Bao Bao Won’t Die Easily

Chapter 30 - Illness and Beauty (Sixteen) b 【Inverted V】 / b

The mystery was solved, and this turned out to be the answer.

It can only be said that Baoyi still underestimated his man.

She would actually believe that this person who is a **** in the bones would really reborn and become a good person. Thinking about meeting each other for so long, Tang Chengqi followed everything, and rarely talked about himself. And she rejoiced that she finally had the absolute initiative this time.

But in fact?

He knew everything, everything was under his control.

Tang Chengyou left, probably after seeing Bao Yi’s position, and completely gave up seeking cooperation, and turned to other ways. This foolish male lead finally recognized his inner power toward power, and was no longer pretentious. I just don’t know if Fu Yawei’s silly white sweet can stand such a male lead.

Only Baoyi and Tang Chengqi remained on the rooftop.

Tang Chengqi touched her hand and was thrown away by her. Tang Chengqi turned white and bent down.

Bao Yi sighed.

He knew it was a bitter scheme, but in the end his body was too fragile, not even a trace of self-harm. Baoyi walked two steps quickly, picked up the coat on the ground, and draped the man tough. Such an action naturally sent him to him.

Tang Chengqi looked pale, clutched her tightly, and said, “I’m sorry.”

Although he did not regret, he did not deny his extreme behavior. This is his character, the dark side hidden under the gentle surface, another unknown to Tang Chengqi. I had always wanted to hide her, but was stung by that stupid brother, and at the most out of place.

Feeling the man’s breath close at hand, Bao Yi narrowed her neck itchyly. According to her temperament, she has to be awkward to say anything, but think of another thing, she only feels physically and mentally exhausted, and has no strength to lose her temper.

“Are you stupid? Just say it if you don’t like it, why waste so much thought, isn’t it so unbelievable?” She raised a finger and poked at Tang Chengqi’s forehead, Extremely blame … and extremely drunk.

It also gave Tang Xuan the opportunity to show off Wu Yangwei.

The baby is so angry, the baby is really wronged.

Tang Chengqi touched his forehead, like a child who did something wrong, just holding her arm stubbornly and not letting go.

“In the beginning it was because … I didn’t plan to live.” He felt Bao Yi’s displeased breath, and patted him on the back of her hand comfortably. “Bo Yi, you should know that for me, living is nothing Good thing-before you show up. “

“Later it was because of you. I’m afraid you know the real me. I’m not a good person. I’m not even as gentle and kind as you think. I’m selfish, extreme, narrow, jealous … maybe you can’t understand. Baoyi, I don’t like it here. From birth, I have no feelings for this world. “

He is a born lack of emotion, without happiness, and naturally does not know how to be grateful.

From birth he was accompanied only by illness and tears from his mother, and his father’s disappointment. Jealousy, injustice, depression, resentment … His childhood seemed calm, but in fact he was full of these negative emotions all the time. However, his body was so weak that he had no strength to lose his temper. Gradually, he realized that he seemed to be a born bad person, and he always did what he did crazy things in others’ eyes.

He secretly laid out the plan for a long time, and the plan had already taken shape. Even if he died, Tang would gradually decline in the trap and go to its end. At that time, no one would even know that all this was secretly controlled by a dead person.

It’s a boring world, not even a man who can be called an opponent.

Until Bao Yi appeared in his ward, speaking prudently, the world that had been black and white for more than 20 years suddenly seemed to have color.

He felt that he had come for her, and the world existed for her. But things have already been done, and he has no plans to confess. He would rather be a sick and weak man in Baoyi’s eyes that needs protection.

He said, “Whether you believe it or not, I have never lied to you. I have only moved my heart once in my life, it is you.”

Bao Yi pillowed on his shoulder, barely maintaining calmness on his face, but the storm was already set in his heart.

It’s so affectionate again.

Calling her sweet and sad, making her frightened, and making her wonder how to repay.

“I know, I know.” Bao Yi said, “Don’t be afraid, I’m here.”

“Baoyi, am I a bad and bad person, am I heartless and heartless, and Tang has raised me for so many years … but I really hate it.”

“You are not.” Bao Yi looked up and her eyes were firm. “Tang Chengqi, you are not heartless, you are just sick, you have been sick for too long, so your heart is very painful, and the pain compels you to do these things you do not want What you did. Tang Chengqi, it wasn’t you who was wrong. “

It was me that was wrong, I came too late, and I was not there when you needed me most.

Tang Cheng laughed.

Saying such words from the beloved population, even if it is comfort, even if he does not believe it, he feels happy.

“Thank you, I still don’t like the world, but I think … I can change.” He lowered his head and kissed the soft lips. His heartbeat was smooth and powerful. It was a new, resurrected heart, beating only for her.

Baoyi was immersed in endless tenderness, and pressed the pain in her heart.

——I don’t like this world either, I don’t understand why it makes such arrangements.

But I like you, Tang Chengqi, I like you.

Baoyi grasped the test sheet in her hand, and these words were right at her mouth, after all, she didn’t say anything.

That night, there was heavy rain outside the house.

Early the next morning, Baoyi left Huo’s house and flew to a small island in the Pacific Ocean, which was hardly seen on the map. This is Huo Dasha’s private property, not big, but quiet enough, best for rest and vacation, and best for thinking.

Before leaving, Baoyi shredded the test sheet in his hand, tearing it so that he could not see a word, and then threw it to the pond sloppily, watching the bad news soaked and submerged like petals, but not sinking … The confetti was still there, just like the words of the doctor lingering in her ears.

“Miss Huo, we have repeatedly confirmed that we have to inform you that your routine blood test results are extremely optimistic and there are significantly less hemoglobin and red blood cells. It is recommended that you have a more comprehensive examination. Do you have any adverse symptoms recently, such as Dizziness, fever— “

“Doctor, can you tell me what it is?”

“… We suspect you have acute myeloid leukemia, which is … blood cancer.”

“The cause is not yet confirmed. I don’t know if there is such a case in your family. Now the possibility of genetic factors is not ruled out … We recommend that you be hospitalized immediately, as long as …”

“Doctor, how long is the worst?”

Although she was medically blind, she could at least understand the word “acute”.

She had contracted this disease from a female partner in a previous mission, and it took more than two months from discovery to death. She didn’t want to resist treatment, she just wanted to know, in the worst case, how long she could live.

“Three months, worst plan.”

Baoyi left the hospital almost in despair, drove all the way, and ran into unknown red lights. Anyway, she didn’t want to use her driver’s license again this year.

It was just an ordinary pre-marital medical examination. No one took it seriously, but it was the result of such a cracking sky.

Bao Yi went to see Tang Chengqi for the first time. She wanted to see him. Even if she said nothing and did nothing, she just wanted to see him. Then she heard the conversation between the Tang brothers on the rooftop, and she was very angry and disappointed.

She was angry with Tang Chengyou’s hypocrisy and selfishness, and was disappointed with her lover’s concealment from him. The world seemed to turn upside down overnight. The calmer she became, the more chill she felt.

Thinking about these two lives, the two of them were naturally together. Love was sudden. She didn’t even have the ability to resist. She just felt that his eyes were his own world, and then the world was destroyed in front of his eyes. As if there was a force guiding them to meet, but not allowing them to be together.

Is it really just a coincidence?

Baoyi tore up the letter of resignation, sent a request and sent it back to the headquarters, made a report on everything here, and questioned her physical condition. The original book Huo Qianjin’s body is obviously healthy, how could he suddenly suffer from terminal illness in the derivative space?

Two hours later, the reply came back: the magnetic field was not the same.

Huo Qianjin’s body is indeed healthy, but Bao Yi missed the crossing node because of the last time the soul was wounded. After forcibly entering, the combination of the soul and the body is very bad, which leads to the rejection of the magnetic field … sounds reasonable, at least It sounds like.

Thinking for a moment, Baoyi dialed a number that does not belong to this space.

“Hello, this is the Timeline Space Headquarters landline. Searching for your number … Executive Huo Baoyi, during the mission, may I help you?”

“Help me transfer to the extension of the Executive Office.”

Ten seconds later, the phone was plugged into someone’s office.

“I heard that there is a beautiful woman looking for me? Baby, Qin Yichi of the Executive Office is here to help you.” A magnetic voice came.

Baoyi rolled her eyes: “It’s me.”

Qin Yi sat upright, put away the frivolous tone: “Baby?”

“I have terminal illness.”

“Uh-” The voice of the water glass knocking over came from the other side, and after a while, the humanity said, “No, I remember you on the mission?”


The other side was relieved.

It turned out that the mission host had “terminal illness”.

“Come back soon, you have just been injured and can no longer afford the collapse of the host. I will immediately apply to end the task in advance. I took a look at your progress, and 90% of it has nothing to do with the rest …”

“I can’t go back yet,” Bao Yi said in a deep voice. “Qin Yi, think of a way to make me stay a little longer, and I promise to take care of everything.”

“Baoyi, this is not a joke. Listen to me. Come back soon. I understand your situation. You believe me. You have a chance in the future-“

A busy tone came from the phone, and Baoyi forcibly cut off the connector.

She raised her head, and saw the figure outside the floor-to-ceiling window unexpectedly, with a wry smile at the corner of her mouth.

I knew I couldn’t hide it for a long time. The hospital already had Tang’s shares. The doctor could not tell Tang Chengqi, so she fled to the Huo family’s island without stopping, but I didn’t expect the Huo family to sell her Faster.

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