Celestial Employee

chapter 32: Chapter 64 - Uncle Li, Wu Xuanyun

“Do you want to go there? Did they come here to steal the master’s magic weapon?”

Before hearing a scream from the long-haired youth, Wu Xuanyun was constantly struggling. But when he heard a scream from the long-haired Qingnian, Wu Xuanyun let down his heart.

“If I don’t go, maybe the magic weapon will not only be stolen by those three people, but maybe the master will think I did it. By then, the master, he will not let me go.” Wu Xuanyun side Run downstairs quickly, thinking in my heart. “Even if I can’t get the magic weapon, I can’t let these people steal the magic weapon. Otherwise I will definitely die.”

“Be careful.” As soon as he opened the door, Li Shu saw a thin copper wire hooked behind the door. After carefully fixing this copper wire with quick gelatin cloth, Li Shu slowly pushed open the door.

“Sure enough, as expected.” Following this fine copper wire, Uncle Li found a miniature crossbow. After sniffing the smell above, Li Shu nodded proudly. “A powerful narcotics, even if it was a cow, it was the only one who fell down when he was hit by this arrow.”

“It’s still Uncle Li, if you change someone. It’s estimated that you only have to fall.” People like skinny monkeys immediately flattered.

“Hey. Ah–” Li Shu screamed shortly after he smiled smugly.

“What’s wrong?” The thin monkey-like young man was taken aback by the scream of Li Shu who was lying on his stomach to see if the guy had hidden things under the bed. I thought that Uncle Li had suffered some secret calculations.

“I’m putting you on your lungs. Who is this guy, actually put the rat traps under the bed.” Uncle Li climbed up from the ground depressingly, and took off the rat trap gripped in his hand. .

“…” The thin monkey-like young man looked at Li Shu’s air-conditioning while taking down the mouse clip in his hand. I want to laugh but dare not laugh.

“Where did this guy put things?” Li Shu turned over almost all the places in Zhang Changsheng’s house where he could hide things, but he still couldn’t find the target jade box.

“You … what are you doing?” Suddenly, a strange yin and yang sound startled the two.

The young man like Li Shu turned back suddenly, but found that the young man with long hair didn’t know when he had stood at the door, and while watching the two men, he wiped the white foam around the corner of his mouth with paper.

“Your life is pretty big.” Li Shu looked at the silly look of the young man with long hair and couldn’t help but smile. “I never expected you to be electrocuted by high voltage.”

“That’s right, my life is hard.” The long-haired young man smiled with a lot of bullish fork. “When I was a kid, I plugged my fingers into the socket, and I didn’t electrocut me. By the way. Your eyes are squinting.” What are you doing? ”

“What big eyes stare?” The thin monkey-like young man glared desperately at the long-haired young man. “We can’t find where this guy puts things.”

“Why don’t you look under that painting?” The long-haired young man pointed to an ink painting on the wall of the living room that painted mountains and flowing water.

“*, You think it’s a movie. Put everything under the painting.” The thin monkey-like young man despised the long-haired young man while pulling away the painting.

But as soon as the painting was pulled away, the young man was like a skinny monkey.

A small safe that looks very delicate and embedded in the wall appears in front of three people.

“Actually the blind cat touched a dead mouse?” A young man like a thin monkey looked at Li Shu.

“Haha, I knew he would put something behind this painting.” The young man with long hair walked into the door while talking happily. “Hey, how come there is a thread attached with transparent tape?”

“Beware …” Young people like Uncle Li and thin monkeys just shouted out two words. The long-haired young man had hissed off the transparent tape.

“…” With a puff, the long-haired young man only felt that a small ground thing had been inserted into his butt.

“Why is my head so dizzy?” The young man with long hair just said a word, his eyes were white, let’s chirp and faint.

“I *, don’t care about him. This idiot made him die.” Li Shu felt that he was going to be mad at this apprentice.

“This safe seems to be a little difficult.” Young men like skinny monkeys also think that the young man with long hair is simply stupid and has a personality, and he is too lazy to control his death. I started to study the small safe under the painting.

“Isn’t it just a small safe?” Li Shu stepped forward angrily. “I’ve never seen a safe? Even a bank safe. I can open it.

When the thin monkey heard Uncle Li’s words, he cleverly skipped aside.

But after the freshman year passed, the thin monkey saw Li Shu turned back with sweat.

“Did you bring a flame cutter?”


“What about explosives?”

“Explosive?” The skinny monkey was startled. “What are you going to do with explosive?”

“My TMD is going to blow up this wall,” Li Shu said with his teeth gritted. “TMD doesn’t know who made this safe. The technology of TMD bank safe is even higher.”

“…” The thin monkey-like young man was speechless.

“What are you doing?”

While the thin monkey and Uncle Li were at a loss for the safety deposit box embedded in the wall, the two heard another yin and yang strange sound behind them.

“*, You guys are not dead yet.” Uncle Li and the skinny young man turned back. Thought the young man with long hair stood up again.

But what surprised the two people was that, standing not far behind them, it was a middle-aged man who had a very bright hair comb and looked like a successful person.

“You …” How did you come in. The thin monkey-like young man was so scared that he couldn’t even talk.

“The door was open, and I walked in. Wu Xuanyun looked at the two men, and looked strangely at the long-haired young man who fell down unconscious.” How did you come in? ”

“We?” Li Shu smiled at Wu Xuanyun, and then made a wink at the thin monkey-like young man: “We …” Li Shu’s words were not finished, the thin monkey-like young man He already pulled out a sharp dagger from his arms and thrust it towards Wu Xuanyun’s heart.

And when a young man like a thin monkey suddenly started, Li Shu’s hand moved, and there was an extra blade in his hand, and he slammed down Wu Xuanyun’s neck.

At ordinary times, it seems that Uncle Li can’t move anymore, but at this time, Uncle Li’s actions are just like the young guy. Moreover, the two of them had trouble violently, and the cooperation was very tacit. It seems that this kind of thing is not just done once or twice.

When the two of them suddenly started to work, Wu Xuanyun seemed shocked, but didn’t move at all.

“I didn’t expect to run into a fool.” When the thin monkey’s knife was inserted into Wu Xuanyun’s body, the thin monkey was still thinking, “Sorry, who made you hit us to do things? Blame it. You have a bad life, do more business. ”

But such thoughts have not disappeared in my mind. Young men like skinny monkeys only heard two dings.

Young men like skinny monkeys felt as if they had hit a steel plate, and their hands were numb.

“How could it be? Is there a steel plate buried in his clothes?” The young monkey like a thin monkey was stunned for a moment, but heard a bite from his side. The thin monkey-like young man turned his head and looked dumbfounded.

It was the ground blade in the hand of Li Shu that fell to the ground.

The blade, which was originally very sharp, was curled when it fell on the ground. Uncle Li was looking at the blade that had been curled up on the ground with incredible eyes. The whole body was shaking like a pendulum.

“What do you want to do?” Wu Xuanyun looked quietly at the two dudes in front of him.

“You …, is it a human or a monster?” At this time, the young man like a thin monkey had seen that there was absolutely no hidden steel plate under the clothes of the middle-aged man in front of him.

“How do you know that I am a monster?” Wu Xuanyun looked at the two guys in front of him very strangely, and felt that these two guys did not look like Taoist alchemists.

“Ah …” But Wu Xuanyun didn’t expect to say what he said, and the two people in front of him flew out of the door as if they were indifferent. Especially the old man, who seemed to be very old, ran faster than the young man like a thin monkey.

“Wait. You take him and your stuff away.”

Young people like Uncle Li and skinny monkeys ran out of the door and felt a rush of force behind them. The two of them hadn’t even asked Chu what was going on, but they were hit by the long-haired young man thrown by Wu Xuanyun and their packages.

When young people like Uncle Li and skinny monkeys got up from the ground, they felt that they were about to fall apart. But the two of them still didn’t even say a word, so they picked up the long-haired young man and ran out of the corridor.

After running out of the community in one breath, Uncle Li called the phone with trembling fingers.

“There are no mana fluctuations in the magic weapon. It seems that the expert put the magic weapon on him. It is very dangerous here. I better leave early.”

After a careful turn in Zhang Changsheng’s room, Wu Xuanyun sighed in disappointment, quickly took the door, and ran back to the building where he was.

“Boss, Lao Li, they didn’t succeed.” When the scarred face pushed open the door and entered the office of the young man wearing gold wire glasses, the man wearing gold wire glasses was looking at the pile of documents .

“Oh?” The young man wearing gold wire glasses seemed a little strange, but he didn’t even raise his head. “Is Zhang Changsheng going back? Or is there a lot of organ traps in Zhang Changsheng’s room, and they can’t succeed?”

“Neither.” Scarface shook his head and said. “Lao Li said that when they were about to succeed, Zhang Changsheng’s house didn’t know where an incompetent guy came from.

“The guy who got into the sword?” The young man wearing gold wire glasses raised his head violently, his eyes flashing coldly.

“I don’t think they dare to lie,” said the young man with scarred face looking at the gold glasses. “I think maybe he is the same person as us.

“Why would there be such a person suddenly in that place?” The young man wearing gold wire glasses had a dignified look for the first time. “Hurry up and check the details of that person. If something falls in his hands, we will be in trouble.”

“I have let Arang pass, except that he is a master who can hide all the odors from his body, otherwise Arang will find out who he is.” Scarface looked at the young man wearing gold wire glasses: “That Li Lao San, what are they going to do. ”

“Night long dreams.” The young man wearing gold wire glasses sighed. “You will help me to contact Jixiangruyi immediately, and the group of people who are rich and wealthy, let them kill the first three. Then let them go tonight That community. ”

“You mean, let them help us get that thing back?”

“Well, there are many of them who are forced to confess. UU reading www.uukanan.com they may be better than us.” The young man wearing gold wire glasses looked at the scar face and said. “I only worry about one thing now.”

“What are you worried about? Worried they can’t handle that ability?” Scarface said.

“I’m not worried about the stranger.” Said the young man wearing gold wire glasses. “It’s like if you want to deal with auspiciousness and harmony, you may be able to kill all of them alone. But there are many assassination masters in them. If your position is lost, they are coming to take the initiative. Against you, assassinated you, the result may be different. ”

The young man wearing gold wire glasses looked at the scar face and smiled. “Although people like us are much stronger than ordinary people, we still have to sleep, eat, drink and play with women. So, you just need to put it in that community, maybe The news of the existence of an impenetrable guy tells them that if they still ca n’t figure out that guy, that auspiciousness and good fortune will be changed to pig head A Sanhao. ”

“If that’s the case, what are you worried about?” The young man with scarred face looked strangely asked.

“I’m only worried that this time they won’t blow up the entire community.” The young man wearing gold wire glasses smiled. “This group of people is doing things with great pleasure.”

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