Cannon Fodder Is King [Transmigration]

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

The next morning, Meng Zezhi carried a box of ginseng and two boxes of coffee to the Department of Biology Building.

Finding Zhu Zhengqing’s office according to the information given by Professor Wan, the security door was ajar, and Meng Zezhi raised his hand and knocked on the door.

“Please come in.”

There was a light breath in his voice, like Lin Laiquan’s rhyme.

Meng Zezhi opened the door.

The man squatted in a cardboard box on the ground, just looking up at him, the sweat on his forehead ran down the smooth chin, wet the front of his clothes, and the delicate collarbone was looming.

A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes: “It’s you?”

Meng Zezhi calmly retracted his gaze and suppressed the strange feeling in his heart. He questioned: “Professor Zhu?”

Hearing what he said, Zhu Zhengqing’s eyes flashed suddenly: “You are the Professor Meng that Grandpa Wan said!”

Since it is an acquaintance, it is easier to talk.

Meng Zezhi walked over and stretched out his hand.

Zhu Zhengqing stood up, reached out and shook hands with Meng Zezhi, and then found that his hand was wrapped tightly by Meng Zezhi’s hand.

Are old men’s hands so big?

He thought seriously.

When he recovered, Meng Zezhi had already put his hands back, and said, “I will be in trouble for a while, Professor Zhu!”

“It’s okay,” Zhu Zhengqing retracted his hand calmly, and then pointed to the sofa next to him: “Sit down.”

Meng Zezhi nodded slightly and put the gift box in his hand on the coffee table.

There was no figure like Zhu Zhengqing in the plot he got, but it did not prevent him from learning from Professor Wan that he was extraordinary.

A famous background, graduated from the Junior Class of the University of Science and Technology, was admitted to MIT with a full scholarship at the age of 16, under the tutelage of Nobel Prize winner and world-renowned biologist Professor Montani, received a PhD at the age of 20 and transferred to Harvard As a postdoctoral fellow, he won the Darwin Prize two years later and stayed on as an associate professor in the same year.

The prize amount of the Darwin Prize is not high, only two hundred pounds, but it is named after a great scientist like Darwin, and it is awarded by the Royal Society with a long history and a prestigious history. Therefore, it has a great influence in the academic world and is worldwide. The prestigious prize in biology.

So far, he has published more than 20 academic papers in international authoritative academic journals, including three papers in “Cell” and one in “Nature” as the corresponding author.

“Cell”, “Nature” and “Science” are also known as the world’s three top academic journals.

There is a passage in the academic circle. If you can publish a paper in these three top academic journals, you can find a teaching position in any university in China; if you publish two papers, you will be eligible to be selected for the “Thousand Young Talents Program”, or in the ‘985 ‘, ‘211’ University won the position of full professor.

As for the corresponding author, it refers to the person in charge of the project, who is responsible for the funding, design, writing and checking of the paper. In terms of intellectual property rights, the research results can be regarded as the corresponding author, which is not the same as the domestic rules.

In order to invite this great Buddha back, the Beijing University paid a lot of money. The title of full professor, doctoral supervisor, housing subsidy, resettlement fee of 3 million, research start-up funds of 10 million, and a three-level biosafety laboratory with a cost of more than 600 million will be built within five years.

Compared with the predecessor’s 500,000 relocation allowance and 3 million scientific research start-up funds, the gap is not a bit or a half. Of course, this has a certain relationship with the research direction.

“It just happens that I just came to school, there are no people around, the project has not yet been approved, the laboratory is empty and empty.”

The most important thing is that Professor Wan spoke, Zhu Zhengqing had to sell him anyway.

Fortunately, he knew this person, which was not considered a surprise.

After boiling a pot of boiling water, he made a cup of coffee for Meng Zezhi, which was instant.

“I’m really sorry, there is only this in the office right now.”

Meng Zezhi reached out and took it: “I wish you are polite, Professor.”

His eyes fell on a pile of paper boxes on the ground: “Did you move the office today? Why didn’t you find someone to help?”

Zhu Zhengqing was a little helpless: “Originally, he asked a worker to help, but he received a call from his wife halfway through, saying that he was about to give birth, and the child was only seven months old. He was worried about his wife and child, so he went back first.”

“That’s it,” Meng Zezhi said immediately: “Then I will help you!”

“No, no…” Zhu Zhengqing refused subconsciously.

But Meng Zezhi had stood up from the sofa, took off his jacket in twos and twos, unbuttoned the cufflinks, and directly rolled his sleeves to his elbows, revealing his slightly hairy arms.

“It’s okay, I have no class today anyway.”

In his eyes, Zhu Zhengqing saw the ghosts and gods. He remembered what a classmate said when he was in the United States. The stronger the body hair, the stronger the sexual desire.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but tightened the corners of his lips, calmly. Then it seemed that something had been thought of, and a faint disappointment flashed in his eyes.

No matter how good it is, it is from someone else’s!

Zhu Zhengqing instantly corrected her mentality.

After tidying up the bookshelves and filing cabinets, when the school staff installed the air conditioner, they found two more rags to clean the office. He raised his wrist to see that it was almost time for dinner.

“Thank you, Professor Meng.” Looking at the clean and tidy office, Zhu Zhengqing breathed a sigh of relief, then looked back at Meng Zezhi: “Thank you, I will do something at noon, so how about Professor Meng’s light meal?”

“I should be the one who wants to eat.” Meng Zezhi said immediately, after all, it is he who is asking for someone now.

Without waiting for Zhu Zhengqing to speak, Meng Zezhi continued: “I remember there is a good French restaurant on Nanmen Street. Although the chef is a Chinese, he does authentic French cuisine. What do you think?”

“Also.” Seeing that Meng Zezhi was sincere, Zhu Zhengqing was not welcome. Firstly, he is not familiar with this neighborhood. Secondly, the two of them will have a long time to contact in the future. If it’s a big deal, please come back again later.

When they got to the place, the two were already hungry, and they didn’t bother to spend time ordering, so they ordered two set meals.

His predecessor was not cold with French cuisine, mainly because he had been boarding at school since junior high school, and he developed the habit of eating one meal in ten minutes. Naturally, he couldn’t stand the French restaurant serving one meal one after another. The last one or two hours of mode.

But Meng Ze knows that it is different. What he enjoys more is the gentle and slow tunes flying in the restaurant, because it gives him a laid-back feeling.

“How is it, it tastes good!”

“It’s delicious and authentic.” Zhu Zhengqing praised sincerely: “Looking at Professor Meng’s appearance, he should be a regular customer of this restaurant.”

“Almost.” Meng Zezhi said casually: “My ex-wife prefers to eat French food, so I always accompany her to eat once or twice a month.”

“Ex-wife?” Zhu Zhengqing keenly caught the keyword, breathing slowly, but it didn’t show up on the face: “You, divorced?”

After speaking, a trace of regret flashed across his face, and Yue Mo felt that the question was too abrupt, but his eyes flickered with a gleam.

“That’s right.” Meng Zezhi disagreed, as he was talking, the restaurant door opened and a middle-aged man and woman walked in.

This is probably the realistic version that Cao Cao arrived at.

“Oh, isn’t this Professor Meng?”

Obviously, Chen Yinglong and the two also saw him.

At this time, Meng Zezhi is still in the mood to have a big meal, tut!

Chen Yinglong squinted his eyes, his face full of disdain.

Xu Jiaqing looked at the indifferent Meng Zezhi, and then thought of her daughter who had just been superseded, her heart was so cold that she couldn’t make any ripples anymore.

She no longer looked at Meng Zezhi: “Ying Long, let’s go.”

“it is good.”

Chen Yinglong naturally agreed. Finally, he looked back at Meng Zezhi and his eyes were full of mockery.

“Wait—” It was Meng Zezhi who spoke.

Everyone looked at him together.

Meng Zezhi sincerely suggested: “Since the divorce agreement has been signed, do you think we should get the divorce certificate as soon as possible.”

Chen Yinglong’s eyes lit up and looked at Xu Jiaqing.

Xu Jiaqing’s body trembled and she was silent for a long time. She laughed at herself and laughed: “That said, then Saturday morning. I will wait for you at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau.”

“Good.” Meng Zezhi agreed without hesitation.

After the divorce certificate is issued, he can logically clear out the things belonging to Xu Jiaqing at home, and then set up a private laboratory at home. After all, not all experimental procedures are suitable for school, such as extracting the results of blood test for AIDS patients. He didn’t dare to take the blood to the laboratory. It would be a big deal if an operating error infects others.

Otherwise, what would he do with a loan of seven million!

The author has something to say: Meng Zezhi: Although I covet your beauty, I am a straight man!

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