Carry a Different Space with You

v4 Chapter 785 - The core is the space point! [Seeking flowers! 】

If Li Xing also recognized the importance of spatial points before, there is no doubt or doubt. However, there is really no comparability between the previously recognized importance and the real recognition of the role of spatial points.

Although Li Xing hasn’t read the changes before, the core of all this is that there will be no errors in the spatial point. Spatial points are the foundation of everything!

The three biggest functions that appear in different spaces are these three. For example, the place that was originally able to carry water does not exist alone, but rather depends on the land where plants are grown. How much water can be filled is also determined according to the land area. Just as the current 300 acres of land can hold so much water, if you want to increase the space that can hold water, it must be accompanied by an increase in the planting area. In other words, it is impossible to use the space point alone to increase the size of the water holding space. It is necessary to increase the space for water by increasing the planting area in an indirect way!

There are some other situations. For example, if the items in the space where you want to store items appear in the plant planting space points, this can be done as long as you spend some space points. However, compared with Li Xing’s comparison, this consumption rate and frequency have increased by more than a little bit! In the same way, these three kinds of spaces can all be in each other. However, this requires a lot of space points. Again, everything is a point in space. This is simply impossible without a point of space.

Really aware of the current changes in the different space, Li Xing can also analyze what advantages he has in the face of happiness and worries!

Not to mention the storage space and the living space (the space that can store people and animals), these two are the existence of completely consuming space points, and there is no possibility of adding space points at any time or under any circumstances! Therefore, Li Xing knows that if he wants to make a leap of development in his own space, he must work **** the planting land!

Let’s just talk about 300 mu of land now. Remove the side effects of gas and energy stones. In fact, there are now 70 million space points that can be added to 300 mu of land every day! Li Xing designed it. If you look for some special plants, this value can be increased to 100 million!

So, adding Li Xing spends 30 billion space points, adding another 300 acres of land, and also planting exactly the same plants as the 300 acres of land, then the crops on the new 300 acres of land increase every day One hundred million space points, basically it takes at least 35 billion space points to go back and forth! In other words, after opening up new land, it takes almost a year to fully recover the cost! And considering that the different space basically exists in the ancient times. Then, what is paid is the income of the previous year. Li Xing suddenly realized that it looked like. . . It is not a bad situation. It is still very tempting to think that after a year, it is completely the harvest season.

Moreover, Li Xing also thought of a situation, that is, the characteristic of the increase brought by the gas and energy stones. Now the original daily increase of space points is 70 million. After the continuous increase of air and energy stones, the daily increase of space points is three times the original amount, which is 210 million! So, if the original base is not 70 million, but 700 million? Or even seven billion? What is this increase? Two billion! Or two or two billion! Then, this number is very shocking!

Although we want to reach this original figure, the space points that need to be consumed in the early stage are definitely an astronomical figure. But how to say? With gas and energy stones, the speed of cost recovery is absolutely fast. After all, Li Xing has now realized that it consumes a lot of space and does not need to worry too much. The key is whether Li Xing has too much space to consume. This seems to be the most critical part!

As long as there is a space point, new planting land can be opened up. Then, under finding other higher plants that can increase spatial points, there is no difficulty in the self-sufficiency of spatial points in the future.

After analyzing such a conclusion, Li Xing felt much better. Anyway, it is much better than just seeing a big cake, but there is no way to eat it.

These are the changes in the different space. Li Xing didn’t know if there would be something new in the next one-dimensional point change. But at least Li Xing is satisfied now. Especially in the case of the emergence of life space, at a certain time, the convenience provided to Li Xing is great, and the application is also very extensive.

Of course, now Li Xing will definitely not think about the next upgrade for the time being! Because the space point needed for the next upgrade is 500 billion! To be honest, if we analyze the growth rate of space points like Li Xing’s now, there are actually not many space points of 500 billion. But what I have to consider now is that Li Xing can’t keep increasing the space without consuming it! On the contrary, with this upgrade, Li Xing’s consumption of space points is absolutely extremely rapid. Regardless of whether it is from actual needs or one-sided pursuit and influence, this is what Li Xing must do.

So, looking at it this way, for the time being, don’t ask for the next upgrade of the different space. The most important thing now is to accelerate the growth of space points and use space points reasonably to enhance the strength of oneself and the surrounding people!

The different space has changed, so, correspondingly, the different space field has also undergone great changes. In the past, the field of different space has been continuously expanded and expanded with the upgrade of the different space. But this time it was the complete opposite. . . This time it is getting smaller! Not only has it become smaller, but the distance of four meters from the eye is reduced to the current distance of one meter!

When he first discovered this, Li Xing was extremely depressed. What kind of characteristics and abilities the different space domain had, or how much help the different space domain had given Li Xing, Li Xing couldn’t be more clear.

Li Xing also fully realized that the larger the scope of the different space domain, the more convenient it is. but now. . . With the upgrade of the different space, Li Xing originally thought that the range of the different space could be increased to six meters or even eight meters. In this case, Li Xing will further use the super characteristics of the different space domain to act as he wants. but now. . . How can you think that the situation turned out to be completely opposite?

The scope of the alien space field has shrunk! This shocked Li Xing!

But after a closer inspection, Li Xing found out. . . It turned out that this should be the beginning of an improvement! Rather than being as unbearable as Li Xing imagined! Because, according to the information given by the different space, if the scope of the different space domain continues to expand, then it will only cause the ability of the different space domain to become weaker and weaker. It will not continue to increase its power with the increase in scope! It can be said that the development trend and direction of the field of different space is not simply to increase this range! The real characteristic or goal of the field of different space is to completely integrate with Li Xing! This fusion means that the realm of different space and Li Xing’s body completely fit together! Don’t think that at this time the domain of different dimensions cannot be extended. On the contrary, the realm of different space can be extended. Although the extension at this time needs space points to support. But at the very least, this large-scale feature of the different space domain has not disappeared with it. But what does this mean once you are integrated into yourself? It also means that no matter when and what the situation is, the domain of the different space is always in a state of protecting the body, and as long as the space point is enough, then the body’s function will not change a little bit! If you imagine that the spatial point will never disappear, it means that Li Xing will never die!

Although it is still one meter away from the real integration! But now it is already moving in this direction! In the end, the effect of the complete integration deeply shocked Li Xing! Never die. . . What concept is this? Even a fool might understand it?

Li Xing was really full of infinite curiosity about the different space created by the two jade pieces. What kind of power is it to enable a person to truly live forever? Is it a miracle? No, there is no miracle or a miracle. You should know that even the highest-level qi-trainers and capable people at the highest level can enjoy a maximum of 300 to 400 years of survival time. After this time, then the body’s function will not age because of your own energy. . . Even if it surpassed the heavenly level. Well, the life expectancy will be doubled at most. Let’s make a bold assumption like this. But in this way, isn’t it still impossible to compare with never dying? So it looks like. . . This is a bit too awkward!

There is such a development trend in the field of different space, and it can also extend freely while consuming a certain number of space points, and the distance of extension can even be different depending on the number of space points, which is much more free than before. Although it seems to consume some additional space points. But if used well, this can be transformed into an advantage.

However, it is obvious that these two points are not going to change yet, and the other point is the change in the ability to control the domain of different dimensions. Although this change is not so obvious, think about it, the increased control ability means that the reaction speed has increased. In some cases, a little more reaction time can completely determine the final outcome.

The changes in the realm of alien space made Li Xing rest assured, and Li Xing could concentrate on other areas. Look at the plants planted in the different space now. Li Xing summed it up, now that the single plant increases the most space points is Ganoderma lucidum. Then there are ginseng, employment grass and honeysuckle. After that is Dahongpao tea tree and juice oil!

Li Xing then analyzed it, judging from the number of space points added by the monomer, it is such a sequence. However, if you simply look at the relationship between the number of space points consumed and the increase in space points, the ratio of juice to oil is the highest. Because there is no question of how old the juice is. Take ginseng, for example, the amount of space points added to 100-year-old ginseng is 1,000 points per day! If the centuries-old ginseng has been allowed to grow continuously, then the space points that ginseng can increase every day can be continuously enhanced. However, at the same time of this growth, it is actually consuming space! In other words, the participation of ginseng year is accompanied by the consumption of space points. Where’s the juice? The growth period or maturity period of juice is only one year! One year later, it will still be like this, ten years later, it will still be like this, and it will not consume more space because of the increase in time! After the juice is one-time mature, it is completely at the level of dedication space! The area of ​​juice now occupies one hundred acres of land. And the most primitive space point increase given by this hundred acres of juice every day is 10 million! From this perspective alone, juice oil is undoubtedly the most stable and cost-effective place. Moreover, the meaning of juice is incomparable to other things. It is completely imaginable, according to the characteristics of different spaces and considering the planting area. As long as 10 million acres of juice can be planted in a different space, it will basically be able to fully meet the world’s energy needs! Because in a different space, the free growth and maturity cycle of juice is only a short one month! Twelve crops a year means that 100 million mu of juice is planted in the real world! This figure can fully meet the world’s energy demand! Of course, it is calculated according to the current world demand.

Of course, this idea is very good, but ten million mu of land requires one quadrillion space points! This seems to be an amazing number!

However, at this time, Li Xing decided to develop two hundred acres of new land for growing juice!

Watching the 20 billion spatial points disappear in an instant, and then looking at the lifeless land, two hundred acres of land that can be controlled newly appeared! In addition to sighs, Li Xing was left with sighs.

After sighing, Li Xing’s actions were not ambiguous at all. Soon all 300 mu of land was planted with juice. There is no need to wait for a month of maturity, and it directly spent 200 million space points to make 200 mu of juice enter the mature period!

Looking at the growth of the most primitive space points from 70 million to 90 million, after the increase in air stones and energy stones, the total number of space points added every day has increased to 2.270 million now! A slight smile appeared on Li Xing’s face. Don’t underestimate the 20 million increase, after the increase, this is equivalent to a three-fold increase. It can be completely imagined that if the original base is really large enough, then the number of additional space points is definitely considerable. Of course, now, let’s keep the situation like this. Looking at the number of 32 billion space points left, Li Xing still needs space points! You can’t consume all of it at once! Not enough, there will be opportunities in the future. . . Slow development is enough!

——————————Updated, please support me with flowers!

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