Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 30 - County black market

The Zhang family’s eldest Bom shut up and stopped saying yin and yang strange things, and said good things to Grandma Zhang to please her, and don’t deduct her share of steamed buns.

Grandma Zhang didn’t have too many requirements for her eldest daughter-in-law. She was already in her fifties and didn’t know how to judge the situation, and she no longer had any hope for her.

Grandpa Zhang and Grandma Zhang distributed the steamed buns to other people to eat, and put away the jam. They didn’t plan to smear them on the steamed buns to eat, but planned to keep them for flushing.

The jam is sweet. In this family, which rarely eats sugar, it is still intended to be soaked in water with sweet jam, and not intended to be eaten by smearing it on steamed buns.

Zhang Chengchuan came back to eat after delivering the steamed buns. Chen Xiayue made a lot of steamed buns this time. She made a lot of white flour steamed buns and cornmeal buns. She didn’t cook any other dishes, but fried a plate of tomatoes, scrambled eggs and a Fried sour beans with minced meat is enough, no other dishes.

Chen Xiayue of minced meat also said that I bought a few taels and not a lot. Anyway, it was used for frying sour beans, and I didn’t take out a lot. The explanation can be explained in the past.

At night, Chen Xiayue looked at the mute flower by the bedside, and listened carefully to the sounds outside and found that there was really no sound, it was quiet.

“Go to sleep, I have to get up early tomorrow.” Zhang Chengchuan said while rubbing her hair.

“Well.” Chen Xiayue nodded, leaning against him and closing her eyes to sleep.

Zhang Chengchuan got up at five in the morning, kissed his daughter-in-law on the forehead, and went out.

After riding a bicycle to the county seat, he took a shuttle bus to the city. Zhang Chengchuan had been to the city once before. Where is the black market, he had been searching for a long time in the black market in the county town before he found out the news from Zheng Jun.

After Zhang Chengchuan arrived in the county town, it was almost dawn. He found a hidden place to enter the farm, and asked his daughter-in-law to put on make-up for him, so that people could not recognize him.

Chen Xiayue used to be a blogger after all. Although her makeup skills are not as good as those of those beauty bloggers, she is still pretty good, so she painted Zhang Chengchuan an ordinary outfit to make him look less conspicuous and handsome than the original one. kind.

After painting and changing his clothes, Zhang Chengchuan came out. According to the information he had inquired, he found the black market in the city, looking for someone who could buy the tens of thousands of catties of grain he was going to sell.

After Zhang Chengchuan entered the black market, he has been secretly observing the surrounding environment, just like in the black market in the county seat, looking for people who can cooperate.

Zhang Chengchuan took a look at the things in the black market, but it was much more than that in the county town. He planned to buy some fabrics for his family, especially now that the weather was a little cold. He planned to buy some cotton and let his mother make winter clothes.

It is true that there is no snow in the winter in the south, but it does not mean that it is not cold. How to live without thick clothes in winter? And quilts are also needed. After all, there is no heated kang in the north, so we can only rely on quilts for heating.

Zhang Chengchuan strolled around, and then found out who was speaking in this black market through a few words around, Zhang Chengchuan found the other party.

“I have 10,000 catties of flour and 10,000 catties of corn here, do you want it?” Zhang Chengchuan lowered his voice and said to a burly man.

That’s right, he is strong and strong. The other side is not as tall as Zhang Chengchuan, but he is strong.

“Twenty thousand kilograms of grain? Are you telling the truth?” The burly man, who was called “Brother Ming” in the black market, asked suspiciously.

He looked Zhang Chengchuan up and down, but did not see that he had so much food.

“Can you eat 20,000 catties of grain?” Zhang Chengchuan asked.

“Yes.” Brother Ming nodded and said, “As long as you can take out the food, I can eat it.”

Zhang Chengchuan nodded, “Okay, let’s talk about a place to hand over food.”

Brother Ming gave Zhang Chengchuan an address, and Zhang Chengchuan also said that when the time comes, he will let Brother Ming come to inspect the goods alone. If the food is real, he will pay for the food and deliver it. When he is gone, how will Brother Ming find someone to carry the food, it is not him. concerned.

Zhang Chengchuan left the black market. He came to the place where Brother Ming said and saw a warehouse. He didn’t put the food in quickly, but waited a few hours before talking.

After all, it takes time to move 20,000 catties of grain. How could he fill the warehouse just after he came here?

Zhang Chengchuan checked to see if there was anyone watching. After a while, he did not remove his makeup after entering the farm. After changing his clothes, he went out, planning to go shopping in the city to buy something for his family.

Zhang Chengchuan planned to buy cotton and fabrics to make quilts. When he came out today, he brought out all the money and tickets he had earned from selling grain in the county seat, so he could buy things to his heart’s content.

Toothpaste and toothbrushes are needed. Soap is also needed when washing clothes. Zhang Chengchuan has no plans to buy watches, because with the farm system, he can see the time in the system, which is very accurate and does not need a watch.

As for his father, his eldest brother gave him a watch before, so now he doesn’t need to buy any watch.

Zhang Chengchuan also understands that his daughter-in-law does not like to wear jewelry, nor does she like to wear watches. Originally, I asked her yesterday if she wanted to buy some jewelry for her when she came to the city, but she said she didn’t like it.

If you don’t like it, don’t like it. Zhang Chengchuan went shopping and went to the bookstore to buy some books. His daughter-in-law wanted to review her high school knowledge. Because her science grades were not ideal, she planned to study hard.

After thinking about it, Zhang Chengchuan went to buy books about science. Of course, he also bought textbooks for high school and junior high school. Zhang Chengchuan felt that teaching his daughter-in-law to read was very fulfilling.

The things that Zhang Chengchuan bought were installed on the farm, in the thatched hut. After all, the thatched hut on the farm is for the farmer.

Zhang Chengchuan bought fabric and cotton again, and bought vanishing cream for his daughter-in-law. The weather was getting colder and colder, and he was worried that his daughter-in-law’s skin would be cracked by the cold wind.

Zhang Chengchuan wandered for a few hours, finally bought what he wanted, and then returned to the location designated by Ming Ge to release the grain in the farm warehouse.

The grain in the farm warehouse is packed in 100 jin 100 jin sacks, the kind of burlap sacks that are often seen on TV.

20,000 catties of grain is still very spectacular. Zhang Chengchuan has never seen so much grain. Usually, in the warehouse of the farm, he can only see words such as “wheat”, “corn” and numbers.

Zhang Chengchuan released all the flour and corn. He did not grind all the corn into cornmeal, but threshed it.

After all the 20,000 catties of food were taken out, Zhang Chengchuan was waiting for Brother Ming to come over. After all, they had agreed on a time.

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