Big Time 1958

Chapter 11

Chapter 10: Unsheathed Sword

This fight has been unfair from the very beginning, and everyone in this room is his equal in terms of level. In terms of qualifications, Serov is even more shallow. There are many old people who have served the Soviet security agencies for more than 20 years. History can even be traced back to the Beria period. “Yuri, tell me what you think!” Shelepin reminded softly, As KGB Chairman Shelepin assessed it instantly and took the side of the people.

“This is the authority of the First General Administration. As the director of the Third General Administration, I should not point fingers at the foreign intelligence work. This is interfering with the work of the First General Administration. I cannot make such a mistake!” The director of the First General Bureau next to him almost laughed out loud. Are you interfering less?

“Don’t be humble, we can all see the results of your work in Italy!” Shelepin reminded his subordinates to turn to the topic, “Comrade Sakhartowski is right, none of the comrades here knows Italy better than you. now…”

During Serov’s short tenure as diplomatic ambassador, his achievements were enough to make him a spy-turned-diplomat in the diplomatic system. There is a precedent for this. As for the spread of pyramid schemes, it is only a small sequelae, and it has not spread to the Soviet Union. People here will not take it to heart.

“Then I’ll just talk about it!” Thinking about the Olympic Games, there is still more than a year left. Even if Serov is really asked to carry the explosive bag, it will be in the future. It will not restrain the side of the strong king, “From the current situation, since the foreign comrades came to power, Italy has transformed into a mixed economic system, with the Soviet Union providing the market and the financial support from the United States, and now Italy We have gotten rid of the predicament of the past few years! We have made a good start. Italy is our breakthrough in Europe, so we would rather cut our wrists and let blood go to Italy to set up a positive example, so that Europeans understand that socialism is not terrible. It’s normal to be hostile to us!”

“Continue!” The ashtray on the table in front of Xie Lieping was already full of cigarette butts. At this time, he drank a glass of water and was still listening to the analysis of the person in charge of Italy.

“Italy can’t give up!” Serov said decisively, “We have no problem sacrificing part of the market to supply Italian exports. Even a tug-of-war with the United States will be beneficial to us in the end, because in the process of this tug-of-war, we can act as a A pilot allows Italians to observe the advantages and disadvantages of the two economies up close, as evidenced by the strengthening of the Italian economic mixed economic system in recent years!”

One thing Lieutenant General Sakhartowski said was right. As the direct planner of the change in Italy, Serov did know the place better than others. After Serov had finished all his ideas, Serepin took the lead in applauding. A burst of warm applause sounded in the conference room…

“In this case, we will contact the engineering corps to form a construction team to assist Italy in the gymnasium!” Shelepin looked around and said, “The First General Administration dispatched agents from the fifth division to support the engineering team in the Italian branch, and at the same time dispatched a group of other The comrades of the Secretary were mixed in the crowd of the aid engineering team, and took advantage of this aid opportunity to find out the situation all over Italy!”

“In fact, the most important thing is that a person who knows Italy is in command!” Lieutenant General Sakhartowski added, “A good leader can turn plans into practice! Now we need such a person!”

As soon as the words fell, all eyes were focused on Serov again. Serov cleared his throat and was about to open his mouth to refuse. He heard Serepin loudly say, “Comrade Serov is in charge of this matter. Event Sheloff has leadership, we can move on to the next question…”

This was a decision made at the speed of lightning. When Xie Lepin announced the decision, he didn’t pause at all. After he finished speaking, he took a deep breath, reducing the pain of lack of oxygen.

“Does Comrade Serov have an opinion?” Lieutenant General Sakhartowski asked in place of Sherepin in hypoxia.

“I…, there is no problem!” Serov glanced at the general trend around him, and decisively did not show his style of looking at you. Isn’t he just taking care of the Italian part, and it’s not that he has never done it before!

The plenary meeting of the National Security Committee was held in the auditorium. Chairman Xie Lepin was in the middle of the rostrum, and on the left and right sides were the fifteen vice-chairmen of the Central Bureau of the National Security Committee, including the two first vice-chairmen! In the first row facing the rostrum below are the chiefs of the more than 20 major general bureaus of Serov and the others, and nearly 200 bureau cadres in the back. There are also representatives of the Red Army Intelligence Bureau and the GRU, as well as the leaders of the KGB offices in large and medium cities, the directors of the General Directorate of Internal Affairs in some important areas, and the commanders of many internal affairs troops and border defense bureaus, including the four KGB clusters. With representatives from 16 military regions in China, there were nearly 1,000 people in attendance.

From the podium, Xie Lieping looked at the many people in charge under the stage, and he was very emotional! This is the whole force of the Soviet Union’s secret front, not just the KGB’s own meeting. The last time this scene happened, it was when Beria was in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. A few years ago, it was these same people who supported him. Leah has the ability to challenge anyone.

The entire auditorium was silent despite the large number of people. Sheeping summed up the achievements of the National Security Council over the past year into the microphone. Only when there was a pause would he hear the applause as if it had been rehearsed.

“The country’s security work must not be slack in the slightest. As an iron-clad line of defense to defend the Soviets, I, like my comrades, follow the example of Comrade Dzerzhinsky and devote unparalleled enthusiasm to the work in the field of security!” Shelepin said: The report gradually came to an end, and then suddenly stood up and said loudly, “As a sword drawn to defend the Soviets, we can only sniff out and eradicate traitors…”

“Ulla…” All the members in attendance dressed in various military uniforms stood up, and shouted in a rhythmic manner with a grand and imposing manner, “As the sword drawn by the Soviets, the only way is to sniff out and eradicate traitors…”

“As a sharp sword unsheathed by the Soviets, the only way is to sniff out and eradicate traitors…” Serov looked blankly at the sickle and hammer flag above the rostrum, and shouted along with thousands of Soviet representatives.

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