Blue and White Society

Chapter 1064

Chapter 1064 – The Eighth Thought Of Shan Hai Jing: The Executioner Of Heaven

Chapter 1064 The Eighth Thought of Shan Hai Jing: Heaven’s Executioner

If a book friend forced you to write Xing Tian, then don’t blame me for breaking your dream.

Actually, according to my plan, it’s not my turn to write about Xing Tian, because I haven’t had time to write about the Yellow Emperor and Nine Heavens Xuannv.

My plan is to write these two first, and then write Yinglong Zhulong, so that I can explain Xingtian.

Then outlines the entire legendary epic of Xuanyuan proclaiming the emperor.

But now that the new book has been published, it may take a long time to update Shan Hai Jing. Let’s first satisfy the wish of book friends who want to read Xing Tian.

About Xingtian, there is actually not much to say. His story is not as important as the Nine Heavens Xuannv.

First of all, one thing to remember is that the name Xing Tian should have been acquired after his death.

Judging from the pictograms of oracle bone inscriptions and bronze inscriptions, the character Xing is an execution platform with the head clamped, and a big knife next to it. Public executions meant punishment.

Needless to say the sky, a horizontal line is added on the head, which means that the sky is on the head.

Sometimes, it also refers to the human head, because the human head is as important as the sky to people. The human head is also located in the ‘heavenly’ part of the human body.

So Xingtian is probably the oldest and most compelling way to express the word beheading.

is used as the name of a person, and it can be derived and understood as the meaning of ‘one whose head is separated’. Or it means ‘punishment in the sky’, that is, ‘those who are beheaded by heaven’.

In ancient times, if we said ‘that Xingtian’, I’m afraid it was specifically referring to the ‘the first person whose head was publicly beheaded’ back then.

Xing Tian, with such an honor, I’m afraid it may not necessarily be the reason for being “the first”, but it may also be because of his lofty status, or because he is unforgettable.

Furthermore, even if his name was forgotten, everyone used the title ‘Xing Tian’ to refer to him instead.

What is this like?

Yi Ya, you know, right? Famous chefs in the pre-Qin period. There is also Pao Ding, who is also a famous chef of a generation, and he is a master at butchering cattle.

So when later generations honored culinary art, they all said “the way of easy teeth”.

When it comes to knife skills, it is called “Paoding’s Art”.

Xing Tian is also in a similar situation. He is definitely not called Xing Tian, but because his public beheading was too famous and impressive, so after his death, the ancients spread his deeds and called him Xing Tian.

What he used was the punishment of public beheading, a particularly nice way of saying that he used his real name instead.

As for Xing Tian’s real name, it is already impossible to test.

It is also said that he is under Chi You, and some say that he is under Emperor Yan, but there is no basis for this. In fact, Xing Tian only has this record left, and other pre-Qin documents do not mention this person at all.

Then Xing Tian, why is it so unforgettable? Just a loser, a beheaded guy who doesn’t even have a name.

The reason, I think you all know that Xing Tianwu is a relative, and Meng Zhigu is always there.

He became famous only after he died.

Only after his death did he shock the world.

So his name when he was alive, no one remembers, disappeared in the long river of history. But the shock of his death was forever engraved in the hearts of the people at that time, and finally became famous through the ages, leaving behind the legend of Xing Tian.

So what is the earliest source of this legend?

Undoubtedly, the Shan Hai Jing: “Xing Tian and the emperor came here to fight for the gods, and the emperor cut off his head and buried it on the mountain of Changyang. The **** are the eyes, the navel is the mouth, and the stems are danced.”

The ancients wrote a few pens, and an unyielding will appeared on the paper.

This is also Xing Tian’s only record.

I still believe in this record, because it continues the ruthless writing style of Shan Hai Jing.

There is no praise for Xing Tian’s performance, or a description of its principles.

Why is Xing Tian still dancing there with his severed head? Is it because the fierce will is always there, and the tenacious and unyielding will supports him? Nothing written, nothing mentioned, nothing hinted at.

now it’s right! Who the **** knows what he’s thinking?

In comparison, Kuafu mentioned the phrase “Kuafu does not measure his strength”… It makes me feel that it is not objective, and it is obviously processed by later generations.

Most of the records in the Classic of Mountains and Seas are written in cold and straightforward words, a very honest style of writing.

Xingtian section is more in line.

The content is very straightforward, and I think I can understand it without translation.

The only thing that needs to be explained is the meaning of some specific words in it.

Different eras, words have different meanings of national conditions.

Competing with the emperor so far, there are countless explanations for this sentence alone.

Di needless to say, I have talked about so many emperors before, and the emperor is the co-lord of the world.

What about God?

Many experts in the mainstream academic circles, when interpreting Shan Hai Jing, believe that Emperor is God, and it is the special name of the Chinese people for the gods.

This is obviously wrong, and I don’t agree with it anyway.

As I said when I interpreted it before, Shan Hai Jing is a strictly classified history and geography book.

He is the earliest work that I think human beings use taxonomy!

It is human, it is god, it is mountain, it is water, it is beast, it is bird… The author has classified them one by one. Whether it is correct or not, he at least classified it according to his understanding.

Recorded very calmly, just like an academic report. You only read the Five Zang Mountains, one mountain after another, and what each mountain has is clearly and rigorously formatted!

This is a great tool for me to interpret Shan Hai Jing, so I know that Jingwei is a bird, neither a **** nor a human being.

Respecting this format, this principle of classification, and this sense of ritual of the ancients is the cornerstone of my interpretation of Shan Hai Jing.

I once said that the gods in Shan Hai Jing may not have the same meaning as we do now, at least they have to go back to the past, and it is impossible to have exactly the same meaning as they do now.

At that time, I said that I will explain it later.

can now be explained.

Shan Hai Jing is filled with a large number of classifications such as “there are gods” and “there are gods”.

For example: “There is a god. The human face is snake-like and red, with straight eyes and straight eyes. Its eyes are dark, and its eyes are bright. It doesn’t eat or sleep, and it rains and rains. It’s the candle nine shades, it’s the candle dragon.”

This is a typical existence classified as a god.

The old rule, to explain God, trace back to its most ancient meaning first.

For the most ancient meaning, we have to look at oracle bone inscriptions.

Bronze inscriptions are the characters of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and Oracle bone inscriptions are the characters of the Yin and Shang Dynasties. Because our country is a pictographic system, it is inherited in one continuous line, and the meaning can be understood from the pictograms.

Then how to write the **** of oracle bone inscriptions? You may not believe it when you say it, but the word is ‘electricity’.

You may want to say, don’t you say the word of God? How to talk about electricity?

But yes, in oracle bone inscriptions, these two are the same word!

Pictographically, it is a bolt of lightning!

” probably looks like this, a reverse S, I really can’t type it out.

In short, it is the word electric, and it is indeed used as the meaning of electricity.

But why, say it is also a divine character, is because it is indeed used as a divine character in some oracle bone inscription passages.

Many additional meanings of oracle bone inscriptions are deciphered by connecting with the context.

Yin merchants were a superstitious tribe, and they used the word “God” a lot, so scholars found out from the context, how could the word “God” be written with “electricity”?

From this we can see that another meaning of the word electricity in oracle bone inscriptions is God.

Strange, didn’t Yin merchants worship birds? Why do you regard electricity as a god? This proves from the side that there must be earlier texts before oracle bone inscriptions!

Oracle bone inscriptions are definitely not the earliest form of Chinese, it must have a more primitive system.

It’s getting too far. In short, relevant experts explained that it is normal to regard electricity as a god.

In Chinese, there is often a word that represents multiple meanings. After all, our writing system is like this, with pictograms, extensions, broad senses, narrow senses, and noun verbs.

The ancients could not explain the natural phenomena, even the wind, rain, and ice were miraculous, and among the natural phenomena, the most shocking one was undoubtedly the ‘lightning’!

That’s why the ancients, after inventing the word ‘electricity’, extended the meaning of ‘god’, which means concepts that are incomprehensible to human beings, admirable, full of power, and miraculous.

This is the mainstream interpretation. Well, I can’t argue with that, it’s about the most plausible explanation.

I personally support this explanation.

The meaning of the word “God” in our country originated from the ancients’ incomprehension of lightning, which makes perfect sense.

After the bronze inscriptions, the divine characters were changed on the basis of the electronic characters.

People in the Zhou Dynasty added a radical to the word ‘electricity’, which is a pictogram used to sacrifice on an altar.

There is an altar on the left, and a lightning bolt on the right.

This is the word “God” in the bronze inscriptions, and it also laid the foundation for the later seal script, official script, and even modern Chinese characters. Afterwards, the pictographic structure of the bronze inscriptions was simplified, so that it became our current word “God”.

Well, it’s very reasonable, but it doesn’t fit into the classification of Shan Hai Jing.

Because according to this statement, the gods in the eyes of the ancients before the Xia Dynasty in ancient times refer to gods, gods, supernatural, incomparably miraculous, just like our modern times.

Then it is very strange to link the whole chapter of Shan Hai Jing.

For example, “There is a **** with a human face and a beast body, and his name is Plow.”

This **** called Li has a human face and an animal body… Well, the ancients couldn’t understand this thing, and felt very miraculous, and felt that he was awesome and awe-inspiring, so they called him a god?

Then why “there is a beast, whose shape is like a leopard but has a long tail, a human head and a cow’s ears, one eye, and its name is Zhujian.” But it is a beast?

There is also “there is a beast Yan, whose shape is like a dog and has a human face, good at throwing, and laughs when it sees people, its famous mountain swings, its movements are like wind, and when you see it, there will be a strong wind in the world.”

These are all human faces and beast bodies, and they are even miraculous, why not gods? But ‘there are beasts’? But beasts?

Someone may ask, maybe that thing is more like a human being, so it is called a god.


“The Kingdom of Yu is in the southeast of it. It is a man with a long head and a body with feathers.”

“There is a country of cattle and li. There are people without bones, the son of Dan’er.”

“There is a man with three faces, the son of Zhuanxu, with three faces and one arm, and a man with three faces will never die.”

Why are these all human beings, equally weird, why are they people, gods, and beasts? So clearly?

Could it be because of strength? God has powerful divine power?

First of all, we exclude the real supernatural, that is to say, the thing called God is because the ancients looked and thought he was awesome?


“South of the West Sea, on the shore of the quicksand, behind the Red River and before the Black River, there is a big mountain called Kunlun Hill. It has a god, a human face and a tiger’s body, with writing and a tail, all white. Place it. Below it is the mountain of weak water. In the ring of Yuanyuan, there is a mountain of flames outside of it, where things are thrown. There are people with hoops, tiger teeth, and leopard tails. The hole is called Queen Mother of the West. There are everything on this mountain.”

Note, combined with other descriptions about Lu Wu in Shan Hai Jing, we can know that this **** with a “human face and a tiger body” and “a man with a tail” is Lu Wu, the gatekeeper **** of Kunlun.

According to other descriptions about Kunlun in The Classic of Mountains and Seas, we also know that the owner of Kunlun Hill is the Queen Mother of the West.

Here is the classification of Queen Mother of the West… It is clearly written, ‘someone’! ‘Someone’! ‘Someone’!

The Kunlun West Queen Mother is a human being, while the **** Luwu is the gatekeeper.

what happened? What’s up with the author? Why not classify the Queen Mother of the West as a god?

This is the Queen Mother of the West! Three thousand years after the author of Shan Hai Jing, countless descendants worshiped her as a god. The author of Shan Hai Jing, as an ancestor, why do you understand differently from us? You actually said she was human?

Well, I can’t say: “You are just the author of Shan Hai Jing, you know the Shan Hai Jing asshole.”

This is ridiculous.

It’s still the same sentence, everything takes the Shan Hai Jing as the truth and the basic premise.

Then we can see that the author of Shan Hai Jing writes so calmly!

What should be man is man, what should be God is God.

Whether the shape is weird or not, whether it is understandable or not, whether it is powerful or not, it has nothing to do with classification.

Then, here I want to mention that a new term is popular now, that is wizards.

All the gods in Shan Hai Jing are wizards. They make up, tattoo, wear feathers, horns, and animal skins. They are gods and ghosts, fooling the people and calling themselves gods.

That’s why there are so many “Gods” in the Book of Mountains and Seas. In fact, in our opinion, they are all wizards.

OK, this explanation makes sense.

But unfortunately, I don’t agree.

Perhaps the ancient wizard did fool the people at that time, but he definitely couldn’t fool the author of Shan Hai Jing!

It’s very simple. In the Classic of Mountains and Seas, there is a category of ‘Witch’!

If gods are witches, then why is there a category of witches? Isn’t this a repeat?

“There is Lingshan, Wuxian, Wuji, Wupan, Wupeng, Wugu, Wuzhen, Wuli, Wudai, Wuxie, Wuluo and ten witches ascend and descend from now on, and a hundred medicines are here.”

It is clearly written here that the ‘ten witches’ ascend and descend here, ascend to the sky and descend again.

This is witches. They play with herbs, and the author of Shan Hai Jing understands it very clearly.

“There is a man named Pagoda, and Bogao goes up and down here, as far as the sky.”

Look, the existence in this paragraph is said to be human again. Obviously, this person named Pago will also go to heaven, and also go up and down.

Why isn’t he a witch? Why is he not a god?

Why is it a human being?

In summary, we can know that the classification of humans and gods has nothing to do with shape or status.

It’s texture! It is a material division, and it can be distinguished by people at that time, and it is clearly known that it is not a human being, a beast, or another “living creature” that is not even flesh and blood.

“There are many fishes among them, with one head and ten bodies, and its sound is like a barking dog, and it has been eaten.” As I said, it is an octopus.

Although this thing has one head and ten bodies, it looks extremely weird.

But you ask yourself, when you see an octopus, do you think it is a god?

No, even a child knows it is an animal.

It’s not because adults taught it, but because of the texture.

It’s the lively breath of life.

Let me give another example, such as a bear and a teddy bear.

They look the same, and they both move, but they both bark.

But I don’t think anyone can’t tell which is the little bear and which is the big teddy bear, right?

Now let’s identify the following description objects.

There is Beast Yan, whose shape is like a giant dog, with a black body and canine teeth. It walks upright and barks like a tiger.

There is a god, its shape is like a bear, its bark is like a tiger, and it has its arms on its head!

Excuse me, what are they? This example, I think it is enough to understand, raise your hand if you don’t understand!

Those who raised their hands upstairs, everyone bully her!

All in all, don’t treat the ancients as fools.

The ancients only had a small vocabulary, but it was rare and refined!

They saw monsters they had never seen before. No matter how terrifying or miraculous, at least the author of Shan Hai Jing calmly wrote down… There are beasts!

Because he knew it was an animal! It’s an animal! It’s an animal!

Biological and non-biological, the obvious feeling is different, texture! A kind of inner, essential, different that the ancients can see!

Countless people called The Classic of Mountains and Seas weird and disorderly, but I could see two characters between the words!


This is an encyclopedia with rigorous classification.

In that era, there were the national conditions of that era, the “conventions” of that era, and the common sense of that era!

It’s like the author of Shan Hai Jing never explained ‘dragon’, ‘human’, or what is ‘fish’.

So he didn’t explain what is “God” in Shan Hai Jing.

Because this is common sense, the author believes that as long as you know the characters! can understand its meaning. How can an illiterate read the Classic of Mountains and Seas?

Therefore, it is also the image of a human head and an animal body. He only needs to add a sentence “there is a god” in front of it, and people of that era will understand it.

Because God, this classification itself already contains a huge amount of information! It has already introduced the ‘texture’ that is difficult to describe in words.

What does this look like? It’s like our report said: “There is a machine that looks like a dog. It can run and bark by itself.”

“There is a man who looks like a dog, he can run and bark by himself.”

Isn’t this the same line? When we describe a thing, shouldn’t we just say something from the very beginning, is there XX?

Give me a category first. This kind of grammar we are used to has been widely used in Shan Hai Jing!

If you don’t add this sentence, just look at ‘It looks like a dog, it can run and bark by itself. ‘

Ghost knows what it is! People in that era would have misunderstood themselves!

But adding a classification can be understood.

In summary, I think ‘God’ is not an animal.

Because it is neither ‘people’, nor ‘beasts’, nor is it flowers, grass, fish, and birds.

It allowed the people of that era to separate the category of ‘God’. It is conceivable that its texture must be very special, probably like dead objects such as stones and iron.

but! It doesn’t use words like “there are stones”.

So gods must not be ordinary dead objects, they may move, or they may have special structures, special meanings, and special functions.

After so many exclusions, I can only think of… utensils.

Shan Hai Jing does not have the category of ‘device’.

Maybe there is, just named God.

Let’s go back to the previous sentence: “There is a **** with a human face and a beast body, and his name is Plow.”

Gosh, it’s too short. If it’s defined by gods and monsters, why is this thing a god?

But what if God is a tool? Is it a machine?

This **** called the plow…could it be the one who plows and plows the soil?

I don’t know, I only know that a large number of gods in Shan Hai Jing were born of the Yellow Emperor, Zhuanxu, and Shaohao.

Sheng, as I explained before, has the meaning of creation and derivation.

So in fact, it is the emperors who invented various machines and appliances and called them gods.

Be rational, then, I can say that in ancient times, the so-called gods were nothing but the crystallization of national wisdom, special products created by great leaders, miraculous man-made objects!

It can be a magnificent spectacle, it can be an institution that can guard one side, or it can be a tool that benefits the people.

There may be gods who shine like candles, gods who drain water, gods who turn mountains and crack earth, and gods who are immortal.

In the era created by the ancient emperors, gods are just tools.

Actually, it’s best to end here, alas, it’s so annoying. Just let me interpret Xing Tian…

As I said above, it is best to first interpret the Yellow Emperor, the Nine Heavens Xuannv, Ying Long, and the classification of “God” before interpreting the small story of Xing Tian…

A little disappointed.

About the above explanation of God, there are actually a lot of content I didn’t say, after all, it’s not about God.

The above are more realistic appearances of gods. Many people may not have imagined that the gods of our nation have never been supernatural.

It is hard for us in modern times to believe that the meaning of our gods is not some gods and monsters, but a very practical spectacle, a very practical project, and a very practical appliance.

It specifically refers to the created thing!

We have been a creative nation since ancient times.

Not a God-given nation!

God was created, not man.

It’s just that we have forgotten the wisdom and rationality of the ancient ancestors.

The humanistic thought of our nation was established by them. Man will conquer the sky, connect the heavens and the earth, unyielding to nature, and indomitable. This is the spirit that has appeared since then.

What is God? Is it too tall? The emperor is the king of great merit!

All the gods were born of the emperors. In the Shan Hai Jing, the gods guard the Kunlun Jiujingyan, guard the Sifang Gate, and the field garden of the emperor.

Great, the Lord of Kunlun, the Queen Mother of the West, is actually a human being, magnificent!

The scenery behind this, and what kind of humanistic thought of that era, how profound, modern people probably can’t imagine.

After reading the Classic of Mountains and Seas, I can fully understand this feeling, and understand why we are a nation that can connect heaven and earth.

Maybe we have lost and forgotten too much, but the spirit has been engraved in the bones.

From the **** of oracle bone inscriptions to the **** of bronze inscriptions, the biggest change is the addition of an altar next to the lightning!

Never expected that even the most superstitious Yin merchants did not add it, but the Zhou Dynasty people with thick eyebrows and big eyes added…

Add this altar! For thousands of years, the word God began to develop toward our definition today.

Well, in summary, it is my most rational interpretation.

As usual, let’s have some science fiction.

Why did the word ‘electricity’ represent God in the Yin and Shang Dynasties?

What happened? From the perspective of Shan Hai Jing, the more I think about it, the more confused I become.

Is it possible that a Yin merchant believed that the greatest, most shocking, and most miraculous invention in ancient times…is electricity?

First of all, I would like to declare that I have no objection to the mainstream explanation of Oracle experts that I introduced to you earlier, because it is very reasonable.

I’m just putting forward another bold guess here. In the era of Shan Hai Jing, God was a created thing in ancient times.

But not all created beings can be called gods. It also has to be about electricity.

Like, it needs to be powered by electricity…or it can handle electricity…at least, it has electricity…

Therefore, the author of Shan Hai Jing did not use the word ‘device’ when classifying, because it is not comprehensive enough.

He chose to use the word ‘electricity’. Because they are ‘electrical appliances’.

This word is used frequently, and in the Yin and Shang Dynasties, the technology of electrical appliances has disappeared, so the word electric has the meaning of gods.

The Book of Mountains and Seas is filled with a lot of “there are gods”, could it be “there are electricity”?

Or, he means, this thing is a charged object?

Electrically driven creatures can move, can make sounds, can look weird, have special functions, and even have a little intelligence.

In this way, many gods in Shan Hai Jing can be explained.

Flesh and living creatures, no matter how weird, are called beasts.

The body of metal instruments, no matter how mediocre, is called a god.

God is man-made, beast is born.

Then Candle Dragon…

Forget it, forget it, digress, pull it back, and talk about it in detail later.

The above about God is my personal interpretation. So far I have not seen a similar statement, purely exclusive imagination. As soon as this concept comes out, you can actually interpret the Classic of Mountains and Seas by yourself…

In short, after understanding this, we can return to ‘Xing Tian’ now.

“Xingtian and the emperor came here to compete for gods. The emperor cut off his head and buried it on the mountain of Changyang. The milk is the eye, the navel is the mouth, and the dry Qi dances.”

What is Xingtian’s name, I don’t know, it may even be a tribe.

Who is the emperor? There is a high probability that it is the Yellow Emperor, and both I and the mainstream academic circles think so.

First of all, he should not be the Black Emperor Zhuanxu.

Because of the black emperor Zhuanxu, there is a similar story: ‘Gonggong and Zhuanxu fight for the emperor’.

Attention to detail.

One is “fighting with the emperor for gods”, and the other is “fighting with Zhuanxu for emperor”.

There is no doubt that if the former fights for God, the other party has already declared himself emperor, and what they are fighting for is God.

The latter are all called Zhuanxu, which shows that Zhuanxu was not yet the emperor when Gonggong was fighting. They fought for the throne.

This is the difference between fighting for the gods and fighting for the emperor.

Later generations did not know the meaning, so it was spread that Xing Tian rebelled against the Yellow Emperor and wanted to be the emperor himself, but was defeated by the Yellow Emperor and beheaded Yunyun.

However, in my opinion, Xing Tian is obviously not worthy of being an emperor, otherwise we should know more stories about Xing Tian!

To know Gonggong, there are too many well-known stories, and there are many passages in Shan Hai Jing that mention Gonggong.

By the way, the prototype of the legend of the battle between Gonggong and Zhu Rong is actually the so-called “Gonggong and Zhuanxu fighting for the emperor”.

These two are the same story.

Zhu Rong is Zhuan Xu. At least Zhu Rong of that generation was Zhuan Xu.

This is an official position, a high status, but not an official position of the emperor, it is equivalent to the Minister of Energy, a state-level cadre.

Zhuanxu couldn’t have been a commoner before he proclaimed himself emperor! Before he became emperor, he was Zhu Rong and made great contributions. I will read this later.

In short, Gonggong so-and-so fought against Zhurong Zhuanxu to fight for the throne. In the end, Gonggong didn’t care about the life and death of the people, and the flood lost the hearts of the people, so Zhuanxu won and became the black emperor.

In summary, Gonggong is an official position with a strong sense of existence in ancient times, and the clan it belongs to often meets the minimum requirements for being an emperor.

Throughout the Shan Hai Jing, Gong Gong always fought against the candidate for the emperor, and lost every time.

Alas, Danzo.

Anyway, it can be explained from the side that Xing Tian is not worthy of being an emperor, especially fighting with the Yellow Emperor. Why? Emperor Yan and Jiuli were all convinced.

In addition to Wu Ganqi, what other stories does Xing Tian have? No more, this is a certain clan, or even… an individual in that era who was neither very strong nor very weak.

If it is a clan, then this is the story of a small tribe fighting against the Yellow Emperor, wanting the ‘god’ created by the Yellow Emperor, such as Gundam or something…haha.

In short, if you want it, just hit it. Then he lost, refused to accept, was indomitable, tenacious and unyielding, and finally died completely.

I don’t like this kind of statement, I prefer Xing Tian, but ‘individual’.

After all, judging from the original text, “Xingtian and the emperor fought for the gods, and the emperor cut off his head and buried him on the mountain of Changyang. With the milk as the eyes and the navel as the mouth, the dry Qi dances.”

This is more like a person than a tribe.

If it is an individual, there are several versions.

For example, Xing Tian was an unknown pawn. He wanted to rob the **** made by the emperor, but he was punished by Ming Zhengdian and publicly beheaded.

According to the pictogram of the character Xing, it is a person being framed on a torture device, with his head clamped, and a knife beside him.

So it must have been a public execution.

And in this posture, it is quite normal for a person to be able to move after death. As long as he has a strong will, he can indeed struggle for a while after losing his head.

This may have been shocking to the bystanders at the time, so this description is left.

The above is probably the interpretation you think it is, right?

Unfortunately, this is only the second level. I have said that the author of Shan Hai Jing is very calm.

He wouldn’t have written the words ‘taking **** as eyes’ for no reason.

In my opinion, since this text is in Shan Hai Jing, it must have happened!

So the third interpretation, is Xing Tian really a human being?

Actually, after reading this far, I should introduce some of the concepts put forward in the interpretation of Nine Heavens Xuannv. Unfortunately, I haven’t had time to interpret Nine Heavens Xuannv…

To put it simply, it is this text, which does not classify Xing Tian, so it may be an ‘electrical appliance’.

Xing Tian is a robot, which can explain that after the head is chopped off, it can still observe with the optical sensor on the chest, speak with the horn on the abdomen, and wield a shield and an ax with both hands.

Tsk tsk, omnic crisis?

This also explains why a person who was cut off by the Yellow Emperor has to be specially recorded…

This is not an ordinary person provoking the Yellow Emperor, but an ‘artifact’ rebelling.

I don’t know whether this artifact, Xing Tian, was made by the Yellow Emperor himself or given by the heavens…

Fourth floor, since it will attack the Yellow Emperor, there is a high probability that it was given by the sky.

This can also explain why “fighting for the gods”, this is not Xing Tian’s greed, but recycling.

The battles are over, and Xuanyuan is proclaimed emperor, so Xing Tian, according to his task, should take back the ‘equipment’ of the Yellow Emperor at this moment.

The so-called Xingtian may not mean “the beheaded by heaven”, but “the guillotine from heaven”.

“Heavenly Executioner!”

If the Yellow Emperor is dishonest and does not return the ‘gods’, the head of the Yellow Emperor will be severed.

As a result, you also know that the Yellow Emperor was so bold that Xing Tian, who was supposed to be the executioner, was executed in public.

Huang Di refused to give it, Xing Tian asked him for it, but Huang Di refused to give it, and even captured Xing Tian and sent him to the guillotine.

This can also explain why the Yellow Emperor wanted to bury Xingtian!

After all, there are people above. The executioner from the sky hacked to death because he didn’t want to pay it back. It must be bad.


“Hey, everyone, it’s not that I don’t want to pay it back. I was about to pay it back, but he came up and attacked me. I had no choice but to arrest him and cut off his head. Oh, what a pity, the program went wrong, right? Although he did it first hand, but I was also impulsive, so let’s bury him…”

Diplomatic wisdom, conflict is okay, don’t tear your face apart.

Yellow Emperor probably wanted to study the body, so he only buried the head and kept the body.

It’s a pity that Huangdi still thought too much, he underestimated the group of people in the sky, thinking that he could fight against the “gods” given by the other party.

Although he destroyed Xingtian, Xingtian was just an omnic, and the people in the sky didn’t personally come to take it back.

Although the head was buried, the body did not lose the ability to move.

When the Yellow Emperor approached, Xingtian’s chest suddenly lit up, and his abdomen uttered: “It’s still equipped! I want to bring the ‘Gods’ back to the sky!”

After all, he brandished a shield and an ax to intimidate.

There is no record of what happened in the end, but after thinking about it, I know that the Yellow Emperor will not be so stupid as to be stubborn.

Cutting off Xing Tian’s head was already playing side-by-side, most likely testing the bottom line.

Seeing that Xing Tian was headless, eyes could grow on his chest, his mouth could be opened on his stomach, and he was wielding weapons with both hands. Huang Di knew that he was invincible, and he still lacked too much intelligence.

Even if he has a way to deal with Xing Tian, he doesn’t know anything about those people in the sky, and the time is far from ripe.

So in the final result, the Yellow Emperor should have given up, and must have compromised something.

After that, he started traditional arts, cheating children…

During the war, he used his daughter as a tool to win the victory, which is the story of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

During the peace period, the “Heng Wo” was used to send undercover agents.

He is a black-bellied emperor. He may have been a puppet of the sky, but he has never forgotten to resist.

Everything is just to find a solution to the “Heaven and Man”, break the pattern of “Heaven and Earth”, and end the “Ten Days Era”.

His cooperation, his appeasement, and his black belly are all for the sake of a certain emperor in the future.

Collect information, lay a solid foundation, and who can stand up in the end, Huangdi himself can no longer see.

Why can the Black Emperor Zhuanxu know the way to drive away the aliens? Could it be possible to know the laws that aliens have been hiding?

Perhaps it is because of the move made by the Yellow Emperor to help ‘Heng Wo Fly to the Moon’.

In the story of Xingtian that has been passed down from ancient times, all we see is Xingtian’s unyielding spirit and the spirit of fighting even after death.

The spirit is very good, but only with such a spirit, he is a reckless man after all.

True courage is to bow your head.

It is that the head is lowered on the surface, but in the heart, there is one idea that does not waver.

That thought is called looking up.

Maybe we only pay attention to the most brilliant and shocking shadow waving relatives in this story.

But he didn’t notice, hidden under the shadow, Huang Di had a terrible idea that no one knew about.

No one knows what the Yellow Emperor was thinking at the time. He killed Xing Tian and buried him.

He buried the head, but spared the body. Waving his relatives with his body, what did Huang Di figure out at that moment?

Tough and tough, he must die, he must have chosen to bow his head. I chose to keep my head down and develop unwaveringly.

I combine the records of “Constant I Fly to the Moon”…I’m thinking…Isn’t this just a layout?

Perhaps in the heart of the Yellow Emperor, he suppressed extremely rebellious thoughts, and a certain sense of resistance had already awakened.

Why does the other party want to ‘compete for God’? Why take away a powerful and magical creation? Are these machines important? Isn’t this afraid of me? Are you afraid of those of us who step on the loess? Maybe the gap with Heaven and Man is not that big…

It was this kind of ambitious ‘evil thoughts’ that ignited the fire of resistance.

Perhaps, the Yellow Emperor was a born rebel.

‘Why can’t I betray you who helped me dominate the world? ‘

He cut off Xing Tian’s head and took the first step of rebellion: temptation.

Although he did not end the ten-day era throughout his life, he must have done a lot, secretly.

He put down the first piece of the jigsaw puzzle and laid out the first step.

The first block, the most important.

I’m sorry, the book friend who asked me to interpret Xing Tian, in my eyes Xing Tian has never been a big hero.

The story of Xingtian is not a story of resistance, let alone a story of stubbornly yelling that I refuse to admit defeat after being cut down.

After being trampled by others, the story of choosing to bow your head, and finally firming up a belief, developing unwaveringly for a hundred years, making countless sacrifices and finally raising your head, is the real hero.

Perhaps, this kind of spirit is poisonous, but in reality, I really think so.

I remember that when I first started interpreting Shan Hai Jing, I said that the Yellow Emperor in my heart is sinister and responsible.

Aside from the sci-fi version of the story, so is the realistic version of him.

He has experienced the baptism of war and was killed from the sea of corpses. He is the first emperor of the Ji family and the pioneer of the common people system. He is definitely not a kind old man!

So far, the stories of the Yellow Emperor passed down after the pre-Qin period are all benevolence.

But forgot, he was the founding king.

Xing Tian, apart from the surprise left to the world at the moment of death, there is nothing else.

Perhaps it is this lack of meritorious spirit that is quite attractive. After the Jin Dynasty, note that it was the beginning of the Jin Dynasty. Xing Tian finally had some more stories. He became Chi You’s minister for a while, and became a subject of Emperor Yan for a while. Even in modern times, he became the so-called God of War.

But Xing Tian, after all, only one credible record in Shan Hai Jing.

No matter what he is fighting for, he is a loser.

The praise of him all originated from Tao Yuanming in the Jin Dynasty. Tao Yuanming read the Classic of Mountains and Seas and attached a poem for him and Jingwei.

In the Han Dynasty, which advocated great revenge, in the iron-blooded Qin Dynasty, and in the pre-Qin era of great struggle, Xing Tian was just a nobody.

Because of him, there is no merit.

Okay, I wrote Xing Tian at the request of a book friend this time, and he will probably be very disappointed.

However, the order of interpretation I originally imagined was also disrupted. Difficult.

Fortunately, the blue and white interface, the story of the “Yellow Emperor” in the era of the Black Emperor, has already begun.

The new book “Information Omniscient” has been released, brothers who haven’t noticed it, hurry up and collect it.


p.s: Sorry.

(end of this chapter)

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