Bao Bao Won’t Die Easily

Chapter 24 - Sick and beautiful girl (ten)


Baoyi has no special interest in pets, but she doesn’t hate it either. She would just do it alone and be indifferent to the bear children. When she climbed the tree, she got muddy and said nothing. When she was outside the door, she remembered that the hospital could not bring Pets come in.

Fortunately, there is only so much for the little guy.

She thought that Tang Chengqi rarely touched the outside world. The puppy was cute and he should like it.

Tang Chengqi softened his face. He touched the little cow’s shrinking head and asked, “Are you going to raise it?”

Baoyi shook her head: “I don’t know.”

It’s not a big deal to save a puppy. She didn’t think about the consequences at all. The only effort is probably to show her loving side in front of her sweetheart—please don’t vomit the ingredients of “acting”.

“Brother Chengqi, is it difficult to keep a dog? I haven’t kept a pet.”

The original Huo Qianjin was also a madman’s temper. He went out to play in the north and south of the sea and could not stay at home for a few days a year.

Tang Chengqi remembered that a Labrador that had been raised in his childhood was also golden fluff. When he shrank into a ball, he was like a little fox in a fairy tale, but he died of illness later. And later … he still needs someone to take care of himself, and he never raised a pet again.

“In fact, it’s not difficult, just use your heart.” Tang Chengqi didn’t feel dirty, took the little milk dog from Baoyi’s arms, “Take care of me, you can clean it up first.”

Seeing Tang Chengqi’s spirit was good, Baoyi was relieved to give him the dog.

“There is nurse Qin … Cheng Qi brother …” The last few words are almost coquettish.

And like a heart-to-heart connection, the little puppies in their arms also sobbed in a timely manner. Tang Chengqi looked at the man with a very similar look and couldn’t help laughing.

“Go, have me.”

Baoyi Zhanyan: “I like Cheng Qi brother the most!”

The words did not fall, Bao Yi leaned over, unexpectedly kissed on Tang Chengqi’s face, and then ran into the bathroom with his cheeks covered.

As soon as Nurse Qin came in, she saw that Tang Dashao, who had always been in front of Taishan, did not change his color, was blushing and sullen, holding a fur ball in his arms and muttering to himself like a young girl in Huaichun. To see what the hairball was, Nurse Qin screamed, “Yeah! Who brought this in, how can a pet be brought in the hospital?”

“It’s my dog.” Tang Chengqi looked back and saw that nurse Qin was right next to the bed, and suddenly recovered his usual facial paralysis. “It’s just a puppy. It won’t let it run around.”

“But the hospital has rules …”

“Nurse Qin,” Tang Chengqi raised his head, smiled gently, compared to a silent gesture, “I will cooperate with you throughout the inspection on Friday.”

Tang Chengqi already looks good. He has been ill in bed for many years and his skin is fairer than others. At this moment, his eyes are bright, his smile is gentle, and he is a beautiful man. How can there be the decadent frustration of a few months ago? Look like. With this smile, the self-professional Qin nurse who was so proud of himself was a little embarrassed.

A while ago, Tang Chengqi’s will to survive was getting weaker and weaker during routine inspections every month. If the doctor told him more for a while, he would keep his face dark all day and once secretly gave He had taken the medicine himself, causing his attending physician a headache.

Although Baoyi’s situation has improved a lot since the arrival of Baoyi, taking the initiative to cooperate like this is still a pleasant surprise for the hospital that was trusted by the Tang family. Nurse Qin looked at the little milk dog in Tang Chengqi’s arms, and looked at Tang Xiaoshao’s affection for the puppy. Most of them also guessed the origin of the dog and acquiesced to it.

Who calls her an excellent and caring medical worker!

Tang Chengqi’s ward has everything and is well-equipped because it is a hospital, and the sanitary conditions are more important than home. Baoyi quickly took a shower, replaced her with the sick clothes from the nurse Qin, and threw her dirty clothes into the washing machine.

When she returned to the house, she saw that the little puppies had been cleaned up, and the short golden hair covered the whole little thing with a halo. The little dog is now honestly in Tang Chengqi’s arms, licking the baby rice noodles nurse Qin obtained from the pediatrics, her small tongue stretched and shrunk, very well-behaved. The halo before noon hit Tang Chengqi’s lashes, and fell on the tall bridge of his nose. It was clearly the same face as Zhou Yunxi, but his temperament was completely different.

Zhou Yunxi is like a dagger. It is sharp and dangerous, while Tang Chengqi is a sword that has not yet been opened. It is simple and stable, with a sharp edge.

Even if he is now weak, Baoyi never doubts about this man’s excellence. The more I get along with him, the more surprised he is with his depth, his insights and ideas, he is not like a successor of the Shangjia family, but like a natural scholar. It is hard to imagine that people with this knowledge have only attended school for two years. Tang Chengqi, a junior in elementary school, was taken out of school to recuperate, and all the courses were completed at home. Even with the guidance of a tutor, he could not do without his own efforts.

Thinking of the young Tang Chengqi can only lie on the hospital bed, watching the children of the same age outside running out of the window, how lonely and lonely, Bao Yi hated herself for failing to come a few years early and failing to accompany him during the formation of his character.

Fortunately, it is not too late.

“Nurse Qin, let me.”

The hospital ward was covered with a soft carpet. Baoyi ran barefoot and took the plate from Nurse Qin.

Nurse Qin glanced at her slightly strangely, Bao Yi immediately lowered her head: “It is my fault that is my fault. Nurse Qin, please don’t blame Cheng Cheng brother. I ca n’t bring this little thing in for a while. Not as an example. “

Nurse Qin smiled and prayed to Tang Cheng: “Mr. Tang, you can see it, I said nothing, it was Miss Huo who had to admit it wrong. Don’t talk to me.”

Tang Chengqi heard that Nurse Qin was teasing himself deliberately, just laughing and not talking.

In fact, his sight has always been on Bao Yi’s feet.

The bed was very spacious. It was more than enough to lie down. Tang Chengqi leaned back and patted the bed along the road: “The ground is cold, put your feet up.”

Baoyi was not polite, and when she lifted her feet, she sat cross-legged at the end of the bed, as if she had a **** on her own. She is so good-looking, she doesn’t look rude, but she is cute.

When nurse Qin saw the two in front of her, the old man and his wife were on the same bed, but the expressions of both people were as pure as elementary school students … this feeling of being stuffed with dog food as soon as they looked up, no wonder orthopedics To catch people! She briefly told Tang Chengqi a few words, and then left the ward as if fleeing, and stayed there for fear that the dog’s eyes would not protect her.

Neither of them felt embarrassed in the room, chatting one by one, and teasing little puppies.

“Brother Cheng Qi, it doesn’t have a name yet, can you get one?”

Seeing Tang Chengqi was in a good mood, Bao Yi felt that the suffering this morning was not in vain, so she decided to raise this little thing with compassion. Although she is not good at raising dogs, she can learn. She can also look for professionals when she is not at home. Most importantly, Tang Chengqi likes it!

Tang Chengqi said, “It was you who picked it up, or you come.”

“Also, what’s the name …” Bao Yi thought for a moment, and looked out of the window with little care: “Today is really good, the clouds are light and light, I found him in a nearby park, so small A ball, shrunk on a tree, I thought it was a peach. “

peach? It’s also a good name.

As soon as Tang Chengqi was about to speak, Bao Yi nodded solemnly.

“Just Tang Xiaobao.”


Watching Tang Xiaobao holding a small milk dog long and Tang Xiaobao calling a nonstop ritual, Tang Chengqi suddenly felt tired.

——Girl, do you think of Tang Dabao’s feelings like this?

Routines are all routines!

Mo Dao couldn’t keep it affectionately.

Although it was agreed that Nurse Qin was not an example, Baoyi’s dictionary obviously did not have this idiom. Anyway, Tang Xiaobao was still young, and no one knew it in the bag. Bao Yi took Tang Xiaobao to the ward every day to see “Dad”. Tang Chengqi changed the law to “cut the land to pay” in exchange for Nurse Qin’s release. Both of them were able to talk to Nurse Qin, and Nurse Qin had no choice whatsoever.

Anyway, the dogs will grow up soon, and then it will not be easy for Baoyi to bring them into the hospital. But it’s just a little fun among little lovers, why should she play the bad guy?

what! She is such a front-line medical worker who is good at reading the air and full of humanities!

On Friday, Bao Yi was rare and did not bring Tang Xiaobao with him. He got up early and came to the hospital. Today is the day that Tang Chengqi conducts a comprehensive inspection every month. For Tang Chengqi, it is the hardest day of each month. In fact, the inspection process was not particularly painful. The sad part was the result. The helplessness of the attending physician and the disappointment of his family gradually became a nightmare for Tang Chengqi. He also looked forward to miracles from the beginning, to passive evasion, and even resisted inspection, and even resisted the company of Tang’s father and mother.

In the end, even Tang’s father didn’t come to the hospital very much, only Tang’s mother was still insisting.

Gradually, this day has become a taboo for the Tang family. Every time around this day, Tang’s mother will push away all entertainment, sometimes not even seeing the child, just glanced out of the glass, waiting for the attending doctor to announce As a result, she was told how long she still had to live.

Tang’s mother was taken to the hospital by the driver. The driver was an old man of Tang’s family, and he didn’t talk to each other along the way. Tang mother went to Tang Chengqi’s attending doctor’s office as usual-because the patient didn’t cooperate, every inspection could not be performed on time, and Tang mother had enough time to communicate with the doctor. But this time, as soon as she walked to the door of the office, Mother Tang was told that the doctor had gone to the ward.

Mother Tang was shocked, thinking that Tang Cheng prayed for something unexpected, and hurried away, but heard the girl’s silver bell laughter at the door of the ward.

“Doctor, are you true?”

The attending physician also swept away the former heavy, and said firmly: “Well, the recovery is good. This time the medicine is better than expected. Starting tomorrow, you can take Mr. Tang to walk downstairs appropriately, of course, in moderation. “

“Observe!” Baoyi looked as if she had gotten a great deal. “You listen, Mr. Tang, the doctor has entrusted you to me. You will listen to me tomorrow!”

“Okay, listen to you.” Tang Chengqi nodded, not paying attention to his petting.

He is naturally happy too.

At the beginning of last month, he thought that his life had come to an end, but now the doctor told him that he was ready to go downstairs.

This must be the good luck that Bao Yi brought to him.

Tang Chengqi looked at Bao Yi’s bright smile, but felt that his heart was really alive.

The attending doctor was accustomed to being stuffed with one or two mouthfuls of dog food from time to time, and he briefly explained some precautions, and was about to go back, but saw the mother Tang who didn’t know how long he had stayed at the door.

“Mrs. Tang, you’ve come just right, I want to talk to you about something.” The doctor glanced inside the house and turned to Shen’s mother in a deep voice.

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