Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 617

Chapter 617: Xie Xiao Is Back

Chapter 617 Xie Xiaoye is back

Back from the gray area, Xie Feng also came back to class after finishing his trip there.

It’s been a long time since I went back to school, Xiaoye Xie stood at the school gate, his legs shaking like a sieve.

“Are you Parkinson’s?”

Shen Lingxi couldn’t stand it anymore, he wanted to pull away the hand he was holding on to and refused to let go.

Xie Feng’s voice trembled: “I haven’t been back for too long, am I nervous?”

“Don’t worry, Director Jiang is on leave, no one will catch the hot and sour noodles in your schoolbag.”

Shen Lingxi pulled up her schoolbag and felt that she and Xie Feng were standing together, with the smell of hot and sour powder all over her body.

Xie Feng has hot and sour noodles hidden in his schoolbag, and he looks like a thief when he goes upstairs.

Given that someone behaves like a monkey, many people in the passing class cast their eyes and watch?

“Is that Xie Feng who just passed by?”

How is it possible, our family is so handsome, so it will not be so wretched. ”

“That’s right, the one who just passed was a monkey.”

The students in the other classes had puzzled expressions on their faces.

Finally got to the class, Xie Feng quietly entered the classroom.

As early as last week, Wang Zhuo and the others arranged Xie Feng’s books and put them on the table.

All the books are piled up in a pile, blocking his face tightly. If you don’t pay attention, you won’t be able to find him coming back.

The classmates in the front row couldn’t find it, but the few sitting near him were more excited than the other.

The positions of Shen Lingxi and Wang Ningxiu were originally Xie Feng and Shao Heng.

Now Xie Feng is sitting behind her at a table by himself.

Wang Ningxiu couldn’t hold back the excitement in her heart, she turned her head frequently and looked at him with a small star in her eyes.

Xie Feng’s hair color of the same color of flamingo has been dyed back. The fans who dyed it were purely for the second stage solo show in the final.

“Phoenix” is a national style dance, you can wear a headgear.

The dance rhythm of the   solo show is too strong, if you use a wig, it will be easily thrown out, and there will be a stage accident on the spot, so I dyed it that color.

After the event, Xie Feng, who really didn’t like this color, dyed his hair back immediately.

After all, he had dyed his hair many times in a short period of time, and Xie Feng’s head still had a strong smell of potion. At this moment, the smell of potion mixed with the taste of hot and sour powder, not to mention being very energetic.

“Brother Feng.” Wang Ningxiu stared at him, “You are handsome again.”

Xie Feng reached out and touched the drawer twice, and handed over the photo signed by Su Ran: “Yours.”

“Brother Feng, when you go back to school this time, do you still have to go out to make announcements?”

Wang Ningxiu covered the photo, unable to hide the smile on her face.

“There are some group activities, but there shouldn’t be many. I didn’t pick up the individual activity presentations. I’ll talk about it after the exam.”

Xie Feng is able to relax for a while, the other three team members will not have such good treatment, after all, college students have privileges.

Chatting, Xie Feng hooked his finger mysteriously: “Tell you an exclusive news.”

“What!” Wang Ningxiu seemed to smell the gossip.

Xie Feng said: “A few days ago, an idol drama came to me and said that the male protagonist is suitable for me.”

Wang Ningxiu was shocked: “Then what?”

“Then I recommended Su Ran to the director.”

Xie Feng didn’t even read the script, he only knew that the price of the crew was quite high, so he pushed it over thinking that the fat water would not flow to outsiders.

Who ever thought.

Xie Feng said: “I accompanied Su Luan to the interview, but the heroine who played the role didn’t show up that day, so the director asked me to do the role for Su Luan.”

Supplementary chapter, late supplementary chapter, although it is late (the more you owe, the more you owe, the more you owe, the 19 chapters, the dog’s head to save his life)

The source of jokes, Xie Feng is back to school

(end of this chapter)

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