Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 18 - End of college entrance examination

Zhao Yi was more shocked when she saw it. She was originally a Chinese teacher in high school, but looking at the text formed by the vigorous and powerful stroke of the other party, she was slightly stunned. She did not expect a high school student to be more than a dozen more than her. Nian’s father was not weak at all, even she felt that the word was better than her father wrote.

She looked at these words that could be described by art, and suddenly her heart flashed over the words that she had inadvertently heard before, and she felt that the other party should not be bragging.

She is a teacher who teaches Chinese. After a glance, she can roughly know whether it is right or not.

“Although there are still some uncertainties, but the others are all right.” Zhao Yi was more and more surprised, she had never seen such a speed of answering questions, but after a lot of thinking, she found that she didn’t know anything. , The others are all right.

Zhao Yi stood there unconsciously, and another invigilator watched Zhao Yi actually stand there looking at a student answering the question. He was very curious and walked over.

After a glance, like Zhao Yi, he couldn’t move his feet. This unanswered question, as well as the scrolling words on the scroll, made the two proctors look enjoyable.

Wang Hao answered the question very quickly, and was immersed in the answer. He did not notice that the two teachers were standing beside him, but he answered with a stroke.

After a while, Wang Hao stretched out a lazy waist, glanced at the test paper satisfactorily, and after seeing the time, he suddenly felt stunned. According to the time for submitting the exam in advance, he had not yet arrived.

So he looked up boredly .. I was immediately taken aback by the invigilator teacher like the left and right door gods.

“Teacher .. I should .. Didn’t you cheat?” Wang Hao was somewhat at a loss, and the strange eyes of the two invigilator teachers made him not compose.

The two proctors looked at Wang Hao, who was a little dazed on his face. After a glance, they suddenly smiled bitterly and shook their heads in silence. They were shocked by Wang Hao. Zhao Yi originally thought that he was a poor student, but he left Recently, after watching it for more than ten minutes, she was speechless. Where is this a poor student? Obviously, he is a character with a hegemony.

“Can you hand in the papers now?” Wang Hao hesitated and said.

“No .. It’s not time yet. Check it.” Zhao Yi glanced at the time on her watch and shook her head.

Wang Hao glanced at the test paper and crawled boringly on the table, and the invigilator teacher also looked at it speechlessly. They just did not say much about invigilating the exam.


“Dad … shall we go to the tea shop over there and wait …” Zhang Xin glanced at the slowly rising sun and said.

“If you are afraid of the heat, cover the sun with your umbrella, your brother will come out in a moment.” Zhang Father shook his head and refused. At this time, he also understood the temperament of some Wang Hao, and according to his estimation, he finished. After the question came out, Wang Hao was definitely not going to wait until the end of the exam, and with the strength he knew in the past few days, he could answer it in about 40 minutes.

The other parents who accompanied the children looked at the four calm-faced people and talked about it.

“That father is so confident in his children …”

“It should be a father of Xueba, this man is very angry.”

The other parents were very nervous, forming a stark contrast with the four of Zhang Fu, and a touch of book anger revealed on Zhang Fu’s body made them think that the other party did not lie.

At this time in a quiet school, there was a sudden ring of bells, and several figures suddenly appeared on the corridor, which was obviously a student who had handed in the papers.

The invigilator teacher shook his head and looked at the students who turned in the papers. The large blanks. Obviously these were students who had given up on themselves, which made some of them regret.

But these teachers did not include Zhao Yi and another proctor. At this time, the two of them looked at a test paper together with a white manuscript paper, and looked at it.

“Mr. Zhao. You teach Chinese, is there any place where you can deduct points?” Another invigilator said hesitantly.

“No .. If the language is me, I should give full marks.” Zhao Yi looked at the test paper with a dull eyesight. She just looked at it curiously. The test paper was neat and clean. The words were like works of art, even letting her Not willing to seal this test paper, but want to use it as a collection, put it in a box at home.

“…” Another teacher suddenly couldn’t find anything to describe .. Can only say that this student is too shocking.


“Xiaohao … came out.” Mother Zhang shouted suddenly, and she, like Father Zhang, was also not worried about Wang Hao’s test scores.

“How about, is it difficult …” Father Zhang said with a smile.

“It’s quite easy, I’ll finish the answer soon.” Wang Hao smiled, but the opening made parents on the side stunned … many … easy … this man actually said that the college entrance examination was quite easy, and still Almost finished .. It only took thirty minutes to come out. UU reading said it was easy. The parent did n’t know whether this was the school bully or the tail of the crane.

“OK … Let’s go back.” The third middle school of Gancheng is not far from Wang Hao’s residence. It takes about 20 minutes to walk.

The two days of the college entrance examination did not make much waves for Wang Hao, but for Zhao Yi, she was shocked. She was too impressed by the teenager who completed the Chinese exam in 30 minutes.

Subsequent mathematics .. Lizong .. and foreign languages ​​both numb Zhao Yi and another proctor, both of whom will stand behind Wang Hao for the first time and are stared at by the two teachers. Not comfortable.

But I did n’t know that the two invigilator teachers were a little shocked by himself. Everything was because of his speed of answering questions, and even more because of the terrible accuracy rate. The mathematics teacher who oversaw with Zhao Yi was, but this A math teacher did not see any errors in Wang Hao’s answer.

Even if he needs time to solve the problem, but in Wang Hao’s hands, he does not need to think about the pen to write the problem-solving steps.

The college entrance examination is a liberation for many students, and it is also true for Wang Hao, and it is also true for Zhao Yi who is an invigilator. She does not need to be hit by another student.

The college entrance examination .. This means the end of a stage. Father Zhang originally planned to take Wang Hao to relax after the college entrance examination. However, Wang Hao refused, and Dragon Brain was not completed. He really had no thoughts about playing. I don’t like moving too much, I just like to study something that interests me.

Therefore, after Zhang Zhang and Zhang Mu looked at Wang Hao’s attitude, they nodded and agreed, and Zhang Xin and Zhang Nan also said goodbye to Wang Hao. After Zhang Zhang and Zhang Zhang left, they went to Jinggang Peak not far away The tour is gone.

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