Bix Magic Cube Game World

Chapter 16 - Part 16

Peisen brushed the forum with great interest, thinking about the fact that the camp contribution value mentioned in the game mission can buy items … so it should be said that there should be a camp merchant, but he did n’t know who this camp merchant was, obviously he was already Insiders in this camp!

At this moment, Eagle suddenly said, “Peisen, you are also a Bix. If you say you want these people to do things, what rewards should be given to them?”

Pei Sen froze for a moment and thought, “Master, is there anything that is not useful in the manor? For example, outdated weapons, armor, or some materials … or is there a blacksmith or carpenter in the manor? Create some for them Things, do n’t need to be too good, just get something as a reward. “

Eagle nodded. “As a lord, I have the right to build weapons, but it can only be ordinary iron, or I can let those magic apprentices do some inferior magic patterns.”

The magic pattern can increase the weapon and equipment, and Pei Sen’s heart moved, “Master, I don’t need those magic apprentices for the time being, I can draw the magic pattern.” Although he is only an entry level master, but for these players below level 10 It is quite enough.

I do n’t know if the bear kid snorted, “No, why do n’t you have time to do those things, just let the mage apprentices in the manor do it.”

Pei Sen: “…” He wants to do it, just can brush his proficiency! And if the player buys the magic pattern he made, he will definitely have a reward!

The level of his magic patterns and magic circles has been stagnant so far, because he has no brushing materials at all.

However, the young master disagreed.

Master thinks that Pei Sen is the most important thing to accompany himself. Letting him spend time on drawing is already reluctantly agreed. As for he wants to do other things, that is absolutely not enough.

Pei Sen tried his best to coax the bear child to let him do it, and finally failed to succeed.

Seeing his face lost, Xiong Kid raised his chin and said, “So, aren’t you also a Bix? The reward for the Bix is ​​given by you.”

Eagle didn’t want anything to take up Payson’s time.

So, Pei Sen suddenly found himself a “camp merchant npc”, er, when this title appeared on his npc panel, even Pei Sen himself was startled.

While becoming a camp merchant npc, Pei Sen saw the following small line of explanation, “When players use the contribution value to exchange items, they can extract 10% of the contribution value as a commission.” This sentence is well understood. For example, the player takes 1000 You can get 100 points for the redemption of contributions, but in addition, the things in the store are not owned by him. He wants to get these himself, and he also needs to redeem through the contribution value.

For the time being, there are not too many good things in the store, and all the numbers are limited. Most of them are discarded by the guards, but the level of the guards of the manor is too high and too high, even if they are used. , It also looks great.

The worst exchange item is “Broken Iron Sword (produced by Golden Rose Manor, although it is slightly damaged, it is still very sharp)”, it can be used at level 8 and has less attack power than the soldier’s sword of Pessen.

The most advanced weapon is the “Blade Sword (Broken)” which can only be equipped by a 40-level swordsman, and the attack power has reached a level that is all amazing.

Of course, since it is the equipment that was replaced in the manor warehouse, most of them have the word damaged. Ordinary people will be very angry when they see that all the equipment is broken, but players will not care.

What is not broken, is it not a name? Players get their equipment and look at the quality and specific values. What does it matter if they are broken or not?

Damaged artifacts are always countless times better than intact garbage!

In addition to weapons, all kinds of armor are also available, and there are even a small amount of armor and waist support. Not only that, but even a limited number of special pieces of jewelry, which are produced by the Master Group.

As a camp store npc, Peisen found that he also had a redemption panel. Those players who went to the Star Plains to get materials could exchange the materials with him for the contribution value. The previous ones were okay. The last item was actually “Star Grass”. The labeling of this thing has a little meaning, “Count Earl Llano likes the way the star grass blooms”, this grass has no other effect, it is just what Eagle wants.

“After all, it’s just a child under fifteen years old …” Pei Sen sighed, “Speaking of it, Master seems to be about to have a birthday?”

Players absolutely regarded this as a game, and Pei Sen used to be like this too, but now he ca n’t leave this “game world” and stayed in the manor for so long, he knows that these so-called npcs are actually living people , Psychologically is in a rather delicate state.

For example, the more you understand the grumpy bear child, the more Pesen knows that the child even looks grumpy and bad, but in fact it is very pitiful.

His life became like this, but some people never gave him the power to choose.

After lunch, Eagle took a short nap as usual, and Mr. Pei ran to look for Chief Sardinian. He also had to learn swordsmanship with him. This chief executive was not always in the manor. He had to hurry up.

Because the teacher shouted exceptionally smoothly, Sardinia began to sound awkward and gradually got used to it. He saw that Pei Sen had great strength, but he also felt that he might have a good qualification. With Sardinian character, since he agreed There will be no regrets to teach him, and every lesson is considered serious.

“Sure enough, it is not easy to become a swordsman by the player panel.” Pei Sen said with emotion, looking at his sore arm.

He is different from the average player. It is because of the npc panel that he tried to learn sword art with Sardinian. Even so, he cannot take the shortcut like the swordsman player with the panel. He can only be honest and aboriginal. Become a real swordsman through hard work.

If it were not for the super-physical power conferred by the system and the high numerical power attached to the qualifications, he might not be able to sustain it.

Modern people are really too coquettish, and the world can become an aborigine of powerful swordsmen, basically have to survive this kind of hard work step by step, and even work hard all his life.

By comparison, players are really a model of “getting nothing for nothing”.

Because the practice was too hard, when he was next to Eagle in the afternoon, his spirit was a little weak. The bear child seemed very angry when he saw it, and he was more tired. When he returned to his room at night, he wanted to fall back and sleep Anyway, I think that today is the first day for players to do the main mission of the camp. Hurry up and climb the forum to see how the situation is.

The efficiency of the players’ violent demolition of the city is still quite high. They don’t care about the resistance of the residents of Casey City, but they will not hurt them deliberately. It should be said that the players only have tasks in their hearts, and it is not necessary to do things that are not related to the tasks. Of course, there are always some low-handed players who do n’t care about killing npc when they are blocked, but the guards sent from nearby city guards and manors made them quickly dispel the intention of harming these residents.

It’s just that there will be a lot of hatred in their eyes, but for players, this is not painful at all.

They won’t care.

Accompanying them to Casey City was the man whose captain of the guard was Sardinia. Several of his team members had actually studied swordsmanship with Ikabod, the defensive manager. On the value of force, those city guards were completely hanged. Protection, even if Wallis, the owner of Casey City, wanted to send someone to stop it, he dared not act rashly.

But in fact, even the captain of the guard, Kemis, feels that there is a kind of horrifying horror on this group of Bix.

They are indeed hardworking, more diligent than the whipped slaves they have ever seen, even if the manor only provides basic accommodation and meager remuneration, this thing cannot be hired by even an old hard worker in the city, but these young people Don’t care, even satisfied with these rewards, rushed over without taking something, and started working hard, fearing to do less than others.

In particular, there are a lot of women in this group of ragged people who look exquisite and beautiful. At least in Kemis ’s opinion, they do not need to live this kind of life at all. However, this group of women mixed in the team and took a sledgehammer to tear down The wall looks terrible.

Not only that, even for men, in terms of appearance and temperament, this race surpassed most of the civilians. In the process of coming, several people were very keen to be close to Kemis. Kemis found that almost the Bix family He has been educated to a certain degree, and he really can’t do it in doubt. A group of young men and women who are well-educated and even begin to learn about swordsmen, why would they be willing to do so much hard work with so little money?

The sledgehammer kept falling on the wall. The residents of Casey City dared not to speak. They gradually gathered together, staring at the crazy demolition of the wall, but they saw this group of gray-faced alien hammers thrown more diligently. .

In just one day, this group of extremely efficient demolition brigades demolished a street.

When they followed Kemis back to the residence arranged by the manor, they found that they could view the camp store catalogue. Of course, they could n’t afford it with their current contribution value, and they did n’t see the camp businessman named Pei Sen, but only The things in the catalog made them salivate.

Compared to the violent demolition team players, it is much worse to go to the Star Drift Plains. They never knew that the game would be so difficult to fight monsters!

It’s hard for them to doubt life in a flash!

Generally speaking, shouldn’t the little monsters encountered when I first entered the game be beaten to death?

“It’s better to go back to the city and hit the wall, at least simple and experienced.” Some players cried on the forum.

“Everyone in our team is chased by a rabbit.”

“We are also boo-boo, but we can’t beat it, then the rabbit is too fierce.”

“Thanks to the game, a poor big brother in our team was kicked to death by the rabbit, and the brain and seeds were kicked.”

“You **** told me this thing is a rabbit ?!”

The screenshots posted on the forum really look like a rabbit with gray hair and red eyes, and even a little cute.

It tilted its head, as if to say: Welcome to Xingdiao Plain, on fights, you are all rubbish!

In just one day, the players felt that they had been subjected to ruthless mockery and physical and mental blows.

Pei Sen was not happy, and the tiredness of the day was dispelled by the players.

“The battle in the holographic game is not that simple.”

What’s more, Pei Sen feels that this is not a real holographic game at all.

“Bix Cube, what the **** are you?”

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