Back to the Peak

Chapter 46

Chapter 45 Radiation inducer

Gu Changjin didn’t want to hurt Cheng Ran at all. At the beginning, he came to Cheng Ran because of Cheng Hong’s orders, but after so many years, the relationship between him and Cheng Ran has become very close.

These days, he had been regretting what he had made Cheng Ran too high-profile at first, but after he knew that Cheng Ran was going to be injected with a radiation inducer, he felt that it had nothing to do with Cheng Ran’s high-profile or low profile. .

Cheng Hong had just learned that Cheng Xuze had come to Spark City, and he was able to make such a decision right away, which proved that he had been arranging this matter a long time ago. Even if Cheng Xuze hadn’t come, the time would probably have only been postponed.

In fact, if he hadn’t often concealed Cheng Ran’s situation and said that Cheng Ran’s physical problem was very serious, I am afraid that this reagent would have been in his hands long ago.

Cheng Hong should have planned to make Cheng Ran’s body completely healed, and then inject again. If he kept dragging, maybe it could last two years, but now Cheng Xuze appears…

After hesitating for a while, Gu Changjin opened the box in his hand and saw the faint blue liquid.

This is a high-level radiation inducer specially configured according to a person’s physical condition. People are eager for this inducer, but this thing is very precious. Basically, there is no nodding, and it is impossible to get it.

The Chinese National Assembly injects radiation inducers into every teenager who has reached the age of sixteen, but it is the most common. There have also been powerful and wealthy families because they did not adapt to events that would eventually lead to death. Will find someone specially tailor-made advanced inducers for their children.

If other parents prepare such things for their children, it must be because they love their children. In most second- and third-tier cities, such things are impossible to get, but Cheng Ran’s situation is different.

Cheng Ran rejects radiation energy.

Cheng Ran rejected radiation energy since he was a child. Once he was exposed to radiation energy, his body would have adverse reactions. Under such circumstances, it is reasonable to not be able to inject radiation energy inducers at all, but Cheng Hong concealed it and insisted on giving Cheng Ran the injection. .

After the injection, Cheng Ran was seriously ill. Cheng Ran’s birthday was in April. It is now October. He has been recovering from the illness for half a year before he gets better. Is he going to have to do it again?

Moreover, after the last injection, Cheng Ran was very dangerous and almost suffocated to death. If he comes again this time…

Gu Changjin collected the potion. He knew very well that if he really injected Cheng Ran, it would be no different from murder. Of course, he couldn’t do such a thing, it was just his niece…

Gu Changjin closed his eyes and remembered the previous tragedy.

He was born in Qinghu City, a third-tier city. His parents died young, and then he was dependent on his sister. His talent is very good. He devoted himself to cultivation and never married. However, his sister was married to a rich family who had been passionately pursuing her at the time. Son.

That was the third young master of a big family in Qinghu City. He had no worries about food and clothing for his whole life, and he didn’t have to bear the family business. For his sister, it couldn’t be better.

Seeing that his sister had a home, he left Qinghu City to study and live in Yangtze River City.

However, he didn’t know that the rich man married his younger sister, in fact, it was all because of his strength and talent.

This rich son has no inheritance rights, so he wanted to use his power to become the heir of the family. He left after his sister got married, and naturally all the plans of the rich son fell through.

In the beginning, this man treated his sister pretty well, and his sister gave birth to a girl after one year of marriage, which is considered happy.

At that time, this person began to invite him to Clear Lake City again and again, but unfortunately he was hitting the critical juncture of Level 5, and he felt that he could not help women giving birth or bringing up children at all. It would be better to improve his strength and give his niece in the future. Bring some medicine, but in the end I didn’t go.

As a result, it was his attitude that eventually made the scumbag think that he had a bad relationship with his sister, and that his sister was of no use value…

After that, the man began to toss his sister in a different way, from light to heavy. Once his sister resisted, he would threaten his niece…

He and his sister depend on each other, how can the relationship be not deep? Because he has never married, he even told his sister that he would let his niece provide for him.

It’s just that the man never revealed that he approached his sister in order to gain his power, and the two of them didn’t think too much about it. After all, the man had always respected his elder brother, and what he showed was a playful but no-no Outstanding dude image.

The man didn’t do domestic violence to his sister at first, but the mental damage was endless. Later, he slowly started to do it…

Gu Changjin didn’t know many things until he arrived. After he knew it, he even thought that man was a lunatic.

It was a long process. At first, his sister felt that something was wrong with her husband and her life was unhappy. Because she didn’t want him to worry, she never told him. She didn’t say it at first, and then she couldn’t speak. He was even beaten and scolded all day long.

Thirteen years later, this lunatic hit his own daughter. His sister couldn’t bear it anymore, and finally designed to let this person eat something that shouldn’t be eaten. The radiation energy rioted in his body and became a useless person.

The man has a bit of energy at home, and his parents are still there, so he will naturally find a way to avenge him.

When he finally received the news, his sister had been exiled from the city, and his niece was also driven out of the house. When he struggled to find his sister in a mobile town outside the city, the woman was even dying ill.

Later, he confronted the family, severely wounded the brother of the man who was hunting out of the city, and destroyed the radiation energy, and caused them a lot of trouble…At that time, he was going crazy, and he was very serious, although he did not kill. But I am afraid it is more painful than killing.

He was too arrogant, because he was so emotional that he didn’t even conceal it, he was naturally arrested. At this time, it was Cheng Hong who rescued him, and the family gave up prosecuting him.

It was precisely because he had this experience that he knew about Shi Qingyang’s parents before, and knew that Shi Qingyang’s revenge might be implicated in Cheng Ran, so he didn’t get Shi Qingyang out the first time.

It has been more than ten years now. The man who killed his sister has long since fallen ill and passed away. The family has plummeted in Qinghu City. Even his niece who was settled in other cities is now married and having children.

Unexpectedly, the niece, who basically didn’t contact much, was threatened by Cheng Hong now…

Gu Changjin knew that it was not difficult for Cheng Hong to deal with his niece, and if he wanted to prevent Cheng Ran from being injured, he had to tear his face with Cheng Hong.

The mood was extremely complicated. For a while, Gu Changjin couldn’t even calm down and cook.

When Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran came back, they saw that Gu Changjin’s state was obviously not right.

“Grandpa Gu, are you uncomfortable?” Cheng Ran asked curiously.

“Master, I’m fine.” Gu Changjin smiled.

“Grandpa Gu, you’d better go take a rest, I can cook.” Shi Qingyang said.

Cheng Ran took out a few lollipops and gave them to Gu Changjin: “Grandpa Gu, this is what I earned. Give you one. You will feel better after eating.”

When Gu Changjin looked at the lollipop, he suddenly thought of what happened when he was a child. Although Cheng Ran rarely cried when he was a child, he also cried silently. He was just asked by Cheng Hong to take care of the child and he knew how to coax the child. When I saw the child crying, I put some candy in his mouth, and said that I can’t cry after eating, and I’m in a better mood…

Cheng Ran remembered it till now.

This child, as long as others treat him well, he is willing to give him his heart…

Cheng Ran didn’t feel the change in Gu Changjin’s expression, but Shi Qingyang felt it. He also thought of Gu Changjin’s abnormality a few days ago.

At that time, he was busy taking revenge and focused most of his attention on Cheng Xuze. Naturally, he did not pay much attention to Gu Changjin, but now that he made a connection, he immediately discovered Gu Changjin’s abnormality.

Why is Gu Changjin like this? Is there anything else that can make it difficult for Gu Changjin to decide?

It didn’t take long for Shi Qingyang to lock Gu Changjin’s abnormal target on Cheng Ran. Gu Changjin’s eyes on Cheng Ran were really complicated.

With Cheng Ran, Shi Qingyang didn’t ask much. Gu Changjin didn’t want to go back to the room to rest, and he didn’t force it, but that night, he knocked on Gu Changjin’s door.

“I knew you would come.” When he opened the door and saw Shi Qingyang, Gu Changjin sighed. When Shi Qingyang was very arrogant at first, he still felt that Shi Qingyang was too young to consider, but soon, Cheng Xuze appeared, Shi Qingyang, obviously not simple.

“Grandpa Gu, what happened?” Shi Qingyang asked.

“Come in and show you something.” Gu Changjin thought for a while, and decided to tell Shi Qingyang the matter, so that he could discuss it with others.

The furnishings in Gu Changjin’s room were very simple. All the furniture was originally provided in the villa. Shi Qingyang sat at a small table at the door, and then saw Gu Changjin take out a box.

“Do you know what this is?” Gu Changjin opened the box and asked.

Shi Qingyang can’t see what this thing is with only his eyes: “What is this?”

“Advanced radiation inducer.”

“What’s the use of this? To Ranran?” Shi Qingyang asked in shock. In the history of China, it was true that at one time the injection of radiation inducers failed to induce radiation energy, and later the radiation energy possessed by good fortune occurred, but Cheng Ran was different.

Nowadays, the world is full of radiation. Even if ordinary people can’t stand the radiation outside the city, they won’t be able to reject the radiation, but Cheng Ran has this problem.

The meat of the alien animal contains very little radiation energy. People feed on it, but Cheng Ran can’t eat more. His body has reached this level. Could it be possible to inject radiation energy inducers?

“This is for Ranran.”

“Grandpa knows that Ranran is not in good health, so he would never give it to him, then, is Ranran’s father?” Shi Qingyang thought of Cheng Xuze’s previous complaints about Cheng Hong, and quickly determined that this matter was mostly related to Cheng Hong.

Obviously Cheng Ran didn’t have Phoneng, but Cheng Hong still let Cheng Ran go to Phoneng School, so he was waiting here!

However, during his two years in Spark City in his last life, Cheng Ran was ill at the beginning of school. After that, even if he was often unwell, he would only take one or two days off and did not get sick for a long time. Therefore, at that time, Cheng Ran Actually, he was not injected with a radiation inducer?

As for why it was advanced this time, I am afraid it has something to do with Cheng Xuze. Moreover, when the school started this time, Cheng Ran did not suffer any more injuries, and his body recovered relatively quickly. “This medicine needs to be injected into the young master.”

“Grandpa Gu, you can tell Grandpa Cheng about this…”

“If I could say it, would I struggle for so long?” Gu Changjin smiled bitterly.

Shi Qingyang didn’t need to think too much, knowing that Gu Changjin was afraid of being threatened. Not only that, but thinking deeper, Cheng Xuze and Cheng Hong are fathers and sons after all. Cheng Xuze might be furious after knowing it, but it is impossible to do anything to Cheng Hong. At that time, Gu Changjin and him will be affected.

“Grandpa Gu, pour the medicine down and pretend that Ranran has been injected.” Shi Qingyang thought for a while and said directly.

“What about the body data?” Gu Changjin frowned: “Moreover, maybe he will come.” The original radiation inducer, but Cheng Hong personally injected Cheng Ran, and then recorded Cheng Ran. After seeing Cheng Ran’s dying breath, he left in anger.

“Grandpa Gu, the body data can be doubled according to the last time, and then handed in. No, just say that you are in danger of life. As for the possibility of him coming over, I have a way to hold him.”

“Do you really have a way?” Gu Changjin asked, “In addition to holding him down, we must also guard against the dean of Xinghuo Academy. In addition, medical data and related videos should also be handled well…” Cheng Hong will definitely let him. Even if he doesn’t come back when shooting the video, the dean of the Spark Academy will definitely come to see Cheng Ran.

“Rang Ranran helped acting. He was ill once. This time it shouldn’t be difficult. We can find someone to destroy all the medical equipment and let it display wrong data…” Shi Qingyang pondered one by one. , Began to consider feasibility.

Cheng Hong was probably worried about what Cheng Xuze saw, and he didn’t come over immediately, and he sent this potion, maybe he was trying to test Gu Changjin, but no matter what, this situation gave them time to prepare in advance. .

As for how to hold Cheng Hong… Shi Qingyang also investigated Cheng Hong. Although the information obtained on the Internet is not exhaustive, one thing is certain, that is, Cheng Hong is very caring about his children.

He spends very little money himself, but he once asked a pharmacist for a medicine for conditioning his body for his son. Wouldn’t he be jealous if he knew the existence of the Almighty Medicine?

However, it is not easy to handle this matter well…

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