Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 946 - :3 star maps

Chu Cheng has its own considerations, and the design of the three major star maps all emphasizes.

The Ashen Star Chart is considered a strategic weapon, the number is only a little more than the Sanyuan Star Chart, and the battle group is not that big, because the Ashe Star Chart will not fight alone, but will attack with other star charts.

The number and structure of the Ash Star Chart are the same as the Sanyuan Star Chart.

As long as Chu Cheng delegated the authority of the Sanyuan Star Map, the high-ranking generals with the Crown of Thorns could also command the Sanyuan Star Map.

As the main battle weapon, the Thorns Star Chart is much more numerous than the Ash Star Chart.

All weapon research changes are basically aimed at the Thorns Star Chart.

The original fighting methods of the magic eye were rays, dragon spears, and magic swords. Now with the starry sky tentacles guarding the magic eye, the existence of the magic sword is somewhat unnecessary, or there are too many magic swords. Fortunately, there are not many manufactured before, and the production capacity has been meeting the export problem.

Now it’s too late to turn, and the old Big Dipper Chart does not need to be remodeled, just a new adjustment production line.

In the past, the number of specific eyes on these magic eyes was not standard. In order to save costs, sometimes it doesn’t matter if you have more eyes. Anyway, the life span is there. If there is no war, these magic eyes will be destroyed.

There were no divine cells at that time, and the lifespan of biochemical weapons was greatly affected in the cosmic starry sky.

In order to prolong life, the energy consumed has increased too fast, and it has increased geometrically.

With divine cells, the lifespan of the demon eye will increase, and the ability to store energy will increase. It must be standardized, otherwise it will be more likely to lose control. After losing control, these divine creatures, who knows what ghosts will grow into. Because the divinity is too thin, it is impossible for this kind of magic eye to become a god, but it is possible to become strange.

The shape of the magic eye is like a marine life in the ancient times of the earth, with a smooth shell and spikes on it. The longest row of spikes on the back is hollow, and the main attacking magic eye is born inside. This kind of large magic eye body is now in a charged attack mode, with extremely strong attack power, with only nine in total, ensuring that it can attack from any angle.

In addition to the nine magic eye spikes, there are nine magic sword spikes.

The magic sword has become larger, but there are only nine left, and it can fight like a flying sword under the control of the magic eye itself, while also being able to attack ground targets.

All that is left is the dragon spear spike. After being separated, it can adjust the angle and attack the ground.

The battle in the starry sky is handed over to the biological space in the magic eye, which stores some starry sky tentacles, which will be released when they need to fight. The mouthparts facing the ground below the magic eye are still there, and they can also spray biochemical crystals. The attack power is greater than that of the dragon spear and magic sword, mainly because of the stronger attributes.

Behind the mouthpart, there is a separate spout, which can be used to increase the moving speed. This single spout can launch starry sky tentacles, starry sky jellyfish, which communicate with biological space.

Amakusa Cangyuan also has a design, but it is given to Ash Demon’s Eye alone, trying the possibility.

In other star maps, there are high-level magic eyes, which can accommodate humans in biological space, but they need to be in a dormant state and can also be healed.

Future wars may break out in the starry sky or in the kingdom of God.

In any case, the inner space of the magic eye is independent, and the rules are the same as Gaia. According to the size of each magic eye, the number of humans or other plague creatures that can be accommodated varies from five to twenty. From Chu Cheng’s point of view, this design is a thing of little use, but fortunately, it doesn’t require additional energy consumption.

The starry sky jellyfish does not have much function, it is used for starry sky alert, and the detection distance is extremely long.

This thing relies on the magic eye to move, leaving the star map, its own moving speed, in the universe is equivalent to standing still. However, this thing contains paralytic toxins, or ray toxins, and it has a chance to explode. If it is attacked by the paralyzing rays of many jellyfish, people with good luck will inevitably be recruited.

The star jellyfish is weak and has a single attack. The advantage is that it has a long life.

This thing may live, leave the magic eye, drift in the stars, and may have a life span of tens of thousands of years.

The design of the starry sky tentacles is uniform, but the levels are different.

Unlike the plague tentacles, the plague tentacles may have many attack arms and legs. Only eight starry tentacles are retained, and stability is the number one priority. There may be a lot of energy in the starry sky, but the biological nutrition is limited and cannot be messed up. All the magic eyes that have reached their lifespan will be swallowed by the new magic eyes, as are the dead magic eyes, and they cannot be wasted at all.

The front end of the starry sky tentacles is a hard shell, like a streamlined arrow, with sharp ends.

Most of the back eight arms and legs are hidden in the hard shell. At this time, they are in a flying stance. When combat is needed, the arms and legs will continue to shoot outwards, but those are all melee combat.

There are four ridges on the shell, which are as sharp as a blade.

In the cosmic starry sky, this thing is very sensitive to accelerating and turning, and of course it also has the ability to burn life, just like other plague creatures. Especially when attacking the ground, the starry sky tentacles dived toward the earth, burning life, and the attack power that burst out was second only to biological crystals.

The flying method of the Star Tentacle is like a cruise missile, but the combat method is not.

In addition to attacking the enemy with a sharp head, this thing also has a long-range magic attack, which is considered a new magic creature.

The entire star chart cluster is accompanied by the magic eye and the star jellyfish flying. The star jellyfish can catch prey and give it to the magic eye to eat, so that the magic eye can always maintain a formation state. When the enemy is close, the magic eye will launch starry sky tentacles and attack melee. The ground attack is still dominated by dragon spears.

But now the dragon spear of the magic eye is more complicated, in the middle of each spike, there will be an embedded magic eye. The small front part is the attack warhead, and the back is the flight control part.

Divine cells make the micro-optical brain more outstanding in computing power. The bio-optical brain embedded in the magic eye can micro-manipulate the dragon spear and adjust its posture at near sub-light speed.

Of course, such reception and adjustment calculations will quickly destroy the biological optical brain in the dragon spear.

But it doesn’t matter, after the dragon spear attack, everything is over.

Crown of Thorns, there are no strategic missions now, so the old star maps are almost all sent to the new magic eye to be swallowed up. So although the new star chart is half-grown and dormant in the starry sky, it will actually grow up very quickly and be put into battle.

Such a slow growth process is because the starry sky tentacles in the Ash Star Chart have a higher level, and once they mature, they have a legendary level.

Regardless of the power level, the legend is nothing, but the most important part of the legend is to get a breakthrough in the law, even the ninth rank may be killed by the legend.

As for a Tier 4, even though it is a big one, placing Tier 9 in front of Tier 4, even if it is passive defense and does not activate skills, Tier 4 professionals cannot kill a Tier IX.

This is the meaning of legends, a sufficient number of legends can kill Tier 9 if they find an opportunity.

Of course, this is going to an extreme situation, and it is impossible for a normal Tier 9 to be killed by a Tier 5.

But on the battlefield, there are many extreme cases, and there has never been a lack of examples.

Once it is born, it is legendary level, so the upper limit of this kind of creature must be very high.

The Thorns Star Chart can be regarded as a standard battle mode, and the Ash Star Chart, although it is still the Star Jellyfish and Star Tentacle as auxiliary units of the Magic Eye, it is completely different.

The starry jellyfish in the Ash Star Chart has a huge volume and a colorful translucent body with flowing patterns, just like a river running through it. This kind of cosmic creature, although the body is only one kilometer in size, there are a lot of them. It surrounds the star map, and the entire defense circle is layered on top of each other, and there is no dead corner.

As for the starry tentacles, Ember Eye can only store up to nine, and one-third of them are complete bodies, and the rest are semi-mature bodies and developed embryos with different development levels. When needed, Ember Eye will ripen these.

After the tentacles of each Ashen Eye are released, a new embryo will be born in the cultivated organ, and it will develop to a certain extent. It takes about three days to become a complete embryo. The next step is the semi-mature body, the entire growth process It takes about seven to nine days.

It all depends on how much resources you give. It can’t be too fast. After all, the magic eye is floating in the universe, and it is very difficult to obtain supplies. Those starry jellyfish hunting are only supplementing non-organic resources.

In the Crown of Thorns, the first starry tentacles belonging to Ember Demon’s Eye have been born. Through the bio-optical brain connection on the star chart, scientists on the ground are watching the picture nervously. Under the bright starry sky, a huge magic eye, open mouthparts, those sharp teeth, wriggling circularly, are even more horrible against the background of the universe.

The mouthparts contracted and opened, violently ejecting a tentacle monster.

After the monster flew out ~www.mtlnovel.com~ it flew thousands of meters away in an instant, and it was still accelerating. The most frightening thing is that in the process of acceleration, this tentacle is still turning, adjusting, and making an attacking posture at any time.

The first half of this tentacle is a hard shell, but unlike the tentacles of the Thorns Star Chart, the shell of this tentacle is like a burning charcoal fire, and the fire element flows as if it is about to explode. The part of the tentacles dragging behind is even more full of purple flames, and black gray ashes float in the flames.

“Release.” Wang Qinglong gave the order, Amakusa Cangyuan controlled the formation on the Ash Throne, and over a long distance, gave the tentacle an attack order.

The tentacles turned quickly and flew toward the north. The speed kept increasing, and the vitality in the body was burning.

It was already dozens of times the speed of sound before, and the process of continuing to increase made this tentacle’s life shorter and shorter. This kind of biochemical weapon originally exceeded the three-day life limit, but in just a few seconds, its lifespan was less than one day, and it had reached the top of the kingdom of death.

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