Carry a Different Space with You

v4 Chapter 781 - Wow, a lot of space! [Seeking flowers! 】

While Li Xing was excited about the billion tons of crude oil production, he couldn’t believe it. Because even in Russia, which has the largest oil field base, the world’s current annual crude oil output ranks first in the world, and its annual crude oil output is only 450 million tons. Like China, the annual output of crude oil has reached 200 million tons, but it can only rank fourth in the world!

And the annual output of an oil field discovered now reached one billion tons, and Li Xing still didn’t feel much excited. But after being excited, Li Xing felt that it seemed too simple.

Calculated on the basis that there are eight barrels of crude oil per ton in the world, that is eight billion barrels. According to the current price of a barrel of crude oil in the world, um, just calculate a whole number and calculate it at 90 dollars. Then, what is the annual gross profit of this oil field alone? Seven hundred twenty billion dollars! Not to mention the final net profit, how can it be less than 500 billion US dollars? What a crazy number this is? Not comparable to Xingyi Technology? wrong! What does Xingyi Technology rely on? It relies on technology, and now the technology of Xingyi Technology, to put it bluntly, is because it fills the gap, and it is necessary in the market, so Xingyi Technology can have such results. Just like the car exhaust gas processor, if it is not built on the premise that the global atmospheric environment is really bad and can no longer be bad, Xingyi Technology wants to achieve the current results, it is simply a matter of time! Even so, the car exhaust processor only creates huge profits in a short period of time. Can’t last long! But this oil field is completely different. in case. . . If it is true that Tang Yujie said that one billion tons per year can be mined for 40 years, what kind of benefit does that represent? I believe no one will not be crazy!

However, Li Xing was a bit confused again. If there is such news, then no matter which country it is, especially the United States, which regards itself as the world’s leader, it will definitely not be indifferent, right? but now. . . Why is there no news at all? Even before Tang Yujie called this call, there was no sound of wind. How is this going?

However, no matter what the situation is, it is an indisputable fact to rush to Africa as soon as possible. No matter what oil field is not oil field. Since there are Heaven-level Qi-trainers and Heaven-level capable people on the other side, this means that one’s own person is in danger, and it is still very, very dangerous. Of course Li Xing couldn’t be indifferent to watch his own person in danger.

“Remember, you will immediately move to the safest place and wait for me to show up before saying anything else. The most important thing for you now is to ensure your own safety. Tell Zhang Cheng, whatever it is now, you must give up temporarily.” Li Xing said with unprecedented seriousness.

“Okay, I see!” Tang Yujie’s affirmative answer made Li Xing a little relieved.

Li Xing hung up the phone and immediately called Lin Chenghu, who asked Lin Chenghu to arrange Li Xing’s flight route immediately!

Li Xing really regrets it now. I regret not getting a private jet for myself, otherwise, I should be able to catch it as quickly as possible now.

However, it is too late to get it now. However, Li Xing took this matter to heart. When calling Lin Yuru and the others, he told them this idea and asked them to pay attention to it. Private plus those used by your company. Li Xing ordered ten frames in one go!

Although Lin Chenghu wondered why Li Xing was so anxious, how long did he stay apart? But Lin Chenghu knew that now was not the time for Li Xing to solve his doubts. Therefore, without asking anything, the flight route was connected directly through various relationships. First fly from Jecheng to Beijing, then fly from Beijing to Paris, and then fly directly from Paris to Luanda, the capital of Angola!

This is now the fastest route forward.

Li Xing hurriedly got on Hu Han, Li Tian and Wu Chou and boarded the plane. . .

During the entire flight, Li Xing basically understood the ins and outs of the whole thing.

Zhang Cheng’s scope of activities was initially in Angola. Although the sphere of influence and scope of activities have now been extended to the entire south-central Africa. But Angola has always been Zhang Cheng’s headquarters and base. Zhang Cheng has a lot of cash, so he directly bought a piece of land in Angola as his headquarters. This piece of land is not very large, and its length and width are basically close to 100 kilometers. The area is almost 10,000 square kilometers.

Zhang Cheng is preparing to establish a real headquarters here as a foundation in Africa. And Zhang Cheng’s early work was really good. Not only did he break up all the mercenary organizations near Angola, dismantle, dismantle, absorb, and absorb, there were no wolves around Zhang Cheng. A mercenary organization compared to the Corps exists. Coupled with Li Xing’s backing personnel and financial support, Zhang Cheng’s strength developed extremely rapidly, and even created a myth of the growth of mercenary organizations on the African continent!

But just half a month ago, Zhang Cheng discovered that an organization called the Tiger Mercenary Corps continued to provoke and suppress Zhang Cheng and the others. Even slowly developed into a war! Still the kind of endless death, they are beating the wolf pack mercenary group to death!

Now Zhang Cheng quit. Directly gave the most powerful counterattack. Zhang Cheng’s subordinates are not built, they are all elite soldiers. Either one has been baptized by the army, or one has experienced life and death on the battlefield. Therefore, the fierce tiger mercenary group was attacked by Zhang Cheng, and the loss was extremely heavy. It can even be said that the bones have been broken.

And Zhang Cheng certainly won’t keep his hands at this time. As the saying goes, cutting the grass does not remove the roots, but the spring breeze blows and regenerates. Zhang Cheng could not allow such a threatening force as the Tiger Mercenary Corps to exist.

But just when Zhang Cheng was preparing to destroy the Tiger Mercenary Group in one fell swoop, and with this opportunity, completely let the Wolves Mercenary Group to the entire mercenary world. On the side of the Tiger Mercenary Corps, people with superpowers suddenly appeared! Zhang Cheng defeated!

As a last resort, Zhang Cheng could only ask for help.

First, Yuan Rong and the people of Blood Wolf came to support and dealt a great blow to the Tiger Mercenary Group. But just when everything was going well under Zhang Cheng, a more advanced superpower appeared in the other side! Even if Tang Yujie brought the team, apart from taking the upper hand at the beginning, she still had no advantage. And in the most recent encounter, the opponent turned out to be a heaven-level trainer and a heaven-level capable person! It gave Zhang Cheng an absolutely tragic blow. Let Zhang Cheng suffer heavy losses. Even Tang Yujie’s team died of 14 people, the blood wolf gold medal killer lost seven people, and Yuan Rong’s people also lost almost a third. Yuan Rong himself was severely injured, Yuan Yu, Yuan Dong, Yuan The three of them were also injured. Zhang Cheng’s people were almost half the people killed. Fortunately, most of this half of the personnel are not those brought by the country. Otherwise, the loss is even greater!

At this time, not only Zhang Cheng felt something was wrong, but Yuan Rong, Tang Yujie and others also felt weird. To say that the Tiger Mercenary Group really has any feast with the Wolves Mercenary Group, this really does not exist. Even before, the Wolves Mercenary Group and the Tiger Mercenary Group had no intersection at all. But the Tiger Mercenary Group appeared suddenly, and it was full of malicious intentions to kill the Wolves Mercenary Group! Well, even so, there is no need to doubt too much. After all, the mercenary market has a certain range, maybe the emergence of the Wolves Mercenary Group has invaded the interests of the Tiger Mercenary Group. You know, in this world, 90% of conflicts are born under interests. However, every time Zhang Cheng’s strength was strengthened, the Tiger Mercenary Group increased to a completely overwhelming strength! So, since the Tiger Mercenary Group has such power, are you still worried that the Wolves Mercenary Group will threaten their interests? Also, why couldn’t these forces be deployed at the very beginning to carry out a devastating blow to the Wolves Mercenary Group? But is it strengthened with the strengthening of the Wolves Mercenary Group one by one?

After analysis by Zhang Cheng and others, they came to the conclusion that the Tiger Mercenary Corps had never thought that the Wolves Mercenary Corps had the power they showed now. And after the strength of the Wolves Mercenary Group increased, they only increased to an absolute advantage. How about using a sledgehammer? Maybe they had this idea in the beginning.

But after analyzing this point, the problem returned to its original point. So why does the Tiger Mercenary Group have to struggle with the Wolves Mercenary Group? After all, after the Wolves Mercenary Group demonstrated its own strength, it has proved that it is not that easy to chew. But under such circumstances, the Tiger Mercenary Corps even possessed such super powerful existences as heaven-level trainers and heaven-level capable ones. But don’t they worry about the super powerful existence behind the Wolves Mercenary Group?

Therefore, Zhang Cheng did not think clearly about this point. At this time, the Tiger Mercenary Corps finally spoke. Let Zhang Cheng spit out all the land in Angola! Otherwise, let Zhang Cheng die!

At this time, not only Zhang Cheng was puzzled, but Yuan Rong and others who had a preliminary understanding of Africa were also puzzled. There was even a little doubt that the news from the Tiger Mercenary Group was correct. What land does Zhang Cheng own in Angola? Uh. . . Although the area is not small. But in comparison, it’s really not big! The most important thing is that this area is nothing special. Except for a small mountain, well, there is a wealthy gold mine on the mountain, but this wealthy gold mine is only worth tens of billions of dollars. This is still based on years of mining! Obviously, the Tiger Mercenary Corps has put up such a big battle, definitely not just for a gold mine! Moreover, there are many places like this in Africa, and the Tiger Mercenary Corps can completely encircle a land larger than the Wolves Mercenary Corps! Even if the Wolves Mercenary Corps has the right to use this land for ninety-nine years, this is not difficult, and it can even be said to be an extremely simple matter. Just like Zhang Cheng got this rich gold mine and this land with a total area of ​​10,000 square kilometers, the headquarters only cost Zhang Cheng 3 billion US dollars! This is the data under Zhang Cheng taking care of the Angolan government. Therefore, in this regard, Zhang Cheng everyone came to a conclusion, that is, on the land owned by the Wolves Mercenary Group, there are things that the Tiger Mercenary Group is very, very important!

So, within this range, besides a gold mine, what else is there? Zhang Cheng was puzzled.

In the end, the blood wolf people risked their deaths, and after paying five gold medal killers, they succeeded in getting a situation. In the area controlled by Zhang Cheng, oil was discovered, and it is a super stock and extremely easy to extract oil! According to the news received by the Tiger Mercenary Corps, the annual mining volume can reach an astronomical figure of at least one billion tons, and the mining speed can be maintained for forty years!

Of course, this scope is not only in the area controlled by Zhang Cheng. It also includes the surrounding area five times the area. However, the Tiger Mercenary Corps did not arouse premature ideas from the Angolan government and also saved a lot of money. Therefore, I just wanted to take the area controlled by Zhang Cheng first. . . According to the agreement, this area is no longer under the jurisdiction of the Angolan government. Even the various symbolic taxes are one thousandth! Like nothing! Therefore, if the Tiger Mercenary Group wants to monopolize this area, then it must turn the area controlled by the Wolves Mercenary Group into completely their own. Only then did the sudden attack on the Wolves Mercenary Group appear.

However, they did not expect that the strength of the Wolves Mercenary Group was beyond their imagination. That’s why things got to this point. But even so. Now this news is only circulated among a very small number of people. Even on the Tiger Mercenary Corps, only the sky-level trainer and the sky-level capable person know a little! And for the loss of five gold medal killers, only to get this information, this information was inadvertently mentioned when the Tiger Mercenary Group was chatting with the sky-level energy trainer!

When Zhang Cheng and others received such information, they don’t understand how big the relationship is! Not to mention that this is related to oil, the most important energy in the world. The power that appears on the Tiger Mercenary Group alone cannot be underestimated! For safety, I had no choice but to call Li Xing for help!

This is basically the case. . . And now Zhang Cheng and the others are temporarily safe. Because the Tiger Mercenary Corps didn’t know what the reason was for. They gave Zhang Cheng seven days to consider! Of course, Zhang Cheng and the others have reached a very concealed and safe place. After all, it was not ruled out that the Tiger Mercenary Group was deliberately paralyzing Zhang Cheng and the others.

But Li Xing smiled after learning about these things, but this smile was a full sneer. . . Although this oil field does exist, even if it does exist, the real stock is still uncertain. But it is an indisputable fact that the Tiger Mercenary Corps provokes its own people and has caused huge losses to its own side. So, if that’s the case, Li Xing doesn’t mind the murder!

Moreover, the sky-level trainer and the sky-level capable person, wow, this can represent a lot of space points!

————————————————Updated, please support me with flowers!

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