Behind the Scenes from American Comics

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Sadako Vs S.H.I.E.L.D

“Hell Detective?”

Tony crossed his chest with his hands and put his thumbs on his chin, “J.A.R.V.I.S, check his identity information.”

“Sir, no identifying information about John Constantine has been retrieved, but there is a camera near the station that captures footage that I cannot parse.”

Using the smart glasses Tony is wearing, J.A.R.V.I.S projects a video into the air.

I saw an empty street in the video, with few pedestrians on the street.

But the next moment, Constantine in a long trench coat suddenly appeared and looked around in surprise.

“Wraith, the hell detective who suddenly appeared, the world is getting weirder and weirder.”

“Will there be aliens attacking the earth tomorrow?”

Tony silently turned off the video.

“Who knows.”

Phil Coulson frowned.

Like Tony, he realized something was wrong.

Now is the information age, and a person leaves countless information from birth.

And this self-proclaimed hell detective, Mr. Constantine, has no identity information. Did he not live on Earth, or in some primitive areas?

The two looked at each other and decided to meet the hell detective.


And at the station.

[Constantine] Sitting on a row of benches, with a lit cigarette in his mouth, his eyes narrowed slightly, looking quite relaxed and comfortable.

As Lu Cheng’s duplication, this time he is here to pretend to reap the amazing value.

The setting is an exorcism detective from another world, who accidentally came to the Marvel world when preventing the son of Satan from coming to the world.

“Hello Mr. Constantine.”

Tony and Phil Coulson moved quickly.

It arrived when [Constantine] smoked the second cigarette.

Looking at the friendly smiling Phil Coulson agent in front of him, [Constantine] flicked the ash, “I didn’t come to you.”

After speaking, he turned his eyes to Tony. Stark who was on the side.

“Find me?”

Tony raised an eyebrow.


[Constantine] With a meaningful smile on his face, he took out a mobile phone from his arms.

“The news just came out of the Daily Bugle.”

“Hundreds of high-ranking officials appear to be cursed at the Stark Group’s weapons conference.”

“Billionaire Mr. Tony. Stark is haunted by a vengeful spirit.”

“Okay.” Tony shrugged.

He was used to it, and the name Tony. Stark was a guarantee of newspaper sales.

If there is a slight disturbance, the media will report it.

What’s more, there are many reporters at the weapons conference who also know about the Sadako videotape.

“Mr. Hell Detective.”

“What’s wrong with me?”

Tony looked at [Constantine] with a scrutiny.

Except for the strange scene in the video, the self-proclaimed hell detective looks no different from ordinary people.

“Actually, I’m not from this world.”

“I was preventing the son of Satan from coming to earth and turning the earth into a part of hell, but I came here suddenly and unexpectedly.”

Constantine put the unfinished cigarette on the edge of the bench with a serious face.

“The level of the story is not that good.”

“The liar I’ve met speaks better than you. He says he’s Angel Gabriel. As long as I help him, he can go to heaven after death.”

Tony snorted.

After the matter of the Wraith, he believed that there were some mysterious events that could not be explained by science for the time being.

But hell and demons are too outrageous, they are another world.

“What a coincidence, I happen to know Gabriel.”

“The plan for the son of Satan to come to earth was planned by him.”

[Constantine] Putting the cigarette back in his mouth again, he laughed a little badly.

He’s talking about the troubles the real Constantine has in the DC universe.

Sometimes the world is so outrageous.

Angel helps the devil invade the world, where can you make sense.

“Tony, something is wrong.”

Phil Coulson interrupted the conversation between the two, and pointed solemnly at the black mist that suddenly rose inside the station.

“The power of the resentful spirit has begun to rise.”

“If you are smart, you should turn around and run.”

[Constantine] Leaning on the bench, she said in a playful voice.

“Then I don’t know what Mr. Constantine can do?”

Phil Coulson smiled.

No matter how this person came, he should have some special ability to be so calm at this time.

“I have many options, but you obviously have no money.”

[Constantine] Stand up and stretch.

The character of the hell detective never does anything useless.

At this time, black fog had filled every corner of the station.

Sadako appeared on all fours, crawling with anti-human joints.

Seeing Sadako with black hair scattered, neck twisted 180 degrees, and dark eyes, Tony shuddered and picked up a special flamethrower.

“Everyone be careful.”

Phil Coulson summoned Roar to the surrounding S.H.I.E.L.D agents and took out the energy gun around his waist.



There was an eerie sound of knuckles rubbing, and Sadako was crawling on the ground towards Tony at great speed.

“Again on me.”

Tony’s lips quivered and he pressed the flamethrower switch hard.

Fierce flames shot out.

Sadako let out a hurried and sharp scream, and her figure retreated, becoming a little blurry.


Tony’s eyes lit up, looking at the S.H.I.E.L.D agents around him: “Everyone come on.”

Since there aren’t that many energy guns, the rest of the S.H.I.E.L.D agents also held flamethrowers. Hearing that, he nodded and approached Sadako together.

Dozens of fierce flame columns shot at Sadako at the same time.

Sadako scorched in the flames, turned her head and stared at Tony maliciously, and let out a scream.

An invisible Psychokinesis swept around with Sadako as the center.

The flame sprayed at Sadako was extinguished in reverse, and even the agent who surrounded Sadako was thrown to the ground with a miserable howl, causing heavy casualties.

“I come.”

Phil Coulson’s face was ugly, and he aimed at Sadako with an energy gun.

A light blue beam was ejected from the muzzle, and Sadako’s figure shattered like glass.

Tony breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next moment…*

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