Bring the System To Join the Chat Group

Chapter 571

“This is the general situation of Zhang Sanfeng.”

After everyone watched it, some people were dissatisfied.

Head of Yue: “The name of the head is Yue Buqun, you can check on the Internet what a lot of color the head has left in history!”

After a while.

Liu Peiqiang: “That… I’m sorry I couldn’t find it. There is no information about Yue Buqun on the Internet.”

Yue Buqun was stunned for a while, and the whole person was a little overwhelmed.

Zhang Sanfeng was very stunned in his heart, stroking his beard with a smug expression on his face.

Tai Chi Lao Tao: “Although you are a hypocrite, you are the head of Huashan Mountain, but your life has not left a trace in the people. It can be seen how much your life has failed. Unlike the old-fashioned me, it is a person who has left a lot of color in history. The person with the pen…0”

“Master Yue, you can’t compare it!”

At this time, Daming World Huashan.

Yue Buqun suddenly overturned the table and yelled, “You shameless old thief, you shameless old thief, the boss and you are at odds with you!”

Outside the door, the two standing disciples looked at each other and shook their heads.

They are not surprised, their Patriarch will break out every once in a while, each time because of this shameless old way.

However, according to other seniors who have traveled through the heavens, not only is his master’s cultivation level inferior to Zhang Sanfeng, but his talent for cultivation is also inferior.

Moreover, it is said that Zhang Sanfeng is one of the most powerful beings, a Dao-level warrior, a realm higher than his master.

Although, when the Huashan disciples of the Ming Dynasty traveled through the heavens, as long as they reported their origin, the other party would give a bit of face, but if the Wudang Mountain disciple came out, no one needed to give face, because those who did not give face became the dead soul under the sword. .

The Wudang disciples are all cultivating geniuses, and all of them are very hard-working. In terms of average cultivation level, they are a big part of the Huashan School.

However, their master, Yue Buqun, frustrated Zhang Sanfeng every time, and every time he ended in a disastrous defeat, he never learned his lesson.

The two could not help shook their heads, feeling a little speechless in their hearts.

“Shameless old thief, the boss can’t spare you!”

5.0  The two looked at each other again and shook their heads helplessly.

Suddenly, their heads suddenly hurt, but they saw a torn shoe hit on the head.

“I saw you two shaking your heads there just now, why? I kept shaking my heads after taking ecstasy!”

“Master, we didn’t intentionally shook our heads, or our heads are a little uncomfortable. This is to relax the muscles and muscles, which is good for the neck!”

Listening to the hypocritical words of the two disciples, Yue Buqun was immediately furious: “What is it, playing with Lao Tzu like a hypocrite, get out and punish you to think about it for three days!”

The two disciples went to think about the cliff in frustration.

But they were whispering in their hearts, who can compare with you on hypocrites.

If Yue Buqun heard this sentence, he would have to severely teach these two unscrupulous grandchildren. .

=== Chapter 384

Chat group. Feilu Fastest Update Chapter [Sheng Ying Download] Mini Program

Tai Chi Lao Dao: “Yue Zhang Sect, why don’t you speak anymore? Do you think that what Lao Dao says is all right?”

Head Yue: “This is just a duplicate name. This head has just compared it and found that many experiences are different from yours.”

“Furthermore, Liu Peiqiang’s world used to be without martial arts. It was originally just an ordinary world of science and technology. The Zhang Sanfeng in his history must not be your Zhang Sanfeng.”

“Therefore, the headmaster concluded that you just happened to be named Zhang Sanfeng, and you happened to be in the chat group.”

Tai Chi Lao said: “You fart, even though there are some discrepancies, there will inevitably be omissions in the recording process. This is a very normal thing, and it does not affect the fact that the old way is Zhang Sanfeng.”

Pi Zilong: “Can you two stop arguing? Is it interesting to argue about this?”

The big eagle who can’t fly: “That’s right, there is no fight between the original eagle. What are you two fighting for?”

Old Tai Chi and Yue Buqun: “Get out!”

Pi Zilong: “It’s louder than anyone else, isn’t it? Members of the predators of the worlds, shout together, get out!”

Big eagle who can’t fly: “Get out!”

National Games Kun: “Too shy, Ben Kun can’t shout out.”

One emperor of the age of 30: “Give me a face and stop arguing.”

Head Yue: “My head is reluctant to forgive them.”

One emperor of the ages: “Yue Master, you are tired, take a rest!”

Head Yue: “I…”

One emperor: “You are tired!”

Yue Buqun wanted to say that I was not tired, but suddenly he found that the space around him was frozen.

Not only that, his strength has also been sealed. Source of this article [Sheng Ying Download] WeChat Mini Program

Yue Buqun was shocked, and was about to open the door of the world to escape, when suddenly a little dragon covered in cyan came to face him.

The little dragon chuckled and said: “Yue Zhang Sect, this dragon likes beating people the most, eat my tail!”

The next moment, suddenly the space shattered, and an old man with white hair and white beard shattered the imprisoned space with dust.

“Pizza Dragon, you are too much!”

“It’s not too much, can you call it a scorpion dragon?”

“The old way will meet you for a while!”

“It just so happens that my hands are itchy. Go and fight in the chaos, don’t break the world.”

Yue Buqun said angrily: “The world of this head is already at the Dao level. You can fight, the old Taoist priest, help me beat him, I will give you 10 billion evolution points!”

The Pi Zilong suddenly moved his mind when he heard it, and transmitted his voice to Zhang Sanfeng, “How about I pretend to be beaten by you, so what about half of me?”

Zhang Sanfeng was tempted by Yue Buqun’s promise. He was about to beat the Sniper Dragon with all his strength, but was tempted by Snizilong’s suggestion.

So he spread the voice: “Okay, but we are all at the Dao level, and the head of Yue is only at the level of saints. He can’t see our realm, so he will make it more mysterious later, don’t let the head of Yue see. NS.”

The ruffian dragon was overjoyed, and immediately replied with voice transmission: “Good!”

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