Back to the Peak

Chapter 48

Chapter 47 Malingering

It’s been some time since Cheng Xuze returned to Yangtze River City. These days, the Cheng family had been busy all the time.

Upon returning to Yangtze River City, Cheng Xuze ran several times outside the city and brought back a lot of medicinal materials. After a while, he rented a piece of land in the north of Yangtze River City and found someone to build a wall. .

All this falls in the eyes of many people. Everyone thinks that Cheng Xuze should be preparing for the upcoming pharmaceutical factory. However, Cheng Xuze did not plant the commonly used medicinal materials. No, he did not plant a single medicinal material. On the contrary, Start digging trenches to plant trees…

Not only that, Cheng Hui, a seventh-level powerhouse who had already been on his own for a long time, actually went to supervise outside the city in person.

Just when several forces in Yangtze River City were all in a state of uncertainty, the Almighty Potion appeared.

People in Yangtze River City know Ran Xue’s ability. She is indeed a senior pharmacist, but she has never been attached to the big family. Except for someone to disclose the prescription of the medicine, she does not know anything else.

Moreover, she has no support, so naturally she has no money. Can a pharmacist who has no money come up with a new prescription?

Because of this, at the beginning, everyone took the Cheng family’s need to set up a factory in mind. Even if the Cheng family held a drug release conference, they only found a few small people to go there.

As a result, this kind of all-round medicine that can be produced in large quantities has been affirmed by everyone. The most important thing is that after someone has studied the ingredients of the medicine sent at the press conference, there is no way to analyze which medicines the all-round medicine is made of. Into.

Either, the method of configuring this prescription is very unique, or it is that Cheng’s family has used medicinal materials that have not been discovered before.

The unobtrusive pharmacy factory originally opened by the Cheng family suddenly attracted the attention of countless people.

“Dad, the first batch of pharmacy will be sold in one month, but the pharmacy factory hasn’t adjusted it well. Is it really too late?” Cheng Hui finally got rid of the two older brother-in-laws who came to inquire about the news, and then hid in Cheng Xuze. Here.

“If it’s too late, we will be less on the market, and purchases will be restricted.” Cheng Xuze didn’t care: “It’s really too much. Where do we get so many Guanzhong and White Achyranthes?” There are many people under the Cheng family, but they are not really trustworthy. Many, these days, Cheng Xuze even went out of the city a few times to find medicinal materials to collect medicinal materials. The reason why he rented the land is because there are many Guanzhong growing in the place, and Guanzhong and Bainiu The growth environment of the knee is similar, and it can be planted on a large scale with a little modification.

“Even if the purchase is restricted, this is a bit anxious…” Cheng Hui was a little helpless. He had also sneaked out of the city several times, almost being suspected by his wife.

“No way, this is what the master requested.” Cheng Xuze said.

Cheng Hui didn’t speak anymore. Since he learned the seventh-level combat skills from Cheng Xuze, he admired me without being hungry. What’s more, this time the prescription was originally given by the other party, and the other party was a little bit understandable.

“Actually, you don’t have to worry too much. I told you that she can get one bottle by herself when she configures five bottles, so she works very hard, and also bought a large semi-automatic potion pot. Each pot can produce 30 bottles. Bottle.” Cheng Xuze chuckled.

Cheng Hui has been running outside, but he just learned about it, but his eyes lit up: “Dad, do I have a lot of surplus now, I…” He eats every day these days, and wants to eat it for his wife and daughter. .

“Although I have saved a lot, it is still not enough. How many people are there in our Cheng family? It’s a pity that Ran Xue can’t adapt to the big potion…” Cheng Xuze sighed.

“You are in my pharmacy. You don’t need to help and oppress me, and you even dislike me. What do you mean?” Ran Xue wrapped up her hair and gritted her teeth.

If she didn’t know that the Cheng family planned to sell this medicine at a high price, would she need to work so hard for her own bottles? She is a senior pharmacist, but now she is here to configure medicines that can be configured with machines!

Those technicians in the Cheng family are too useless. Is it really that difficult to transform the production line according to her requirements? Technology is the primary productive force!

“Ran Xue, if you are tired, you can also take a break…” Cheng Xuze smiled and said Ran Xue’s expression eased a lot: “Master, can’t you find me an assistant?”

“This medicine matters a lot…”

“What about the child in the video? Although the handling method is still a bit naive, he is methodical in doing things. He is a good seed. I also read the experimental report he wrote that you brought. If he wants to become a pharmacist, he can Come to me as an assistant.” Ran Xue said, she watched the video of Cheng Ran disposing the medicine several times, and she was very impressed by Cheng Ran.

To be an assistant to a senior pharmacist, is this something that many people dream of? But Cheng Ran…Cheng Xuze was a little sad. How could Cheng Ran stand up to Ran Xue’s laboratory full of radiation?

What’s more, he promised Shi Qingyang before that he would never disclose Cheng Ran’s situation to anyone other than Ran Xue and Cheng Hui. I don’t want to be hungry for these two days and I emphasized that I shouldn’t let Cheng Hong know… Could he still tell Cheng Ran? Can’t you be an apprentice to Ran Xue?

“Ran Xue, this kid can’t do it.”

“Why not?” Ran Xue asked curiously, and suddenly thought of something: “Yes, he took out this recipe. He must have a better pharmacist beside me.”

“It’s not necessarily, Ran Xue, if you are willing, I will give you his contact number, and you can communicate by yourself.” Cheng Ran does not have a master, and sometimes you have to ask someone online if you have any questions. How can it compare to Ran Xue? Cheng Xuze felt that it would be a good thing if he could find a teacher for Cheng Ran.

As for whether Ran Xue’s tutorial will be overkill, this is not something he needs to pay attention to.

After agreeing with Ran Xue about Cheng Ran’s affairs, she also told Ran Xue not to tell others about it, even Cheng Hong couldn’t do it, and Cheng Xuze left.

Ran Xue was not surprised by Cheng Xuze’s instructions. She had a good impression of Cheng Xuze and Cheng Hui, but she had a bad impression of Cheng Hong. Cheng Hong insisted on her to help refine the medicine when she was busy, she said. The reason is that she is shirking…

Ran Xue was thinking about Cheng Hong, and Cheng Hui was also asking about this: “Dad, Xiao Ran is the second brother’s child, why do you still keep your second brother secret about Xiaoran?” Cheng Ran is Cheng Hong’s son , But only their relatives, it is impossible to tell Cheng Hong.

“Your brother…you just have to remember that when your brother comes, don’t say anything.” Cheng Xuze said. Cheng Hong obviously hates Cheng Ran and even wants to raise Cheng Ran. Of course, he can’t take Cheng. Of course, speak out.

Moreover, when Cheng Hong directly contacted him yesterday, his tone was not so good. It seemed to blame them for not telling him about the Almighty Potion. If you let him know that the potion was obtained from Cheng Ran, you still don’t know him. How would you complain about Cheng Ran.

“Dad, I know.” Cheng Hui nodded, not feeling that he had a chance to say anything to Cheng Hong, after all, Cheng Hong had never liked him.

“It’s almost time? Let’s practice that set of exercises together!” Cheng Xuze looked at the time and said again.

“Dad, is that set of exercises really useful?” Cheng Hui hesitated. Those movements seemed to be able to move every joint, and then coordinated with the movements to make the spoke energy run slowly, which made people feel comfortable after the practice, but practiced. Practicing something like this can make people go up to the next level, which is a mystery.

“Since I don’t want to be hungry and say it’s useful, it’s bound to be useful. Anyway, it’s just slow movements that don’t hurt the body. Even if it fails, it’s just a waste of time. No, it’s not a waste of time. If you don’t do other exercises, just do this.” Cheng Xuze said that he once tested his body data after completing a set of exercises, and it turned out that the muscles of the body did not strain at all. This alone knows this set of exercises. Very harmless.

Cheng Xuze’s words were quite certain, and Cheng Hui felt more convinced: “I will definitely practice well!” He is a natural radiator. Cheng Xuze has always wanted him to be an eighth-level radiator, but he disappointed his father. Now…

Even if the chance is slim, he wants to try.

“Yes, practice well, you have to practice, and your brother also has to practice.” Cheng Xuze said. He had already asked Cheng Hong about this matter, and Cheng Hong immediately said that he would come over immediately…

His second son has always been pursuing strength.

Cheng Hong was indeed on the way to Yangtze River City. The Almighty Potion was just what he wanted very much, but the opportunity to break through made him excited.

It has been almost ten years since he became a Level 6 Radiation Warrior. He knows that this is also his limit. It is extremely difficult to go further, but now Cheng Xuze tells him that he has this opportunity…

How could he not grasp such a thing?

His father, many people were not optimistic about him at the beginning, thinking that he could reach the sixth or seventh level is already the limit, but he eventually became the eighth-level strong, if this is the case, can he also break through?

Thinking about it this way, Cheng Hong’s heart was fierce, and for the first time he had the idea of ​​transferring his work back to Yangtze River City.

As soon as he arrived in Yangtze River City, he saw his eldest brother and father doing a set of weird moves.

While the Cheng family was studying the broadcast exercises, Cheng Ran was putting on makeup in the mirror. Just last night, Gu Changjin had sent Cheng Hong the news that Cheng Ran had a serious rejection reaction and was critically ill, but Cheng Hong only let him. Follow Cheng Ran’s situation at any time.

Since he is critically ill, naturally there must be relevant photos. A few days ago, Shi Qingyang helped Cheng Ran buy a complete set of film and television drama makeup equipment, and then downloaded the crew makeup artist’s guide.

It’s definitely not difficult to learn makeup or something, Cheng Ran, who can even make medicine, and it’s not difficult to disguise himself as a seriously ill person according to the tutorial.

After Cheng Ran finished the makeup for himself, he added some attire to Gu Changjin. The day before, Gu Changjin showed only haggard, but today he wears contact lenses covered with bloodshot eyes.

In addition to clothing, medical equipment is also readily available. Regarding these, Shi Qingyang initially planned to buy a set and find someone to “break it”. Later, Gu Changjin reminded him that there is actually another thing in the world. Called teaching tools.

The set in front of me is used by the teachers of the medical school for teaching. What data I want to display on it, what data can be displayed on it, is very easy to use, and very convenient. Not only that, it can also print out various tests. Simple, compared with the hospital, that is, there is no stamp of the hospital or the doctor.

Privately bought medical equipment, these are also not available.

When all this is done, the time to test your acting skills has arrived!

“Master, the young master’s condition is very bad, his blood pressure just now almost disappeared…”

“Master, the young master vomited a lot of blood, what should I do? He has always rejected other people’s plasma…”

“Master, Master, he will definitely die…I…”

Every sentence and every action of Gu Changjin will be practiced in the mirror. After the practice, he will connect to Cheng Hong’s contact terminal desperately.

Cheng Hong’s call was directly unavailable, and every time it turned into a message at the end, Gu Changjin and Shi Qingyang were very worried about this situation—Cheng Hong had obviously left Yangtze River City, so they didn’t know that he was going to the Yangtze River. City, still have to come to Spark City.

If he came to Spark City… Gu Changjin’s niece, maybe he would be in danger.

“It should have been to Yangtze River City. After the young master was seriously ill last time, in fact, the master didn’t care much about the young master. He has almost given up. As long as he survives this time, there will be nothing more in the future.” Gu Changjin’s face Moved uncomfortably, he wiped too much on his face.

Cheng Ran was more calm. With a pale face, he played games with his handheld computer. He played games like Lianliankan to find the difference. He also competed with others. All those who were abused by him would complain. He suspected that he used a plug-in.

Although Cheng Ran’s account was not unusual, he was complained too many times. At first, the verification code was always popped out, and then he was directly blocked.

Cheng Ran, who had just started playing the game, was very sad, and finally returned to the embrace of the single machine.

Shi Qingyang was with him in front of the hospital bed. Seeing that he was so bored, he simply went on the most popular online game, planning to take Cheng Ran to play.

This hand-held Internet game has existed hundreds of years ago. Over the years, the second and third editions have been slowly updated. Now it is the 287th edition and the name is called Radiation Warrior.

Everyone who enters the game can change his level by doing tasks and leveling, accumulate his own strength, and become an advanced radiation fighter in the game.

There are many things related to reality, but they are more beautiful than reality. At least, everyone here can become a level 9 radiation warrior through hard work and money, kill all the alien beasts, and even collect alien beasts as pets.

Shi Qingyang has never played games before, and has seen Cheng Ran’s performance of torturing people to death before. He always thought that this game Cheng Ran would take him to kill the Quartet. He didn’t expect Cheng Ran to be killed in seconds when he left the city, but it was him. , Because this game relies heavily on reality, although it is not particularly good to play, it can still last a while.

So, gradually, it became a game life of two rookies who depended on each other, and died from time to time.

This game, Cheng Ran’s playing was not as smooth as before, but he was very happy. Every time he died, he still laughed. With his face, it looked very scary, just like a ghost film.

Gu Changjin watched these two people laughing while playing games next to him. He could no longer practice his distressed expression in the mirror, so he didn’t send any messages for the time being. Instead, he went to cook instead and declined those who wanted to come. People visiting.

However, Cheng Hong said, Cheng Ran’s affairs must not be let others know, he naturally has to keep it secret.

When Cheng Xuze left, he asked someone to take care of Cheng Ran. Those people also wanted to have a good relationship with Cheng Ran, but Gu Changjin didn’t let them see Cheng Ran, and they had no choice but to leave.

Flicking people away, Gu Changjin went to the kitchen to cook again, and brought the food upstairs. He didn’t want to be so used to Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran, but he was afraid that Cheng Hong would suddenly contact them or others would come and see them suddenly. what…

Gu Changjin’s caution is very correct, because just halfway through Cheng Ran’s dinner, they received a call from Cheng Hong. Gu Changjin made a gesture. Cheng Ran immediately lay on the bed and Shi Qingyang hid. When I went out, I could only cover the food with a quilt, and hid in the blind spot behind the bed.

The big oxygen mask was covering Cheng Ran’s face, and the exposed skin was completely unhealthy. Although his eyes were closed, he could see his painful expression…

As soon as Cheng Hong arrived in Yangtze River City, he received a long list of messages from Gu Changjin. After reading a few, his original hope was completely shattered.

Cheng Ran is already a failed product, and I don’t know why someone from a research institute asked himself to bring him back! Obviously all other failed products have been destroyed…

Cheng Hong no longer has the slightest interest in Cheng Ran. Now, Cheng Ran has even become a stain on him. Not to mention that Cheng Ran is incapable. If others know that he has participated in such an experiment, I am afraid it will not be fruitful…

It would be a good idea to let Cheng Ran stay in Starfire City for the rest of his life, but it was a pity for Gu Changjin. Whether Cheng Ran was alive or dead this time, Gu Changjin might not belong to him anymore.

“Master…” Gu Changjin is very grateful for the contact lens in his eyes. With this thing in his eyes, he doesn’t have to worry that Cheng Hong will see if his expression is wrong.

Cheng Hong took a look, then turned his gaze on Cheng Ran behind him: “Take care of him, remember, this matter must not be let my dad know, if my dad asks, he will say that Cheng Ran is sick. Up.”

“Master, I will.” Gu Changjin said.

Cheng Hong quickly hung up the communication.

Seeing that the call was over, Cheng Ran took off the oxygen mask himself, his face full of discomfort.

“Of course, don’t be too sad.” Shi Qingyang got up and whispered, knowing that his father doesn’t take him seriously, shouldn’t it be uncomfortable?

Cheng Ran frowned, “Why should I be sad? I just feel bad. The soup is spilled and it’s all on my quilt!” He got up, his clothes and pants were all wet, and the quilt was greasy.

“Shi Qingyang, how can you stuff your food into the quilt?” As a housekeeper, Gu Changjin, such a sloppy scene was almost unbearable.

“I wanted to hide under the bed. Who would make the underside of the bed uncomfortable?” Shi Qingyang looked at the dinner plate and didn’t care too much: “In fact, it’s just that the soup is spilled, so I can continue to eat.” He really didn’t want to waste food. , By the way, I spit a piece of barbecue to eat.

Gu Changjin was speechless.

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