Bao Bao Won’t Die Easily

Chapter 36 - My irritability (4)

At noon the next day, the two stayed in the classroom tacitly, and Bao Yi provided pre-war counseling to the heroine as usual.

It is no exaggeration to say that Cheng Qiange is Lu Tianye’s brain residual powder. This girl fully understood the blindness of love, and only got together for one semester. Bao Yi has deeply admired her perseverance, and thought of the original miles and thousands of songs. Lu Tianye’s five million words were fruitless, and she felt distressed.

Seeing Baoyi’s new bento, Qiange couldn’t help but exclaim, and patted it again and again.

“Awesome! Baoyi, which master did this, I want to learn from her!” You don’t need to ask and know who Qiange is going to.

“I do not know.”

“… Don’t you dare to eat?”

Cheng Qiange looked at a large friend of Duoyi, and suddenly felt that his girlfriend’s heart was so big.

Seeing Cheng Qiange’s concerns, Bao Yi smiled: “My heart tells me that if she can make such a delicious girl, she will not be a bad person!”

Or maybe she was told by the tip of her tongue.

Bao Yi was surprised to find a new one this morning. Today’s dishes are also great, the taste is wonderful, and the pairing is also nutritious. The other party must be a very careful girl. After enjoying two lunches in vain, I can’t seem to pretend to be a passerby anymore, so I should say hello.

So Baoyi opened Weibo to send: Today, I also tasted a great delicious, thank you my little angel, can you have the honor to thank you in person? = 3 =

With yesterday’s event, the other party will probably refresh and wait on Weibo today. It should be easy to see this information.

Unexpectedly, until the end of school, the other party did not reply.

Probably a very introverted girl.

Although Xingguang Park is a college with a 100% progression rate, the learning atmosphere is not depressing. The school usually does not occupy students’ extracurricular time, but encourages students to develop hobbies. Therefore, the first-grade schoolwork is not nervous.

The last two sessions in the afternoon were activity classes. Bao Yi came to the club on time and saw Mu Jingyang waiting at the window.

Shouldn’t the second grade be so busy?

Did this person come over? Sure enough, it’s a young boy who likes to play like crazy, no wonder he can get along with Lu Tianye’s freak.

“You here?” Mu Jingyang didn’t raise her head when she heard footsteps.

The afternoon sun fell on this person’s hair, like the hair of a gentle boy. Even the natural light favors the extraordinary beauty of the world, let alone ordinary people.

Like his name, Jingmu Nuanyang.

No wonder it was called “the light of the drama club”. I heard that the five major clubs of the dance department, the art department, the movie department, the theater department, and the music department held multi-party conferences for Mu Jingyang’s attribution. An exception allows Mu Jingyang to join multiple societies at the same time. After all, with this face, even if just staying, he can win glory for the group. With their eyes closed, they can imagine how much influence Mu Jingyang’s arrival will bring to their community. As a result, Mu Jingyang refused all, stayed in the drama department alone, and became a director of the drama department with extraordinary talents and talents in the semester.

Naturally, you have to work hard besides talent. From the atmosphere of the drama club today, it can be seen that even senior seniors are really convinced here. No one in the club talks about his appearance, but he surrenders to him sincerely. Acting-and some force suppression.

Obviously a beauty, even a few adults are not opponents!

Perhaps she was simply intoxicated with beauty. Baoyi did not say hello, but raised her mobile phone, took a photo of the man in a half-turned posture.

Because it is backlit, people are shooting very dark, can not see the five senses, but with a breath of mystery and sacred fusion.

“What are you doing?” Mu Jingyang was clearly displeased, but did not get angry, unlike the legend.

It is rumored that the director of the drama club is a gunner, and it explodes at all.

——Don’t you say that the artillery battle after the founding of the People’s Republic of China cannot be refined?

Bao Yi smiled: “Record your life. I won’t spread it. The senior is assured.”

She just emerged on a whim and was ready to be asked to delete it. Unexpectedly, Mu Jingyang didn’t have any special response. He just took out his mobile phone and said casually: “Pass me a copy.”

This is a photo of another person.

Baoyi undoubtedly added his friend, and when he looked up, he noticed that the corner of his mouth was frivolous, as if … he was in a good mood?

Realizing Baoyi’s inquiring gaze, Mu Jingyang coughed dryly: “Did Taiben see it?”

At this moment he returned to his usual unsmiling look. His eyes were so sharp that it was difficult for his beauty to slow down, as if you dare to shake your head and he dared to eat you.

“Look, but I have questions.”


“Senior, although I play a supporting role, but the role of this role has been through, I am afraid I can not play such an important role.”

“Of course you can’t perform well.” Mu Jingyang snorted. “Otherwise why do you think I should ask you to practice in advance.”


“This repertoire will be performed at school celebrations. From now on, apart from participating in community activities, you will have to practice here alone every day and start.”


In fact, she really had to act, Bao Yi looked at the sky.

She still has confidence in acting. After all, most of the job of the executive officer is to play someone else, not to mention that her host also has characters in the performing arts. A school stage play can’t help her. Hey, she’s already very powerful. What if I practice hard again and accidentally become a filmer?

Mu Jingyang pointed to a play in the second half of the script: “Start here.”

At a glance of Bao Yi, the joke in her mind suddenly converged.

This book tells the story of a mad sister: the male owner lost his parents and was raised by his sister, who is the only relative in the world. Because of possessive desires, he deliberately destroyed the sister and boyfriend’s relationship, the sister eventually broke up with the man for the younger brother. The bear child has not had time to be complacent, but he learns the bad news. His sister is terminally ill and died soon. The twelve-year-old felt that the sky was falling apart. He came to the hospital and saw the man standing in front of his sister’s ward, watching the sister silently, but he did not enter. At that time he realized that this man really loved his sister, but because of his selfishness and naivety, he deprived his sister of the last chance of happiness …

Bao Yi’s role is her sister … boyfriend.

Although the main line of this play is the growth of the bear child, the sister is only a supporting role in the middle, but this scene is undoubtedly a turning point in the life of the bear child. This story not only affected the three views of the bear child, but also began to examine himself In the future, he withstood the storms, restrained his own personality defects, and became a better person.

The scene Mu Jingyang refers to is the scene when the elder sister died, and the elder sister’s boyfriend wanted to see but did not dare to see it at the door of the ward.

“Senior, who plays sister?”

There has to be a play, right?

“What do you think?” Mu Jingyang asked back.

Baoyi looked left and right, and there were only two people in the classroom.

She gave Mu Jingyang a complex look: “Well, Chun Jiao.”

Chunjiao is her sister’s name. It is not difficult to make her brain a Jiaohua with Mu Jingyang’s face value.

So Baoyi took a deep breath, passed through the lines in her mind, and opened her eyes again. The whole person’s breath converged, precipitated, thickened, and she became another person.

The admiration in Mu Jingyang’s eyes flashed, and gradually turned into a daze, helpless, and fragile-this is the state when her sister died.

He spoke, as if he had become the dying girl in Taiben.

——I don’t know if people will dream. I want to dream of you. In this dream that never wakes up, I always dream of you.

——Of course, my dear, I will always be in your dreams, and eternal life will stay in your dreams, instead of staying in this world without you. We will have a wedding, a wedding at the seaside, you wear a white wedding dress, we walk on the beach together, accept the blessings of the sky, ocean and wind, there is only me and you between heaven and earth.

Mu Jingyang’s eyes were dimmed. Although the hostess was eager for love, she was unwilling to use her short life to sting love.

The lines of the drama script are inevitably exaggerated. These excessively forceful lines are usually so unkind that Bao Yi cannot hear them, but once she enters the drama, she is the person in the drama. No exaggerated words can express the sorrow and grief about losing her lover .

-But that’s selfish.

The heroine said.

——Kang Qi, forget me, forget me.

Baoyi shook her head subconsciously, but she sank after seeing Mu Jingyang’s eyes.

Suddenly a bit of the previous world emerged in my mind.

After she was ill, Tang Chengqi accompanied her day and night. She made troubles unreasonably, and he was not angry. She always had a smile on her face, as she had seen for the first time. He had never even complained, and attributed all his faults to himself … but, whether or not, his heart was actually not calm. He also hated God, hated his appearance, guarding the pain of losing his lover, rather they never met.

The person who loves deeply always suffers more.

“I promise you,” Bao Yi said, as opposed to Mu Jingyang’s eyes, “I have forgotten you, but this second, no one can stop me … stop me from falling in love with you again.”

Mu Jingyang stopped suddenly and looked at Bao Yi.

There was nothing wrong with the lines, but it was clear that something had changed. His eyes tightened his heart. There was a repressive emotion in his mind. This was the case since the first time he saw the girl, and it is now stronger.

Baoyi couldn’t hear the lines, looked at Mu Jingyang, and when she looked up, a tear fell down the corner of her eyes.

She was horrified, and rubbed rudely with her hand.

“Sorry, I’m too drama.”

She thought she had let go, but she didn’t.

A handkerchief was handed over to him, and Mu Jingyang rarely did not look up to train people: “In the world of drama, entering a drama is never one of the guilt.”

“Did you just think of it?” She wasn’t watching the script for the first time, so she wouldn’t get out of control like this.

“Just a few things in the past,” Bao Yi said lightly.

After looking at the time, she said, “Senior, come here today, I still have something to do.”

“Well.” Mu Jingyang said, “Wait for me at the school gate, I will drive you for a while, drop by.”

There are so many students in the Xingguang Park that they are children of the family, and it is not unusual to drive a famous car to school.

Bao Yi froze, looking at the man in a cool-looking back, and somehow felt that this person was more cute: “Senior, thank you.”


Know that he is a good senior.

“But don’t use it. I’m going to Shifan Street today, probably not going along with you.”

Mu Jingyang turned back abruptly, with a hint of anger: “So late, what kind of place would a girl go to?”

Shifan Street is a famous commercial street and shopping malls nearby, but more of it is entertainment.

Girl … Baoyi savored this sentence. I didn’t expect anyone in this school to be a girl.

“I want to buy a gift for a friend.”

“Men and women?”

“It’s a super cute girl!” As soon as you think of it, the taste of happiness will appear on the tip of your tongue.

Mu Jingyang’s face eased a little, but she said, “I’ll go with you!”


Baoyi was surprised, but pushed it: “No, I pick things very slowly. I have to face each store more than in the past. You do n’t have to force yourself, senior.”

“Who, who said I was barely! I like shopping, I like shopping the most, can’t I? You won’t go to me!”


I forgot who said that there is a young girl in the heart of every boy. You are the senior … It is this type. It’s hard to hide for so long!

Understandably, Mu Jingyang looks so beautiful. If everyone let him know that he has such a girlish hobby, I am afraid he will really treat him as a girl.

Baoyi sympathizes with the beauty.

Mu Jingyang walked forward in high spirits, and did not find that the look of the schoolgirl looking at him today is also different!

Shifan Street is located in the city center, about three stops away from Xingguang Park. It is not far away, but it is in two directions from Baoyi’s residence.

She usually took the subway for about fifteen minutes, but it took her an hour to ride Mu Jingyang … one hour!

That’s right, half an hour! Because it is the city center and the rush hour, the main line is racing beautifully. No matter how famous you are, you still have to obey the traffic rules. Looking at Mu Jingyang who was unhappy all over, Baoyi didn’t talk to each other, but she was crying: Brother, if you have to drive, I’ve already gone home now, OK?

So angry, but still want to keep laughing!

People are also kind, but they have done bad things.

In the car, weird silence was maintained, and the co-driver’s Baoyi maintained his eyes, nose, and heart—although the realm is very high, but the reality is always cruel. With a gurgling sound, Baoyi’s belly broke the tranquility.

Mu Jingyang looked over: “Are you hungry?”

“I’m not hungry,” Bao Yiyi said in a candid way. “It’s the sound from other cars. It sounds like normal gastrointestinal peristalsis. The natural reaction of people in a hungry state is not a big deal.”

Really a strong excuse!

Mu Jingyang looked at Bao Yi with a serious look, and suddenly “snapped” and smiled.

Baoyi held her back.

For a moment, the person in front of him overlaped with Tang Chengqi. They had distinct faces, but the same smile and the same expression. The eyes were full of stars, which made people feel lost.

Mu Jingyang threw the bag from the back seat into Baoyi’s arms: “I remember there are cookies, you can eat them.”

“… Senior martial artist.”

Baoyi never had trouble with food, but when he was about to start, he suddenly thought that he and Mu Jingyang had only met on both sides. Is it too intimate to directly turn over his schoolbag?

But … I do n’t think it ’s good to go shopping with my own car?

Since it’s already bad, don’t pay attention to these details!

She did not expect that Mu Jingyang’s so-called “small cookies” were actually handmade, with rich milk flavor, sweet taste, and delicate texture. A small box of cookies simply felt like an English afternoon tea.

“Is it the senior’s mother? I envy the senior. I have such delicious snacks every day.”

But she wasn’t envious, and she also had a handy little angel to feed her.

“Ah, I don’t have a girlfriend. I made it myself.”

Bao Yi snapped off the ears of “Bunny Biscuits” with a bite.

She glanced down from “rabbit” to “bald” but couldn’t hide the cute biscuits. She also looked at Mu Jingyang, who had bright eyes, and refreshed her three views.

So cute, it must be a girl, right?

Noting Baoyi’s silence, Mu Jingyang frowned: “Is there anything wrong?”

“not at all!”

Swallowing the “bald”, Bao Yi smiled: “I just think that the senior is really good, anything.”

Mu Jingyang froze, suddenly turned his head away, and stared straight ahead: “It is not difficult, just look at the book.”

I also checked the information … I really like it, right? It’s time to study!

Don’t worry, senior. Even if you look like spring flowers, like shopping and cooking, even the cookies made are cute rabbit shapes, I won’t laugh at you for being a mother-in-law.

Baoyi felt in her heart that the senior was indeed a delicate flower that needed to be loved.

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