Blooming Romance

Chapter 126 - Extra four

In the hot summer, today’s bright sun, at 12:30 in the afternoon, the outside is hot like a stove.

The reporters had to wait for the long-gun-short gun to wait at the door of the assembly and block the entrance.

The security guard asked strangely: “What is going on here? I also played games before, and I have not seen so many people.”

Sitting in the chair with his own, holding a small fan in the fan of the reporter turned his head: “You did not watch the game table? Today, Chu Yu wants to play.”

The security guard knows nothing about Go, but I have heard of this name vaguely. I can’t think of it for a moment: “Who is Chu?”

Who is Chu?

Chu Yu is one of the top players in China today. The 17-year-old nine-segment, this time the National Go Contest, currently ranks more than a dozen in the world Go players, if he can get the first place in this game, the total points It can be reached in the top five, and the first impact is not impossible.

This is not the key to his high profile.

When he was in elementary school, he became a household name because of a variety of art. Although he did not develop into the entertainment industry, he caught the attention of the media and kept tracking him. He is a tens of millions of luxury cars, he is a famous school, he has a good family history, and his performance is excellent. The most important thing is that he looks beautiful. He said that he is the youngest player in this generation. The best looks are modest, his face. The beauty is placed in the entertainment circle of this generation of people who rely on the face to eat. In these years, he has media coverage reports in every game, and the ratings of live TV broadcasts are very impressive.

The Go Circle is also going to make money.

Chu Yu can not be said to be the best chess player in China, but it is said that the player with the strongest domestic gold absorption ability is absolutely unsurpassed.

He has a lot of fans.

When he was still in elementary school, because the news media reported that he learned the chess to win the game, many parents sent the children to learn to play chess. At that time, Chu went to a new chess game, which originally caused many industries. The pain of life is so horrible, such a good seedling actually went to such a chess game, which is not known to be cheating money, and did not know what his parents thought. I didn’t expect this chess club to get bigger and bigger. I have sincerely invited many first-class professional players to sit in the town. The venue construction and various activities are top-notch. Some people have counted their expenses, let alone profit, and they have to break into it every year. A huge sum of money, I don’t know what capital is behind the support of this chess club. After so many years of operation, it is one of the best chess clubs in China. There are chains in large, medium and small cities across the country.

In the past few years, the world of chess has returned to the spring. Every year, a large number of chess players have learned to play chess. There are many strong young players. There are several sponsors in the competition. Go magazines are better than before. Especially the magazines with the appearance of Chu If you can capture a particularly good-looking photo to make a cover, and then send a custom poster, the number of other times of the other three times can still be sold out of stock.

Suddenly someone said: “Come, come, Chu is coming!”

The people who had been sunburned all were excited and excited. They stood up and stood up. They saw two luxury cars approaching. The first bodyguards stopped first, and the four tall and strong bodyguards came down and wanted to surround them. The reporters all frightened back, the Rolls Royce behind stopped, the driver got off the bus, took the umbrella, and opened the door in the back seat.

Chu Yu appeared, as if the surrounding area was bright, he was like a teenager made of green bamboo and dew, fresh, clean, and with a few minutes.

Chu Hao got off the bus and thought that it would be this scene, so there was no fuss.

Because it was a school leave, he was wearing a school uniform, a short-sleeved shirt and black trousers, and a tie. Although it was a school uniform, the upper body was a formal dress.

The only decoration on Chu’s body is a string of beads worn on the wrist.

There are bodyguards to open the road, and Chu is not squinting. A face indifferently passed through the crowd, entered the door and came to the playing field.

Compared with the domestic market, the opponents are old acquaintances.

Seeing these people, Chu Yu no longer squinted, smiled, and greeted the judges and the players, casually chatted a few words of fat and thin, sit down in the game position, calm down.

Chu Yu looks like a very calm child, playing chess to kill the gas is quite heavy, love active attack, but the thick and thin, and will not fall into the trap.

The judges said with amazement: “Today, Chu Yu is very anxious. I don’t know what happened. I saw him so urgent for the first time. But fortunately, his rhythm is not chaotic, but because of the usual practice, the opponent is confused. He was also anxious to be forced by him.”

Chu Hao quickly solved the game, got the victory and promotion quota, relieved and looked at the watch.

The judge’s teacher asked him: “Small Chu, do you want to go to dinner together?”

Chu Yu’s euphemism declined: “I still have something, I’m sorry, Teacher Xie, I’m free to make another appointment.”

The judges did not ask the next sentence. Chu Yu had already left in a hurry. He thought about it. Chu Yu is now in his third year and goes back to school.

Chu Yu did not return to school, he went straight home.

Today is my father’s birthday.

When I got home, my father and I were all there, and my older brother was not there. In the year before, he took a foreign famous school and went abroad to study.

The grandparents on both sides are there, Grandpa Chu is cooking in the kitchen, helping out, and Dad only made a birthday cake for himself.

Of course, they don’t need money to cook, and they usually cook. They are busy with their work. They are all professional dietitians cooking. Today is Dad’s birthday, they must cook their own hands.

Grandpa’s grandfather came back to see Chu, and smiled and said: “We are back in Xiaochu’s nine sections.”

Grandma asked: “How is it today?”

Chu Yu said proudly: “Of course I won, and I don’t see who I am.”

Grandpa Chu educated him: “Hey, be too proud and self-satisfied.”

Chu Yu, disdain: “Grandpa, I said don’t call me ‘啾啾’!”

Grandpa Chu quickly apologized: “Oh, Grandpa forgot, sorry, sorry.”

Chu Hao sat down and wrote homework at the dining table in the living room, while quietly watching Dad and squatting in the kitchen.

He is seventeen years old and, like other children, is in a period of youthful sorrow.

When I was young, I didn’t understand things. After I grew up, Chu Yu began to understand that their family was different from many other families of the same age. He was raised by two men.

They will occasionally quarrel, but they will be reconciled for up to two or three days.

Since he was in the third grade of elementary school, he had let him live alone in a room, far away from Dad and the bedroom in the land. When he was a child, once, he couldn’t sleep at night, he had to walk through the corridor to knock his father. The door of the bedroom, their doors are always locked, there are strange sounds inside, he heard Dad crying.

He thought for a night, but he couldn’t figure out why Dad was crying because he was tired of work. Just as he writes homework, so many assignments are sometimes difficult to write.

When he had breakfast the next day, he reluctantly pinched a piece of bacon into his father’s bowl and said to his father with distress: “My father has worked hard.”

Chu Yu smiled: “Hey, why are you so embarrassed today?”

He said: “Dad, I heard you crying, my father must be very tired…”

Chu squatted, confused: “Ah? When did you hear me cry…”

As he spoke, Chu Hao responded fiercely and his face rose red.

Yan Yanchen: “Ha ha ha ha ha.”

Chu glanced at him, and he was so angry that he did not pay attention to him for two or three days.

He remembered that when he was asked by other children about his parents’ problems in kindergarten, he also said that he had a lot of fathers and mothers, and that he was doing a lot of things. I was shocked by the teachers and classmates, haha.

Later, I went to elementary school and studied writing. The title requirement was to write a parent’s family. He wrote that he had two fathers. The teacher also found him to talk: “Do you have a mother? It is a biological mother, not a godmother.”

Chu said no.

Although it is kind, it is obviously a worry that he does not have a mother who lacks education.

But he did not feel that he had problems in living in such a family.

Isn’t mother important? He feels that he is very happy.

However, the little Chu Yu children still think about why he does not have a mother, as if other children have a mother? But since he has memories, there is no such woman in life.

If you can’t figure it out, just ask.

Chu Yu went to ask Dad: “The teacher asked me if I don’t have a mother? Dad, why don’t I have a mother?”

Chu Yu and Yan Yanchen face each other. In fact, they have long thought that the children will come to ask this question sooner or later. The two people have discussed a lot of countermeasures, thought about various excuses, and finally decided that the children would not take the initiative if they did not ask, but if The children asked, they didn’t make a story, they didn’t lie.

They never lie to the children to say that you are coming from a garbage group or paying for it. If you do anything to make your child cry, then the child is not the one to take pleasure. Similarly, on this issue, although it is difficult to explain, even if it is explained, the child may not fully understand it at once, but it should not lie and cannot set a bad example for the child.

Therefore, Chu said: “Because you are a father born. From the father’s belly. The world is generally the child who is the child, the woman is called ‘mother’ and ‘mother’, but my physique is special… Although Dad is a man, but I can have children, you are born to me. Dad is a special individual, other children are children born to men and women, you are born to men and men.”

I don’t know if I can explain this. I can’t understand it. His worldview must be shocked.

He is very calm, he hasn’t been in a physiology class, and he hasn’t been shocked. He accepts it, “Oh,” he said. Dad won’t lie to him, he believes in Dad.

Dad touched his little head and explained to him: “This is the secret of our family. Don’t tell others.”

Chu did not understand at that time, and when he learned the creature, he realized how amazing it was. Yes, this is not a fault.

Dad is older than the land.

I don’t know if this is the reason. Dad’s character is more stable and realistic. He is very romantic. He often has to surprise his father. Dad will be very happy after he is upset. Chu Yu probably understands that it is not that he does not like it. It is embarrassing to be old, very cute, and blushing.

Dad wants to avoid him, but he likes to show it.

Every year they have a birthday, and each other will carefully prepare for each other.

The two of them are not in love with each other, but from the usual details, they can see each other in their hearts. Dad will supervise the sesame paste and other black-haired ingredients every morning, and it will be even worse. He is too Pet father, eat and peel shrimp, go out to tie, climb the mountain and ask Dad if you want to back. However, Dad always does not appreciate, sometimes he will quarrel with him, he is not allowed to peel the shrimp, not allowed to tie, do not back. In the end, Dad was still stunned. He couldn’t hang his face, blushing his face and licking his chicken legs and pulling his hand into the room.

The father who climbed the mountain was shirking and said: “How old I am, to back, you recite.”

I am helpless: “You don’t want to talk to me, I don’t have to carry it back.”

At the end of the quarrel, they chose to compromise, not back, the two hands holding hands on the mountain.

Dad said, “You really don’t hurt.”

I don’t know shame: “What’s so good?”

In the family, you are very confident. Maybe the parents of the big class in his class don’t have his father and love, even though they are two men.

Everyone is going to eat this birthday meal.

My brother also called the overseas phone and wished my father a happy birthday.

Have eaten.

Chu Yu moved the board to the terrace of the courtyard and set the game.

Chu Yu can understand his look, this child should have any troubles.

He and Yan Yanchen went together to talk with the children.

Chu Yu was talked by Dad, look at them, think about it, and ask: “Dad, who did you chase in the past?”

Chu Yu has some embarrassment: “How come you suddenly want to ask this?”

Yan Yanchen said without shame: “I am chasing your father, what happened?”

He missed and said: “Your father was romantic at the time, and I was fascinated…”

Chu Yu can’t wait to hold his mouth: “What are you talking about!”

Chu Yu smiled a few times.

Chu Yu asked: “Isn’t the game today won? Why is it so unhappy?”

Chu Yu shook his head: “I don’t know, Dad, I just don’t know why I am not happy, so I am not happy…”

He frowned and said slowly: “I think a lot of things. I think I can make more progress in Go, but after I am twenty, I am 30 years old? I really want to live only for a lifetime. Are you playing chess? I see the teachers are older, but they are young, go to be teachers, commentators, or write a manuscript for the Go column. I like Go, but I don’t want to be like that. I will go to school next year. Now, I think I should learn something else, I think so, but apart from Go, I am not interested in other things.”

Chu Yu silenced: “…just these?”

It’s really a teenager’s sorrow.

Chu Yan sighed: “Hey, although I said this to you, but I know that I still have to make my own decisions in the end. If you give me advice, I will refer to them at the most.”

Yan Yanchen said with a smile: “There is no way. You can be rebellious when you are at this age. You want to try anything. If you can’t think of it for a while, it doesn’t matter. Think slowly, if you are interested, do it. It’s not a violation of law and order, Dad will support you.”

Chu Yu said in a reasonable way: “I have thought about it. I have to be a small achievement in my twenties. Then I met a loved one at the age of twenty-five. Before the age of 30, I formed a happy and warm family… ”

Chu Hao is really laughing at this: “Hope.”

Chu Yu is not very happy: “What is ‘hope?’ Do you think I can’t do it?”

Yan Yanchen candidly persuaded him: “Oh, other things are good to say, you may find it difficult to meet someone you love at the age of twenty-five. This is not something that can be planned. I have been hitting the eight-year-old Universiade.” I met your father. I don’t think you have the luck of me.”

Chu Yu blushes silently.

Chu Wei: “…”

Is he showing off?

This is a bit irritating.

He doesn’t care, anyway, in the future, he must follow the standards of Dad and Hey, so that he can find someone who knows and loves each other, and he will live happily for a lifetime.

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