Bao Bao Won’t Die Easily

Chapter 1 - Bully Little Lord (1)

When Bao Yi opened her eyes, she found herself lying in a dark place.

The body moved instinctively, and weightlessness dared to strike instantly. She lifted her breath subconsciously, only feeling dull and blocked. The light work in the imagination not only failed, but also made her take a sigh of relief.


At the moment of landing, I heard terrible sound effects, and I felt awful at listening.

People have traveled to ancient times. Which one is not awakened by a beautiful girl, or lying in bed no matter how bad it is … at least on the ground! Why did she come down free?

Baoyi touched the **** that had probably fallen into four petals, and painfully wanted to get up, but saw a pair of royal blue boots standing in front of her. She looked up and immediately met the man’s vulgar eyes.

The facial features are handsome, the eyes are deep, and the purple brocade is smashed into a hand. This is a very young man. It is rare to be able to suppress this color. Hua is not demon, expensive but not expensive.

“Shi … Shiko?” Bao Yi tried to yell.

She remembered this face, which was her goal this time.

“What are you doing?” Zhou Yunxi gave her a cold glance.

Baoyi blinked her eyes, and suddenly her eyebrows were fixed, she said, “The subordinate is guarding Shizi’s safety!”

Yes, she’s a great movie guard!

The only female shadow guard among the thirteen shadow guards at Prince’s Mansion! And the result is still the first place, Seiko has always trusted her!

Well, it’s a good person.

Sure enough, after listening to Bao Yi’s answer, Zhou Yunxi’s brow stretched slightly, but she blurted out her words: “Thirteen, how does this son think you are in danger?”

Thirteen is her code name. As a shadow guard, she just landed close to the tip of his nose and hit him on the head almost an inch away.

Baoyi is sincere and fearful.

Zhou Yunxi looked at her and looked at the wide beams.

“How many times have you fallen off?”

“It’s only the fifth time this month.” Baoyi was a little wronged.

It’s twice less than last month.

“Only?” Zhou Yunxi smiled, not very friendly. “Go ask one to twelve, they will fall a few times a month.”

Don’t ask at all, the answer is … no.

No shadow guard would doze off while on duty, and if they did, they would have been dealt with by their master.

“Thirteen,” Zhou Shizi seemed to have exhausted his last patience in his life. “If it was not for some credit in the past, based on what you are doing now, do you think this son still needs to keep you by your side?”

“Subordinates feel that it is still necessary!”

Zhou Shizi frowned.

Baoyi said with a smile: “After all, his subordinates have been with Shizi for many years. He knows what Shiji is. He keeps in mind the eighteen sleeping styles of his son. So loyal, if I change someone else, I’m afraid he won’t be at ease. “

The words of death actually made her say right.

Zhou Shizi’s face was dark, and he smiled angrily: “I didn’t know that my guard was such a person before.

“Unjustly, son, you are not proud of your subordinates. Besides, you have never spoiled …”

If you want to be arrogant and pride, you must have “pets”, don’t you?

Although the last sound was in his mouth, it was still called Zhou Shizi.

It seems that he did not expect his guard to suddenly spit out Jiao, he re-examined the girl in front of him.

Thirteen is the guard chosen by her mother-in-law herself. It is the most outstanding and only girl in Duan Wangfu’s position.

It’s just that dead men like them have been indoctrinated with the concept of protecting their masters with their lives since childhood. Even life and death are ignored, and **** doesn’t need to be concerned. Therefore, for so many years, Zhou Yunxi had long forgotten that her personal shadow guard was a woman.

Since when has his thirteen grown up?

“Do you want this son to spoil you?” Zhou Yunxi flashed a joke in his eyes.

Bao Yi shook her body, apparently shocked, and then shook her head.

“Don’t want to?” Although he had no other thoughts, Zhou Yunxi’s attitude of his guard avoiding it like a scorpion made Zhou Yunxi somewhat unhappy.

Baoyi smiled sweetly, with a bright smile: “Here is the son, dare not.”

A ten-year-old girl has been fully opened, and she has a woman’s charm inadvertently, and Bao Yi is white and immature because of the shadowless life of the shadow guard. She is not worldly. Looking at the appearance alone, she is still older than her Be a few years younger. Zhou Yunxi only noticed this small face with big palms, handsome eyebrows, and big eyes. Yu Qingxiu had a little more brilliance from those who practiced martial arts and looked very pleasant. He wouldn’t have been paying attention to her unless she was as silent as shadows on weekdays.

It’s just that Thirteen was cultivated by Prince Duanfu’s mansion for many years. At the critical moment, even his life-saving sign, it would be a pity if she also became a stupid woman who would only die for men.

Zhou Yunxi looked heavy and asked, “Thirteen, if this son allows you, from now on, you will belong to my room and be my person. Your duties will be replaced by others. Are you willing?”

Baoyi overjoyed: “Shizi sees his subordinates?”

Zhou Yunxi’s eyes twitched.

How can this girl speak so vulgarly!

“… just make it up.”

“No,” Baoyi said with a smile. “Although I can get Shizi’s approval and my mood is more beautiful than three months of rest, but my subordinates believe that the public is the public and the private is the private. Relationships are not conducive to subordinates. “

When Zhou Yunxi saw Baoyi’s expression, she was calm and calm, if it was not too thick, she really thought so.

The shadow guard’s training is so rigorous. None of the survivors can survive, but it also imprints the idea that the master is above all other things. Although Thirteen is a freak, she still has high credibility. Originally, Zhou Yunxi had some doubts that today is the means by which Thirteen attracted his attention, but facing the silly smiley face, he suddenly thought the idea was ridiculous.

“You’re smart.”

Zhou Yunxi was fortunate. Fortunately, although his thirteen was a woman, he was not stupid.

“Shizi, I have nothing to withdraw.” Bao Yi was pretty good at this moment, a twenty-four filial piety looks good.

“Where to back?”

The shadow guard is always around the master.

“Subordinates are on the beams, always protecting Shizi’s safety …”

“Don’t go! Just stay here!” Zhou Yunxi suddenly turned black.

What’s up?

Refresh the sixth record? !!

“The daughter of the criminals lives in the Prince’s Mansion, and becomes a close maid of the bully world son, who happens to meet the old lover three princes. I thought that I would break away from the bitter sea. She still fell in love with the heroine in the abuse of her heart, and the heroine was confined to a dilemma, and eventually she collapsed and committed suicide. “

“After the heroine died, both men made vicious battles. In the end, they were defeated and wounded. They were both eliminated by the second prince of the fisherman. Readers have said that you are a pit father.”

Bao Yi is an “executive”, her task is to save the pit father plot in various novel-derived spaces.

cough! This is not a love game.

Future science proves that tragedy in human works will generate a kind of negative energy that is very harmful to the universe. The accumulation of negative energy will cause energy imbalance and cause a big explosion in space. With more explosions, humans will finish playing.

For the continuation of humankind, the future man who mastered space technology came up with this method: by sending “executives” to rewrite the story of the derived space to offset the negative energy generated in the main world!

——So, what good newspaper articles do you write by accident, will you become a sinner for all human beings? !!

For the sake of world peace, Baoyi’s mission goal this time is to make the heroine and the three princes lovers finally become dependents.

As for why not Zhou Yunxi?

Because Zhou Yunxi over-expressed the heroine’s heart abuse, her word of mouth is very bad, and readers don’t like it.

See, there is room for doing things. If you do n’t believe, look up, who has been spared by the sky!

The node she came to should be that Zhou Shizi just found that the heroine and the three princes are nasty. At this time, Zhou Shizi just felt that the heroine was an available **** and had not been attracted to the heroine’s “fortitude” sincerely. And Bao Yi’s identity is the female partner who accompanied Zhou Shizi since childhood, Shadow Guardian XIII.

Thirteen in the original book died for Zhou Shizi’s blocking of the knife. After his death, he was silent like the shadow guards, not even a tombstone.

Is a poor girl.

But now this poor girl is her.

Baoyi was lucky again and found that her body veins were blocked. She had been seriously injured for many days, and probably affected some nervous system, and even had a sense of balance.

No wonder it always falls from a height.

This matter should be confidential. If people knew that Zhou Shizi’s personal shadow guard and life-saving charm had already lost all her skills, I am afraid she would have no way to live immediately.

The shadow guard knows too many secrets from the owner, and the shadow guard who has no use has no choice but to die.

I thought it was a good choice to sneak into Zhou Shizi as a guard. As long as I secretly rescued the heroine to the three princes, the three princes had a lot of magical power to give the female lord an identity and the task was completed.

I didn’t expect such a flaw.

With her current ability, let alone steal a big living person from the palace, she can’t walk by herself.

A little trouble.

Thinking for a while, the sound of walking came from the study. At this time, Zhou Shizi is going to the study.

According to the development of the plot, at this time the hostess was cleaning the study, because when she saw the full collection of books, thinking about the father of the prefecture who had read the poems, she felt hurt. As soon as Zhou Shizi entered the study, he saw this scene and immediately noticed the difference between the female lead.

A girl who behaves well, moves forward and backwards, and reads poems, stands out. Zhou Shizi can find out the life of the heroine and her relationship with the three princes with a little check.

It’s best to stop him from taking notice of the heroine now!

Seeing Zhou Yunxi out, Bao Yi immediately followed. Zhou Yunxi listened to the slightly heavy footsteps behind him. Although he felt that his shadow guard had a strong sense of existence today, he didn’t say anything, and walked towards the study.

It’s a pity that his disregard didn’t let a shadowy shadow guard know the advance and retreat. Just after Zhou Shizi turned around, he heard someone scream behind him, “Shizi! Are you going to the study?”

On the thirteen weekdays, the words are deliberately suppressed, one is to reduce their sense of existence, and the other is to express their absolute obedience to the master. It’s a pity that Bao Yi didn’t have time to study this. Her high voice with the translucent peculiarity of the girl suddenly caught everyone’s attention in the garden.

Fortunately, Zhou Shizi’s temper was notoriously moody. The people passing by saw the situation immediately, and immediately lowered his head, hurriedly rushing to his own affairs, and dare not stay.

Zhou Shizi looked back at Bao Yi, his eyes were already doubtful.

Baoyi wasn’t nervous at all, but grinned, “Shizi, look, the flowers in the garden are all blooming. How beautiful!”

Zhou Shizi followed her line of sight, and saw the magnolia trees in the garden, with petals like snow, clusters, clearly the purest color, but open and angry, full of vitality, as if to eat the world.

Baoyi’s clear voice also had a look of longing: “Shizi, his subordinates remember that the first time he saw Shizi, it was under the magnolia tree.”

Zhou Shizi was stunned, the color was a little bit slower, and the handsome face was less gloomy than usual in the background of magnolia flowers, a little more kind.

“Which one?” Zhou Shizi asked.

How could she know which one?

Baoyi walked down, picked a flower that bloomed best, and sloppily said, “That’s it!”

Zhou Shizi nodded, then sank without warning.

“Come, let this magnolia tree be dug up by this son.”

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