Celestial Employee

chapter 50: Chapter 117 - Daigo Initiation and Reincarnation

“What conditions?”

Zhao Lingjun felt horrified by the insignificant smile on Gu Xuanbei’s face.

“In fact, it’s not a big deal.” Gu Xuanbei smiled and said to Zhao Lingjun: “I have a wish that I haven’t finished yet, you …”

“You …” Gu Xuanbei hadn’t finished speaking yet, and Zhao Lingjun interrupted Gu Xuanbei’s words in disbelief.

“Are you going to let me dominate the Wumen.”

Zhao Lingjun looked at Gu Xuanbei with pitiful eyes, hoping that Gu Xuanbei would show his kindness and say nothing.

But the words of Gu Xuanbei made Zhao Lingjun almost fell to the ground.

Gu Xuanbei smiled and looked at Zhao Lingjun and said: “How do you know that you are really a clever little clever.”

“Are you kidding me?” Zhao Lingjun looked at Gu Xuanbei without tears, and handed the Qinghua sword in his hand to Gu Xuanbei. “Should I give you Qinghua Sword?”

“Hehe.” Gu Xuanbei smiled at Zhao Lingjun without answering Zhao Lingjun’s question, but said to Zhao Lingjun, “You shouldn’t even refuse the last wish of an old man who has entered the yellow land halfway.

“Half of my body has entered the loess?” Zhao Lingjun looked at Gu Xuanbei depressed, “I think you will not necessarily enter the loess after another 180 years.”

Zhao Lingjun said to Gu Xuanbei that he was not joking with Gu Xuanbei. The initial monks often pursued a longer life than ordinary people. It is quite normal for a cultivator who has successfully cultivated to live 1800 years longer than normal.

But after hearing Zhao Lingjun’s words, Gu Xuanbei only smiled bitterly at Zhao Lingjun. Then slowly unbuttoned his jacket.

“How could this be.”

As soon as Gu Xuanbei took off his shirt, Zhao Lingjun gasped.

Because Gu Xuanbei’s abdomen had three terrible wounds split outwards. The three wounds turned outward, and it seemed that something had formed from the abdomen. And in that terrible wound, there was no trace of flesh, it seemed that the wound was not flesh but dry stone.

“In the first battle, although I killed all the masters who ambushed me, I won’t win easily.” Gu Xuanbei looked at Zhao Lingjun with a smile, and slowly put on his clothes, as if the wound was not On him, but on others. “Although I forcibly used the blood dragon pulse technique to force out the extraordinary mortal blood gu of the Yu Gumen, but the blood poison of his natal blood gu is simply unsolvable.”

After a pause, Gu Xuanbei looked at Zhao Lingjun and continued. “Even if I really took your Qinghua sword and used force to force the Wumen to be unified, will Wumen still be a piece of sand after my death?”

“If I promise you to help you unify Wumen, will you rescue them?” Zhao Lingjun took a deep breath and looked at Gu Xuanbei.

“Of course. Gu Xuanbei looked at Zhao Lingjun and smiled.” It’s not difficult for me to rescue people who have been eroded by Mansha Zhuhua. ”

“All right.” Zhao Lingjun nodded depressedly. “I promise you.”

But when Zhao Lingjun spoke, he saw the smile on Gu Xuanbei’s face. Zhao Lingjun regretted it again. “Senior, even if I promised you, what skill would I use to unify the Wumen, do I just jump to the door of others and tell others, come, let’s unify? At that time, the East did not fail to practice the Sunflower Collection, and they are all invincible Now, I want all the rivers and lakes to be taken care of by people. Like people who are just three-legged cats for your witchcraft, I have n’t done it easily for others? ”

“This one…”

Before Gu Xuanbei had time to speak, Zhao Lingjun continued. “You have to teach two powerful spells to say anything. Let me defend myself. For example, what you just said is Heilonghua.”

“Dang”, as soon as Zhao Lingjun said it, Wu Xuanyun almost collapsed to the ground. Wu Xuanyun felt that what Zhao Lingjun said was really the status of a lost fairy.

“Ha ha.”

But Gu Xuanbei didn’t seem to care. After smiling, Gu Xuanbei did not answer Zhao Lingjun’s question, but asked Zhao Lingjun, “Do you know that there is a spell called Buddhism initiation?

“Dingqi Initiation? Is this a spell?” Zhao Lingjun looked at Guxuanbei puzzledly. “Isn’t this used in many Hong Kong films to pass on my skills to others?”

“Hehe.” Gu Xuanbei looked at Zhao Lingjun and smiled. “In Hong Kong movies, there are a few things that can be taken seriously? The daughter of the billionaire can fall in love with a poor man, but what is the reality? If you don’t have money, you can’t even see them.”

After a smile, Gu Xuanbei looked at the depressed Zhao Lingjun and continued: “The initiation of Daigo is a tantra spell, and the function of this spell is to put all the knowledge in the mind of the caster into the other. In the head of a person. ”

“I *, isn’t this the consciousness of **** others?” Zhao Lingjun breathed a sigh of relief. “Isn’t this also equivalent to a **** search?”

“It can be said.” Guxuan North Road: “But this is an independent indoctrination, a very safe spell, which will not bring any harm to the spellcaster and the spellcaster. So this spell is generally when the master preach , Used on the apprentice. ”

After looking at Zhao Lingjun, Gu Xuanbei laughed proudly: “A lot of Buddhist tantras have blown their reincarnated soul boy to their gods, but in fact, they are not those who are about to hang up. Did you show a guru initiation? ”

“Then do you mean that you will instill this spell?” Zhao Lingjun suddenly became excited, looking at Gu Xuanbei hopefully. “Can you pass me all the spells of the spells you know?”

“I’m not a tantra lama, how can I be indoctrinated.” But the words of Gu Xuanbei made Zhao Lingjun suddenly discouraged.

“Since you won’t, what would you tell me? Isn’t this a waste of my expression?” Zhao Lingjun looked at Guxuan Beidao very depressed.

“Although I don’t know the Buddha’s initiation of Buddhism, we also have a spell similar to the initiation of the Buddha’s Wumen, called the reincarnation seal.” Gu Xuanbei smiled proudly. “The reason why I tell you this is to let you know The magic of our Wumen is not the left side. Our mysterious magic of the Wumen is as profound and profound as those of the Taoist Xuanmen Buddhism and Tantric Sect. ”

“What are you waiting for?” Zhao Lingjun looked at Guxuan North Road. “Come here.”

“Right now?”

“Just now, come.” The lascivious expression on Zhao Lingjun’s face made Wu Xuanyun burst into a sweat.

“Then I’m really here.”

“Come on. Are you going to stand upside down on my head?” Zhao Lingjun looked at Gu Xuanbei and said, “Do you want Wu Xuanyun to support you?”

“The tantra’s divine initiation is what it is.” Gu Xuanbei looked at Zhao Lingjun and smiled. “It is not necessary for our reincarnation seal of Wumen.”

“How about that? Don’t use head-to-head, but foot-to-foot?” Zhao Lingjun looked at Gu Xuanbei with strange eyes. “No need to take off your clothes and hug them together.”

“You are so smart.” Gu Xuanbei smiled at Zhao Lingjun. “Just asking the two to strip off and hug together.”

“I *.” Zhao Lingjun’s eyes were white and he almost fainted.

“Ha ha.”

Gu Xuanbei smiled, and his hands suddenly danced in the air like a wind. With the dancing of Gu Xuanbei’s hands, a bright golden light suddenly rushed from the top of Gu Xuanbei’s head and hit the ceiling of the library.

Before Zhao Lingjun responded, another bright golden light shot down from the ceiling of the library like a floating cloud and hit the top of Zhao Lingjun’s head.

“How? Started?” Zhao Lingjun was shocked. “Aren’t you going to get naked and hug?”

“Don’t young people now have such a sense of humor?” Gu Xuanbei looked at Zhao Lingjun and smiled.

“After the reincarnation of India is completed, maybe you will learn my sense of humor.”

“I …” Zhao Lingjun looked at Gu Xuanbei very depressed. Want to say how I know that seniors like you will play with my feelings, but Zhao Lingjun just spit out a word, Zhao Lingjun felt a bang in his mind.

With a wave of memory flowing into Zhao Lingjun’s mind like a tide, a huge sense of sadness and loneliness instantly filled Zhao Lingjun’s whole body. Do not know how to do it, Zhao Lingjun suddenly felt as if his life, UU reading books www.uukanshu. Com suddenly lost all meaning.

Zhao Lingjun suddenly felt ashamed.

And in the body of Zhao Lingjun, the orderly flowing Daoli force suddenly lost control, and mad surged in Zhao Lingjun’s body.

For the ordinary Wumen mage, the reincarnation of the seal is not an easy spell to cast, but it takes a minute or two from the beginning of the final decision to the disappearance of the golden light on the heads of Gu Xuanbei and Zhao Lingjun.

In such a short period of time, Gu Xuanbei himself couldn’t help being a little proud of completing a difficult spell.

But Gu Xuanbei did not expect that when the golden light on Zhao Lingjun’s head disappeared, the expression on Zhao Lingjun’s face was suddenly distorted.

And a force of extreme frenzy seemed to spew out from every pore of Zhao Lingjun at once.

“How could this be?” Gu Xuanbei and Wu Xuanyun suddenly changed their complexions.

Because both people can see, the change in Zhao Lingjun’s body now is a symptom of getting into trouble.

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