Bix Magic Cube Game World

Chapter 3 - Part 3

As a close-fitting male servant, you also need to have your own basic literacy. Pei Sen made psychological construction for himself. Besides, it was just a little boy! Many boys often go to the bathhouse with their brothers when they stay in a dormitory, but as a southerner, Pei Sen had no such experience.

But it doesn’t matter, the problem is not big.

He thought.

Following Eagle all the way to the specially constructed bath at the end of the corridor, Pesen sensitively saw that there seemed to be something like a magic circle nearby, with a small stone like a red gem on it.

… Is the Fire Magic Crystal? Such a luxury, actually a magic circle, just to take a shower?

When the maids at the door saw them coming, they stooped and retreated. They clearly faced the most beautiful boy like Eagle, but these maids didn’t dare to lift their heads. This respect is not only due to Ms. Mary ’s teaching, but half of it is out of their own fear of Eagle.

No one in the whole manor did not know that Eagle had a bad temper.

Peisen looked at the blond young man with a straight back in front of him, and pursed his lips before he followed.

Iger never likes to have a maid in the shower. Before, even a close-fitting male servant seldom brought it, but just a few days ago, he almost had an accident while taking a bath. Ms. Mary suggested that he must bring someone in if he had to take a bath Only today called Pei Sen.

From his birth, Eagle was a top aristocrat. There was always no lack of servants around him, but since childhood, he did not like others to be too close.

It’s too easy for people like him to put something in his eyes that he hates.

Slender, slender fingers began to unbutton the shirt, and Eagle looked at Payson. “If something happens to me later, you call someone.”

In fact, Ms. Mary wanted to make Eagle not to take a shower recently, but Eagle was clean and could not bear the problem of not taking a shower. Therefore, she could only bring Pesen together reluctantly.

Pei Sen was full of question marks, but he agreed gently.

The shirt landed, and Peisen turned around uncomfortably. When he finally made a good mental construction, he looked at Igle, who was walking towards the bath, his eyes widened instantly, and he almost immediately exited with a “lying trough”.

He thought he would see Eagle, who was not wearing clothes, and he saw … a mosaic.

Pei Sen 😕 ? ?

What’s going on, this stupid game system may be because the closed beta is not turned on, and the protection system for his player is completely not turned on as if he is dead. What is a mosaic?

It is no stranger to this Pessen. This highly realistic game is not lacking. Some players are attentive and dangerous, but soon everyone finds that there is no use for it. The system will automatically mosaic a picture that is too yellow. On the contrary, the **** system will only change the color of the blood slightly so that it does not look 100% real. The general picture of blood splashing will not be affected by the river crab.

It can only be said that, overall, this game is still very motivating.

But now it ’s really funny, as a close-fitting male servant, Pei Sen calmly watched the young master taking a bath, but his eyes were all horses except for his beautiful face with slender neck and semi-wet blond hair. Sai Ke!

This is too much.

Thanks to him, he thought he could see … what was uncomfortable, but now it is all mosaic, and he felt another kind of discomfort.

“However, my npc panel seems to be not the same as the average player’s. It seems to be upgradeable. The weight of the panel is estimated to be npc to the blue panel, so it can exceed the player panel, right? The restricted things will change for me, such as mosaic, when my npc panel weight exceeds the player panel, it should disappear … “

At the beginning, Pei Sen had a player panel with a built-in game forum. In recent days, he has also been paying attention to the dynamics of the forum, but there has been no movement except for the perfunctory announcement. When.

Since becoming Eagle’s “personal servant”, I will gain some experience by completing some scattered tasks, but with this upgrade, it is estimated that the speed will not be faster.

In addition, after entering the Golden Rose Manor, he added an npc panel, which clearly stated his identity in the manor.

The player’s panel is a fixed silver frame panel, and the npc panel is very familiar. According to the strength or importance, the npc panel is different.

Players can’t see the npc panel under normal circumstances. After learning the detection skills later, they can only see a part of the npc panel, which is still very restrictive. However, once you enter the battle state, you can see part of the information on the opponent’s panel.

For example, Ms. Mary is an npc with a blue player panel. This is because he pretended to accidentally hit Ms. Mary, and was judged as “attacked” by the system, so she saw her panel. As far as Ms. Mary ’s panel level is concerned, she is undoubtedly a master, and all that she sees is a row of question marks.

At this time, Pessen’s own npc panel is just a poor white, lowest grade npc panel. Under normal circumstances, even if the player has a temporary npc panel, it should be a fixed black panel instead of a white panel like him. The small rising arrow in the upper right corner of the white panel means that this is an upgradeable panel.

“It seems that I have to find a way to promote myself.” Peisen kept thinking, while paying attention to Eagle’s situation from time to time.

Eagle is only fourteen years old this year. He is still a little young, even if he is always cold and expressionless, this wet hair with his eyelids drooping still looks cute.

Pei Sen felt that he could barely forgive him for turning him around.

He was looking at his panel boringly. When he pulled back to the task interface, he saw a bunch of small tasks. When his eyes fell to the top, Pei Sen frowned.

“Main task: save Eagle Llano.”

Bix Rubik’s Cube is a game with a very high degree of freedom. The main line of all players is not fixed. Even because of the player’s choice and different behaviors in the game, the main line will automatically change. The content of the release task is based on the player The exploration itself.

This is also one of the important reasons why this game is popular with players, but some people have questioned how many copywriting staffs need such a complicated and diverse main line to get it? Everyone has never heard of this game development company.

All kinds of rumors are interesting for a while, but in the end, the explanation given by the game party is that these main line tasks are automatically generated by artificial intelligence analysis.

Sounds amazing.

But now that the game has not been tested internally, is the game’s artificial intelligence system already working?

Suddenly, Peisen watched as the water in the hot tub began to freeze, almost in a blink of an eye, the cold had spread from Eagle’s neck!

He didn’t hesitate at all, nor did he hesitate, jumped into the bath and approached Eagle quickly,

Relying on the magic pool and the magic crystal of the fire department, the warm bath was so cold that Peisen shuddered, gnashing his teeth at Igle, grabbed his arm, and quickly hugged him out of the bath.

At the beginning, Eagle’s consciousness seemed to be a little vague, and his face was covered with a chill, so that his long eyelashes were covered with a layer of white frost. When he left the bath, Peisen was still trembling. Embrace him, take off his coat and wrap him tightly in his arms. The heat from Pessen makes the chill in Iger fade away, and he wakes up slowly, looking at the same without blinking. Pesen, who was cold with white lips, looked at him from this angle, and he could see the beautiful jaws of Palsen and the thin lips.

He stretched out his hand, pressed his palm against Pessen’s chest, and felt the heat that he hadn’t felt in a long time.

Shrinking in the arms of Pessen, Eagle didn’t move, letting the water on his body wet Pessen’s thin shirt.

At this moment, Ms. Mary and Atwell broke in.

Eagle had to speak out, “I’m fine.”

Atwell quickly started to check the surroundings, and soon returned, his face was not pretty, “It ’s a mystery again, this is the third time the opponent has shot. Eagle, you do n’t want to be near the water anymore One time is a mystery: limit the cold, this time is a mystery: frost, the next time it may be a mystic: frost star. “

Eagle sneered, “So let you hurry to catch the person behind you! You can’t catch it, try to kill him.”

Don’t take a shower? That is absolutely impossible!

Atwell said nothing, turned to Eagle and turned away, apparently following Eagle’s advice.

Pei Sen felt that someone must be unlucky. You know, no matter how kind-hearted this Atwell fellow looks like a gentle pastor, he can’t conceal the fact that he is really cruel.

It is difficult to estimate how many players he has pitted, but players can say that he has a very good understanding of his mentality.

No matter who wants to insulate Eagle, it will definitely end badly.

From Ms. Marie and Atwell came to see so quickly, if Eagle happened to them, the two of them would quickly learn, I am afraid that even if Payson does not save him, Eagle will not have much to do.

However, his task has been successfully completed, but fortunately he shot quite quickly.

Ms. Mary didn’t speak, but looked at Eagle, who was shrunk in Pessen’s arms. The blond-haired teenager looked extremely weak and beautiful at this time, and a pair of blues was darker than usual.

She was very surprised in her heart, because Eagle could not accept this kind of intimate personality. She looked at Pei Sen again, and found that the young man’s eyes were clear, and she could see that she had no other thoughts, and she was very open, and suddenly felt strange.

You know, Eagle now has no clothes, just wrapped in a suit jacket, even if it is the same sex, Eagle’s beauty is enough for anyone to ignore his gender.

Iger has always been sensitive. He can feel so relieved, probably because the person holding him has no intentions of him at all.

If Mr. Payson knew what Ms. Mary was thinking, she would definitely want to vomit—

idea? You hold a bunch of mosaics, what ideas can you call a ghost!

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