Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 23 - deliver jam

After Chen Xiayue got home, she was busy soaking the snails and river clams, and made an ordinary-looking but delicious dinner to feed the rest of the Zhang family.

In the evening, Zhang Chengchuan and his daughter-in-law became intimate and fell asleep peacefully, and Chen Xiayue also fell asleep. After all, she would plant corn every night, and she didn’t want to get up every few minutes to harvest it.

The next day, Zhang Chengchuan entered the city again, and he sent more than ten pounds of jam to his eldest brother. Of course, he also gave ten pounds to his father-in-law’s home.

Originally, Chen Xiayue planned to give five catties, but after thinking about it, there are only four people in the Zhang family. There are quite a lot of Chen family members, so let’s give a little more. The Zhang family can leave five catties to eat by themselves.

So Zhang Chengchuan brought more than 20 catties of jam into the city, sent it to his eldest brother, and then took it to his father-in-law.

“Why did you deliver again? Didn’t you just deliver fruits, grains and eggs yesterday?” Chen Mingying asked, looking at the jar handed over by her son-in-law.

To be honest, the fruit yesterday was really delicious. Both adults and children in the family enjoyed it very much. The flour also made dumplings filled with chives and eggs for him. The whole family was very satisfied.

Unexpectedly, I just had a meal of leek and egg dumplings, and the next day my son-in-law brought something over again.

“Isn’t there a lot of fruit picked at home? My mother said that it’s a pity that my elder brother can’t eat it, and Xia Yue said that it can be made into jam and sent. No, the jam is ready, and there are 30 pounds, so I’ll give it to you. Send ten pounds to my mother-in-law.” Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile.

“Xia Yue said that this jam is very good whether it is eaten with steamed bread or soaked in water. Father-in-law, please accept it.” Zhang Chengchuan was in a good mood. I don’t feel at all that it is a loss to often give things to my father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Everything belongs to her own daughter-in-law, she can give it as she wants, and it’s not that she desperately grabs things from her mother-in-law’s house to subsidize her mother’s family.

“That’s alright, it’s not easy for you to ask her to deliver less in the future. Where can you deliver things from time to time?” Chen Mingying was also very worried that others would say that her daughter was taking things from her mother-in-law’s family to subsidize her family.

“I know, we didn’t let my eldest sister and my eldest brother send anything to you and my mother-in-law. You can rest assured that no one will talk.” Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile.

He still knows the principle of not suffering from widowhood but suffering from inequity, so if his daughter-in-law wants to send something back to her parents’ house, of course, her eldest sister and eldest brother will send it. Then who will say that his daughter-in-law subsidizes her parents’ family? His big brother and big sister have it.

Chen Mingying nodded in agreement with her son-in-law’s statement, “Then I’ll go back to work first, you can go back too, don’t ask for leave all day.”

“I see, father-in-law, please be busy.” Zhang Chengchuan also said goodbye, and he took advantage of this time to ask for leave, and he had to get busy when the rice was ripe.

“Go back.” Chen Mingying waved his hand to let his son-in-law go back. He carried a jar into the factory and went back to work.

When Zhang Chengchuan returned home, his daughter-in-law just made the snails and river clams that he picked up yesterday, made a stir-fried screw and river clam soup, and of course cooked noodles with soup.

On the other hand, Chen Mingying took the jam from his son-in-law back to work. Of course, he did not hide the fact that his daughter and son-in-law were filial to him, and he smiled and told people about his daughter and son-in-law’s filial piety.

This time, not only the back kitchen of the food factory knew that Chen Mingying’s son-in-law gave him jam, but almost the entire food factory knew.

Many people are envious of Chen Mingying. Yesterday, they delivered dozens of catties of fruit and ten catties of grain, and today they sent ten catties of jam.

In front of Chen Mingying and Li Guifen, they praised their daughter and son-in-law for their filial piety, but they muttered some ugly things in private.

Of course they murmured about them, in fact envy or not, who knows? After all, it’s true that a daughter and son-in-law are filial, and it’s true that they really gave things twice.

“Is this girl giving us something again?” Li Guifen said after returning home from get off work, looking at the jar that her man put on the table.

“It’s only been a few days since I got married to Zhang’s family. Help us deliver things every day. Does the Zhang family have any opinion?” Li Guifen was very worried that her daughter-in-law’s behavior of often sending things to her parents’ family would make her husband’s family dissatisfied.

Even Li Guifen herself doesn’t like to subsidize her mother-in-law’s daughter-in-law with things from her husband’s family, so she really doesn’t agree with her daughter’s approach.

“Don’t worry, our daughter is not the kind of ignorant kind. The fruits and grains from the Zhang family were also delivered to our son-in-law’s sister yesterday. Today’s jam is for us, but more of it is for marriage. It was given to Achuan’s eldest brother.” Chen Mingying explained.

Of course, he is very happy as a father-in-law that his daughter and son-in-law are filial, and he is not the kind of person who expects his daughter to subsidize his parents’ family life, so he also listened to the son-in-law’s explanation.

“That’s good, let Xia Yue send less in the future. Our family has jobs and wages, and we don’t need her to send things often.” Li Guifen sighed. She was very worried when her daughter married in the country, and now she is more worried about The daughter’s in-laws complained about her.

“Okay, next time Achuan comes over, tell him.”

Chen Mingying took the jam and gave it to the eldest son. The eldest son, Chen Xiasong, has been married for a few years.

Chen Xiabai and Chen Xiahua are not married yet. Chen Xiahua lives with his parents, and Chen Xiabai is a soldier who has changed careers, so the job benefits are good, and they also share a single dormitory.

“Xia Yue is married. When do you think Xia Bo will get married? He is almost twenty-two, and now he has a good job. It’s time to get married, right?” .

“It’s better for Xia Bai to worry about it himself. If he wants to find a partner and want to marry, he can do it himself. After all, you don’t have time to bring him children.” Chen Mingying patted his wife’s shoulder.

Li Guifen listened to him and thought about it. She didn’t have time to bring his eldest grandson. After all, she was also a worker and had a job.

“And it doesn’t matter if a boy gets married a little later. Twenty-two years old is still very young, and it is not too late to marry before the age of thirty.”

“It’s easy for you to say, what does it mean to get married before the age of 30 is not too late? You old man…”

The couple in the Chen family were chatting lively. Chen Xiasong also got the jam sent by his brother-in-law. His son liked it very much. The jam was still sweet after being brewed in warm water. Don’t children like it very much?

The Chen family was still living, and the Yunhe Brigade was busy.

After Yunhe Brigade sold several thousand catties of fragrant fruit for nearly two hundred yuan, the rice in the field was also ripe and ready to be harvested.

After the rice was harvested, the team got busy. Chen Xiayue was not in good health, but she also went to the ground with her. She didn’t need to cut the rice, but she could help move the cut rice over and thresh it for others.

Of course, neither Li Liuguiying nor Zhang Chengchuan will make Chen Xiayue too tired, her body is really not suitable for heavy work, they don’t want to do white affairs just after the wedding.

Chen Xiayue is a dispensable existence in the ground because of her health. When the time comes, she will go home to cook and give it to others to eat. When working, she will do her best and will not make herself tired.

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