Big Manga

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 : Gorgeous Weird Thief (middle)

Try hard…

Yes, it’s hard work.

Zhang Yuanhua recalled the days he spent in Longteng Company, where there were many comic geniuses. These geniuses are complacent for their drawing skills, they give up their efforts, they only need to caricature popular novels to gain fame, and look down on other original cartoonists.

“So that’s the case, I read it wrong!”

Zhang Yuanhua suddenly understood that he should not hate He Xi.

He had a dispute with Mach before, and was dismissed mercilessly by Longteng. Why? Mach’s character is childish, neither hardworking nor smart, just painting and looking beautiful can get everything for granted.

Zhang Yuanhua is just unwilling to be defeated by someone who relies on his talent-but he doesn’t belong to this kind of person.

He looked very special. When facing the behemoth Sherlock, Mr. He Xi didn’t run away, but went forward bravely. He is working hard, Zhang Yuanhua can hate a genius, but he must not mistake a hardworking person.

Geniuses like to think highly of themselves, and their willingness to work hard is more admirable. If Mach and He Xi switched positions, Mach would have been scared away. But what a pity he didn’t stop working hard because of his talent. He has a heart to move forward courageously. There is no reason for such an author not to admire him.

And this trait has long been revealed.

When all the geniuses with good drawing skills are running to Longteng Company, only teacher He Xi gave up this ease and walked into the stagnant original comics world. What determination and dream did he choose this path with?

He wants to change the status quo, and also wants to promote the development of original comics…

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuanhua’s heart surged, and his opinion of He Xi changed drastically.

“I want to write a letter to him!”

He wanted to write a letter to Mr. He Xi, telling him that he would support the battle between “Detective Conan” and “Detective Sherlock”. There is no reason for a cartoonist who worked so hard to lose to Mach!



Shen Jie leaped off the wall lightly, patted the magazine hidden under his clothes, and nodded in satisfaction: “Very good, no damage.”

It has been a few days since school started, but boarding students cannot leave the school. To buy “Weekly Boy”, they have to climb the wall and go out. I didn’t buy it yesterday to make her angry, but today’s cover is so handsome, and the content will be very interesting.

“Look for Meng Huo at noon to look forward to it together.”

Thinking of that fellow villager, Shen Jie was slightly dissatisfied. She hasn’t taken the initiative to find herself for so many days, so she really doesn’t look like a boy.

But forget it, she doesn’t remember the villain, it must be fun to watch “Detective Conan” with two people… Let Menghuo come to buy it next week!

“Hey, don’t run over there!”

There was a shout from a distance, and Shen Jie immediately saw a security guard cyclist approaching, screaming in her heart, and hurriedly lowered her hat and ran to the school building.

She was faster than a bicycle, and she disappeared from the security’s sight before long. After hiding her hat in the toilet, Shen Jie walked into the classroom as usual.

“Morning, Shen Jie.”

“Morning, Banhua.”


Many boys in the class greeted her, making other girls look upset. However, Shen Jie encounters a similar situation every year and gradually gets used to it.

“Shen Jie, where did you go this morning?”

“Don’t go missing at every turn, and it was the same yesterday. We won’t see you and you’re worried to death!”

The two roommates gathered around, looking worried.

“Oh, I’m sorry, sorry, I have something…” Shen Jie touched her head, just about to find an excuse, suddenly the magazine in her clothes slipped off and fell to the ground with a ‘flutter’.


The eyes of the whole class stared at the ground.

“Weekly Boys.” A girl exclaimed first, and she covered her mouth: “Shen Jie, you actually read a comic magazine!”

The boys looked at Shen Jie one after another, isn’t their class flower beautiful and pure goddess Xueba? How can you read comics? Shen Jie frowned slightly, she bent over to pick up the magazine, and sighed: “I was seen by you, then I might as well say it straight.”

“Actually I…” She smiled beautifully: “I love reading manga the most, and I am chasing “Detective Conan” recently!”

The two female roommates smiled bitterly at each other, but they are the same. The others were stunned, and after a while, the whole class exploded.

“”Detective Conan”, I am also chasing it!”

“Shen Jie, I misunderstood you, all the women who watch “Detective Conan” are good sisters!”

“Yes, yeah, let’s watch it together!”

The girls gathered around Shen Jie, the gap just now disappeared, and the boys looked at these girls who suddenly changed their attitudes, and felt cool. Shen Jie couldn’t help the number of people around, so she simply put “Weekly Youth” on the table and everyone watched it together.

“Wait, don’t turn it over, this cover is so handsome! Handsome guy, has Mr. He Xi introduced a new character?”

“Hey, don’t block me in front, I can’t see it anymore, let me take a look!”

In the midst of this enthusiasm, Shen Jie opened “Weekly Youth” and began to flip.

The plot of “Detective Conan” in this issue is undoubtedly very good. The girls were screaming and flushed, especially when the Kaito Kidd gorgeously fell from the sky, the ceiling was almost overturned by screams.

“so hot!”

“The confrontation between Zhengtai and the handsome guy, I can’t stand it anymore, my nosebleed…”

There was also a girl who was irritated and left her nosebleeds, so she stuffed her nose with a tissue to let Shen Jie keep turning. But the duel in the comics soon ended Kidd, the thief disappeared magically.

“Hey, why is it over?”

“Remember how it disappeared, it’s over if you don’t explain it!”

The girls were still unfinished, but they were angry: “Conan lost? That big monster thief just ran away like this, it’s unfair!”

“Chengtai Conan is so pitiful, I want to continue watching their duel.”

Shen Jie was also a little disappointed. When she turned to the last page, she saw a one-line advertisement.

“Oh my God, is this the author’s conspiracy? He declared war on Sherlock, and then deliberately teased our girl’s heart…”

“Teasing…Oh my god, what a shame, I take it, I beg him to draw down the confrontation between Conan and Kidd.”

“I’m taking it too, the comic booklet, can I buy it, can’t I buy it?”

“I want to buy too!”

Throughout the morning, the girls were immersed in the shock of “Detective Conan”.

However, after the fourth get out of class, Shen Jie picked up the magazine and went to find Meng Huo.

“Meng Huo? There seems to be such a person in our class, but he takes leave for a long time…”

The monitor of Class 10 replied, which made Shen Jie very worried. Why did she take long leave? Could it be that Meng Huo was sick?

She sent a text message to inquire, but the reply was—”I was working outside, and I told the school that I only passed the exam.”

Part-time job? Shen Jie suddenly discovered that this fellow villager was a bit mysterious.

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