Celestial Employee

chapter 28: Chapter 57 - -60th

“Settlement fee, accident?” The young man wearing gold wire glasses looked at the dwarf and smiled coldly: “Who made these out? I just wanted Qian Wen’s life, but what about you? Robbing Qili Lane, killed a dozen notes. I wonder why you did n’t take a missile to blow up the Jinmao Building? ”

“As long as you can afford the price, I will blow it up to you at the Jinmao Building. Besides, we don’t make things big, how can Qian Wen appear on the scene?” The dwarf said, looking at the young man wearing gold wire glasses. “Boss Lei, we only need to complete the task, as for how to complete the task, this is our freedom.

“Your freedom?” The young man wearing gold-tinted glasses changed his face, but after taking a deep breath, the young man still resisted his anger. “Ming people don’t talk secretly, you have done so much this time, to a large extent, you are still satisfying yourself.”

The young man with gold wire glasses looked coldly at the dwarf in front of him. “You love money, especially gold and silver treasures, so you chose Qili Lane as a hands-on location. The thin guys among you are easy to kill, so you can compare with others, so you also deliberately killed a back and forth, killing Qian Wenbu Fortunately, I also killed two black hawk special policemen. And your lucky boss, death can’t change the **** problems, I heard that when I left, I also hijacked a woman. ”

“No wonder Hexingtang can become the leading boss of the underworld in recent years. You really are very good at boss Lei, and you have investigated even the little hobbies of our brothers.” The dwarf smiled at the young man, ” Then you should also ask Chu who our brothers are. ”

“You are lucky, and Qiqishengcai is the most powerful killer organization on the Tao. How can I not know?” The young man looked at the dwarf. Sneered.

“Then do you give or don’t give your money?” Said the dwarf, looking up at the young man and a group of people with delays in his eyes.

The young man smiled coldly without even talking, and turned away.

A “bang” gunshot sounded, and there was a flying dust in the mud not far from the young man.

“You are threatening me?”

“What if it is?”

The young man turned slowly and looked at the dwarf coldly. The dwarf didn’t seem to put the group of people in front of him at all, and smiled wildly. “If you don’t agree, none of you want to leave here today.”

The young man in gold-tinted glasses glanced at the dwarf with a mocking look, then at the few men in black suits standing on his left.

“Oh, the long-lost God of Wealth, Li Hao, stretched his hand in the coffin to ask for money. See you today. Sure enough, it’s better to be known than meet.” A man in a black suit on the right side of the young man smiled.

If it weren’t for the man with a visible scar on his face, this man in a black suit could indeed be regarded as a beautiful man.

The smile on the scar in the black suit continued to the elf. “However, if you want to use a single blocking gun, you want to force us to give 5 million more to Hexing?”

“Qian Wen has grabbed your pigtails. If Qian Wen is not dead, your business will be lost, but five million times.” The dwarf looked at the man in the black suit with a smile. “You ask me why? I not only rely on one of our sunspot guns, but also this one in my hand.”

“Bomb remote control?” Scarface in a black suit looked at the remote control with many buttons in the dwarf’s hand and smiled.

“Nonsense, my God of Wealth, Li Hao, is the most powerful bomb superman in the killer world. Isn’t my bomb remote control? Is it the TV remote control?” Device, “As long as I want. I can blow you up to heaven at any time.”

“Haha.” The dwarf did not expect that when he was very bullish and raised the bomb remote control in his hand, the young man wearing gold wire glasses just smiled coldly, and the young man was dressed in black The people in suits all smiled and bowed as if they heard the most funny jokes in the world.

The fat man was stupid all at once, thinking that this group of people had taken the wrong medicine, otherwise how could he hear his own words, he could still laugh.

“Blow us up to heaven?” The scar face in the black suit waited for a while before he stopped gasping.

“Fuck, is it funny?” The dwarf finally understood that the group was laughing at himself, not taking the wrong medicine. “Do you think I dare?”

“You can try it.” Scarface in a black suit looked at the dwarf with a mocking look.

“I **** ~.” The ridiculous look in the eyes of Scar Scar’s eyes didn’t hide at all, and the self-confidence of the dwarf was greatly hurt.

“You asked for it.” After the dwarf yelled, the dwarf pressed like the biggest red button on the remote control.

In fact, the dwarf knew very well that as long as one of the bombs buried under those people’s stations could kill the group of people, the dwarf felt that he could only relieve his hatred by blowing the group of people to pieces.

“Dare to laugh at my God of Wealth, and dare to suspect that the remote control in my hand is a TV remote control.” The dwarf thought bitterly when he pressed his finger toward the biggest red button.

The dwarf is very clear, as long as he presses the red button with his finger, the person standing opposite them will become a **** on earth.

But the dwarf suddenly realized that he couldn’t press the red button.

The dwarf’s fingers had landed on the red button, but the dwarf found that even if he exhausted all his strength, he could not move his finger down a point.

“How could this be?” The thought had just surfaced in the dwarf’s heart, and he found his body seemed to be tightly wrapped with invisible things, not to mention fingers, even the eyelids could not move.

“You press it? Why didn’t you press it?” The sarcasm in the eyes of the scarred face of the black suit was more intense.

The scar on the face made the dwarf feel like a little hen waiting to be slaughtered.

“I …” The dwarf didn’t know how he suddenly approached each other’s words, and couldn’t even move it. The dwarf couldn’t help but want to yell, I fucked. But the dwarf’s “I” was only exported. Suddenly felt his throat was pinched by an invisible hand.

The dwarf felt that his throat was tight and his eyes were black. It seemed that the blood all over his body was squeezed into his head. Just a few seconds later, the dwarf’s face became purple.

“Shoot, shoot.” The dwarf shouted wildly in his heart. “I will hang without shooting again.”

When the dwarf felt that his intellect was about to be lost, the dwarf finally heard three bangs.

After three shots, the invisible hands that gripped the dwarf’s throat suddenly disappeared without a trace.

“He-one,-the fresh air suddenly poured into the lungs caused the dwarf to cough violently. After the invisible beam around the body suddenly disappeared, the dwarf only felt that he was powerless and fell to the ground in one fell swoop 19851224.

After finally waking up. The dwarf discovered the side of the scarred face in the black suit. Then stood a young man with a small size.

The young man also wore a black suit, but he did not wear a tie. The buttons of his shirt were only one or two buttons, revealing the muscles on his chest, which looked very wild and full of bohemian charm.

The dwarf looked around, but found that none of the group of people standing opposite fell.

The dwarf knew that at such a close distance, Kuroko would never miss, but he clearly heard three shots, but the other party seemed to have not even injured one of the bird’s hairs.

“Are you looking for these three bullets?” The unruly young man looked at the dwarf’s loss of spirit and couldn’t help but smile. Then he released his right hand.

“Ding Ding Ding”

The dwarf couldn’t believe his eyes.

Because when the young man let go of his right hand, the dwarf saw three bullets shimmering in the young man’s hands.

“You …” The dwarf suddenly felt that each of his pores was chilling out. “Are you a human or a ghost.”

“Haha.” The bohemian young man smiled. Did not answer the dwarf’s question, but shouted not far away. “The legendary Ruyi sharp gun black brother who plays well, you should come out and meet us.”

After a moment, the black spots looked cold. He held his strangely shaped sniper rifle in sight.

And slowly walked down to the ground, beside the trembling dwarf, Heizi just coldly glanced at the three flashing bullets in the ground in front of the young man, facing the two wearing black The young man wearing gold wire glasses behind the man in suit said: 19851224 “Since Hexing will have capable people who can catch bullets, why kill us even if we have a lot of money?” ? ”

“Okay, Jianghu has heard that the Ruyi sharp gun has the courage to know. I saw it today. It really deserves its reputation.” The young man wearing gold wire glasses smiled and said, “In this case, you didn’t run away and dare to come out. Seeing us, there is indeed a species. ”

“Why do you still ask us?” After hearing the young man’s words, Kuroko just repeated the expression he just said without expression.

“Because we are good citizens who are doing proper professions, we will never do these murderous and arson-related things. He Young, who is wearing gold wire glasses, glanced deeply at the sunspots and said,” You know What do you think is the most important thing when you want to go on the road? ”

“I don’t know.” Kuroko said blankly.

“Not faster than anyone’s gun, not more ruthless than others, but better than someone who has a relationship with the government and more money than others.” The young man wearing gold wire glasses looked at Heizi and paused, then continued. “So we don’t do these illegal things at all. Because if you do these things, even if the government can’t catch any evidence for you, as long as they suspect you, you will have nothing to eat.”

“Then you hire us to kill, are you not afraid to be known?” Kuroko looked at the young man wearing gold-tinted glasses, and thought he was telling him the most ridiculous joke in the world.

“I’m afraid, so I want a cash transaction.” The young man looked at Heizi, smiled, and clicked an ordinary off-road vehicle parked not far away. “Your compensation is in that car. Just wait for you to drive away.”

Seeing Kuroko and Dwarf froze, the young man smiled again and said. “Cash transactions will not leave any transfer records in the bank, and these five million, I can raise them through many methods, so this transaction method is the safest and least traceable one.”

“Why didn’t you kill us?” After taking a deep breath, Kuroshiko’s face, which hadn’t changed much, also showed a little emotional fluctuation.

“I have told you all. We never do anything to kill.”

The young man wearing gold wire glasses smiled and said. “We are just doing business with you, why kill you.”

“Is this group of people in the Hexing Society a human or a ghost?” It was not until the group of people disappeared into their own eyes that the dwarf patted the dust on his pants with fear, and said to the black man standing motionless beside him .

“Where is there any ghost in the daytime?” Kuroko said coldly.

“Then why can they even hold the bullet? And just now I couldn’t move as much as if I were to be strangled alive by an invisible hand …”

“The two people must be abilities.”

“Magic? Special function?” The dwarf stunned. “How do you know?”

Kuroko took a deep breath. “Because when I was in the special forces, I had seen such people.”

“I **** …” The dwarf shuddered. “How many such perverts are there in this world?”

“I don’t know.” Kuroko said coldly: “I only know that as long as there is only one such person, we can kill all our good fortune, and wealth and wealth.”

“Did they kill Qianwen really because they were afraid that what they would do to cause the government to doubt it?” Kuroko’s words made the dwarf feel cold again.

“The ghosts believed their words.” Kuroko smiled coldly.

“Then do we have to take over their work?” The dwarf stared at Heizi in shock. “They ended up saying that there will be a job for us to do right away.

“Why not?” Kuroko said coldly. “They don’t even bother to kill people like us. We help them work, why don’t they give them money. Chapter 58 of the text,” The Three Treasures, Hundred Ghosts “” What is written on these bamboo pieces? ” “Zhao Lingjun, who is staying in his house, knows nothing about so many things happening outside his house. Now, what Zhao Lingjun is most concerned about is whether these bamboo pieces are used in Yunxia Tianyi.

“Most of these bamboo slices are recorded in the various magic methods of the Three Treasures.” After Lin Qianxun carefully turned through all the bamboo slices, it seemed that he knew what Zhao Lingjun was most concerned about. Say: “But it doesn’t say how Yunxia Tianyi is used.”

“How could this happen? Speaking of the Shuanglong Lihuo to be ignited with three flavors of real fire, the rest will not be said how to use it?” Zhao Lingjun said very depressed.

“In fact, he didn’t say how to use this pair of dragons away from the fire hood.” Meng Xue said looking at the depressed Zhao Lingjun. “If you think about it carefully, he just said that he needs to use a three-flavor real fire to ignite the Shuanglong Lihuo hood. And after lighting, the two magic weapons like two candles will become two fire dragons around the user. But he did not say, how did you drive these two dragons, nor did they say how to take back these two dragons when you are done with the enemy.

“Yeah.” Zhao Lingjun suddenly realized, “If the two fire dragons are released, I don’t know how to collect them. Isn’t that when the two fire dragons are wrapped around? When the time comes, they will walk on the street and not scare others to death. . ”

“It’s not just scaring people to death.” Meng Xue said with a smile: “You can’t even wash in the shower, you can only lie on the stone road outside. You even have two fire dragons around the toilet, ha ha. ”

“Zoo” has been lying on the sofa and looked at the three people. Xiaobai couldn’t help but screamed. It seemed to imagine that Zhao Lingjun was sitting on the toilet to defecate, and there were only two fire dragons surrounding him. That’s a bullish love.

“In addition to the production methods of these magic weapons, did the bamboo slices record some methods of cultivation of immortal Taoism?” Zhao Lingjun glanced at Xiaobai, who was in anger and misfortune, and couldn’t help but say, “Since that said After I have eaten a great pill, I have reached the level of the three-flower gathering and the five-qi Chaoyuan that ordinary people haven’t achieved in 100 years of cultivation. Then I can at least use some ordinary Taoism. ”

“I didn’t talk about the cultivation of spells and the methods used.” Lin Qianxun looked at Zhao Lingjun and said.

“What? Then I’m not Duan Yu in Tianlong Babu? There is a peerless internal force, but I don’t know how to use it?” Zhao Lingjun felt his heart was cold.

“You’re not as good as him, at least he still has a six-pulse divine sword that is not so good at all times.” Meng Xue couldn’t help but smiled again.

“In addition to the refining methods of the various treasures of the Three Treasures, what else is recorded on these bamboo pieces?” Zhao Lingjun was a little disappointed.

“And his notes.” Lin Qianxun looked at the bamboo sheet and said. An unusual blush appeared on his face.

“It turns out that these bamboo pieces were all left by the second generation of the Sambo Sect.”

“Second generation suzerain?” Zhao Chenjun stunned: “What do you mean? These three treasures were passed down for a generation …”

“Yes, maybe the Three Treasure Sect only passed one generation and disappeared in Qi.” Lin Qianxun looked at the roll of bamboo in his hand and couldn’t help but sigh: “This third Treasure Sect was born by her second generation Zongsheng I thought he was still an infatuated man. ”

“Infatuated man?” Meng Xue suddenly became interested. “What did he write in his notes?”

“His notes started when he became a disciple of the Three Treasures.” Meng Xue looked at the bamboo sheet in his hand and began to slowly read the content above to Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue.

“I was really surprised today. I did not expect that today the master suddenly summoned all the brothers and brothers. In front of everyone, he declared me to be the second generation of the master of the Three Treasures. The face of the master is very ugly. I know he is also surprised. Because before then, all people, including me, thought he would become the second generation of suzerain. In addition to the master brothers, the brothers and sisters came to congratulate me, but I was not happy at all. .. I feel that if I have a choice, I would rather give the mastership to the master.

“In the evening, the master summoned me alone, and gave me the Three Treasure Sects Zhihua Dahua Tianhelian, and asked me to confess the blood. I asked the master, why not pass the position of the master to the brother, the brother The Daoxing and magic refining techniques are far superior to me. I did not expect the master to sigh and said that if it was not for him that he discovered that the master was refining the Hundred Ghosts, he might have passed the position of master to the master. Now. ”

“The Hundred Ghosts Soul Streamer is a very poisonous magic weapon. As long as an 18-faced Soul Streamer is sacrificed, the souls of the souls within a hundred meters nearby will be stiffly detained in this 18-faced Soul Streamer. And his one will be controlled by those who use this eighteen-faced Soul streamer and become a walking dead who only listens to the order of the Soul streamer master. ”

“And the process of refining the Hundred Ghosts Soul Streamers is also very poisonous, because in the nine hundred and eighty-one days that the Hundred Ghosts Soul Streamers are refining, the eighteen-faced Soul Streamers must be born every day in the dark In the blood, soak for four hours, and in these four hours, the blood must be kept warm, so the hundred ghosts haunting streamers do n’t know how many lives they need to take to make it successful, and there is not yet Including the last streamer, the one hundred detachable souls. ”

“The reason why I am so clear about the power and refining process of the Hundred Ghosts Soul Streamer is because the people who originally owned and made the Hundred Ghosts Soul Streamer are the people from Lingshan. The national teacher. And Lai is one of the countries that have been fighting with Qi for many years. ”

“My master saw the man of Lingshan and his hundred ghosts on the battlefield. If it wasn’t for Uncle O’s sacrifice at that time, he set off the sunset sun spell left by Guan Xianshi, maybe my master they had already been The ghost buckled the soul streamer and pulled away the soul, or died under the zombies who were controlled by the walking dead of the people on the Lingshan Mountain. Perhaps Qi Feng was the one who injured the vitality in that battle, not Lai. ”

“After the war, my master they got the 18 face-lifting streamers, and on the corpses of the people on the Lingshan Mountain, they discovered the refining and use methods of the streamer. Because these hundred ghosts are too poisonous and hurt. Tianhe, so on the battlefield, my master they destroyed all these 18-faced Soul streamers and methods of refining. ”

“I know that the master is the one who won’t lie to me, but I’m also very surprised, why this method of refining is obviously ruined, how can the elder brothers still be able to refine the Hundred Ghosts, so I asked the master. But I did not expect that the master just smiled bitterly and said, “Your elder brother is a talented leader. He was also there during the war, and I did not expect that he just looked through it and brought the hundred ghosts to the soul streamer.” Remember how to use the refining method. ”

“I was surprised. I knew that the master was looking for me alone. Half of the reason was also for this matter, so I asked the master how to deal with this matter. As a result, the master told me that inside the Dahua Tianhelian, except There are ancient immortals bundled with immortal ancestors from the ancestors, beaten with whip and Shuanglong away from the fire hood, and four of his most powerful refining pill. ”

“The master said that this infinite greatness has condensed his hard work. As long as one of them will be brought back to life, all diseases will be eliminated, and the user can become a furnace of three flowers and five energies. After I heard it, I was shocked, because I know that, just like refining a magic weapon that is too venomous, can easily be condemned by heaven, and refining such a panacea that has reached the level of heaven, will certainly cause great damage to the practitioners. . ”

“The master saw the surprised look on my face and guessed what I was thinking. He said to me that what I was worried about was not bad. Because the divinationist in Wumen had already calculated that his Yangshou would be exhausted yesterday.”

“I was shocked and couldn’t help feeling sad, but the master said to me with a smile, his Yangshou is almost over, but his infinite life is still pill. As long as he has served four, he can rise in daylight. Cheng Xian. The master said to me with a smile that he had already taken four tablets of “Ultra Pill”, the medicinal properties had been slowly attacking, and soon he would retreat to sleep, and after he woke up after a few days of sleep, he could become After the founding of the State of Qi, besides the grandfather, he became the first person to become an immortal. By then, he would enjoy the Immortal Yuan instead of Yangshou. ”

“I was overjoyed and couldn’t help but congratulate the master, but the master told me that I would be the second person in Cheng Xian. Seeing that I was speechless, the master said to me with a smile, he made a total of After nine of them were given to King Qi, he took four of them himself, and the other four have been put into white crystal glass bottles and placed in Dahua Tianhelian. I have also eaten those four Infinite Rejuvenation Pills, and I can also become immortals. I can use magical bundles such as bundled immortal ropes and whiplashes. ”

“The master said to me that if he goes out of the customs, he will wander the world and no longer care about the world ’s customs. The master asked me to find an opportunity to persuade my brother to change the evil and return to the right. If he does not know how to repent, let me serve four Promise Da Huan Dan, clean up the portal for him, because his hundred ghost ghosts are definitely not opponents of Shuanglong Lihuo, Tied Xiansuo and Whiplash. ”

“It turns out that these four great monarchs are the first masters of the Three Treasure Sects, and they are reserved for the second generation masters to clean up the portal.” Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue suddenly realized when she heard her here. “That bottle wasn’t an ordinary glass bottle? But why did he not even eat one later?”

Lin Qianxun looked at the bamboo slices, couldn’t help but sighed, and read slowly. “I agreed to the master, sent the master into the Yunshui Cave, and watched the master slowly fall asleep. Then I followed the master’s words and started his Biyun cold water array, sealing the Yunshui Cave. The master said to wait until he woke up When closing, it will naturally break out.

“I was on the way back, it was late at night, but I saw the candlelight still lighting in Qimeng’s room, I don’t know what she is doing now.”

“Today I have n’t gone to find the elder brother, but the elder brother has come to see me. The elder brother said he regretted it, and regretted that he should n’t be obsessed with the power of the ghosts and secretly refine the ghosts. Soul streamer. He took out the half-ghost haunted streamer he had refined and destroyed it in front of me, and then he sadly asked me and the master to give him a chance to rehabilitate. I am very pleased. I I feel that if the master knows that the master is doing this, he must be very happy. ”

“Today I heard a huge noise coming from Yunshui Cave. I rushed there as fast as possible. I saw the Biyun cold water array has broken. The master has nowhere to go. Does the master say nothing? Well, have you already gone to the sky? I was very sad when I thought that it might be difficult to see the master again in the future. ”

“It hasn’t rained in Qi Guo for two months. When I passed the yard of Qiluo today, I saw that the small pond in that yard was dry.

“Today, Ji Ye will worship the heavens and the earth on Baizhangganhe, seeking heavenly dew, moisturizing all things, to save the country and the people, but in the end, even if he ignited the Ganhe, he used his life as a sacrifice, heaven There was no drop of rain. When I watched the fire envelop him, I really wanted to curse God for not having long eyes and rushed to grab him. But Guan Wen held me. ”

“Today, King Qi summoned all the generals and witch doctors. After the banquet, King Qi announced that General Yin Da was the marshal to fight against Dongyi, Lai. In fact, I had expected this result, even if it began to rain now, Qi ’s food has also been able to support this winter. This year, the rain is plentiful, and the harvest is good. Lai, if you can borrow some food from Qi, maybe Qi can still spend this winter, but Qi and Lai have always been wicked, so This battle has to be fought. ”

“I’m going to leave tomorrow. I went to the outside of Qiluo’s yard again and again. Although I didn’t see her, I was still very happy. Because I have refined Yunxia Tianyi for many days, it will be refined soon Maybe. When I come back from this battle, I can give this dress to her personally. This Yunxia Tianyi is very beautiful, and she will be very happy after seeing it. ”

Lin Qianxun slowly read Wen Yu on the bamboo film in a quiet tone, and Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue who listened to the gods seemed to have returned to the drought in the world. Even the water in the pond had dried up and the army was ready When the air was full of killing gas, I saw the infatuated man wandering outside the beloved female yard. Chapter 59: Jiuqu River and Qilai Battle It ’s the first time that many armies and chariots have seen so many people with the same sorrowful expression on their faces, because everyone does n’t know if they can come back alive in the end, but everyone knows If this battle is defeated, Qi Kingdom will be over. King Qi ’s appearance is very good, and his voice is also very loud. It may be that he has eaten a piece of my immortal master that he gave to him, but what he said to us , I didn’t hear a word, because I saw Qiluo. Qiluo stood behind Qi Wang. There were many women behind Qi Wang, but none of them could compare with her. She was still so beautiful, but I But it hurts a little bit, because I seem to find that she is much more haggard than when I saw her last month. She also saw me, and she smiled at me slightly. I am very happy, I know that I will definitely come back alive Because I want to personally I tink refining clouds gave her. ”

“In the past few days, I have won several consecutive wins, and I have approached Lin’s Linqu. General Yin and Baojun have summoned me specially, and brought me many rewards from King Qi, because in the first few battles, I Qi Jun refining Qi Tianzhu made the first achievement. But I am not happy, because I know that the more magic weapons hurt people, the greater the damage to the refiner ’s fate. If it is not for the people of Qi State and return early When Qi Guo saw Qiluo, I wouldn’t refine the magic weapon that could make the earth’s fire raging up and the flames burning. ”

“When I got out of the army, I knew that General Yin and Division Bao were not happy either. Although we had fought several victories in a row, our military food was already very few, if we could not win Linqu within ten days. . Maybe we really ca n’t go back. ”

“Today Guan Wen said to me that I looked haggard. I just smiled. I did n’t tell him that I only slept two or three hours a day these days. Because these days besides helping Qi Jun refining Qizhu Apart from the Thunderbolt Arrow, all my energy was spent on refining Yunxia Tianyi. ”

“Today, Qi’s army fought against the Lai Army outside Linqu City. My bead burner, the thunderbolt, and the starry technique of Bao Baoshi suddenly caught Lai Guo’s army by surprise. The technique of Heaven’s Blessing of Light and Lin Mo’s glorious technique also gave Qi Jun strong support. I thought we were undoubtedly a winner in this game. After the Linqu was defeated, the monarch Lai will definitely negotiate with us. It will be provided to Qi. We have enough food, we can go back. But we did not expect. When our troops are about to break through Linqu, countless huge hailstones suddenly fell in the sky, and after countless huge hailstones, it was another piece. Black rain, the people hit by the huge hail will either die or be injured, and the people contaminated with the black rain will rot all over the body. Our army was defeated. We did not learn that the monarch of the Lai Kingdom was in the field until we retired to the station. After the failure, at the cost of a city and a hundred beautiful virgins, two demonmen who had been practicing in Meishan for many years were invited. ”

“Lai Jun and Qi Jun battled at noon on the third day. General Yin agreed, because our army’s grain can only last three days at most. And the commander of Bao Jun Guan Guanwen used hexagram to calculate the origin of the two demon. Guan I knew it was a matter of great importance, and I took the ten years of Yangshou as my focus. I used Jiuyou Wentian to figure out that the two were the black mosquito essence and the two-headed snake essence cultivated in Meishan. I think the monarch of Laiguo must be crazy. For the extra food, in order to win this battle, he even invited the monster. ”

“The military commander ordered me to refine the wind drums that specifically restrain the two men’s magic tricks overnight. This is a magic weapon that can summon the wind above nine days at any time. Although the refining of this magic weapon is not difficult, it takes three days. It is also very difficult to complete within. But today I am still very happy, because the Yunxia Tianyi I made for Qiluo was finally refined successfully. This Yunxia Tianyi is very beautiful. I think if Qiluo sees it, Will be very happy. ”

“I took out the Dahua Tianhelian, and took out the four infinite pill. I know I just need to take these four pill medicines, and use the Shuanglong Lihuo that the master left me, plus the bundle of immortals Suohe can definitely help Qi Guo to win this battle. But after considering it again and again, I still put it into Dahua Tianhelian, because only without the maximum return can the Qiluo be used. Yunxia Tianyi. ”

“I’m tired because I haven’t slept for three days, but I’m very happy because I just tried my latest refining Yufeng drum in the wilderness not far from the barracks. It took seven days to refine the Imperial Drum, which my brother and I actually took only three days to complete. With the help of this magic weapon, Qi Jun will definitely win a victory tomorrow. ”

“Today is the day of decisive battle with Lai, I got up early. And everyone can’t sleep like me, because if this battle is defeated, maybe we can’t go back.”

“Qi Jun and Lai battled by the Jiuqu River. Lai Jun’s strength is beyond our consciousness, because apart from the black mosquito essence and the two-headed snake essence, the other party did not know where to invite a Taoist alchemist. , That Taoist alchemist can make the Laijun’s taxi table become violent and painless. However, with the help of my Tianzizhu and Thunderbolt, we quickly gained the upper hand. Black mosquito essence and double-headed snake essence are not An unexpected shot took place, and the huge hail of the sky and the dark rain fell. I did not panic and sacrificed the wind drum. Although the wind drum is not a particularly powerful magic weapon, it is possible to put those hail and sky. The black rain blows into the opponent’s formation. In the words of Bao Junshi, this is called giving back his own way of life. But to my surprise, no matter how I drive it, I tried it last night. The Yufeng Gu did not respond at all. My brain was blank at that time. If it was n’t for Guan Wen who desperately protected me with the golden light flag, I might have died under the demon’s magic of those two demon because of the momentary loss of mind, even if Lin Mo’s desperate use of glorious techniques could not stop Qi Jun’s I was shocked. When all of us were so disheartened that we could n’t go back, my brother smiled at me, and then, suddenly he shook out eighteen. The mourning streamer with a pale face. Only then did I know that the 18 ghost demons that were destroyed by my brother in front of me turned out to be fake. He had secretly refined the ghosts into the stream. The power of the Zhaoming streamer is huge. With the help of the Hundred Ghosts and the walking dead controlled by the Qiming streamer, Qi Jun defeated his opponent. In addition to the two demon seeing the bad situation, using the spell to escape separately, the Laijun ’s 100,000 The army, all died on the Jiuqu River outside Linqu City. The corpses piled up like mountains, and even the Jiuqu River was blocked. And my brother stood on the pile of corpses and said to me with a smile, there is no magic weapon Points, if there is no Soul Streamer this time. We will not be able to go back. ”

“After Qi Jun’s victory, Senior Brother became the hero of Qi Kingdom, but when I saw him smile on the pile of corpses, I knew he was enchanted.”

“I decided to find a place to eat the four pieces of the Great Master that the master left me, but I just heard that it brought me an interview, saying that it was Qi Wang Youling, and asked me to go back to life, saying that someone said to the king, me and His concubine Qiluo is tainted, and he also said that I am a Lai Guo spy, and that the failure of the imperial drum is my intentions. ”

“Guan Wen said to me that Qi Wang was suspicious and he won the battle anyway. It would be better not to go back and find a place to concentrate on monasticism. But I think that if I don’t go back, Qiluo will suffer injustice. , And I really jumped into the Yellow River and could n’t wash it. Because we are innocent, I decided to go back to life. ”

“No, did this guy go back like this?” Zhao Lingjun said incredulously. “He’s so stupid.”

“It turns out that the woman he loved silently was the concubine of King Qi.” Meng Xue felt that his nose was a bit sour, and he couldn’t help but ask Lin Qianxun, “What happened later?”

“I don’t know.” Lin Qianxun’s eyes also showed a mist in his eyes. “He has no notes here.”

“How else?” Zhao Lingjun said depressed. “Isn’t this guy Yue Fei of Qi State? After going back, he must have been sent directly to the prison. He was killed by Qi King. You see Yunxia Tianyi he wants to give to Qiluo is still here …” ”

“Zhao Lingjun, you …” Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun in tears.

Although his heart is similar to what Zhao Lingjun thought, when he heard Zhao Lingjun speak so bluntly, Meng Xue felt a little unable to accept the fact that a man who was so serious and righteous was just executed.

“Jungua, it’s been thousands of years, even if he didn’t die at that time, he has become loess now.”

Zhao Lingjun felt a bit uncomfortable when he saw Meng Xue’s tears, and quickly urged Meng Xue to speak out.

“I think it must have been a ghost of his brother.” Meng Xue said bitterly. Obviously Meng Xue has not been freed from the poignant love story thousands of years ago.

“It must be.” Zhao Lingjun nodded. “That guy secretly refined such a poisonous magic weapon, which is definitely not a good thing. I think it is not only the one who secretly made a small report in front of King Qi and said that he was bad. The failure of the Yufenggu was also a ghost he caused. And I suspect that his master ’s Biyun Hanshui array was also a ghost he did, maybe his master hangs in his hands without becoming a fairy, otherwise how could it not be Say hello to him and you’ll be in the world. ”

“Good, very likely.” Lin Qianxun and Meng Xue also nodded and asked.

“But I’m just wondering how this guy didn’t end up eating a piece of great pill.” Zhao Lingjun said. “He’s too silly.”

“You …” Meng Xue suddenly thought of the circumstances under which Zhao Lingjun had eaten Wudan and Dan, and his face suddenly turned red.

“Perhaps when he went back, he was used by Qi Wang to calculate the calculation. Maybe he couldn’t even take Dahua Tianheilian out of it, and he already suffered unexpectedly,” Lin Qianxun said slowly.

“It is likely that this is the case.” Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but say, “But this black lotus did not fall into the hands of his brother, it was a miracle.”

“Maybe even his brother did not know that this Tao flower is one of the treasures of the Three Treasures.” Meng Xue said. “I don’t know what happened to Qiluo, and what about his brother.”

“His brother-in-law refined such a vicious magic weapon is against the heavens, and the final ending must be similar to that of the national master Lingshan in Lai.” When thinking of Qiluo, Lin Qianxun felt Qianran because Lin Qian Xun knew that at that time, a woman like Qiluo would not have any good results.

“I can’t think of this dress, but he gave it to the secretly admired woman.” Meng Xue looked at the water-like Yunxia Tianyi in Zhao Lingjun’s hands, and couldn’t help but get wet in his eyes.

“If you were the master of the Three Treasure Sects at that time, King Qi asked you to go back to life, what would you do?” Lin Qianxun looked at Zhao Lingjun and suddenly asked a very strange question.

“If I were the master of the Three Treasure Sects at that time?” Zhao Lingjun tranced, and seemed to feel that he had come to the Jiuqu River. In front of him was a pile of corpses, and he asked him not Lin Qianxun, but the gown and Guan Wen.

“If I were the master of the Three Treasures, I wouldn’t be so stupid.” Zhao Lingjun said. “I immediately took four pills of pill in my place, and then went back to Qi Wang Theory and asked him to give me Qiluo. If not, I would rob her to elope. And before leaving, I He would also tie up the elder brother with a bundle of Xiansuo, and then pump his **** fiercely with a whip. ”

“Oh, run to your head.” Meng Xue heard Zhao Lingjun say this and couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m afraid that if I whip down, he won’t even find it.”

“If it is you, you will be desperate to be with the woman you love, no matter what others think of you?” Lin Qianxun looked at Zhao Lingjun and suddenly sighed, saying, “You seem to be different from before. . ”

“Where, I seem to be the same as before.” Zhao Lingjun did not dare to say the next sentence, because the next thing Zhao Lingjun wanted to say was that I saw you, and I was still heart-warming and thinking.

“You are much worse than before.” Meng Xue glanced at Zhao Lingjun and said.

“Uh. I …”

“Stop me, me, you try this dress.” Meng Xue said.

“How to try, the bamboo slices from beginning to end, did not say exactly how to use Yunxia Tianyi.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Meng Xue and Lin Qianxun very depressed.

“Maybe just like the stealth suit in Harry Potter, as long as you put it on.” Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun and blinked playfully.

“Yes.” Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but pat the thigh. Chapter 60: Yuzhu Pill, Lady Pill, Hunyuan Umbrella

“Oh.” After seeing Zhao Lingjun put on Yunxia Tianyi, even Lin Qianxun, who had always been sullen, couldn’t help laughing. Meng Xue couldn’t even straighten his waist with a smile.

If a big man wore a woman’s pajamas, the guild would be very funny. And now the Yunxia Tianyi that Zhao Lingjun is wearing looks like a woman’s lace pajamas.

“It seems a little small.” Zhao Lingjun’s face was hot, but Zhao Lingjun was still cheeky, pretending not to see Meng Xue and Lin Qianxun’s endless expression. “Can you still see me?”

“Nonsense, we can’t see you, what are we laughing at?” Meng Xue and Lin Qianxun glanced at each other and couldn’t help laughing. The two women who originally harbored vague hostility towards each other, after listening to the story of the Sovereign of the Three Treasures together, seemed to be vaguely interested in each other.

“It seems that wearing it like this cannot be invisible.” Zhao Lingjun glanced at the clothes he was wearing, and then jumped up a few times. Zhao Lingjun said while jumping. “I fly, I fly, I fly and fly.”

“*, I can’t fly.”

“Haha.” Meng Xue’s tears came out, but this time they burst into tears.

“Is it possible to wear it outside your clothes?” Zhao Lingjun looked at Meng Xue’s misfortune and suddenly took off Yun Xiatian’s clothes and began to undress.

“What are you doing?” Meng Xue was taken aback by Zhao Lingjun’s movements.

“I think Yunxia Tianyi may not be able to wear clothes.” Zhao Lingjun said deliberately, “So I think I have to take off my clothes first.”

“You … a rogue.” Meng Xue’s face flew into Hongxia all at once, and he took Lin Qianxun’s hand and ran into Zhao Lingjun’s room. “You tried it in the bathroom before calling us.”

“Hey. I’m still shy, and I haven’t seen it.” Zhao Lingjun thought that he had only had a suffocating portion when he encountered Meng Xue before. Now Meng Xue is very proud of being eaten by himself.

“I’m stripped and put on this kind of clothes, will it be sexy?”

Zhao Lingjun thought so abnormally before taking off his hair, but when Zhao Lingjun took off his clothes, after putting on Yunxia Tianyi, Zhao Lingjun couldn’t be happy.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Zhao Lingjun felt like a perverted madman who likes to collect women’s underwear.

“After the trial, please come out.” After a while, Zhao Lingjun returned to the living room with a dismayed head.

“Still not?” Lin Qianxun just saw Zhao Lingjun’s expression and vaguely knew the answer.

“I can’t take off my underpants and put them on.” Zhao Lingjun said depressed. “It seems that Yunxia Tianyi is also a method used, not invisible.”

“Oh.” Listen to Zhao Lingjun say so. Meng Xue couldn’t help laughing again.

“Forget it, let’s not study this Yunxia Tianyi first. It seems that he wanted to tell the woman in secret love how to use this garment.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Lin Qianxun and said, “The bamboo pieces did not record the three treasures How to make Zong ’s magic weapon? We might as well study and study how the magic weapon is made? Maybe we can make several useful magic weapons. ”

“Yes, Chihiro, tell us what kind of magic weapon the Three Treasures will make.”

“Qianxun?” Zhao Lingjun looked at Meng Xue and Lin Qianxun in a daze for a moment. How could you not understand that when Meng Xue saw Lin Qianxun looking for himself on that day, it was like seeing a man It’s like killing his father and enemies, but now this time, the two are so close again.

“Okay. Then I’ll take a look at it piece by piece.”

“Wait.” Meng Xue was very excited to bring the paper and pen. “I’ll take notes.”

“The three treasures’ magic weapon refining can be divided into three types: pill, pill, pill …”

“Lian Dan?” Lin Qianxun said a word. Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but ask: “Is there any method of refining the Great Dan?”

“Are you guys bitten by Xiaobai?” Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun and said with a smile, “Want to fill up four and become a fairy?”

“What’s the use of being a fairy,” Zhao Lingjun said depressively, “he didn’t say how to use the bundle of fairy ropes, the magic wand, etc., it wasn’t the same as Yunxia Tianyi at that time, so I could just hang it and watch Look?”

After Zhao Lingjun paused, he smiled insignificantly and said, “I want to refining Wuwei to Dan because this medicine has the function of resurrection and elimination of all diseases? If I could produce a bunch of them, I would be pleasing to the eye It ’s okay for one person to get one, and it ’s good to chew on soy beans.

“Chewing your head, do you think it’s as easy to roast the infinity as it is to roast sweet potatoes on the street, and one will be baked in a while?” Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun with an angry and funny look: “His master has only refined his whole life. Nine are made. You still have one. ”

“Hehe.” Lin Qianxun couldn’t help laughing when he heard Meng Xue and Zhao Lingjun. After carefully turning over the bamboo slices, Lin Qianxun looked at Zhao Lingjun and said, “Even if it’s refined, it’s as fast as roasted sweet potatoes.” , You do n’t have a manpower, because there is no refining method for refining it without greatness. Maybe his master does n’t have the refining method for refining it without greatness. ”

“Oh.” Seeing Lin Qianxun’s smile, Zhao Lingjun also felt very relaxed.

“Which method is there to make Zhai Elixir?”

“Huang Yadan …”,

“Wait.” Just after Lin Qianxun reported a famous person, he was interrupted by Zhao Lingjun.

“Huang Yadan? This seems to be a very potent medicine.”

“Hehe.” Lin Qianxun smiled and looked at the bamboo piece. “It says that Huang Yadan can regulate the body’s five qi, strengthen the body, especially the Taoist’s clothing, and it can increase the strength of the Dao.”

“This thing seems to be in general, it is not as good as the yellow Mao Dan Niucha in movies and TV.” Zhao Lingjun said. “Let’s look at other medicines first.”

“There is also Jinguangdan, which can be skinned like iron after taking it, and the sword and gun will not hurt. Longhudan, after taking it, has the power of dragon and tiger within an hour. There is also Gugudan, after taking it, you can not eat for seven days. , Shenmu Maru, after eating, it can treat all internal injuries, and …

“What else.” Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue heard it with great interest, and suddenly found Lin Qianxun blushing and stopped.

“There are also Yuzhu Dan and Maidan Dan …” Lin Qianxun said with a blush.

“Slow down slowly.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Lin Qianxun, wondering why Lin Qianxun said so quickly. “You haven’t said what the immortals do.

Lin Qianxun looked at Zhao Lingjun, blushing, and encouraged the courage to say, “Yuzhu Dan can solidify Pei Yuan. You can get a child when you are old.”

“I *. Isn’t this the ancient Huiren kidney treasure?” Zhao Lingjun laughed. Asked again: “What about the girl lady?”

“Lady Dan can make a woman’s heart spring, can’t hold herself …” Lin Qianxun’s voice was low like a mosquito, and after finishing this sentence, Lin Qianxun’s face was already full of blush.

“Bashing” When Lin Qianxun said this, Zhao Lingjun was drinking water, but when he heard Lin Qianxun’s words, Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but squirt out the water in his mouth.

“Okay, this immortality is good, I’m going to make this immortality.” Zhao Lingjun said sternly.

“You are a rogue, do you want to give Qian Xun or give it to me?” Meng Xue said with a blush.

“One handful.” Zhao Lingjun was thinking of beauty. It came out naturally.

“You …” Meng Xue suddenly threw the cushion on the sofa towards Zhao Lingjun.

“Do you want to die?”

“Oh, no joke.” Zhao Lingjun’s head is still very bright. Immediately, the topic began to change, “How are these immortality medicines made, is it not difficult? For example, how did Huang Mao Dan, which can enhance skill, make it.”

“The materials of Huang Maodan are millennium fruit, rootless water, red stone resin …”

“Thousand-year Zhu Guo?” Lin Qianxun said three Huang Maodan’s materials, Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue were dumbfounded.

“I don’t even know what Zhu Guo is like. The millennium Zhu Guo?” Zhao Lingjun said after thinking for a while: “It seems that we still don’t want to make such a powerful panacea. Let’s bring some.”

After a pause, Zhao Lingjun said to Lin Qianxun: “What is the material of that lady pill?”

“The materials of Lady Nunnery are dried clove, snake bed, cypress, Gan Song …”

“Qianxun …!” Lin Qianxun only read a few materials, Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun interrupted Lin Qianxun’s words.

As soon as he saw Zhao Lingjun’s unsmiling expression on his face, Lin Qianxun realized that he had become Zhao Lingjun’s deceiver.

“You gangster, you are not allowed to ask any other lady Dan.” Meng Xue said, staring at Zhao Lingjun.

“Why not look at Yuzhu Dan?”

“Chihiro. Let’s see if there is any magic weapon that can be refined.”

“Oh, what are the magic weapons?” Zhao Lingjun looked at Meng Xue and smiled, knowing that if he joke with Meng Xue again, Meng Xue will definitely turn over.

“The magic weapon is the Burning Sky Beads, Thunderbolt Arrow, Mist Dew Qiankun Net, Hunyuan Umbrella …” Because at a glance, most of them are bamboo rolls made by magic weapons, so Lin Qianxun just applied for a name first.

But when Lin Qianxun reported the second name, Zhao Lingjun was taken aback.

“Wait, do you mean Hunyuan Umbrella?”

“What’s wrong?” Lin Qianxun took the roll of bamboo he just put down into his hand, looked at it, and said, “It’s a Hunyuan umbrella.”

“I *.” Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but gasped and said to the two people, “Have you ever seen the God List or Journey to the West? Do you remember there is a demon four generals in the Journey? The four Journeys in the Journey to the West ”

“Nonsense, who doesn’t know the Four King Kongs, you treat me as a little white.” Meng Xue glared at Zhao Lingjun.

“Aim.” Xiao Bai thought he was calling it, and couldn’t help watching Meng Xue yell.

“Oh, I don’t mean you.” Meng Xue couldn’t help but hold Xiaobai in his arms.

But Zhao Lingjun’s next sentence shocked Meng Xue.

“The umbrella held by a guy in the Four King Kongs is called Hunyuan Umbrella.”

“Isn’t it? How can the Three Treasures be able to make even magic weapons used by the gods?”

“I don’t know.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Lin Qianxun and said, “When I was a child, I read, and said that when the Hundred Yuan umbrella was stretched, it was dim and dark, and the sun and moon were dark. Nor is it an opponent. How do these three treasures describe the power of this Hundred Yuan Umbrella? ”

“This bamboo piece says that the Hunyuan umbrella is a treasure. After it is unfolded, it can not only gather the dark clouds within a hundred miles, but also cause the ground gas within a hundred meters to rise, and the ground vibrates. The other party dropped off the car one after another. The place where the Hunyuan umbrella is the most powerful is not invaded by cold, heat and heat, and the golden soil is hard to hurt. ”

“The dark clouds within a hundred miles come together? Isn’t that the sky is dim and the sun and moon are dark? The air is rising and the ground is shaking. Is this the turning of the universe?” Zhao Lingjun stayed for a while, “Does this The Hundred Element Umbrella is a magic weapon that can suddenly make a place dark and trembling on the ground? If this is the case, it still has a relatively protective effect. ”

“So what materials are needed to make the Hundred Yuan Umbrella?” Zhao Lingjun feels that this magic weapon sounds very famous, but the actual power is also a bit more protective. It can be regarded as easy among the three treasures. of. So despite his little interest, Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but ask Lin Qianxun.

“The production of this magic weapon … UU Reading www.uukanshu.com” Lin Qianxun just glanced at it, and his face was awkward.

“Why?” Zhao Lingjun felt bad as soon as he saw Lin Qianxun’s complexion.

“The whole Hundred Yuan Umbrella must be made of 1,200 freshwater pearls with gold thread, embroidered with emeralds, emeralds, night pearls, dust beads, fire beads, water beads, cooling beads, nine beads , Ding Yanzhu, Ding Fengzhu … “Lin Qianxun read it all the way, and it was still strange when he finished reading, why Zhao Lingjun didn’t interrupt himself this time.

But when he looked up, he found that Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue had already opened their mouths, and could not even speak a word.

“One thousand and two hundred freshwater pearls …, emeralds, emeralds, night pearls, dust beads …” Zhao Lingjun took a breath after his freshman year: “Don’t say I can’t find these materials, even if I find them Now, how do you wear an umbrella? Are the three masters of the Three Treasures kidding me? ”

“He’s not kidding, he has a picture of how to wear it on the bamboo.” Lin Qianxun glanced and said. “It’s very complicated. Those emeralds, emeralds, night pearls, and dust beads must be composed of four strange words in a strange order and pattern.”

“I *.” Zhao Lingjun said.

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