Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 20 - Troublesome Wang Hao

Wang Hao has been deleting some code to clean up files. Time lapsed unconsciously. Even the box lunch brought by Fang Bing was forgotten by the two. Fang Bing got a new toy, and he fell into a frenzy of code writing. in.

Neither of them remembered that there was a meal. Wang Hao, who was immersed in the code, suddenly heard the phone ringing, looked at it, and picked it up. Now the cleaning procedure announced to the outside is nearing the end. One encryption is complete.

“Senior soldier, why don’t you play airplanes?” Wang Hao thought of the road to earning money, and his mind eased and said with a chuckle.

“Play with Mao .. There is no electricity. I have knocked on the door for a long time. Your neighbors have been knocked out by me for three or four times. You are good, Hao .. I will not open the door for most of the day.”

Wang Hao listened to the spit on the phone and smirked. He just thought he was immersed in the code. There was no doorbell in his house. He thought it was next door.

“I starved to death .. I was just doing the drone app, can I install it now?”

Opened the door, and watched Fang Bing walk in with excitement holding the drone.

“Uh .. Immediately get it done, and there is one last point.” Wang Hao looked as usual, not saying at all that the drone program had not yet started.

“Ho, don’t mean, you slowly get it, I’ll go live when you get it done.” Fang Bing looked at Wang Hao’s expression, thinking that this drone’s app should be difficult.

“By Hao, your drone has very good performance. Do you have any idea to produce it yourself?” Fang Bing seemed to think of something, and said excitedly, “You can definitely sell this drone and become A rich man. “

Wang Hao lowered his head and pondered for a moment. He had thought about this drone before, but when he thought about the troublesome registration, he scratched his head a little bit, “No idea. Do you have any interest, or leave it to you to operate it.” “

But it made Wang Hao think of a compromise .. I find it troublesome and I can leave it to other people to do it. This drone is only made by him to save time. Many processes and parts are ready-made, like that The positioning and recognition technology is improved by using DragonBrain’s recognition technology.

And with the cooperation of other brand-new hardware, you can definitely improve some performance again. You must know that all the accessories of this drone are from the second-hand market, and the performance is definitely not new.

Fang Bing was hesitant. He didn’t want to get involved in this one. He wouldn’t have any effort at all, and he could see the prospects. He didn’t believe Haoge would not know.

“Haoge … you don’t do it yourself …” Fang Bing said hesitantly. If the other party didn’t plan to make it himself, then he was very emotional and wanted to try it for himself.

“It’s too troublesome not to do it yourself. If you want to do it, I want to authorize you to do it …” Although Wang Hao is very eager for money, he has too many ways to make money. It’s not very good for a drone.

“Really?” Fang Bing’s eyes showed a strong excitement. He naturally knew that if such a drone was put into mass production, even if he could not be made a billionaire, he could be a multimillionaire. There is no problem at all.

“Yes, if you have an idea, you can give this production technology to you.” Wang Hao nodded calmly.

“Hao brother, how to divide into …” Fang Bing forced himself to calm down and said.

“The production capital and the factory are all arranged by you. I just divide the technology into five or five shares.” Wang Hao thought about it and said, this is his low line. He has long thought about the prospect of drones, but he is in trouble. .

“Haoge .. I will arrange the production funds and factories like this. If you use technology to buy shares, you will get two or eight points. I will give you two.” Fang Bing said for a moment, “Haoge, I can’t invest much money. I need to find my dad. You also know the situation of my family. It is estimated that the maximum investment of one hundred thousand and one million is already the limit, and the prospect of this drone is known even if I have not examined it. of.”

Fang Bing was a bit distressed and wanted to take over and do it himself. However, considering his own situation, it was impossible to invest too much money, but he could barely support the factory. It was estimated that there would be no advertising funds, no Advertising means that there is no market.

Will seriously affect the sales of products. The audience of drones is actually not too large, but the products with advanced technology, no matter the size of the audience, will not lack the market.

“Tell me what you think …” Wang Hao thought for a while and said calmly that for him, although he has no money now, he really hasn’t gotten into the drone market.

“My family can make a loan of about one million yuan, and all will be used to build a factory, and then I will definitely make my live broadcast fire, and then advertise in the live broadcast room …” Fang Bing said.

Fang Bing’s words made Wang Hao a little surprised. The other party actually came up with such an implementation plan in such a short time. UU reading really surprised him.

“OK … just do what you said, I will give you the list of production needs and the list of raw materials …” Wang Hao nodded, and he was a little happy in his heart, like throwing a burden.

For him, the drone has been dismissed. This is the best choice. His desire for money is not big. Just look at his life in the past three years, but money can not only improve life, but also It can help people in need. The most important thing is to allow Dragon Brain to have more servers and make his research smoother.

So he didn’t have much desire for money, but he didn’t have the mentality to resist.

“Great .. I’ll go talk to my dad.” Fang Bing was excited when he heard Wang Hao’s words, and thought of being caught by Wang Hao.

“I’m in a hurry, charge the drone first, get the app to go .. I’ll heat up the food, and then go after eating.” Wang Hao shook his head and looked at the excited Fang Bing, said.

Fang Bing was right when he bowed his head. He went to his father like this. He said that there was no evidence, and the possibility of rejection was very high. It is not as good as after everything is ready.

Afterwards, Wang Hao heated the meal in the kitchen, and after eating with Fang Bing, charged the drone and drilled into the room to do a packet processing for the drone APP program, and then installed it in Fang Bing. On your phone.

Fang Bing opened the APP in his phone curiously and looked carefully. The functions are actually not many. You can set the shooting distance of the drone, or you can set the shooting rule within a period of time. The other is the manual mode.

“This is the function for the time being .. The follow-up function will be added.” Wang Hao said blushing and panting. These are the three most important functions he thought of.

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