Blooming Romance

Chapter 10

Chu Yu sometimes feels that Xiao Yan is like ten years old, not to twenty. Otherwise, why is it so energetic, like a high school boy, full of yellow waste. This point makes him love and fear. He likes the young and lively feeling of Xiao Yan. He needs him with satisfaction. He can’t keep his life, and his body can’t keep up with the fast pace of young people.

He didn’t want anything to match the flames of the flames. It should be the flames of the flames to match him. Otherwise, who is this?

Chu Yu pretended not to understand his implication: “I am so tired by plane, I have to sleep, and recharge my batteries for the next trip.”

Yan Yanchen was quite disappointed. He thought that Chu Yu would be more interested than him. Didn’t he play in the car last night? Not more interesting on the plane? Chu Hao is actually indifferent? Yan Yan dusty eyes looked at Chu Yu off the coat and shoes, lying down on the bed, covered with a blanket.

He silently and quietly approached and found that Chu Yu really slept and was safe.

Wrong? Yan Yanchen took the breath.

He is not so angry that the monkey is eager to take a shot at the sleeping person.

The bumps of the air current and the high air pressure make this sleep very uneasy.

Chu Yu made a dream, it is said that dreaming is the performance of shallow sleep, so it will sleep more and more tired.

He dreamed that he was in his youth. He racked his brains to write love letters to Ji Tianze. He wanted to take his heart out, but he was not satisfied with his writing. He was so anxious that he finally wrote a confession of words. But he didn’t remember the specific content. He remembered that he secretly hid the bag inside the clothes close to his heart. When he got the fever, he gave it to Ji Tianze. After Ji Tianze read it, he laughed at him: “Chu, I regard you as a friend, but you are using it. Looking at me from the bottom-flowing eyes? I didn’t expect you to be a disgusting **** monster.”

There were a lot of sly faces that couldn’t see the faces around him, and they laughed and echoed:

“It’s really disgusting.”

“I didn’t expect Chu Wei to be such a person.”

“I have long heard that Manager Chu is a homosexual, he should not want to dive – rules – then me? I can be careful.”

“He is a **** man, and he must be in a private life.”

“Maybe you have **** – sickness.”

“Hahahaha, he has a terminal illness, maybe it is because private life is too lascivious.”

Chu Yu has a lot of arguments, just want to run away, run home all the way, want to find a place to hide.

Dad did not allow him to enter the door:

“You are a blind man! The wind is ruined!”

“It’s best to die outside, one hundred! I don’t think I will bury you in the grave of our hometown!”

“How did I give birth to such a filthy thing, and I also lost my face.”

Chu Yu was rushed to rush, the world is big, there is no place where he can stand.

He is anxious, stunned, sad, and desperate.

why? What did he do wrong? Just because he was born as a man, and he likes men by nature? Because of this, he has to suffer and not die.

Suddenly someone grabbed his hand and called his name: “Auntie, aunt…”

Chu Yu was finally awakened, and he opened his eyes, and the face of the flames came into view, somewhat blurred.

He later realized that he was full of tears.

Yan Yanchen clenched his hand and put it on his face to warm the cold palm of his hand: “You have a nightmare, crying without any sound, just silently tears, I saw that the pillows were crying. Wet a piece.”

He was careful, did not dare to ask what Chu Yu dreamed of, afraid to touch the sadness of Chu.

For the first time in his life, someone cried and made him feel distressed. Chu Yu looked so fragile and helpless.

Chu Hao sat up and had a nightmare. She was very tired and said, “Small, you hold me.”

Yan Yan dust hugged him.

The hot chest and the generous image of the flames gave Chu a place to go, let him settle down the floating heart.

At least at this moment, someone is willing to hold him. When he didn’t speak, he quietly held the flames of the flames, and the flames of the flames stroked his back, as if he was holding a baby, making his breathing gradually steady.

He felt cold on his body and realized that it was because of cold sweat. He said, “Don’t hold it, I am sweaty and dirty.”

Yan Yanchen refused to let go: “Not dirty.”

Xiao Yan was really responsible for this lover’s post. Chu was initially pleased. When he thought about it, he felt more lonely. Unfortunately, the performance was really not true. He paid for it. No one in the world loved him.

He has seen someone paying for a young **, the result is unable to extricate themselves, asking the little lover to stay, continue to play the role of the true love game, it is almost to meet the master of Xiaoyan. Fortunately, he will be able to keep his head awake, otherwise he will spend a lot of money to please the little lovers.

Chu Hao gently patted his shoulder: “You let me change clothes, my clothes are wet, and I have to catch a cold.”

蔺 尘 尘 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这

Chu Yu took off his shirt and looked at him like that. Suddenly he wanted to be lowered and lost his heart. He blurted out and said, “Do it.”

The little blazing blaze was immediately posted, and his chilly body seemed to hug himself.

Yan Yanchen whispered in his ear: “You are really thin, have you been eating well before?”

Of course… No, the work is busy, the pressure is high, sometimes I can’t take care of eating, sometimes I stuffed a greasy wine, and I went back to hold the toilet and spit it out. He has a high self-esteem. In any case, he can’t indulge himself into a bald-and-blooded old man. Men, thin is better than fat.


Yan Yanchen did not speak, only holding him, his hand touching his back neck and back.

I don’t know how long it took, and Yan Yanchen asked: “Can I ask? I really want to ask you, but I don’t know if I have this qualification… What dreams have you dreamed of? Perhaps you can I will talk about it.”

Chu Yu felt that she was very shameful, and she was crying like this at such a young age.

He taught him from childhood, and the man can’t easily drop his tears. If he cries, he will be stared at by his father and mother with disappointment. They will let him not cry, but he will not come forward to comfort him. If he is injured, he will climb up.

Yan Yanchen did not ask for it, and asked, Chu Yu suddenly cried even more. Chu Yu cried in front of people he knew. It was probably because half a stranger was a small stranger. It was not a shame to cry in front of him. He vented it in one breath.

Calling Yan Yanchen is helpless.

In addition to giving him a hug, I don’t know what else to do.

Chu Yu cried for a while and said: “I fell because of my love for men and my parents. I haven’t seen each other for five years.”

Yan Yanchen was full of pity and grief. He thought about it and said naturally: “…My mother died when I was a child.

To comfort other misfortunes is to expose your own misfortunes.

These two poor people meet each other and cherish each other.

Chu Hao sighed, he still wants to say Ji Tianze’s business, but I don’t know why, there is no way to open it in front of Yan Chenchen: “Hey, every family has a difficult experience.”

Yan Yanchen slowly returned to taste, Chu said that because men and parents break apart, will never be just a personality orientation, who is that man? What is their relationship?

I can’t think about it in depth. Just think about it, and I feel that my heart is clogged and depressed. 2k novel reading network

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