Becoming the Luna

Chapter 369

Kieran glares unabashedly at the entire table before leaning to the side to whisper to Dream. "This isn't what I had in mind when you said you'd cook dinner." 

Dream gives him a patronizing smile. "I cooked it still." He reminds the Head Beta, he and Hayden had actually been the ones to cook which in itself was a miracle in itself even though Dia had been the one to do practically everything.

Dale and Virgil kept hanging around, silently worrying… they ended up doing basically everything for Dia while he and Hayden chilled by the counter, drinking smoothies while their Alphas were literal wrecks.

Dream's all time favorite moment was when Dia had given them a bunch of onions to chop, she didn't really need that many but she needed to keep their huge imposing bodies out of her way.

So there was Dale and Virgil literally sobbing their eyes out while trying to not chop off their fingers at the same time while he and Hayden were having the time of their lives… Renee had been kicked out at the very start - no surprise there.

They were in the private dining room in Crimson Pack and Dream was relieved that his mom hadn't decided to start staying over at the Pack House, it wasn't that he didn't love her presence, he would just rather pass on that.

Besides, she had her bakery to think and of course, Heather.

So she had chosen to stay the night to leave early the next day, Dream hadn't particularly cared what happened to his mom's ex husband but it was nice to hear that he had been kicked out of the town.

He finally got his wish didn't he, they were no longer his responsibility - scoff - like they had ever been.

The table was occupied by the usual people except for his mom, his sister, Erin and Kieran.

Erin could have easily joined her parents for dinner - because they now lived in the Pack House but Kieran had dragged her along, for company, he had said and Dream was happy that they were getting along quite well.

Erin didn't seem to be having fun though, because she had ended up sitting beside Ian and Dream wondered how she could see her food from how she kept hiding her face with the curtain fall of her hair.

Conversation flowed easily even the twins contributed to the discussion but not Hayden who was preoccupied with other important things, like stuffing his face.

When the pups were out of his brother there was going to be a shit ton of dieting and exercise so he would be able to touch his toes at least.

Not that Dream minded, he was tucking in enough food to feed a small army too and, personal opinion but he had always felt like Hayden could use a little more flesh on him.

Dinner comes to an end and everyone disperses, Kieran just realizing that he didn't usually spend the night at the Pack House, it had just been so natural to be around Dream that he didn't realize.

"I don;t understand while you're making such a fuss about, there's a lot of spare rooms, one which should technically belong to you." Dream was saying as they all walked back.

"You could sleepover at my place if you don't want to be alone." Erin offers.

Dream's response is a scoff, his hand held in Dale's. "As if, the crazy man lives in a mansion in the woods all by himself."

"Thanks for the offer, Erin." Kieran says, shooting Dream a bland look. "But I'll pass, it's not too late to make the journey back, goodnight everyone."

They all part ways at this, Erin choosing to go down to check up on her parents, leaving the top floor all to Dream and Dale.

"You know what, this isn't half bad…." He whispers sultrily when Dale picks him up.

His mom had chosen to stay over at Renee's apartment in the Crimson Pack House, DD returning back to hers on the second floor.

Dream was already used to him and Dale having the entire floor to themselves so this was the best case scenario.

Dale had actually cooked brunch for him, he was surprised that the Alpha hadn't managed to blow up the kitchen like he had been expecting.

Dale was actually a pretty decent cook, he just didn't get much practice at it, after that Dream had been out like a light, fast asleep till sundown.

"Hmm? You think?" Dale hums, reflexively tucking his head briefly in Dream's neck to nuzzle at him because… why not?

He was just so happy and relaxed, it almost felt like a lucid dream, seemed too good to be true.

But not when he's falling asleep to a sleeping Dream tucked in his arms and waking up to Dream smiling down at him, he was definitely a dream worth not waking up from.

He's already leaning forward to claim Dream's lips before they're in their apartment - he liked the sound of that - not that it mattered, they were the only ones on the floor anyway.

Dream wastes no time leaning up to meet him halfway, hands thrown around his Alpha's neck even as he melts into the kiss.

No matter how stoic he tries to remain, how Dale keeps treating him so tenderly like he might break was enough to melt him and it wasn't just because he was pregnant now.

Though his memories are hazy, he still remembers Dale being this attentive even during his heat when a mini rut must have clouded his mind.

He gets carefully placed on the bed, moving backwards even as Dale follows along, his shirt going off.

It all seemed so natural like they had always been together, like they were meant for each other.

He had worn one of Dale's shirts to dinner, the item of clothing feeling and smelling like… home? Yeah, home.

Dale's arms, his heated lips against Dream's feverish skin, legs tangling… that was home.

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