Big Time 1958

Chapter 21

Chapter 20: Absolutely Not With You

“Book a train ticket to Tbilisi immediately! The field survival training is cancelled, and I have more important things to do! I want to see if the Transcaucasian Military Region is dissatisfied with the General Administration of Military Administration now?” Serov Simple After weighing it, he added an order, “Apply to Chairman Shelepin, I want the cooperation of the internal affairs forces of the Caucasus region, who are mobilizing the secret police headquarters from Moscow, this time I want to stay in the Transcaucasus Military Region for a while! ”

“It’s long overdue, Director!” Isamotney expressed her approval of Sheloff’s actions, the longer she stayed with Sheloff, the instinctively zero tolerance for any unstable factors unconsciously.” Clear out those untrustworthy people from the Red Army, and the sorted Red Army will only be stronger…”

The Transcaucasian Military Region was formerly known as the Transcaucasian Army. During the Great Patriotic War, it participated in various major battles of the Soviet Union in the southwest. It was also responsible for the defense against Turkey, which had an ambiguous relationship with the Third Reich. Like all existing military regions, the troops here are also All outstanding. After the Great Patriotic War, it was re-designated as a military region, with jurisdiction over the three republics of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, and the headquarters in Tbilisi.

“Since we are going to hunt down deserters, I have a suggestion!” Issemotny turned her attention to the ten soldiers next to her and said, “We take this capture of deserters as an actual combat mission, since these elite soldiers hope to find them back Face, then whoever catches the deserter will be the number one this time…”

It was only then that Serov remembered that there were ten pacesetter-level fighters next to him that could be used. Since they always say how powerful they are, it is better to take this opportunity to see how capable they are.

“Okay, pack up! Let’s set off at night!” Shelov immediately greeted the soldiers and explained the mission this time.

A group of people was about to leave the Kuibyshev Internal Affairs Bureau, and they bumped into Kuznetsov and Medvedi who came in. It seemed that they had something to do, but Serov didn’t have the heart to talk about the Olympics at this time. “I’m sorry, Comrade Kuznetsov, if you want to go back to Moscow, I can issue a certificate for you, which can save you money on the ticket, but I have to deal with a little emergency now, and the rest of the project has been cancelled. !” Although Shelov was anxious in his heart, he still talked about his difficulties in a negotiable manner.

“Alright then, Comrade Serov, I’ll visit you when you return to Moscow!” Kuznetsov could see the anxiety in Serov’s expression, and he must have to leave because of something important, so he didn’t continue talking. .

After Shelov went south, KGB Chairman Shelepin received a report from the General Office of the Secret Police and the Border Guard Bureau that night, “What? Shelov wants to mobilize the Secret Police and the Internal Affairs Unit?” Shelepin almost jumped up when he heard the news, and took two steps back and forth anxiously. , “Call the General Administration of Military Administration immediately. What happened to the General Administration of Military Administration today?”

Seeing Shelepin’s appearance as an enemy, his secretary did not dare to neglect and immediately went down to inquire about the situation of the General Administration of Military Administration. After a few minutes, he came back and reported, “Today, the General Administration of Military Administration received a telegram, the office of the Transcaucasian Military Region. People were shot, our comrades are being hospitalized for observation, the suspect has left the unit, and the local forces are hunting…”

Shelepin was silent for a while, thinking about the usual behavior of his capable subordinates, and suddenly said, “Call Major General Igor, the commander of the internal affairs force in the Caucasus region, and cannot let Shelov take command of the internal affairs force, the secret police chief Alek In the middle of the game, the general can’t send the police team to the south, otherwise there will be a big accident…”

“Chairman, it’s not so serious!” As Shelepin’s secretary, he knew that Serov had always been Shelepin’s capable officer, but he became his secretary after Shelepin arrived at the KGB, and he didn’t know about Serov’s violence before that.

“Isn’t it that serious?” Shelepin shouted with wide eyes, “Lieutenant General Alexey used to be the Minister of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan, and his successor is Serov! Serov was shot in the Caucasus for a week after taking office. There are nearly a thousand people, and Igor, the current commander of the internal affairs forces in the Caucasus region, was also recommended by him to take office. You said whether the problem is serious or not, and he has a lot of glorious history, but I can’t tell you…”

Shelepin was also a bit incoherent, and suddenly received an application to mobilize the internal affairs force and the police corps. If he guessed correctly, if he did not stop this time, with the shooting of the KGB office staff, Serov is likely to use the KGB’s support. The inspection of the Transcaucasian Military Region may not be as **** as the prison clearing operation, but the risk is definitely much greater than that.

“Is Serov still in Kuibyshev now? Tell him I have a job to arrange for him!” Shelepin thought for a long time, but he was still worried, and he had to put Serov in his sight to be at ease.

“This? Comrade Chairman, Director Serov has gone south to Tbilisi after submitting the application!” Shelepin’s secretary said something that made him angry.

At the Tbilisi Railway Station in the early morning, with a loud train whistle, a train slowly slowed down and stopped at the Tbilisi Station. In the single carriage behind the train, the conductor slowly opened the door, just at the same time. In time, a cigarette **** flew out of the train door in a graceful arc with the unburned shredded tobacco. Serov, who was breathing white smoke, tightened his gray military coat and stepped out of the car, looking around blankly. He glanced around and said to himself, “The Three Caucasus Kingdoms, my Caspian Tiger is back this time…”

There are a total of 12 people behind Shelov. In addition to the two women Issemotny and Lukani, there are also ten pacesetter-level soldiers. At this time, they have become the only armed forces around Shelov, and they are called Issemoteni. The two are instructors.

“Comrade Serov, Major General Igor ordered me to wait here, please follow us to the headquarters!” As soon as I got off the bus, the soldiers of the internal affairs troops who had been waiting here came up to ask.

“Okay, I haven’t seen Igor for a few months! Thank you for your hard work…” Shelov thanked the two soldiers indifferently.

The relationship between the internal affairs force and the general Red Army is similar to that of the armed police and the field army, but in fact, in the eyes of ordinary people, both are part of the Soviet armed forces, and they do not know the difference. The interior forces are stationed in the new city on the left bank of the Kura River, but close to the south, and to the north is the headquarters of the Transcaucasian Military District Command, where General Kuzma Nikitovich Galitsky works.

“I’m sorry, Yuri! Chairman Shelepin sent a telegram in the middle of the night, ordering absolutely not to cooperate with you, no matter how legitimate you are!” Major General Igor said apologetically as soon as he met.

Is this a draw from the bottom of the pot? Sheloff was speechless. At this time, Shelepin, who was far away in Moscow, was still a little worried and said to himself, “I will find a way to make this guy not have time to cause trouble for me…”

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