Bix Magic Cube Game World

Chapter 8 - Part 8

Originally, Eagle did not plan to go out. He knew that someone wanted him to die. This is not a joke, but Atville has some eyebrows. Eagle has been in the manor, and the other party was also difficult Get started.

“So, I will give you this opportunity, will you come?”

Peisen thought that the bear boy, Eagle, really wanted to stare at him to see if he would take out something. In fact, how could it be so simple.

But at this moment, Pei Sen didn’t care about others anymore. He stared at the outside of the carriage, hoping to see even one player appear.

In fact, Pei Sen knew that there was still a certain probability that he could not even see the player’s shadow.

After all, he has already determined this time. This is a real world. Maybe the game he remembered was just generated using this world as a template?

It is not impossible, and it is even possible.

If this is the case, Pei Sen can only helplessly laugh.

“What’s wrong with you, an uneasy look,” Eagle’s cold voice sounded, “Are you really lying to me?”

Pei Sen was actually not in a mood to answer him, but he had to face up to the suspicion of the young master, “No, just to return to Casey City and remember some bad memories.”

Iger knew that Mr. Payson had been caught by the Quay Wolf in Casey City. Ms. Mary had told him all about that.

Almost sold … Um, I’m afraid it won’t be a good memory.

The magnificent carriage was slowly moving towards Casey City. Of course, Eagle ’s carriage was completely different from the one that Vago took with them at the time. This carriage was much larger and more luxurious.

Six tall white horse-drawn carriages were used in front. The wide carriage was enough to seat a dozen people without being crowded. There were handles and pedals outside, enough to stand on two rows of male servants.

This time I went to Casey City, it was a simple trip in the mouth of Ms. Mary, but there were two maids in the carriage besides Iger and Pessen, and a low-ranking housekeeping maid Visi who would not normally appear in front of Iger He usually followed Vago and did not have the qualification to wait in front of Eagle, at this time he stood by the carriage door and could not even sit down. He opened the door specifically for Eagle.

On the two sides of the carriage, there are four male servants, who can only stand outside and grab the handle to eat ash all the way. There are a total of eighteen bodyguard servants riding on the carriage before and after.

This is actually, easy travel …

Mr. Pei Sen was also fortunate before that he was mixed into a recruiting team of personal housekeepers. If these ordinary male servants become those, I am afraid that life will be more difficult than now.

But soon he didn’t even have this mood, because the time should be ten o’clock.

He was so nervous that even his breathing was out of rhythm, and even the strange surprise of Igle’s eyes on the opposite side was out of sight.

Suddenly, he saw a group of people appearing on a path outside the casey gate, all wearing a short gray coat and pants, there were only a few at first, and gradually there were more people, even if the carriage was far away from there, Bae Sen was still excited.

At this moment, it seems like pouring a large glass of ice water in summer to make you feel comfortable.


No matter how he called it, people would not listen to him. The people in the carriage would only listen to Eagle.

Eagle looked at him, raised his hand, and the carriage immediately began to slow down and stopped, “Are you sure you are here?”

“Yes, but there are many more people there. I don’t know if things have been dug away.” Pei Sen said quickly.

Eagle looked blankly at the group of gray people not far away, frowning slightly. Where did these people come from? It doesn’t look like someone from Casey City.

Peisen pulled the door to get off, but Eagle stopped him. “It’s not very suitable here, Advanced City.”

This group of people does not know the origin, and there are a lot of people. Eagle’s eyes are watchful in the past.

Pei Sen would like to say that there will be no problem, these people will not hurt him, but suddenly realized that what the players will do, he really can not predict.

So the carriage moved slowly again, and after entering the city, stopped by the tall tower at the end of the street.

After seeing the player, Pei Sen had settled a lot in his heart and accompanied Eagle to the high tower. It turned out that on the top of the tower, there was actually an increased magic circle and a small magic eye that could see the situation in the city. It is clear.

Although Pei Sen was a player for many years before he came, he really didn’t know that Tari had this setting.

It should be said that at the beginning, the player could not enter the tower, and did not have the qualification to enter. As for the later period … After being involved in the war, the tower was abandoned, and the magic circle was destroyed by people. Naturally, this function was not available.

Eagle sat on the sofa chair where the servant of the magician in the tower moved, and together with Pessen, he observed the people who had just entered the city with their magic eyes.

Casey City itself is very small, said to be a city, in fact, it can only be called a small town, in the game, it is the most well-known initial novice village, in this world, it can only be said to be a backward rural place, Esmea The frontier of the empire is far from the king.

Because the place is small, when a few strangers appear, they are very conspicuous, and this time, a group appeared suddenly.

Pei Sen first looked near the door, and really found a person he didn’t see when he first came. This person’s head was covered in white with the word “game guide”, and the font was very small, but the people around Casey City ignored him. .

On this point, Pei Sen knows what is going on. It should be said that in the early days, there were many similar service-type npcs. It seems that only players can see it. It is a ghost-like setting.

Then he focused his attention on the players who had just entered the city.

Sure enough, they have translucent light silver id on the top of their heads, which is not conspicuous. This is only visible to players, and the surrounding npc can’t see the words on the top of their heads.

“I remember that the hidden id function only appeared two or three years after the game appeared. Can’t they hide the id yet?” Pei Sen thought to himself.

The same is the game panel. The game panel of Pei Sen is actually the player panel after many years of operation of the Bix Cube. It not only has the function of hiding the id, but also hides the upgrade special effects. It is the standard mage professional panel.

And these new players, their career choice is only one, that is the swordsman, it is very early from the appearance of the mage.

Eagle next to him frowned, “What’s wrong with these people, acting so weird.”

Pei Sen looked at players on the street who were standing stupidly or had no focus and seemed to wander like a zombie. He almost couldn’t help but laugh out loud. He didn’t have to guess that this group of people must be taking screenshots crazy.

It ’s okay at the moment, the game has n’t released the pinch face function yet, just when the pinch face function was released, because the data ca n’t be imported, the holographic pinch face makes many players even look weird, that ’s really funny.

The face is not open, everyone is up or down according to the actual appearance, at least it is not surprising in appearance.

However, when I saw that there were almost people who were going to stick to the wall, those who tried to bite the stone with their teeth, who were lying on the ground staring at the ground like a neuropathy, and ran aside to stare carefully The elderly lady looked at her and looked white and shivering …

To describe it as “quirky” is still too slight.

Pei Sen opened the forum and found that the forum at this time was just as lively as the forum he was familiar with.

“Obviously the first batch of internal beta players is only 200? The forum has become so popular …”

After reading the post, I found out that most of them are actually people who have not been selected for the internal test. There are also a large number of people who kneel down and beg to dad to choose their own for the second internal test. A month later, at first, everyone thought it was a joke or a scam. At this time, the game really appeared, and many people regret it.

“Shocked, the reality is too high, too high, too high, claiming to be 95% true? I can’t stop! It’s not too much to say 100%!”

“I asked myself that I played a lot of games, and I also played devices that claim to be virtual reality, but it’s faking, it’s impossible to compare, it’s too realistic!”

“General games will be a bit animated, even if it is advertised as a realistic style game, there is definitely a gap between the actual modeling and reality, unless it is to make a special effects movie … but you know that the special effect movie screen is a little more reliable. How much do you want to burn? “

“Don’t say anything, [sticker] [sticker] [sticker], see for yourself.”

“There is no difference from the real, the special effects of hanging the highest level special effects movie!”

“Look at the accuracy of this wall [map], it’s too good.”

“The above said special effects movies, I’m sorry, the special effects of this game screen hanging all the special effects movies are not explained, if there is no game panel, I almost thought I passed.”

“Yes, that’s the feeling, it’s too real!”


Today ’s forum presents explosive reactions directly through various stickers and videos. Unfortunately, Pei Sen cannot see the reactions outside the forum. Instead, he sees if he has not obtained the qualification for internal testing and is attracted from other places. The situation of various websites that people forward.

For example, people from various video sites send short video games, some people question which movie is the promotion picture, no one believes this is a holographic game.

Then there are screenshots appearing in various forums, which directly attract more and more people to the official forum of Bix Cube.

Today, only half an hour after the game started, Pei Sen saw the crowd of the forum.

Countless people are seeking the internal test code. After knowing that the internal test code of the players who entered the game today can no longer be transferred to others, they are all the same as the second batch of internal test lists.

One month after the second batch of internal testing, everyone lamented this month. Do you have to rely on the big guys in the game now on the forum?

Pei Sen looked at all kinds of funny posts, including how many popular searches, and the scary popularity commented on the following hot search has brought quite a scary crowd to the forum.

“If it’s really a small website, I’m afraid that this site will be squeezed by this crowd soon.” However, the game forum of the Bix Cube is still stable and smooth, and there is no sign of stagnation.

In fact, the people who are in the game now have crazy screenshots to record small videos, and they have entered the state of playing games at the beginning, and began to explore this “novice village”.

Soon, the entire Casey City was visible to the naked eye … chaos.

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