Bao Bao Won’t Die Easily

Chapter 21 - Illness and Beauty (7)

After talking about her situation, Baoyi regretted it a bit.

She should keep some things, such as just having a fever, and things like inconvenience of broken bones should not be told, which will make him worry and make him feel guilty.

Tang Chengqi’s voice on the phone was very serious. At first glance, he felt a bit of an asshole. He must be frowning, with a solemn look, as if something big had happened, and then stinking a face before and after. Can’t wait to lock her up. However, at this moment, no one from Duan Wangfu sent him, and he was unable to move. Tang Chengqi probably contacted Huo’s family to pick her up.

Bao Yi waited in the hospital hall for a while, and kept in touch with Tang Chengqi during that time, knowing that she had difficulty moving, Tang Chengqi also instructed him not to just look at his mobile phone, and to be careful when walking, it is best to stay still on the spot, Wait for someone to pick him up.

When Tang Cheng prayed for a message, Baoyi always returned two or three messages, as if he hadn’t seen them for two days, and he had to tell him something he couldn’t finish. Looking at the mailboxes where there were few messages throughout the year, one after another, Tang Chengqi laughed.

When nurse Qin came for the injection, she saw this scene.

These days, Tang Chengqi’s condition is not very good. Ms. Huo didn’t come for two days. Although she still took medicines and injections as usual, the air pressure in the entire ward was so severe that she didn’t even dare to stay. At this moment, when I saw Tang Chengqi holding the mobile phone for a hundred years, he cracked and banged, and his eyes were soft. It seemed that he had to see the mobile phone. Nurse Qin knew immediately that this was a “good medicine”.

Just a short while later, Tang Chengqi frowned again.

He sent two pasts in a row, but Bao Yi suddenly didn’t reply.

Did she encounter anything? Did he say something wrong? Or……

He looked at the time and had a guess in his heart.

So when nurse Qin pushed into the door with a smile, ready to remind him to take medicine, she saw Tang Chengqi lie down with his back to the door. The gas field inside the room suddenly repressed, and Nurse Qin was speechless.

What happened …?

At this moment, Baoyi’s eyes stared like the black cat sheriff, facing the person in front of her, her face was incredible.

“Why did you come to pick me up ?!” Baoyi did not hide her suspicion.

Tang Chengyou is also speechless.

His brother suddenly called him, causing him to think that something had happened at the hospital. As a result, Tang Chengqi only said that he was asked to come to the hospital to pick up a person. Tang Chengqi had never spoken to him more than twenty words, let alone called. Whenever Tang Dao spoke, which of the Tang family didn’t bow to death?

So Tang Chengqi left half of the meeting without a word, and immediately drove from the company to the hospital. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a tragic loss of money on the bench smirking at the mobile phone.

Is this still Huo Qianjin with excellent temperament?

After seeing her plaster leg lying on the chair, Tang Chengyou frowned. He kindly stepped forward to care about it, but in the end the woman … looked at her face!

It was also the same at the wedding, with sharp words and no mercy at all. It was like a sword without a rule to people and to oneself.

Huo Baoyi used to have this personality? How could she live like this fiancee for so many years? He should definitely be impressed with this nasty and very present personality!

“Sorry, only I have the time to condescend to meet you Miss Huo.” Tang Chengyou sat down beside her angrily and couldn’t help but glance at her legs.

The plaster is not fake.

“Why, who has come to this point, who is looking for death?”

He would not admit that at first glance, this kind of Huo Qianjin is really pitiful.

“Get out.” Huo Baoyi gave him a blank look. “The cat cries the mouse.”

… If she could shut up, it would be pitiful. Tang Chengyou’s face sank.

Not speculative, and simply said nothing.

“Go,” he said.

Huo Baoyi looked up, her smart eyes raised, she seemed very unhappy: “Your brother called you?”

Tang Chengyou stunned, suppressing a bit of unhappiness in his heart. He knew that Huo Baoyi ran to the hospital all day. He didn’t stand to say anything, but said it to Tang mother euphemistically, but Tang mother felt that it was not bad that Baoyi liked to approach the big brother, and that his big brother didn’t complain.

How could he not know his mother’s mind, she wanted Baoyi to marry her brother, but he was very uncomfortable.

“Huo Baoyi, I don’t know what you are thinking, but I admire your wrists. Although my elder brother is not healthy, he is not an easy-going person. He is not a person who can play emotional games with you. I hope you understand at this point.”

“I understand.” Bao Yi, holding a cane, stood up hard, and refused Tang Chengyou’s help. “What I don’t understand now is you. Say again, I’m not playing.”

Looking at the limping Baoyi, Tang Chengyou gritted his teeth and followed.

“How do you want me to believe you?”

“Do you believe me?” Bao Yi laughed. “It wasn’t me who was exhausted.”

Tang Chengyou Lengheng: “The more you say this, the more you show that you are still concerned about Yawei. Huo Baoyi, this is a matter between us, there is no need to involve the elder brother.”

For President Tang’s cool brain circuit like him, Bao Yi really wanted to laugh long.

“Tang Er,” Bao Yi turned around and said in a straightforward manner, “I must tell you that I do mind Fu Yawei. Imagine that our marriage contract is like a contract, you Unilateral breach of contract, do I still want to thank you? You don’t have to stare at me, I’m such a realistic woman, so you have your idealism. So you are high above you, and you are qualified to use various malicious intents to guess Are you doing something extraordinary, so I hate you, isn’t that reason enough? “

But do n’t tell her what she hates, where there is no love, any reason to simply hate someone?

“As for your elder brother, I really fell in love with him at first sight. I fell in love with the past twenty years before, so I am a little thank you. If it was not your irresponsibility, when I meet your elder brother again, Maybe I am not qualified to pursue him, so I will suffer a lifetime. Tang Chengyou, I thank you for not marrying! “

Tang Chengyou said, “Do you really like my brother? If I …”

“Ah, consider it clearly.” Bao Yi turned her head, her eyes were cold. “No words, you have the ability to cheat, let me see how great your true love is. Tang Chengyou, don’t entangle me, don’t let me look down on you . “

Tang Chengyou was dumb.

It is indeed the nature of human bones to commit inferiority. When you get it, you do n’t cherish it. What do you want to give you? Are you god

Today, she made a clear statement with Tang Chengyou, so that he wouldn’t mess around with it anymore, it wasn’t her style to drag mud.

In the end, Bao Yi returned to Tang Chengqi’s hospital in Tang Chengyou’s car. Tang Chengyou helped her book a single-person ward, and even paid the hospitalization fee, Bao Yi did not care about him. She was determined to become Tang Chengyou’s future grandmother, and it was okay to ask the uncle to spend a little money.

Tang Chengyou changed his previous attitude and turned to a lot of silence. It seemed that he finally believed that Baoyi no longer attached to him. However, when Bao Yi tilted one leg and jumped up to go upstairs to see Tang Chengqi, he couldn’t help losing his temper.

“You woman can’t toss for a while! What are you doing up there? You know chaos!”

“I’m going to see Brother Cheng Qi. He hasn’t seen me for two days. He must miss me.”

miss her?

Is his elder brother so emotional?

Tang Chengyou only dreamed of her.

Baoyi didn’t care about it. She was about to go out with a cane. Tang Chengyou had no choice but to stop at the door, but didn’t dare to push her. She had to use her body to block the entrance: “The doctor said you can’t move, you give me …”

“Baoyi? I heard you were admitted to the hospital …”

Familiar, with a gentle and pleasant voice like a cello, accompanied by the man’s thin body, outside the door, Tang Chengqi looked at the two in the room with a stunned look.

From his perspective, Bao Yi fell on Tang Chengyou almost completely, and the latter was guarding her carefully to avoid falling.

When Tang Chengyou saw Tang Chengqi’s expression, his heart tightened, but he felt a sense of guilty conscience. The brothers looked at each other in embarrassment, but it was Bao Yi’s surprise cry.

“Cheng Qi brother!”

She pushed Tang Chengyou without mercy, and jumped to Tang Chengqi with one leg in the shock of the nurse. Tang Chengqi looked at the plaster on her leg as she jumped, but felt that her heart also followed. He took her hand unconsciously and rebuked, “Don’t move, you’re so hurt, go back and lie down.”

Bao Yi immediately sold his goodness: “Yes! Sir!”

Tang Chengyou twitched.

It was so obedient now, who was the hysterical man just now?

Bao Yi turned around, very bravely preparing to jump back, and was held alive by Tang Chengqi. Tang Chengyou was about to step forward, but saw Tang Chengqi loop around her shoulders very naturally, with Baoyi’s crutches in his other hand, slowly walking back to the ward with the deep and shallow Baoyi.

Tang Chengqi was ill in bed all the year round, thin and thin, but he was very tall. Most of Huo Baoyi was surrounded by him and shrouded in his breath. He felt at ease and warm. Know each other for years.

She was most pleased that this time, in front of Tang Chengyou, Tang Chengqi did not flinch.

He came back half-embracing her personally, step by step, carefully, even if he was very weak, but did not budge at all, as if he was proclaiming sovereignty.

Bao Yi Yu Guang saw Tang Chengyou with his hands empty at the moment and was embarrassed.

Didn’t Tang Chengqi see it? She didn’t believe it.

For a moment, she seemed to see Zhou Shizi’s soul haunting.

But it was a little bit of vinegar and actually got this unexpected result. Bao Yi suddenly felt that the male lead was not so useless.

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