Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 949 - : New weapons

Mount East is more than a hundred miles in diameter. If it is a modern city, it is certainly not too big, but it is a city with a ring-shaped wall, and the scale is even huge.

In addition to the factory, Chu City in East Mountain, the biggest thing to do is to build a city structure and social structure completely organized by plague organisms, so that these plague organisms can live as normal humans.

The Crown of Thorns has done experiments and it has been very successful.

Plague creatures, controllable types, supplemented in human cities, can improve the social structure. Although most plague creatures are used as tools, they cannot be officials. But these tool people also have incomparable advantages, and that is the issue of loyalty.

Loyalty is inscribed in genes.

The safety of the current plague creatures is completely reassuring. In the Crown of Thorns, the plague creatures will absolutely obey the orders of Chucheng and Luo Yan, not from the program. The optical brain built into the plague creatures is essentially a controller, but even without this optical brain, Chucheng and Luo Yan let them To die, these plague creatures will not hesitate.

This kind of authority is delegated level by level.

In the Crown of Thorns, if you are a regular citizen, you will not be attacked by plague creatures. Unless you attack a plague creature, you are guilty of violating public property and will be arrested.

In the current experiment, letting the plague creatures live and produce on Mount East, Chu City is to see if it can bring luck.

The acquisition of the emperor’s dragon qi gave him a lot of ideas. If the plague creature can also provide nutrition to the dragon, the value of the plague creature is immense.

What if the plague creature can’t? It doesn’t matter, after all, this kind of biochemical weapon is much easier to use than robots.

In the production center of Crown of Thorns, at this moment, the first Stargate Supply Ship was placed on a flat ground. This supply ship, which is more than ten meters in length, looks like a multi-legged tank. The outer shell of the biological chariot was not so hideous, on the contrary, it looked like a metal texture. Some parts were quite smooth but not reflective.

Amakusa Cangyuan commanded from the air, and Wang Qinglong was personally present. The starry sky gate supply ship moved freely on the flat ground for a while, making a gesture of turning in multiple directions, and then the shell contracted and made a slight click.

Soon, the supply ship shrank into an equilateral octagonal shape, and the light from the bottom of the ship revealed a formation on the ground.

This array was as brilliant as a mirror. After it was formed, the supply ship floated slightly, and the next moment, it disappeared before everyone’s eyes. Wang Qinglong looked up and saw a black spot disappearing in the sky.

He could only open the visual interface of the Ember Throne badge and see the supply ship accelerating and rushing into deep space.

The initial acceleration was terrible, but when it was moving at a constant speed, the speed of the supply ship exceeded 12 kilometers per second, and soon reached 16 kilometers per second. The acceleration has not stopped, and soon this supply ship reached a speed of 20 kilometers per second, and it stabilized.

After half a minute of delivery, the supply ship reached twenty-four kilometers per second, Amakusa Cangyuan was very proud. This kind of biological spacecraft, because it is a one-off, can be extremely bold in design. Had it not been for internal space to accommodate supplies, he could make the spaceship faster.

It is enough now, after all, it is something to control costs.

In the end, the spacecraft reached more than 300,000 kilometers per second, and stopped speeding up, and began to fly into deep space at a constant speed. At this speed, it takes about four days to reach the area of ​​the Sanyuan Star Map.

It’s impossible for everyone to wait and just leave.

The Sanyuan Star Atlas was still asleep, and there was no need for supplies. The supply ship flew to the height of the Ash Star Atlas in less than two days, and then slowed down. It also took nearly an hour to decelerate around the spacecraft. , A series of spell portals ejected, like eight mirrors, forming a three-dimensional star map portal.

The gates of the eight star maps began to spray material outwards, a large number of flying tentacles, carrying materials, rushing to each magic eye, sending supplies to the mouthparts of the magic eye, and then those tentacles flew directly into the magic eye. In the mouthparts.

The area covered by a star map is at least hundreds of miles, with more flying tentacles, pushing materials and flying towards the distance. Many magic eyes open their mouthparts on their own initiative. Around the mouthparts, there are longer tentacles to grab the supplies and swallow them into their bodies.

With this kind of supply spacecraft, it takes three days to supply a star map.

It’s just that the spaceship can’t return. Eventually, the spaceship will be swallowed by those high-level magic eyes and become part of the magic eyes.

After Amakusa Cangyuan got the data, he gave a detailed report to Chu City. He was rarely so formal. This time he understood that the supply ship was too important for Chu City. Amakusa Cangyuan would never let the people below do it. He had to personally stare at this matter until Chu Cheng made the decision.

“In other words, the Thorns Star Chart also needs three days to complete the supply?”

“Of course, this is the cheapest way of replenishment. If you don’t care about the cost, you can complete the replenishment in one day. The big deal is to make a better ship and more expensive flying tentacles.”

Chu Cheng nodded, still acceptable within three days.

“Just use the star map gate to supply the ship and launch the magic eye directly, the cost is still very high.”

“It’s okay.” Chu Cheng said, “This situation is only needed when invading other spaces. The battle in Gaia only needs to be launched with ordinary rockets, and the cost is not much higher.”

“Then Lord, are we going to start the next step?”

“Which step?”

“Offensive, although the thorns star map is still small, we have launched a lot of the Big Dipper map. Over the past year, the Ming country has gained a lot, and we have plenty of supplies. We can even consider attacking the nearby underworld passage to direct this hidden danger. Forget it.”

“Underworld passage is not a good goal.”

Amakusa Cangyuan thought for a while and said, “Lord, how long do we need?”

“Ember Continent, Sun Continent, and Westland, we have to arrange enough star maps. Our star maps are higher in height and more concealed, and there is always no harm in the past. Wait for these places to arrange high-level star maps. After that, we will arrange the Big Dipper map to complete the entire starry sky chain plan.”

“That will take a long time!”

“Are you in a hurry?”

Amakusa Cangyuan didn’t say a word, he had been thinking about moving quietly for so many years. After all, his own knight order has been developed, and now there is no other way to play besides expanding the scale. Expanding the scale doesn’t make sense to him.

The Umbrella Knights are just an organization of a legion. Why do they expand?

Amakusa Cangyuan doesn’t need a legion. He is a scientist. He has the Throne of Ashes. In the depths of the sea, even the gods can hardly trouble him.

He is just idle, wanting to fulfill his dream of secondary 2 when he was young.

For this reason, it doesn’t matter if it causes a war. Anyway, he is a scientist. The only thing scientists care about is truth.

“Since it’s not in a hurry, wait, I still have some tasks for you.”

“Lord, please speak.”

“To make a single-person spacecraft, it’s best to produce energy, and it doesn’t matter if it can’t.”

“What about the specific data?”

“Of course it can fly into deep space, the farther the better.”

“Understood, who is carrying?”

“The first passenger is my mirror clone.”

Tiancao Cangyuan thought for a moment, and realized that Chu City was going to explore the starry sky of Gaia. The mirror clone, either collapsed on its own or else, its life span was still very long, and it didn’t care about the violent rays in the universe. Parasites are also suitable for exploring the universe. If possible, Chu City will send a large number of parasites to the depths of the starry sky and try to open up more territories.

“Use your remaining time to do this, don’t leave it to others to complete.”

“Yes.” Amakusa Cangyuan was not too anxious. To build a deep space spacecraft, for the people of the Milky Way universe, there is no problem of thinking, just how to solve the difficulty.

In the war zone of Gubei city, a corps was walking along the railway without a train.

The roads next to the railway were all pressed by the plague dragon, and the dirt roads were covered with a layer of biochemical materials, very cheap things, which could last for ten or eight years.

There were also tactical reasons Chu Cheng arranged for Amakusa Cangyuan to do this.

In fact, the number of low-level parasites he can control is extremely large, but it is meaningless if there are no growth parasites, and it is not worth wasting time to cultivate. But if the parasite is placed in the starry sky, as long as there is a rank of six or seven, it is enough to better command a star map to fight.

This is not necessary in Gaia. In the future, when entering the Kingdom of God or other worlds, the parasite can take on the task of commanding the star map in the air.

In this way, the cost of the main star of the star chart can also be controlled.

Parasites can be reused. As long as the bio-optical brain inside is still there, this thing, like living humans, has the means of accumulating technology, and the more it grows, the stronger it becomes.

After Chu Cheng arranged the arrangements, Luo Yan said to Chu Cheng, “The things you want have already been designed.”

Chucheng rejoiced ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and said, “How effective is it?”

“Of course not bad, after all, the materials are precious, and I used my visualization method.”

“Try it.” Chu Cheng said, turning on the divine creature’s light brain in Xuangui City, virtualizing the starry sky. The surrounding of the two of them was like a dark universe, with only a few hundred thousand magic eyes floating quietly.

The star jellyfish seemed invisible and invisible.

Chu Cheng also released a phantom, holding a long sword, and rushing towards a magic eye. Behind the magic eye, a long thorn immediately fell off and flew towards Chu City. During the flight, the long thorn changed and turned into a semi-transparent sword light. The cicada wing pattern on it was transparent, and it instantly hit Chu City.

Chu Cheng was surprised. Although his phantom was acting on its own, it was amazing to not avoid it.

The Phantom did not sense the danger at all, so it was cut by a sword. When it was recombined, the semi-transparent sword light slightly pointed towards the Phantom, and the Phantom shattered, but it was not known when it was already cut. Countless swords.

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