Be the Boss From Doupo

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 .Go to Xiao’s house

“Patriarch, who is that girl…?”

After Kun Yuantian left the hall with Zi Yan, Kun Yao asked at this moment.

Not only was he very curious about the girl’s identity, but the soul on the side was also very curious.

And the soul Yuantian who left with Zi Yan was also very curious.

Who is that girl? Why did the patriarch be treated this way?

From their perspective, it is natural to see that the other party’s body is a monster.

It is by no means human.

But what kind of monster is the opponent’s? They don’t know.

Is that girl really the illegitimate daughter of the patriarch? If yes?


They didn’t sense the blood of the soul race in the other party’s body at all?

On the contrary, it is another kind of blood that is powerful, not weaker than the blood of the soul race.

Forgive them for their ignorance, this kind of powerful bloodline has never been seen, unheard of.

I don’t know what kind of bloodline it is, it is so terrifying, it seems that it is not lost to the bloodline of Doudi of their soul race.

“The daughter of the old man!” An Bufan stood with his hands on his back, and looked out of the hall in this way.

“This woman has great potential. You must take good care of her. From now on, my soul clan will dominate the mainland. This woman will be a great help.”

“I’ll wait to obey!”

Kun Shengtian and Kun Yao heard this, knowing that the patriarch was reluctant to say more, they couldn’t help but nodded slightly, and said respectfully.

The patriarch is unwilling to say more, are they so likely to force the patriarch to speak?

“Patriarch, where are the Four Demon Saints?”

At this time, Kun Yao asked another question in his heart again.

The patriarch is back, so where are the Four Demon Saints?

Why didn’t they come back?

“They are in a quiet place.” An Bufan raised his arm and pointed out with a finger. The two messages were just like this, heading towards Hunyao and Hun Shengtian’s eyebrows.


Hun Yao, Hun Shengtian was terrified in his heart at the picture that appeared in his mind.

The muddy eyes were filled with the word shock, and the body was trembling slightly at this time.

The horror in his heart is hard to describe in words, as if an alpaca with thousands of heads slammed on his heart.

And the images in the mind of Kunyao, Kun Shengtian, are naturally everything that happened in the quiet space where An Bufan and the Four Demon Sages were.

After a long while, Hunyao and Hun Shengtian came back to their senses.

The shock in my heart still hasn’t been subdued, and the soul trembles and said: “The patriarch…the picture…is it true?”

At the same time, the question of the birth of the soul was also what Kunyao wanted to know. When the voice with the birth of the soul fell, Kunyao’s eyes also looked at An Bufan.

Like his soul, he wanted to get confirmation from the patriarch’s mouth again.

After all, the picture just now contained the information their soul race dreamed of.

Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Cave House!

“of course!”

An Bufan nodded slightly, carrying his hands on his back.

Said: “The Four Demon Saints stayed in that space temporarily.”

“What we have to do now is to get the Tuoshe ancient emperor jade, then the entire continent will belong to my soul clan.”

“Belongs to my soul race?” ×2

When Kunyao and Kun Shengtian heard An Bufan’s words, their bodies trembled violently.

Extremely excited.

The mainland belongs to the soul race?

This matter, their soul clan has long awaited for a long time, and for this they have planned for a thousand years.

Now that these words came out of the patriarch’s mouth, this caused Kunyao and Soul Shengtian to have an inexpressible mood in their hearts that could not be described in words.

“What should we do now, the patriarch?”

Hun Yao and Hun Shengtian gradually recovered, suppressing their excitement.

Waiting for an extraordinary arrangement!

The patriarch actually showed these “secrets” to the two old guys. Then, it means that the patriarch must have planned.

“The next thing to do is naturally to get the Tuoshe ancient emperor jade of the other seven races, and eight pieces of Tuoshe ancient emperor jade can open the Tuoshe ancient emperor cave mansion!”

“So, the Soul Race must be ready for the possibility of a big battle at any time.”

“My soul clan now has no fear of any power family at all.”

“So, you know?”

An Bufan said seriously, his tone was extremely cold and bitter, full of murderous intent.

“Understand!” ×2

Hun Yao, at this moment, Hun Shengtian is responding quickly.

“What happened today, don’t tell the nihility to understand?”

When talking about the last time, An Bufan didn’t forget to remind him.

Void Swallowing Yan and their soul clan are just a cooperative relationship, and now they don’t need him anymore.

But this matter cannot be let Void Swallowing Flame know, after all, now Void Swallowing Flame has already broken through the fighting sage of the early nine-star stage relying on the foundation given by the Soul Race.

He is already one of the top few people on the mainland.

Although the soul race is not afraid, there is no need to make trouble on this spine, right?

“Yeah! I understand!” ×2

Hun Yao, Hun Shengtian nodded quickly in response.

The two naturally understood the meaning of An Bufan’s words, and both understood the seriousness of this matter.

The Void Swallowing Flame and the Soul Race are cooperative relations, but they are only cooperative relations.

In the past, the soul race needed to swallow the emptiness, but now? Already knew them in Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion.

The help to the Void Swallowing inflammation is already dispensable.

Of course, this is not the time to turn your face! So they know what to do now!

“That’s good, the soul world will be handed over to you.” An Bufan said with a smile.

When the words fell, he stepped out, the space fluctuated slightly, and An Bufan disappeared into the hall.

As for where did he go?

It is estimated that no one knows except An Bufan himself.

Utan City.

An Bufan returned to Wutan City again, because his next purpose was to kill Xiao Yan.

Only one protagonist in this vindictive continent is enough, that is, he is extraordinary.

It would be good if there was a big boss in this vindictive continent, that is, he was extraordinary.

As for Xiao Yan? As for the future Emperor Yan? Sorry, I can only let him fall.

“Xiongtai, how can I get to the Xiao family?” An Bufan stopped a passerby to ask.

“The Xiao Family?”

The person who was stopped was looking at An Bufan up and down, and could not help being attracted by the temperament exuding from An Bufan’s body.

This person is not a simple one at first glance.

He couldn’t help but pointed his finger and said: “From here, turn left, then right, then go straight, and finally turn left, turn right, go straight, and you will see Xiao Mansion.”

“Thank you, brother!” An Bufan arched his hand at the guide and left.

And the passerby just watched An Bufan leave and muttered: “This person is an outsider! Even the Xiao family doesn’t even know where to go.”

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