Beastly Fēi that Go Against the Heaven: Coerced by the Huáng Shū

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Was caught, bad

“Hey! Who pushed me!” The man who was smashed by Jingyue suddenly turned around and said loudly, but the one who responded to him was just a loud cry, and no one found it quiet. The person who rolled into the frame.

“Welcome to the Nine Emperor into the city!” When the frame went to the city gate, all the soldiers were screaming and shouting, and Jingyue’s heart was slightly surprised. I don’t know why there was a strange feeling in my heart. Why? She thinks someone is staring at her?

Jingyue frowned, lowered his breath, and meditation into the city soon…

Jiuhuangshu’s frame stopped slightly, Jingyue’s heart jerked, why stopped? Did you find her?

Jingyue’s palms were slightly immersed in sweat, and the frame could not be held anymore. She couldn’t hold it anymore soon…

Probably the nine emperors heard the voice of Jing Yue, the frame finally began to slowly enter the city, Jing Yue slowly breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly let go of his heart, but fortunately into the city…

and many more!

Take a sigh of relief?

Jingyue was cold and had no reaction. He suddenly felt a cold killing and stabbed straight toward his own brain. Jing Yue’s body was bowed and the eyes looked at this half a thorn. The sharp knife of his own brain, suddenly sweating.

Oops, was discovered!

“Hey.” A cold and disdainful cold noise came, Jing Yue’s face was white, and he was about to loosen the frame and roll down the carriage, but he did not expect that the person sitting in the frame would call the bottom of the car. Stepping on it, the big hand slammed the neck of Jing Yue.

“Cough…” The strength of the hand that started, almost made Jingyue faint.

“Where is the little doll coming.” Jing Yue’s body was lifted from the bottom of the car by the man, and it was this moment that the frame stopped.

“Cough cough… let go… cough…” Jingyue smothered the hand that was holding his neck, and looked at it with diligence, but it was a pair of familiar eyes and eyes.

It’s him! The man who was in the forest that night!

Jingyue’s heart trembled, and even did not dare to see the man’s appearance. At the foot, he slammed hard, and the man’s chin was in the middle. The man’s hand was violently loose, Jing Yue’s slammed into the car, man The face flashed with anger and caught.

“Tear it…” The tearing of the crisp cloth came, and the man licked the black cloth that was pulled down in his hand, and his face was gloomy.

“Nine emperors, how… what?” The soldier who was standing outside, asked the nine-magic uncle who opened the curtain with a slight surprise.

“Catch the assassin! Grab the assassin!” However, the question of this person has just fallen, and suddenly heard the sound of a scream after the frame. Surprisingly, it was discovered how the chin of the Nine Emperor was red and swollen. ?

“Let’s take another look, the king will dig your eyes!” The man’s black ink robes slowly stood straight, and the black smudges flashed this intense anger, sculpted. The five senses reveal the cold and arrogant temperature, and the flying eyebrows are wrinkled tightly.

“A 14-year-old woman, dressed in black, her body… petite, grab her!” The cold voice of Nine Emperor came, with a desperate arrogance, the generals heard nine Uncle’s words, suddenly straightened one by one, the sound of the waist is loud and should be heard.

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