Behind the Scenes from American Comics

Chapter 378

Chapter 377 Miracles At The Bottom Of The Sea

“how can that be?!!”

Inside the Little Morgan, Jane stood in front of the porthole, mumbling almost in disbelief.

The deep sea is a restricted area of life that human beings have never fully set foot on.

But what Jane saw now completely overturned her understanding.

This sea area with a depth of 7,900 meters is actually full of life.

The color of the water is like a sunset, and a huge school of thousands of fish floats in the glow-like water.

Occasionally huge amounts of stingrays flutter their fleshy fins, piercing through those schools.

Even more bizarre,

Most of these fish are not like ~ earth creatures.

For example, the head of the devil fish has a black and white patterned exoskeleton, which makes them look like those flying dragons wearing helmets in fantasy novels.

The turtle’s carapace is not hard, but fleshy, like cracked red basalt.

[The exclamation value from Jane Foster +1876]

[Amazing value from Tony. Stark +2176]

[Extreme value +2189 from Steve. Rogers]

The scene in front of me has a vast and brilliant momentum, and the dreamy beauty exceeds the limit of imagination.

At one point, Steve even mistakenly thought that the sunset-colored water outside the porthole was the sky before sunset, and schools of fish were swimming in the sky.

“oh, shit!!

At this time, Deadpool’s foul language will shock the absent-minded people to wake up.

Tony looked up and saw a grey-white cloud flowing over the Little Morgan.

“This…this is unscientific?! 35

Tony’s eyes went straight.

The cloud suddenly turned around and stirred the sea water with its long tail, leaving behind a transparent vortex with a diameter of more than ten meters, and its huge amounts of body impacted the sea water, making a thunderous sound.

This is a giant whale with a body length of more than 100 meters.

The gray-white clouds are the pattern on its belly, and there should not be such a big whale in the world.

“Yes… it’s the extinct dragon king whale.” Jane said with a trembling voice.

“It seems that there is a complete ecological chain here.

Tony took a deep breath, walked to the observation window, looked down, and whispered, “I know why this is the case here.”

Hearing this, Natasha Romanoff, Steve, Jane and others also walked to the observation window, and Roar took a breath.

They are above the Japan Trench.

And below that, is the submarine grand canyon formed by the collision of the Eurasian plate and the Pacific plate.

I saw a golden crack running north-south at the bottom of the canyon.

There, the crust broke off, and fiery magma spewed out of it.


The wonder of sea water and magma blending together, Deadpool felt it was necessary to take pictures.



After taking more than a dozen pictures in a row, he looked at the camera screen regretfully and muttered: “What happened, the pictures are not clear at all.”

“Idiot! 39

The originally serious atmosphere suddenly turned into a sand sculpture, which made Tony couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

“Okay, let’s move on.”

Jane took a deep breath, she had a hunch that what she dreamed of was just ahead.

“You are a dragon expert, listen to you. 35

Tony shrugged and told J.A.R.V.I.S to continue diving.


With the dull engine sound, the surrounding scenery changed again.

8000 meters.

8100 meters.

8500 meters.


The Little Morgan stopped suddenly.

“What’s wrong?”

Natasha Romanoff looked at the porthole suspiciously, and found that the school of fish that was still swimming happily suddenly left, and all he could see was the sunset-colored water.

“How do I feel, something is coming.” Lu Mingfei swallowed.

“You feel right.

Steve points to the viewing window to the right.

In the sunset-colored sea water, the slender shadows swam, bursting out with astonishing speed.

When they got close, everyone could see that it was a shark with a long, flat head and huge amounts of long tail.

“It’s a hammerhead shark.

Tony frowned: “It should be the most ferocious predator in this sea area, so after it appears, other creatures will consciously avoid it.

“Will it snap up suddenly?

Deadpool was a little eager to try.

“Don’t worry, it won’t…”

Tony was about to say ‘hammerhead sharks like big enough food like king squid’, but when he glanced out of the corner of his eye, he stopped.

Because there was a huge amount of, blue puck-like eye outside the window.

And in the sea water next to it, the arms and legs of the bucket danced lightly, and it was covered with suckers with a diameter of more than half a meter.

‘shit, Wade, you’re a crow’s mouth!!”

Tony cursed inwardly, and quickly ordered J.A.R.V.I.S to turn the engine of the Little Morgan to maximum.

This tyrant squid is more than 100 meters long, and it is obviously the mortal enemy of the hammerhead shark.

As soon as they fought, the Little Morgan, which happened to be in the middle, was bad.

If you are not careful, you may face the risk of dismemberment.

Tony has Nano Armor, so he is not afraid to move in the deep sea, but Natasha Romanoff, Hawkeye, and Jane don’t have this ability.

··0 Flowers··


The surging water slapped on the shell of the Xiaomo, and the entire sea area was stirred by two giant creatures.

From the rear observation window, everyone can see that two huge amounts of predators have been entangled.

Among them, the tyrant squid uses ten giant snake-like arms and legs to wrap around the body of the hammerhead shark, while the sharp teeth of the hammerhead shark are caught in the head of the tyrant squid.

“Hey, so cruel. 35

Deadpool blinked, “Tony, if they die together, we’re going to have to get some dead squid and try it, I’ve heard people say it’s super delicious.


Tony didn’t want to talk to the sand sculpture, and told J.A.R.V.I.S to avoid them and keep going.

“Look at it!!

Jane, who had been paying attention to the two giant creatures, suddenly screamed in surprise.

Others looked in the direction of her finger, and saw thousands of faint blue rays of light rising from the depths of the trench.

Overlord squid and hammerhead shark, these two giant beasts let out a mournful whimper as if they had encountered a natural enemy, hurriedly let go of each other, and fled in the opposite direction.

But still a step too late.

Those slender fish with beautiful silver-blue scales all over their bodies suddenly showed their hideous side.

Their mouths are split open, and their transparent teeth protrude like daggers.

The hammerhead sharks struggled frantically, but under their strong bite, their pale fish bones were gradually exposed.

As for the overlord squid, it belongs to the animals without cervical vertebrae, and it has completely disappeared, and there is no slag left.


In the Little Morgan, Jane, who was looking at this scene, was pale and trembled: “That…that’s the ghost-toothed dragon viper, the Frozen Sea Fragment says that the dragon nobles who commit serious crimes will be punished. Bundled on a bronze pillar and sank into the deep sea.””

“Then…then the nobles were eaten along with the bronze pillars by the great horde of dragon vipers.

“So, they are the torture tools of the dragon race?!

The corners of Tony’s mouth twitched slightly, and he quickly ordered J.A.R.V.I.S to turn off all the engines on the Jr. Morgan.


The Little Morgan sank slowly.

It landed on the opposite side of the fissure formed by the collision of the plates.

“Look out, nine o’clock!”

At this moment, Steve suddenly let out a low snort.

“What’s wrong?”

Tony frowned slightly, he had never seen such a look on the Captain’s face.

Frightened, confused, shocked… It was like seeing a ghost alive, and it was like seeing God descend in front of his eyes.

Tony turned his head quickly, to the nine o’clock position, and then the same look appeared on his face, and his body shivered violently.

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