Xiaoye and Cao Xiaoxian.

Like Zhao Lingjun, Wu Xiaoye woke up after sleeping for nearly two days. In these two days, Gu Xuanbei has just found Qi Shishu to teach Lin Yiren and others.

Because Wu Xuanyun wanted to stay for the protection of Guxuan North, the only one who followed Zhao Lingjun was Wu Xiaoye who had woken up and Cao Xiaoxian who was idle.

For the average person, the thick, water-like night with no fingers can be seen, and for Zhao Lingjun and Wu Xiaoye who have eaten Wu Da Huan Dan, it is nothing.

The only trouble is Cao Xiaoxian. So at the beginning, Cao Xiaoxian only dared to hold Wu Xiaoye’s hand and walked slowly on the mountain road.

But it wasn’t too big ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Zhao Lingjun couldn’t bear such a speed.

After making a wink towards Wu Xiaoye, Zhao Lingjun also grabbed Cao Xiaoxian’s hand.

Cao Xiaoxian’s face turned red, and before he could realize why Zhao Lingjun suddenly grabbed his hand, Cao Xiaoxian felt light and flew upward.

There is stillness on the back mountain of Danxia Mountain, and in the dark night, only three black shadows are very fast, just like the same gust of wind, passing across the mountain road.

Just watching a short av movie, Zhao Lingjun and Wu Xiaoye, Cao Xiaoxian, came to a cliff that was as smooth as a mirror, but carved with all kinds of strange symbols.

“It seems that this is the place we are looking for.” Zhao Lingjun smiled at Wu Xiaoye and slowly let go of Cao Xiaoxian’s hand.

“It seems that this is here.” Wu Xiaoye looked at the strange symbols carved on the cliff, “Sure enough, a group of symbols said to the predecessors, supervising the demon King Kong array.”

“No matter what he is, break it down.”

Zhao Lingjun said with a smile.

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