Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 15 - popular fragrant fruit

“If you want to eat, you can pick it yourself. It’s on the edge of the cliff in Banana Valley, and you can see it there.” Zhang Chengchuan said.

“That side of the cliff in Banana Valley? How did you get there? The old people in the village said they were not allowed to go there. Not to mention the cliff, there are many insects and snakes on the mountain. I heard that there are wild boars and leopards. “Zhang Changjun frowned.

“Isn’t it because I didn’t pay attention and walked over there when I was chopping wood, and I just found such delicious fruit.” Zhang Chengchuan looked like he didn’t expect it.

“But this fruit is also very delicious. I’ll tell my father later, everyone will go up the mountain to pick it together.” Zhang Changjun quickly finished eating the fragrant fruit. After thinking about it, he felt that he should tell his father and the village. The few elders who spoke usefully.

After all, if Zhang Chengchuan picked so many things for his own use, he would be said to be digging the corner of socialism, but it would not be the case if the whole village picked it.

“Achuan, what are you carrying?”

“Achuan, where did you pick so many fruits?”

Along the way, it was not only Zhang Changjun who discovered a large basket full of fruits that Zhang Chengchuan was carrying, but other people in the village also saw it, especially the children who followed behind Zhang Chengchuan happily.

Zhang Chengchuan took a few more and used his hatchet to cut a fragrant fruit into four petals and distribute it to the children beside him.

“This is the fruit that Achuan found on the mountain, just over the cliff in Banana Valley.” Zhang Changjun helped explain.

“Are there still so many fruits on the cliff of Banana Valley? There are indeed very few people over the cliff of Banana Valley.”

There has been no drought in these years. Although life is still not very easy, people rarely go to more dangerous places to find food. For the people of Yunhe Brigade, the cliff of Banana Valley is a dangerous place.

“This fruit is about two acres. I didn’t pick much of this big basket of fruit. There are still a lot of them. If it wasn’t for me to bring them back, I would like to pick more.” Zhang Chengchuan said.

“Is that so? Ah Chuan, do you mean that there are still many fruits of this kind?” Others were very moved when they saw the children following Zhang Chengchuan eating with relish, and shouting how sweet they were while eating.

Not to mention eating at home, even picking and selling them can be exchanged for a lot of money. Although they say that there are many fruits in the south, wild fruits are different from carefully cultivated fruits. They have the most wild fruits here, and there are not many carefully cultivated fruits.

“Achuan, I’ll go back and tell my father first, and I’ll find the captain and the others later.” Zhang Changjun put the firewood in the yard of Zhang Chengchuan’s house, and said with a smile after taking a few fragrant fruits handed over by him.

“Well, if you want to pick the fruit, hurry up. I’m worried that it may be eaten up by the mountains in the near future. I saw a lot of birds there today, and the other fruit-eating animals haven’t come yet.” Zhang Chengchuan said.

“Okay, I’ll go to the captain and talk to them.”

Others looked at Zhang Changjun and Zhang Chengchuan, and felt that it was better to pick them by themselves, and they stopped surrounding Zhang Chengchuan, and followed Zhang Changjun to find the captain.

On the other side of the cliff in Banana Valley, they didn’t know how to go, and they didn’t need Zhang Chengchuan to lead the way, so they wouldn’t be an eyesore here.

“Come back?” Chen Xiayue saw a group of people come to their house just now, and now she saw the crowd disperse again, so she rushed up to help Zhang Chengchuan.

“Achuan, what kind of fruit did you pick?” Zhang Deping also hurried back to help his son put down the big bamboo basket. Just now he heard the villagers say that his son picked a big basket of fruit and came back, so he hurried back.

Anyway, it’s almost time for work now, so Zhang Deping didn’t care about the time, he told the captain and hurried back.

“I was lucky to meet such a delicious fruit, so I picked it back.” Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile, took one and handed it to his father, “Dad, try it, it tastes very good, very similar to the taste of pears, but I think it tastes better than pears.”

Zhang Deping wiped the fruit on his clothes, and then took a bite. Immediately, he was amazed by the juicy fruit.

“It’s delicious, it is indeed better than pears.” Zhang Deping said with satisfaction, “Let’s keep a little of this big basket for us to eat, and share the rest for your eldest sister, and bring your daughter-in-law back tomorrow. Bring some for your father-in-law and the others when you go to the door.”

Originally, it was rare to return home after getting married this year, but didn’t Zhang Chengchuan just come back after picking so many fruits? Tomorrow happens to be the day when the three dynasties return home, so let the younger son take the younger daughter-in-law back to his parents’ house.

“Tomorrow you take your daughter-in-law back to the door, and I will ask your mother to bring some of these fruits to your eldest sister’s side to see her.” Zhang Deping said.

Zhang Chengchuan nodded, his eldest sister was also married to the town, and he had nothing to say to his younger brother over the years. Zhang Chengchuan’s brothers and sisters are very good to him, and even if they are married, they are still very good to this younger brother.

Of course, Big Sister Zhang treats Zhang Chengchuan well, but she has not crossed the bottom line of her husband’s family. She can be a man, and Zhang Chengchuan can also be a man, so Big Sister Zhang’s in-law’s attitude towards Zhang Chengchuan is fairly good, and she doesn’t complain too much about Big Sister Zhang being a brother-in-law.

Liu Guiying also came back quickly. I heard Zhang Deping say that he should divide these fruits into one part, keep some for himself, and then divide it into two parts and send one part to Sister Zhang’s house, and one part for Zhang Chengchuan and his wife to bring back when they go home. , and quickly help.

“The eldest son is too far away, these fruits should not be delivered to him, which is a pity.” Liu Guiying sighed when dividing the fruits. The place where the eldest son was a soldier is quite far from his hometown, so these fresh fruits cannot be delivered. to his side.

Liu Guiying felt sorry for her eldest son, and it was a pity to look at Xiangguo.

“You can boil the fruit into a jam, and then pack it and send it to the big brother. The jam can be stored longer.” Chen Xiayue said.

Although Liu Guiying likes to nag a little, she is still good to her, and she doesn’t have the temperament of other mother-in-laws who want to spar with her daughter-in-law, so Chen Xiayue also hopes to get along better with her.

She doesn’t expect to be as close as a mother and daughter. She only hopes to be a roommate with a better relationship, so that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law don’t have too many conflicts. She is neither in the mood nor the energy to fight wits with her mother-in-law.

“Boil it into jam? How much sugar do you need?” Liu Guiying felt distressed, but when she thought of the eldest son in the distance, he wanted to make jam for the eldest son.

Most of their family was able to live so well because of their eldest son, and Liu Guiying didn’t want to treat him badly at all. She wouldn’t treat her eldest son badly just because he wasn’t at home all the year round.

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