Bao Bao Won’t Die Easily

Chapter 68 - Dear Artificial Intelligence (End)


7a is gone.

Baoyi searched all connected networks through the terminal, and his traces disappeared as if they had never existed.

After the police inspection, it was confirmed that the system left by Dr. Huo is really just a home intelligence system, which is exactly the same as that provided by the dolls yesterday. As a result, they further determined that the culprit of the incident was Tu Yan, because all available evidence points to him. But Baoyi knew that Tu Yan had no such ability, and these evidences were made by 7a.

The information explosion case was too sensational, and despite the various measures the new government took to block it, the news spread wildly. It is said that the information explosion blew up nearly two hundred achievements that have not been made public in the research institute. The main engine room was a mess, and human civilization has been retrogressed for at least twenty years. At the same time, there was a commotion in the Mechanical Empire. According to the spy report, various problems have also occurred in the mechanical enemy terminal. Although it does not make those ai stupid, it also destroys a lot of technical information they stole from human computers. Both sides suffered huge losses, and for a while both were able to wage war.

This result of humans and AI each playing twenty boards is too dramatic. Media reports say that the cause of the incident was a genius-scientific research madman who invaded the government system to show his ability, but it caused two-way The short circuit of data touched the firewall’s self-destructing program and damaged the backup system, causing an irreparable loss this time.

This person is Tu Yan.

-How could this person be Tu Yan, even if Tu Yan is crazy, he has no such ability at all!

It’s 7a, it must be 7a!

However, even if 7a, how can you blast the information bases of the two camps at the same time? 7a has no attack setting at all, except for the self-destructing program set in the last resort period to protect its own data.

If ai self-destructs, then all systems that have received ai data copies will be subject to self-explosion attacks.

The results seem to be here.

When Baoyi rushed into the institute, the firefighters had just evacuated, and there was a smell of burnt in the machine room, and all the hosts were almost scrapped, a mess.

This was once the source of life for 7a, and now it is gone with him.

Bao Yi closed her eyes, only to feel that the strength of her whole body was taken away.

Bao Yi remembered the last life in vain for Mu Xingchan’s death, and she lost him again in this life. Since then, the law of time and space has frequently revenge on her lover, but she is powerless.

A message was sent from the terminal indicating that Baoyi hadn’t moved for a long time.

“You have new letters, you have new letters.”

The ears are constantly repeating, there is no trace of emotional electronic sounds, and there is no company of lovers.

Because the letter was not received for a long time, the system turned on the automatic reading function. When a series of codes contained in the letter were read mechanically, Baoyi’s spirit was shocked.

this is……

The letter was not sent from the outside, but was automatically sent to itself by the system at regular time. The time was 24:00 yesterday night, which was the eve of the 7a explosion.

Bao Yi returned home, quickly turned on the personal computer, and compared the mail in the terminal with the computer’s storage, and found that the code that she knew was indeed the content provided by Qing Yu last time. But this time, the content is clearer and more complete. The moment the Baoyi typed the last letter, the computer was immediately seized with the right to operate.

Fluctuations of audio appear on the screen, and the sound of 7a comes.

“Xiao Baoyi, I’m sorry, I still can’t give the doctor’s system to them. The doctor’s system not only contains his research results, but also the information of the mechanical empire I collected over the years … Well, of course you don’t Knowing that I am doing these things, I just hope that the day when the war begins will better protect you. But I cannot give these materials to the human government for free, because there are many ai like me in the mechanical empire, they and me It’s the same. Sorry to make you sad, and … “

The sound suddenly stopped, leaving only a stream of uncomplicated code on the screen.

I love you.

Bao Yi closed her eyes and burst into tears.

Of course you are life, I know better than anyone that you are life, you are a living soul!

Instantly, a ripple flashed on the screen, just like the fog of memory peeled off, and the code gradually disappeared, replaced by clear images.

Baoyi’s eyes widened, leaving tears to fall and forgetting to wipe.

The last piece of code is also unlocked!

Baoyi blurred her eyes, watching the lovers ’voices, watching the past between them, it was the simple kindness of 7a, it was Mu Xingchan ’s iron horse Jin Ge, and it was Mu Jingyang ’s love. It is the sad past of Tang Chengqi, the loneliness of Zhou Yunxi … and …

A face she couldn’t know more about appeared on the screen, and this was exactly who she followed after. The other person seemed to know that her eyes were normal, and waved at the screen. Then, the memory was like a tide, and the past events came to mind.

The screen was suddenly dark, and a boy slowly entered it.

——Huo Baoyi, since you would rather keep your own memory than forget me, this is the only way I can think of it for you.

Looking at the text flashing on the screen, Bao Yi clenched her palms, and her nails hurt her palms.

Zhou Rui, Zhou Rui, it’s you, it turns out it’s you!

There is a legend in the time and space, this legend is the plot group’s no.1, high-end intelligent criminals, any role can be competent, any task is captured, no failure since the beginning.

This person is called Zhou Rui, and is the pride of his boss Qin Yichi.

Relying on Zhou Rui’s performance, Qin Yi was promoted from a small supervisor to the company’s vice president. When he established a foothold at the headquarters and laid a world, just when he was going to look back at his brother, he found that the brother was something wrong .

“What’s wrong with you?” Qin Yichi was extremely worried.

Cash cow, what happened to you? You can’t do anything!

Facing the ugly face of his boss, Zhou Rui gave him a lazy blank look, and tossed the script in his side: “boring.”

People are boring, and the plot is boring.

There are two kinds of people in time and space. One is to pass the test of future people, take the initiative to register, pass the layers of selection, sign a confidentiality agreement, and finally become an executive; the time and space “homeless”, homeless Can be returned, or do not want to go back, this kind of people can only exist in the work area of ​​time and space, can not touch the real world. Zhou Rui is certainly not the former. He does not have the noble faith to save humanity, because he was “drifting” into space and time after the original space was destroyed by the Big Bang.

Before his personal reputation value is refreshed to a certain height, except for the mission time, he can only stay in the space-time area, because there is no world outside him.

Zhou Rui worked so hard, in fact, he wanted to get his credit standing earlier and find a place to settle in time and space. To tell the truth, he didn’t like the job now, day after day, fighting wit, but facing a group of masks, and when the task was over, everything would return to zero.

It’s like a bamboo basket fetching water, after all, it’s empty.

Qin Yi Chi reluctantly watched Ai lazy since the day when he got the shares, as if his bones were going to rust, and finally took a book from the desk and threw it away.

“Change another type.”

For a long time, Zhou Rui has done script-oriented script tasks, not historical wars or court conspiracies, no suspense-solving cases, strange talks, and once met Zombie Besieged City. After returning, his face was iron and he ate for a month … In short, it is not something that makes people happy. This time Qin Yi was late to him is a simple entry-level task, but the environment is easy, the plot is simple, there is only one main line, as long as the main character is not dead, he can stay in this world until he is old and sick.

Although back in time and space, his time in that world will be compressed before the mission, but it is better to be on vacation than it is to hang around and wait for death.

The most important thing is that it is a romance drama.

Zhou Rui did not lack the opportunity to play an emotional liar in the previous missions. He always felt that this guy’s acting skills in this area were still a little tender, this time it was a sharp opportunity.

So Zhou Rui went with the mentality of the game.

Zhou Rui is the man in this world, a rich second generation entangled with the female lead. At this level, he can always get a good role. His task is to attack the women’s match-the biggest obstacle between the male and female masters. It’s a pity that he came early, the female partner is still in college, and he is studying far away. So in the first three years of this world, Zhou Rui didn’t do anything, drank, drank and played in front of his noble son, until he graduated from the women’s mating, he felt that the time was almost up and went home to inherit the family business.

The family background of the female mate is not bad. Although not as wealthy as Zhou Rui’s family, both parents are scholars, and even their ancestors are also highly respected seniors in education. However, the girl of this scholarly family is so detached that she does not want to obey her family’s arrangements to teach at school. She travels to an unfamiliar city by herself and enters Zhou’s company in her own capacity. She has risen in just one year. Department manager.

At this time, the female lead also appeared, but she was in the same session with the female partner. At this moment, she was still sitting in the company as a young tea girl, resentfully sitting and hooking up with Gao Fushuai’s spring and autumn dreams.

In contrast, Zhou Rui felt that the original owner was really blind.

The woman is equipped with a pretty good slap face, big eyes, and the corners of her lips are naturally upturned. When she is angry, she looks like a coquettish, when she is like a smile, she is also a hearty personality of a female man. She is very careless in life and rough at work. There are fine, excellent but not jealous. In contrast, the female lead, who has been in the company for more than a year, still can’t do even a small thing. It’s not a matter of ability, it’s just a matter of mindlessness.

No matter how you look at it, the girls attending the high-level meeting are even better! Running with roses without tangling dog grass? In the final analysis, I still feel that Rose is in trouble. You ca n’t find someone who is too capable to find a girlfriend. It ’s all a frustration for men to comfort their own farts, and the animal world knows that it is necessary to choose the best!

Locking the target, Zhou Rui launched a decisive action. The identity of the local tyrant need not be vain. The hydrogen balloon of a luxury flower jewellery confession across the city. Simple and crude is often the most effective. I thought I would be able to embrace the beauty, but I found the beauty unmoved.

Zhou Rui only remembered at this time, there is still a male lead in the world, and the female partner is in love.

It is because of this relationship that the female partner can frequently create misunderstandings between the male and female masters in the original book. In the face of such a strong offensive, the female partner is unmoved, is it because she still remembers the younger brother of the childhood friend?

Thinking about it this way, Zhou Rui, who was originally reporting on the game mentality, was immediately upset.

“Why don’t you accept me?” Zhou Rui pressed an aunt in the office.

“Ah?” The woman was a little helpless. “Zhou, don’t make a mess.”

“Who made trouble with you, be serious!” Zhou Rui was upset. “Are you a sweetheart?”

The female partner looked at him strangely, and finally nodded somewhat perversely: “Yes …”

“Is he?” Zhou Rui looked downstairs.

It was raining outside. The man was originally asked by the family to pick up the woman, but when he saw the woman who was trapped at the door of the company, she gave her an umbrella and let the woman get in the car.

By the way, the heroine originally brought an umbrella, but on the way in the morning, she left the umbrella to the stray cat on the road, and this scene was just seen by the male host.

All old stalks.

Zhou Rui’s eyes involuntarily turned to the female partner. The female partner just looked at the men and women who were interested in each other without looking at each other. However, Zhou Rui was uncomfortable looking at it.

He suddenly grabbed the female partner and left the office.


“Call me Zhou Rui!” Mr. Zhou, or whatever, sounded like an old man.

“Where did you take me? I’m going home!”

She has worked overtime for ten consecutive days! The female match has a headache.

“I see you off!”

Zhou Rui unquestionably pulled the women’s match directly from the elevator to the underground parking lot, drove his million-level luxury car onto the road, and also deliberately pulled around around the male and female owners, without distressing the body I jumped on the mud idea, pulled down the window, swept around the faces of the male and female, and finally smiled flatly: “Dude, I think you are very busy. There are too many people in this small car. I’ll take my baby first. “

After that, he drove away with his female partner in a luxury car.

What he saves the world?

To deal with this kind of scumbag, face is the last word!

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