Becoming the Luna

Chapter 364

Virgil and Dale easily step back to avoid the shower of metal, Drew using this opportunity to drag a bitching Jake to safety, the reason the Head Beta had cursed earlier was because as soon as both Alphas made their appearance, Jake had ordered the Warriors to take the Omegas out to the woods.

It was like the idiot was hellbent on having himself ripped to shreds.

Jaxon's voice filters in to Dale and Virgil at this very moment, distracting them further from chasing after Jake and Drew.

'Dale! Virgil! They're moving again!' 

Jaxon all but screams into their heads, making them wince.

'Sure, we might have an idea of where they went, keep us updated though.'

Virgil replies, leaping over the pile of fire irons, Dale following quickly behind him as they dashed down the hallway in pursuit of the other Werewolves.

In no time they get to the basement where Dream and Hayden had been in before and by now both Alphas' frustration are almost palpable.

Jaxon however directs them to the backdoor and they burst out into the woods, a flash of clothing in the distance, they don't need Jaxon's go ahead this time to shift mid run, chasing them down.

Hayden is the first to notice them in the distance, pretending to trip and stay down, Dream catching on and kicking anyone who tries to touch Hayden, pretending to make a fuss over him on the ground.

Jake was about to claw out his eyes at this, the feeling of hopelessness drowning his out, rendering him unable to make a decision.

Drew easily takes the reins, calculating the best course of action with the least casualties and by that it meant keeping the Alpha alive, because if anyone was going to get ripped to shreds for messing with another Alpha's mate, it was going to be him.

"Alpha Jake," He says solemnly, using the other's title, something he rarely did. "The best course of action is to go on the offense, the Warriors should have taken care of the rest by now." He appealed to his Alpha's pride which wasn't a difficult task, Jake had a shit ton of it.

Jake's eyes clear up at this, shifting to a luminescent gold. "Fine, Braun, stay here, the rest of you come with me." He ordered in his Alpha voice, shifting to an impressive looking wolf, the others doing the same even as they ran out to face off with Virgil and Dale.

Dream looks worried at this.

'Think they'll be okay?'

He asks Hayden still crouched on the ground beside the other, the Warrior left behind to watch over them glaring at them sternly from behind dark sunglasses.

'Yeah, we need to find a way to get rid of that guy.'

Dream gives a wicked smile, "I have an idea." He whispers down to Hayden, getting to his feet.

Hayden looks slightly worried at the look on Dream's face, sitting up slightly as he watches Dream make his way closer to the Werewolf charged to watch over them.

"Um… hello?" Dream starts…

"Uh oh." Hayden mutters under his breath, he had never heard Dream use that breathy, soft tone with anyone, this werewolf was probably going to end up dead, he slowly got to his feet anyway, he needed to be ready to back up his brother.

"What?" The Werewolf referred to as Braun says coldly, nose twisted like it had been broken a couple times, it reminded him of what Tyrone, Hayden's bully would look like if he could picture him.

"There's a thorn in my knee." He says with a small pout, lifting said knee upwards, the slit in the hideous dress they were put in giving him the advantage to bare the body part.

Braun's eyes widen momentarily at this, appearing to have a mini argument in his head but whatever his argument had been gets overridden when Dream bats his lashes at him.

Dream watches with sharp eyes as the moronic Warrior leans forward, bringing his face into the perfect distance for Dream to attack him.

This he does without hesitation, driving his knee up so hard into Braun's face that he's pretty sure he broke the guy's nose again - good.

"Fuck." Braun curses, staggering backwards a bit even as he bends over, clutching his face in pain.

Dream sends a kick to the side of his face, having no business with waiting for him to recover sufficiently enough to come after them.

Hayden had his eyes on a sturdy branch which he had leaped up to pick up the moment that Dream had sent his knee into Braun's face, smashing him on the side of the head when Dream's shockingly powerful kick had sent him careening in Hayden's direction.

"Ugh! Careful Hay!" Dream scolds his brother, "You got blood on me."

"Oops!" Hayden chuckles in a shaky voice, bringing down the branch a couple more times although the first time he did it was enough to knock the Werewolf out.

He tosses the branch to the side when he's done, hurrying over to Dream who is still furiously wiping the long gone splash of blood on his cheek.

"You okay?"

"No." Dream responds in a tight voice. "And I know this isn't the right time but I don't think I vibe with the smell of blood right now…"

"What?" Hayden half panics, the sound of the mini fight happening a little distance away filtering in.

"Okay, look at me, deep breaths, okay…" Hayden grabs Dream's hand pulling him closer, he needed to get the smell of blood out of Dream's skin because they didn't particularly have mints anywhere nearby and Dale was a little occupied at the moment so throwing up was a definite no-no.

Instinctively, he tugged a gasping Dream into his arms, scenting him.

"There, how do you feel?" He leans back to ask, worrying on his face as he takes in Dream's slightly pale complexion.

"Like I can hold it in." Dream says without mincing his words, nodding encouragingly at Hayden.

"Good." He nods in return, grasping Dream's hand tightly. "Let's go."

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