Bao Bao Won’t Die Easily

Chapter 32 - Tang Dao Ban

Bao Yi’s funeral was held in a church near the sea, where they agreed to walk into the marriage hall together.

The wedding turned into a funeral, and everyone sighed about the impermanence of the world.

Tang Huo’s two relatives who couldn’t relate to each other scammed to attend the funeral, with a look of grief as if their relatives were dead. Tang Chengyou scoffed at it, but Tang Chengqi didn’t seem to feel it.

Tang Chengqi is now aloof in both Tang and Huo.

Although there was no wedding, they still registered under Bao Yi’s insistence. In the legal sense, they were real couples. Not to mention that Huo Qianjin transferred his Huo’s shares to his name, and Tang Chengqi was worth a fortune.

A small number of people lamented Huo Qianjin’s affection, and a large number of people lamented that the Tang family was so good at their talents. Ms. Huo was fascinated by the heart; more people were skeptical of Tang Chengqi’s character. The eight-year-old girl insists on marrying an eighty-year-old billionaire.

They say true love transcends money, but when your true love is exchanged for money, people often don’t think so. However, Mr. Huo blatantly stated on the board of directors that he supports all the decisions of his granddaughter, and made it clear that Tang Dasha, whose foundation is still unstable, surprised many people.

Looking at the people coming and going, one by one wearing masks of sorrow spelling out the acting skills of the Emperor, Tang Chengyou sneered, Tang Chengqi looked indifferent.

It is ironic that the original wedding was to be lively, but now it is funeral, and everyone who should have come. The Huo family is so good-looking, the weddings are all going on, and the funeral is silent.

Let them go, Baoyi is not here again.

After the funeral, Father Huo and Father Tang found Tang Chengqi to talk.

Mr. Huo of the Tang family is very clear. He understands the thoughts of his granddaughter. Tang Chengqi, a young man, really appreciates it. This young man is not simple. He keeps a low profile and has a thick accumulation of hair. He will become a great tool in the future. The most rare thing is that he has a sincere heart for Baoyi. Mr. Huo hurt Baoyi in his bones. His granddaughter’s wish could not be ignored. Looking for Tang Chengqi was just a pat on the shoulder: young man, rest assured, Huo’s family is on your side.

When Tang’s father learned that his eldest son actually owned Huo’s shares, he was so full of joy that he immediately prayed and promised Tang Cheng that Tang’s successor must be him. If he minds, the family can even send Tang Chengyou abroad tomorrow, and he can never have to see this impotent brother.

After leaving the study, Tang Chengqi saw Tang Chengyou at the door.

Tang Chengqi bypassed him as if he hadn’t seen anyone.

“Are you satisfied?” Tang Chengyou insisted. “This is your revenge against Tang? Now that she is dead, you can finally do whatever you want?”

Tang Chengqi turned his head and looked like a cold star.

“You are still the same and rude.”

Tang Chengyou was shocked by such eyes, and his heart was cold.

wrong! This is by no means the Tang Chengqi he knew. He subconsciously blurted out: “Who are you?”

After Bao Yi’s death, Tang Chengqi handled the funeral very calmly. Because of his reaction, various rumors will appear outside the world, and to be honest, Tang Chengyou is not totally unbelieving.

Since Tang Chengqi can destroy Tang’s on the sickbed, who can guarantee that he has no purpose in approaching Huo Baoyi? Now that his purpose has been achieved and Bao Yi is dead, he no longer has to pretend to be cowardly and reveal his true appearance.

He was just confused for a moment, but Tang Chengqi was a complete hypocrite, always using Baoyi’s feelings!

Thinking about it this way, Tang Chengyou felt a sense of happiness.

I am the victim!

Everyone has lived in such a gloomy and deceitful elder brother’s calculations. Everyone is deceived by him, and Tang Chengqi robbed his brother’s fiancee without saying, but also drives him out of the family!

If Baoyi knew that she had paid this person in the wrong way, she would not know how to die.

Tang Chengyou’s face sank: “I won’t go, you have to fight, I’ll be with you!”

He has been in charge of most of Tang’s business for five years, and has been cultivated as a successor since he was a child. His strength is more than just that. Tang Chengyou has a killer, does he not? What about the first hacker, who has been in bed for more than 20 years, the company knows nothing about how such a person can lead Tang’s.

Looking at the fighting spirit of Tang Chengyou, Tang Chengqi was calm as if looking at an ant.

I did not expect that the first person in the world who noticed his change was actually this idiot.

He seemed to think of something, a subtle radiance rising from his lips.


When Bao Yi left, he remembered a lot of things, who he was, and the meaning of his coming to this world.

Unfortunately, like the last world, he awakened too late. If he missed, he missed it, and it didn’t make much sense to stay.

He originally did not want to ignore the people and things in this world. But my brother is so stupid, but it is helpless to be an elder brother.

After teaching for so long, you still don’t have a long memory, and you’re done.

“Okay.” Tang Chengqi raised a corner of his lips, “I accept your challenge.”

The world needs some finishing touches, just do the girl a favor.

Three months later, the big news broke again.

President Tang Sheng left the country, said to be waiting for Tang’s mother to go abroad for treatment. However, Tang Chengyou, who had thought that he had no chance of a successor dispute, returned to the position of president and married a real Cinderella girl as Mrs. Tang. It is said that this Mrs. Tang was formerly the secretary of Tang Chengyou and the reason why Tang Chengyou and Huo Jiaqian regretted marrying, not to mention the beautiful office history. It is said that Huo Qianjin died now, but Tang Ershao married this woman and went through the door. He was not only blatantly hitting Huo’s face, but he just took out everyone from Huo’s house and drew his pants.

The Huo family has never suffered from this kind of anger, but can imagine how they will react.

Mr. Huo was immediately angry, and would rather withdraw his contract and withdraw all investment related to the Tang Dynasty at any cost, and issued it in the circle. Everyone who cooperates with the Tang family is the enemy of the Huo family.

In a word: there is him without me, there is no me without him.

The Huo family’s appeal is not only reflected in the financial circle, but also in the public relations system around the world. Most of the politicians in the political circle have a good relationship with Huo’s. Huo’s rude remarks are tantamount to announcing to the outside world that he is going to have a pain with the Tang family.

At the beginning, it was only some major shareholders who withdrew their capital. Gradually, even some small companies were stubbornly looking for reasons. In the end, only some small companies that couldn’t afford to pay liquidated damages remained with the shaky Tangs. Under such pressure, Tang Chengyou turned around for half a year, his face became more and more dazed.

The secretary called and said that there was a lady Fu Yawei who wanted to see him downstairs. Tang Chengyou’s frowning furrow was deeper.

“No!” He hung up the landline.

Fu Yawei watched the lady at the front desk hung up and said indifferently, “Sorry, the president said that he didn’t know you.”

Fu Yawei was pale, resisting dizziness, and barely smiling.

“He’s probably in a bad mood. I’ll come back someday.”

Do you know that I am Mrs. Tang who is married to Ming Ming!

This sentence was right next to her mouth and she was finally pressed down.

Tang Chengyou is no longer the person he was in the past. He is suffocated now, and his brain is all about how to fight with his elder brother. When he returns home, he is also transparent. Fu Yawei felt that her grievance was abnormal. At the beginning, she hesitated about the bad relationship between the door and the door. However, Tang Chengyou repeatedly promised that she was loved. After the child’s accident, he even felt guilty and guilty. She fights for status.

She even thought that even if she could not marry into the Tang family, it would be nothing. With Tang Chengyou’s ability, she would never treat her in material life. She has already reached such a situation, she has given up the so-called “dream” of that year, and she just wants to be with a gentle and powerful person and not have to leave her life.

She didn’t understand, why did Tang Chengyou look like a person?

What made Yafu unbearable was that Tang Chengyou always subconsciously mentioned Huo Qianjin after being hit by Tang Chengqi. Once he was drunk and yelled that if it was not for her, he and Huo Qianjin would not be separated, and Huo Qianjin would not die.

Fu Yawei’s heart was like a knife twist, but there was nowhere to say. Relatives had alienated her because she was unmarried and had children. Although she is now the name of Mrs. Tang, Tang Chengyou never took her to any occasion and did not recognize her identity. She has gone to great lengths to enter the high society, but she is not as good as a junior. Tang’s father treated her coldly, and Tang’s mother sneered at her, and now even Tang Chengyou didn’t recognize her.

Is this the life she was struggling to pursue?

Who vowed at that time that he had no feelings for Huo Qianjin and that he was his favorite woman? If you ca n’t wait to see her, why marry her?

Fu Yawei walked down the street in despair, not noticing that the lights in front had changed. A harsh rubbing sound came, and Fu Yawei looked up at the dazzling headlights, only feeling blank in his mind.

Suddenly, someone took her arm and pulled it hard.

The vehicle rushed past, raising smoke all the way.

Fu Yawei was also immersed in thrills, and looked at the person dullly.

The man has a pair of good-looking eyes, which are impressive. The facial features are similar to Tang Chengyou, but the temperament is completely different, gentle and elegant, and deep like night.

“It’s you……”

Although she had only seen her at the funeral, Fu Yawei recognized the person in front of her, Tang Chengqi, Chengyou’s elder brother, and the enemy.

“Aren’t you abroad?”

“Come back and do something.”

Tang Cheng prayed and raised his lips, saying nothing, just turning over and making a phone call.

“Cheng You will pick you up in a while, it’s cold outside, wait in the car.” Tang Chengqi opened the copilot’s door for her, and suddenly thought of something, turned back and smiled, “Be careful.”

Closing the door, Tang Chengqi played a low and slow music, and the male voice uttered all the love for a girl in a sloppy tone.

Fu Yawei looked at the side similar to Cheng You and listened to her favorite song, suddenly suddenly a little lost.

Once, no, not a long time ago, just a year ago, Tang Chengyou in her eyes was like this, just like Tang Chengqi around now.

Ten minutes later, Tang Chengyou appeared. He glanced at the two in the car without saying a word. He threw away the door and rudely left Fu Javier.

The two walked away, Tang Chengqi took out a paper towel, wiped his hands, got out of the car and called: “I’m downstairs in the company, and asked the driver to drive to pick me up. Um … my car?”

Tang Dasha glanced at the co-driver, the position where Fu Yawei had just sat, and there was a flash of disgust in his eyes.

“Dirty, I don’t like it. Dispose of it.”

The music in the car is still flowing. Put down the phone and look at the direction where Tang Chengyou and his wife left. Tang Chengqi smiled deeper.

“But don’t die. If you die, you can’t continue playing.”

Both male and female owners have to live, this is the rule of the game.

According to the script, at the end of the story, the prince and Cinderella finally live together, but are they happy?


The audience is satisfied.

Six months later, Tang’s bankruptcy was announced. Tang’s father was anxious, and myocardial infarction failed. Tang’s mother was taken away by her eldest son and moved abroad with almost no knowledge of domestic affairs. Tang Chengyou, who had lost everything, wanted to rise again through his contacts, but was suppressed everywhere because of Huo’s family. And those who are not afraid of Huo’s family have also turned a blind eye because of his former reputation.

Tang Chengqi has repeatedly been unsuccessful, and increasingly blame them on Fu Yawei.

If this woman had not seduced him, nothing would have happened.

He never understood why his father suddenly asked him to marry Fu Yawei. At the beginning, Tang Chengqi prevailed everywhere, but suddenly withdrew from the fight, and his father approached him alone and offered the conditions, saying that as long as he married Fu Yawei, the previous thing was cancelled. He simply suspected that Fu Yawei was Tang’s illegitimate daughter.

But as soon as he agreed, the world changed.

His father ignored him, his mother couldn’t wait to see Fu Yawei even to see him, and Tang Chengqi … left the Tang family with the support of Huo’s family, completely separating the company from the company.

The pride of heaven seems to have lost its halo overnight.

After experiencing all this, he has nothing to do with Tang Chengqi and he doesn’t believe anything. Until that day, he received a call from Tang Chengqi, saying that Fu Yawei had a car accident. In the end, it was his wife. He drove to the car, but saw his wife and his elder brother in the car. Fu Yawei looked at Tang Chengqi as if he was looking at himself.

For a moment, the fragments in the brain seemed to be connected, and the context of all events became clear.

Even Javie betrayed him! Even Yawei thought Tang Chengqi was better?

Tang Chengyou knew his inferences were too extreme, but he couldn’t control his suspicion and lost his temper.

This time, Fu Yawei did not endure in silence, but had a fierce quarrel with Tang Chengyou. Everything has begun, and it seems logical at the back, arguing, abusive, angry, shirk responsibility … all kinds of negative emotions filled them. The Tang family is gone, and Tang’s mother is completely out of touch with them under Tang Chengyou’s control. In order to make a living, Fu Yawei had to go out to work. Tang Chengyou, like the original owner, once again embarked on a journey of alcoholism. Fu Yawei returned to his home, looking at his helpless husband, with only numbness in his heart.

The couple, who had desperately struggled with the family, finally dried up their last love in the chai rice salt of life, turned into a pair of complainers, and Fu Yawei had a divorce, but in return was Tang Chengyou’s cynicism.


He said, you ruined me, don’t think about starting over yourself.

Just tie them together in this life and go to **** together.

If it were not for Fu Yawei, he would not dissolve the marriage contract with Baoyi and would not lose the Tang family. All this was brought to him by this woman. Tang Chengyou now has only Fu Yawei who can bully and vent, and he keeps paralyzing himself with this faith and seeking relief for himself.

Of course, if it wasn’t Fu Yawei, who else?

In short, absolutely, absolutely, not himself.


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