Bao Bao Won’t Die Easily

Chapter 31 - Sick and Beautiful Girl (End) b 【Inverted V】 / b


Not seen for a few days, Tang Chengqi seems dark.

He is not a tanned body, but always used to be in the ward without sunlight, and his face was unhealthy and pale. After returning home, he often fiddled with flowers and plants on the rooftop, without even taking a parasol. He just had a healthy complexion, and Bao Yi had also suspected it, and clamored for a fat Tang Dabao.

Tang Chengqi came by himself, carrying a small backpack, walked into the room a few steps, looked at the sweetheart covered with an air-conditioning blanket on the rocking chair, swept away the former gentle and gentle, and his eyes were dark as night.

Tang Chengqi’s eyes are beautiful, like a star shining in the night sky, with a charming expression, and so is Zhou Yunxi. Bao Yi thought that even if the soul he loved had changed his skin one day, she could still recognize it at once because of this look.

Tang Chengqi’s lips moved twice, but he couldn’t make a sound. He dropped his backpack, walked quickly to Baoyi, locked the person in his arms.

“sorry Sorry……”

He repeatedly apologized, as if bearing the worst blame.

Bao Yi froze and laughed.

“Fool, what has it to do with you?”

Baoyi wants to say that you are really unlucky. I always fall in love with short-lived ghosts, but then I think about it again, or I ’m unlucky, and I have a moth every time. Obviously she is only a female partner.

In the final analysis, it is still not good for her. She is not a person of the world. She ca n’t even see the past, but she does n’t give good results. Maybe it ’s not accidental that she has amnesia. Go provoke again.

“Certify, stay with me.”

“it is good.”

Baoyi smiled and shook her head: “Come with me for the last trip, then, forget me.”

This is all right, she also worked hard, and the two also had a good time together.

If God is destined that I can’t love you, then at least I can do it no longer hurt you. If she were to do it again, she would definitely think about it before making a decision.

The body is tightly tied. Tang Chengqi in the impression is a gentle and gentle young man. I don’t know that the emotions and people are tight. The strength of his hands makes people unable to connect with him.

“Why is this so … Is it because I did something bad that God just took everything away from me? I let the Tang family down, I ’m not in trouble anymore, I wo n’t do those bad things Now, I ’m still the former Tang Chengqi. You tell me that everything is fake, okay? ”

He just didn’t like Tang, he hated this decaying family, but he never thought he would lose his favorite. When people are extremely afraid, they will doubt themselves. Tang Chengqi, who has always been weak, feels panicked and at a loss for the first time.

“No, it’s not your fault.” Bao Yi whispered to comfort the child-like fragile man. “It’s not anyone’s fault. If I have to say it, it’s me. I neglected my health. I failed to take care of myself It’s me that makes you sad … “

I shouldn’t come to provoke you.

But even so, she didn’t regret it. He didn’t want Tang Chengqi to suffer from his illness all his life, and he didn’t want his life to sink into the feelings of aversion to this world. Even if it is short-lived, she hopes that he can have a beautiful relationship and a colorful life.

There will always be sadness, without her, there will be others, sadness will make a person painful, but also make a person strong. Her Tang Dabao is the best and will definitely survive this hurdle. This is the end of the matter, rather than complaining about it, it is better to leave some good memories.

Bao Yi adjusted her emotions and coquettishly said, “Cheng Qi, I don’t want to go to the hospital.”

“it is good.”

Bao Yi smiled, and she knew that he would understand.

“While I can move around, let’s go out and play. I know a few beautiful places.”

“it is good……”

“I always wanted to go with you, but you have to bring your personal doctor. If you are uncomfortable, say it immediately, otherwise I won’t promise you!”

Obviously you were just begging others.

Tang Chengqi smiled bitterly: “Okay, whatever you say is fine, you know, I listen to you best.”

Bao Yi nodded with satisfaction, and she knew that even if everyone else thought she was playing around, Tang Chengqi would know her better than anyone else. She once said that she could not understand Tang Chengqi’s feelings, and thanked God. Now she knows a little, and understands the smallness of the people before the disease, as if they are one step closer.

“My Tang Dabao is the most obedient. He must always listen to me. Even if I am gone, I have to live well. If you are sad, think about me, but don’t think too much.” Baoyi thought seriously. Think, “Three times, I only allow you to miss me three times, and wait for you to run out of these three opportunities. Tang Chengqi … I allow you to forget me.”

She took Tang Chengqi’s cheek and kissed him without giving him a chance to speak.

First, the dragonfly touched the water, then it became more and more sticky, and finally, the lips and teeth depended on each other.

I can hug you in this life, I can only be lucky, I don’t know if the next life can still join hands.

The executive’s privilege to find a particular soul is not unlimited. She has only one chance in her working life and is now exhausted. Next time, I really have to listen to fate.

The following days, they lived extra cherished.

In the first month, Tang Chengqi went to many places with Bao Yi as she wished, but unfortunately it took less than one-tenth of the planned trip, and Bao Yi’s condition began to deteriorate. They had to return to the island, and while convalescent, comfort themselves as if they were honeymoon in advance.

Anyway, the location of the planned wedding was the seaside.

Baoyi has no energy to get out of bed now. Her body is always feverish and occasionally dizzy. She wakes up less and less.

She loves dreaming recently.

In the dream, she and Tang Chengqi lived in another world. They went from seeing each other to seeing each other, to loving each other, and talking about marriage … Then, on the eve of the wedding, she had a car accident, and later … … What happened later? She seemed to see a man who looked exactly like Tang Chengqi, with the same face, but a completely different feeling. He told her that their love was nothing more than a story he carefully interpreted, and all their feelings were false.

For a moment, humiliation, unwillingness, grievance, anger … Bao Yi felt that she was in the abyss.

Zhou Rui, I hate you! Zhou Rui! you liar!

Zhou Rui! Zhou Rui!

Opening his eyes, his chest was breathing heavily, and in his ear was Tang Chengqi’s call of worry. She looked at the man with exactly the same face, but it was not that hateful look. The dark eyes like the night sky were full of love and affection. This was his Tang Dabao, not the unkind man in his dream.

It’s strange, why do you dream of Tang Dabao becoming a disappointing man?

Who is Zhou Rui?

Baoyi shook her head indiscriminately.

Immediately put his forehead on the big palm, Tang Chengqi worried and said, “Is there a fever?”

That is not a good sign.

Although Bao Yi was promised not to go to the hospital, an examination by a private doctor was inevitable.

“It’s okay, I have nightmares.” Baoyi looked at Tang Chengqi’s face for a long time again, and made sure that this scumbag in the dream was not alone, and laughed nervously.

“Tang Dabao looks so good.”

Tang Chengqi did not let her snore: “Speaking, nightmare is not afraid of speaking out.”

“I dreamed … I dreamed of you becoming Tang Xiaobao.”

Tang Xiaobao had already grown up and became Tang Dada. Now he was left at the Tang family and was taken care of by the steward.

“… don’t forget it.” Tang Chengqi lowered his face and pretended to be angry.

Baoyi Lengheng: “Are you still angry? I haven’t been angry with you, you have abandoned me in your dreams …”

Tang Cheng prayed to Meifeng embracing: “I won’t, neither will I be in a dream.”

Bao Yi still smiled.

Strangely, she felt a little vague in front of her eyes, seemingly sleepy. Dark outside the window, she could not help asking: “Cheng Qi, what time is it?”

“It’s early, sleep a little longer.” Tang Chengqi hugged her and rubbed his back with one hand.

“I’m hungry, can you fry a poached egg for me?” Baoyi said, and seemed to remember something, “Forget it, you probably won’t.”

Tang Dabao, who was thinking of being gentle again, despised him: “Look at me? The federal firewall can’t help me, a poached egg? I will now make a virus called poached egg, and put it on the worldwide network tomorrow on.”

I saw a poached egg dancing when I turned it on. How about this idea? Boring enough?

Baoyi was amused.

“Tang Dabao is awesome. Tang Dabao can do everything. Do you like Tang Dabao the most?” Bao Yi gave a kiss on Tang Chengyou’s face with a smile and sent him to fry the eggs.

These days have always been like this, and they don’t talk about each other’s illness, just laughing and joking like ordinary couples, and live a sweet life.

Relying on his high IQ, Tang Cheng prayed in the kitchen for nearly an hour, finally frying the sixth egg out of his usual appearance, and then guiltlessly destroyed the first five failed products and squeezed them out A cup of soy milk, sugar, and returned to the room with a sense of accomplishment.

Well, the virus is much better than poached eggs.

“Miss Huo, your poached egg is here!”

He yelled outside the door, no sound, and probably fell asleep again.


Helpless, Tang Chengqi pushed the door lightly and saw the scene in the room, he hesitated slightly.

The light of dawn shone through the tulle into the room, hazy and dreamy. The **** the bed lay quietly, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, as if immersed in a dream, like a princess in a fairy tale.

Kiss her, but don’t want to wake up.

Tang Chengqi stiffened for a moment, then held up the plate, sat on the edge of the bed, and took a bite of the poached egg with his hand in half.

It’s not delicious, it’s sloppy, and it doesn’t taste much. No wonder Baoyi doesn’t like it.

But it won’t happen in the future. He is so smart that he will do it next time.

Tang Chengqi frowned, eating bite by bite.

Then, without warning, tears came.

The sun finally rose, and at this point life fell into eternal night.

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