Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 1177 - Going home, life can only go forward, without retreat (the finale)

“Withdraw, withdraw … we won …”

Gao Mo stared blankly at the retreat of Zerg and Protoss, and this retreat, unlike the previous one, formed a defensive line of retreat, but like a limitless retreat, crazy retreat, retreating again and again Retreat.

This scene, he thought many times in his heart, but it has never been realized, even after it really appeared, it made him feel a strong sense of unreal.

“Wang Hao, what shall we do next?”

Tao Hongguo watched the Protoss and Zerg slowly leave, his face revealing a sense of inexplicability, unclear Dao, unclear whether it is love or hate, anyway, it is very complicated.

“Come back home.”

When Wang Hao opened his mouth, Tao Hongguo was stunned. He even had an illusion.

“Home? Where is our home?”

Tao Hongguo’s eyes fell on the earth star. Seriously, the earth star was his home, but there was a question in his heart, because he stayed on the earth star, looked at the familiar buildings, and looked at the familiar People, but there is no feeling, that is the feeling of home.

He could not feel the feeling of home at all, and some were just the urgency of survival.

“Our home is in the Earth star, in the Milky Way, above the orbit of the sun, and there is a place called the moon next to us. We have enough wandering, it is time to go home.”

Wang Hao looked at the retreating Protoss and Zerg. Before the two tribes found a way to target the anti-substance bomb of the Yanhuang Alliance, he estimated that the two tribes dared not pick up the matter, and now it is not the Protoss and Zerg. The Yanhuang Alliance picks things up.

“Yes .. that is our home.”

After Tao Hongguo heard Wang Hao ’s words, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and there was a touch of excitement on his face. At the same time, all the Yan and Huang tribes who walked from the earth star, whether they were war tribes or mechanical tribes, showed their eyes at this time. Out of desire, because the earth star has always heard about the place of home before stepping into the interstellar.

All the fighters of the Yan and Huang tribes are also a new generation. They did not experience the galaxy’s galaxy period at all. Afterwards, they fled all the way to survive and wandered around, but instead produced a fantasy of the galaxy era.

“Home? Where is our home?”

And all the civilizations that followed the Yanhuang Alliance showed a flash of memories at this time, but no matter how they recalled, many civilizations even forgot the meaning of home, and forgot what it was like.

Because civilization is in the universe, they gave up too much in order to survive, and time made them forget too much.

“Yanhuang Alliance is always a whole, and Galaxy is your home.”

Wang Hao looked at the leaders of other civilizations and Shen Sheng said, perhaps because of the short development time. In Wang Hao ’s mind, after solving the pressure of the Protoss and Zerg, all he had was an idea, that is home. Earth stars staying in the Milky Way star field lie on the island they bought and enjoy bathing from the sun.

And after the decision was made, the entire Yanhuang Alliance took action, even the Nuoki people also began to act, because they really felt that the Yanhuang Alliance’s tolerance of civilization, perhaps, stay in the Yanhuang Alliance, heaven Collapsed, it feels like the Yanhuang Alliance is standing, really good.

As the Yanhuang Alliance moved, with countless civilizations destroyed by the Protoss and Zerg, the Protoss and the Zerg were instantly uncomfortable, because in the face of the Yanhuang Alliance that would emerge from subspace without knowing when, where, The Protoss and Zerg were stunned, and even before the two groups found an anti-material bomb against the Yanhuang Alliance, the limits of the two civilizations shrank.

Wang Hao naturally has not forgotten the advancement of technology, because he will be beaten when he lags behind, and he will show it in the universe.

At the same time, the Protoss and the Zerg faced the pressure of the Yanhuang Alliance, and the alliance was even more compact. In order to resist the pressure of the Protoss and the Zerg, after returning to the Yanhuang Galaxy, it was the former Hengyuan Galaxy.

The Yanhuang Alliance established the Yanhuang Expeditionary Army, and the nature of this army is actually to resist the union of the Protoss and Zerg.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is the Yanhuang Expeditionary Army that is suppressing the Protoss and Zerg. Because of the initial pressure, Wang Hao has more time to conduct research on weapons of war, and the Yanhuang Alliance has been promoted very quickly. In the process of wormhole’s return, the improvement of technology was not slow.

Even if the Protoss and Zerg are united together, they are still feeling strong pressure in the face of the Yanhuang Alliance. Even the two tribes retreat to the Sanshe to face the Yanhuang Alliance ’s expeditionary corps in order to survive, because the two tribes are facing anti-material bombs. Great.

In particular, after researching a new anti-wormhole force field, the Yanhuang Alliance will again find a way to crack it at a very fast speed, which makes the Protoss and Zerg completely have their own advantages.

The Protoss originally had technological advantages, but in the face of the general technological improvement of the Yanhuang Alliance, the feeling of powerlessness, and the Zerg faced the particle speed attack wave of the Yanhuang Alliance, coupled with the powerful antimatter bomb Maritime tactics cannot be played at all.

It is for this reason that among the Yanhuang, Protoss, Zerg, and Tribes, the most powerful forces in the universe have formed a strange balance. The Protoss and Zerg want to destroy the Yanhuang, but they cannot be destroyed. The technology of Yanhuang Alliance is improving rapidly, but in the face of Protoss and Zerg, these two tribes occupy countless galaxies, which is beyond the imagination of Wang Hao, and also makes Wang Hao want to destroy, but has some headaches.

After all, the establishment of the Yanhuang Alliance is too short. However, Wang Hao did not have the idea to directly occupy the entire universe, just step by step attacking the nearby galaxies occupied by the Protoss and Zerg. In terms of progress, it is not fast or slow. It is also being promoted in an orderly manner.

However, in order to destroy these two tribes, Wang Hao also believes that it is not possible in a short period of time because at least the number of ethnic tribes is not less than that of the two tribes. Civilization in the universe has dropped by a thousandfold and a thousandfold.

Wang Hao also reluctantly accepted that the war still exists, coexisting with the Protoss, the Zerg, and the three major civilizations.

However, now Wang Hao no longer thinks about these problems, because he looked at the earth star not far away from him, and looked at the strong light of the direct sun in the distance, and there was a trace of satisfaction on his face.

“Maybe Earthstar is also looking forward to going home.”

Wang Hao looked at the earth star, and under the sun’s illumination, Ying Yingshenghui, as if like him, fluctuated with excitement. The earth star may also be looking forward to returning home.

“Go home …”

Wang Hao muttered to himself, as the earth star once again connected to the solar system’s rotating orbit, forming a rotation ~ ~ The earth star once again entered the alternation of the sun and the moon, meaning that 500 years of wandering earth star returned Too.

“Go home …”

Numerous Yan and Huang cries shouted as they watched the sun reveal the atmosphere and shouted with excitement and excitement.

But Wang Hao turned around, quietly looking at the sunlight without the atmospheric filter. For him, it was only a little dazzling, but his strength was easy to watch.

The return of Di Xing was a wish to fulfill his heart, but now he cannot relax because the entire Yanhuang Alliance is still advancing under his impetus.

The Yanhuang tribe, still with the Protoss and Zerg, these two highly aggressive races, in the universe, if you do not continue to maintain the progress of the Yanhuang Alliance, then the previous crisis will be at an unknown time, again advent.

“Sure enough, the life of a person, from birth, has to move forward, not back, and it is never possible to stop, because once you stop, other people are still going forward, they will surpass, they will leave, people are so civilized The same is true, this is a life that can only move forward, but not retreat. “

Wang Hao’s eyes showed a hint of thought, and there was a philosophical word in his heart. Life can only move forward without retreating, and it can never stay in place.

This thought of life applies to the current Yanhuang, Protoss, and Zerg races. Once the Yanhuangs stop, they will once again fall into the cleaning crisis of the Protoss and Zerg.

Therefore, the advancement of the Yanhuang people can’t stop, and his advancement can’t stop, and the Protoss and Zerg also dare not stop, because once stopped, Wang Hao doesn’t mind, directly cleanse these two civilizations, it is really the Protoss and The Zerg attack is too strong.

PS: After finishing the book, sprinkle the flowers, the testimonials will not squander money, just hope that everyone will read the testimonials behind the walnuts (free of charge).

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