Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 27 - happy event in the village

Because the yield of fragrant fruit is very high, Chen Xiayue asked Zhang Chengchuan to pick dozens of catties of fragrant fruit and came back. She made some jam and asked him to take it to her family. Of course, Zhang Chengyu, the elder sister of the Zhang family, also had to send some.

The jam was only sent to her parents’ side and her elder brother Zhang Chengyue’s side last time. Now let’s make some more for Zhang Chengyu’s side.

Life in the countryside is bland and tasteless. Yunhe Brigade often goes to Banana Valley to pick fragrant fruits and sell them in the slack. It’s a wedding.

The girl in the Yunhe Brigade’s wedding was married to a soldier from the army next door. This girl was able to negotiate this marriage because she was good-looking, had read books, and was quite capable outside the home.

When Chen Xiayue followed Zhang Chengchuan to the wedding, when she saw the bride, she found that this was not the girl who made her feel a little white lotus among the group of people who stopped her before?

what happened? Since this girl has such a good marriage? Why are you still stopping her with that group of people?

You must know that in the eyes of other people, Zhang Chengchuan is absolutely incomparable to the soldiers in the army, and even Zhang Chengchuan is not comparable to the young boys in the brigade. Who made him too lazy?

So why did this girl who made her feel a little white lotus followed those people against her? Zhang Chengchuan should not be so popular, right?

“What do you mean? Why am I unpopular?” Zhang Chengchuan retorted dissatisfiedly after hearing Chen Xiayue’s muttering, “I am so good-looking, strong and handsome, and my family is not bad, no one likes me anywhere. ?”

Zhang Chengchuan is right at all. Although his appearance is not the most popular appearance at the moment, he is handsome and handsome, and his height of 188, which stands out from the crowd in the south, is definitely very attractive.

Young girls also look at their faces. Zhang Chengchuan’s figure and appearance are strange that no one likes them, right?

Even if Zhang Chengchuan is “lazy”, but his family is good, it shouldn’t be that no one likes him, and there is no elder who doesn’t plan to let Zhang Chengchuan be his son-in-law, right?

“Since you are so good, why is it my turn?” Chen Xiayue was very curious. If Zhang Chengchuan was so popular, how could it be her turn to get a city girl who had no interaction with him at all?

“That’s because I didn’t want to get married before. I’m still young, okay?” Zhang Chengchuan also went out to see the world. Back then, he had been in his brother’s army for a while, and he had also been in contact with his brother’s comrades.

Zhang Chengchuan had seen his eldest brother’s comrade-in-arms in his late thirties and still not married, so he was only in his early twenties, so he wasn’t in any hurry to get married.

And given his condition, where is there a shortage of marriage partners? Even if he was lazy, his family gave him a lot of points.

“I wasn’t too happy when my eldest brother and second uncle decided on this marriage before.” Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile, “Isn’t it a good idea to marry you after seeing you?”

Of course Chen Xiayue knew what Zhang Chengchuan meant, but she didn’t bother about whether Zhang Chengchuan liked her or the original owner, because the original owner and Zhang Chengchuan had met twice, and they had never been in contact with them alone. Where did the deep feelings come from?

Zhang Chengchuan promised to marry the original owner, of course, he looked at his face. And now, it’s her who wears this face. And now it is she who develops a relationship with Zhang Chengchuan, so there is nothing to be jealous of.

“So, has this bride also liked you before?” Chen Xiayue asked, looking at the beautifully dressed bride waiting for the groom to pick him up.

“Shouldn’t it be?” Zhang Chengchuan thought for a while and said, “Her family said that her parents never thought about me before, so she probably didn’t like me either.”

Chen Xiayue nodded, although this girl felt a little white lotus to her, but as long as it wasn’t aimed at her, she didn’t care whether she was a white lotus or not.

And since this girl can pass the examination and marry Brother Bing, it means that she is a good person, her family is also good, and Chen Xiayue doesn’t care so much.

“The bride has never liked you, but have the few over there liked you?” Chen Xiayue pinched Zhang Chengchuan’s waist and pointed to the young girls who were following the bride over there.

Those young girls were the ones who stopped Chen Xiayue before, but she remembered their appearance. She has never been face-blind, especially in this age without plastic surgery, she is even more strong on human faces Recognition ability.

After listening to her words, Zhang Chengchuan looked over there, frowned slightly and said, “Is there someone who planned to marry me before? It’s just that I didn’t plan to get married too early at that time, so I didn’t agree. My mother didn’t agree to marry each other, so It was put on hold.”

“Isn’t she already engaged to the youngest son of the captain’s family next door? Why are you asking this?” Zhang Chengchuan asked.

Chen Xiayue looked at the girl who took the lead in stopping her at the beginning, but she didn’t expect that she really had a fate with her as a rival in love? But it’s not her fault that the other party and Zhang Chengchuan didn’t get married. Is it necessary to take anger on her?

“When I was out shopping before, I was stopped and mocked for a while, saying that I was too sick to stay at home and don’t freeze, and don’t come out to hinder their eyes… Maybe that’s what I meant.” Chen Xiayue whispered.

Zhang Chengchuan’s eyes changed after hearing this, and his eyes were a little cold when he looked at the group of young girls over there.

“Okay, since the other party is already engaged and about to get married, it has nothing to do with us, and there shouldn’t be too much intersection in the future.” Chen Xiayue shrugged.

Zhang Chengchuan said to her, “If someone provokes you in the future, you can fight back. There is no need to swallow your voice.”

“What if an elder provokes me?” Chen Xiayue asked with a smile.

“If you have a reason, you can fight for it. If you don’t, we won’t have the same knowledge as them.” Zhang Chengchuan said, “You just need to take care of yourself, and don’t suffer.”

Chen Xiayue laughed very happily when she heard this, and Chen Xiayue was already good-looking, and such a smile made the people who secretly follow her full of surprise.

How do you feel that the accountant’s young daughter-in-law looks better than the bride? Many people who followed her thought silently in their hearts.

If Chen Xiayue knew what they were thinking, she would definitely complain that the reason why the bride was compared by her was not only her natural beauty, but also her makeup.

The makeup techniques of this era are really not that good, especially in rural areas where there are not many people who know how to make up, so the bride’s makeup is not very good-looking, and the appearance value of the original 8 points has been reduced to 6 points.

Chen Xiayue whispered to Zhang Chengchuan, and soon Zhang Chengchuan introduced his relatives and friends to Chen Xiayue, and also introduced his daughter-in-law to others.

They were all people who ate at the same table and chatted together. Chen Xiayue also chatted with a few sisters-in-law. Although she didn’t quite understand their topic, she still had a good conversation and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

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